Rti CMJ University

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SPEEDPOST F. No. 4-1t2011(CPP-IPU) Sh. RamanKumarRoshan, lll-4/46,NehruNagar, Ghaziabad 201 001, UttarPradesh.


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Act, underRightto Information 2005 Subject: Information Sir. With reference to your letter dated 13.01,2012received in this office on I on 18.01.2012 the abovesubject, am to say as under:-

Modrina Whether CMJ UniversitY Mansion aitumkhrah Shillong 793 003 is UGC Meghalaya Approvedor Not?

has Shlllong(Meghalaya) CMJ University, bY an act of State been established Legislatureas a Private Universityand is empoweredto award degrees as specified by the UGC under Section22 of UGC Act, 1956 at its main campus in regularmode with the approval of Statutory bodies I required. wherever Councils, is (Meghalaya) not Shillong CMJ University, campus to authorized open study centre/off jurisdiction of centre beyondthe terrrtorial the State as per the judgementof Hon'ble SupremeCourtof Indiain the case of Prof. The Yash Pal Vs State of Chhattisgarh. not open its centre even University can of withinthe Stateas per the provision UGC 2003 withoutthe approvalof Regulations, UGC

2. CMJ University MeghalaYa is 2 & 4 : eligible to award Ph.D. Degrees can award Ph.D. degree as per without being apProvedbY UGC University 'dnd 2009 in regularmode in the degreewill be validor not? UGC Regulation, the maincampusof the UniversitY. the 4. Under which Section of UGC CMJ University MeghalaYa can lf above procedureis followedthen degree award Doctoral / Degree I i s v a l i d . Diploma? 3. Please provide what number of 3 & 5 : Ph.D. degreescan be awardedbY in the University a Yearas PerUGC May be asked for from the University in concerned this regard. 2 o u i d e l i n e .0 0 9 .

5. Are all courses approved State by Govt. andUGC? 6. lts Doctoral/ Degree/ Diploma The degree/ diplomaprogrammes have Programmes approved govt. been obtained are for underregular mode in the Job as wellas for hither studies? main campus with the approval of concerned statutorv council/bodv.
7. ls CMJ University Meghalaya Your applicationhas been transferredto eligible to offer Engineering AICTE, New Delhi under Section 6(3) of Courses (B.Tech, M.Tech., 8.E., RTI Act, 2005. M . E . ) , . P h i lP h . D . W h e t h e r t h e s e M , degrees are valid in lndia and abroad?

8. Whether CMJ UniversityYour application has been transferred to Meghalaya DEC Approvedor DEC,NewDelhiunderSection is 6(3)of RTI Not? Act,2005.
9. ls Ph.D. degree from CMJ University Meghalaya is equally valid comparingto any central or State Govt. University? And if Ph.D. holder from Private Universitywho is doing job in Govt. Section and getting promotionbased on Ph.D. then Private University Ph.D. degreewill be eligible any type for of promotionin Govt. Sector? lf Ph.D. degree is pursued as per UGC Regulation, 2009 in regular mode in the main campusof the University then it is at par with other Central/ State Deemedto be Universitiesand State Private University purposes. and alsovalidfor employment


"4^al"'' (Shashi Bala Arora) UnderSecretary PIO (CPP-|/PU) &

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