Ghost Rules

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I am a ghost in a Halloween Store, a real one. Like a Real ghost made out of a dead guy.

but its not a very real store tho. It used to sell mattresses and in July it sells fireworks and in most other months it stares blankly toward a crumbling parking lot/ overpass concrete combo and sells ??? ? I did not die here. That is like a number one Ghost Rule for most peoples heads But A ghost does Not need to live where it died , a ghost does not have to do much of really anything, at all when it comes to that point . A lot of other people probably think that a ghost only may haunt a place its ever even been to before -- or travel via a crystal or some sort of crystal based orb - but thats wrong too: When youre a ghost you can go be anywhere you do not have to fly there with tattered gauzy coattails flipping about being all stereotypical and shit moaning optional but encouraged for effect but i never heard of an Actually Haunted with a Real Ghost haunted halloween store before + I thought this would be a good metaphor probably Every September a taut looking blond carnival-workforce type of lady gets a bunch of boxes out of a storage unit and fills up her shelving with: spider rings nixon masks plastic battle axes f a k e b l o o d b o t t l e s webs etc while I swirl around like crazy up in the corner by a droning air vent and wonder whether or notghosts have blood, and whether theres much of a use for Bottles of fake ghost blood (How would it stay in there) At night I hover in front of a mirror + pretend im confronting a spirit shaming Sheet-With Circle-EyesCut-Out-Of-It Charley-Brown-Ghost-Costume but really its just my reflection and I know deep down I did not earn this existential dread because as iconic as this imagery is, self-parody is far too easy to externalize When that gets me down: I dive in2 a big box of Plastic Drac Teeth Like Scrooge McDuck

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