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Conflicts are inevitable. All of us can get into a conflict.

Sometimes little arguments

lead to an intense conflict. Also, sometimes people overcome their conflicts quickly. I believe
that conflicts can be easily resolved because it teaches people how to deal with situations like
that, and leads people to think about the conflicts.

Conflicts can be easily resolved for it teaches people how to deal with situations
like that. It means that people learn from their mistakes. Also, if the person has enough
background about dealing with conflicts, he/she will be able to resolve it easily. The ways we
deal with conflicts make it easy to solve. According to the reading, “Conflict and the way you
deal with it can, in fact, have more positive than negative effects”. The people can solve their
conflicts easily because they get in conflicts sometimes, and that gives them the opportunity to
solve it easily. For example, according to the listening, when the lady was talking her colleague
interrupted her, and then she told him that she didn’t finish talking yet and reminded him to
respect other people when speaking. We can understand from this that because of her knowledge
in dealing with conflicts, she was able to solve it quickly before it increase into serious fight!

Another reason why conflicts can be easily resolved is that it leads people to think
about the conflict. It is important step to think about the conflict in order to solve it easily. That is
because it gives the person time to think about his/her position in the conflict. It means that when
people think alone about what have they said or done in a conflict that they had, they will be able
to resolve it easily. People call that “Stating the conflicts”. According to the listening, stating the
conflicts is part of the SALAM method which is a way to solve conflicts. Moreover, thinking can
help people who have conflicts to know what they are thinking about. According to the reading,
conflicts forces people to examine a problem and work towards a potential solution.

At the end, conflicts can be easily resolved because it teaches people what to do in these
situations, and it leads people to think about the conflict. In my point of view, people can
overcome all their problems if they respect and understand each other’s opinions.

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