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Prof. Argenis A.

Zapata Fontica y Fonologa Inglesa I (B-2009)

English Consonant Phonemes and Their Allophones

Place of Articulation Bilabials Labiodentals Dentals Alveolars Postalveolars Palatoalveolars Palatals Velars Labio- Glottals (or velars Alveopalatals) /t/ /d/ /p/ /b/ /t/ Plosives (or /k/ /g/ [t] [d] [p] [b] Stops) [/] [k] [g] [t] [d9] [p] [b9] [k] [g(] [t(] [p(] [k] [g] [p ] [b ] [t ] [d ] [k5] [k] /f/ /v/ /T/ /D/ /s/ /z/ /h/ Fricatives /S/ /Z/ [f] [v] [T] [D] [s] [z] [h] [H] [S] [Z] [v9] [z9] [D9] [Z(] Affricates /tS/ /dZ/ [tS] [dZ] [dZ(] /m/ /n/ Nasals [] [nj] [N] [m] [n] [n1] [N] [m9] [n9] [N(] [m`] [n`] [N`] j /l/ /l/ /l/ Laterals [l ] [l] [l1] [:] [l9] [:`] [l`] /t/ /d/ Flap (or Tap) [|] [|] Frictionless /r/ Continuant [] [9] Semivowels /j/ /w/ (or Glides) [j] [w] [j9] [w9] Approximants

Manner of Articulation

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