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Year Plan for year 5

Term 1
Microsoft Office Word 2007

Introduction to Microsoft Word 2007 Working with tools, tool bar and menu bar Formatting text Adjusting the size of the page and setting the page boarders Inserting clip art and pictures Inserting tables Formatting tables and inserting page number Using shapes Inserting text boxes Project1: Typing a friendly letter inside shapes Project2: Creating a TV Guide using tables, pictures and shapes

Term 2
Microsoft Office Excel

Introducing the basics of Excel Using the symbol Sum up numbers Using formulas to do multiplication Using formulas to do division Working with graphs Inserting titles on graphs Formatting graphs (changing the colour of the bar) Assessment on Bar Graph Assessment on Pie Graph Project1: Creating a graph on food nutrition in Macdonalds meals Playing games of Excel Project2: Creating a pictograph

Microsoft Office PowerPoint

Introduction to PowerPoint Inserting pictures Inserting themes and backgrounds Working with animations on slides Project 1: Create a slide show about: Me & My family Project2: Create a slide show about: Your best memories at school

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