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August 14th, 2012

Giving reasons to describe pictures. Questions and vocabulary about gender roles p 40. Speed dating role-plays and parties.

Directions: In pairs, describe the following pictures as much as you can. 1 2

Well, Ive never gotten a tattooFor one thing Um, Ive thought about having plastic surgery

Directions: In pairs, ask these questions about gender roles.

1. Can a man and a woman be only friends? 2. Do men friendships differ from women friendships? How? 3. Who do you think has life easier, girls or guys? Why? 4. What would people think of two women involved in a fist fight? 5. Is it OK for women to swear (to cuss)?

Directions: In pairs, ask these questions about dating.

1. Is going out on dates important for you? 2. Is there a such thing as a perfect relationship for you? 3. If you could go out with anyone, who would it be? 4. What are some popular places to go on a date? 5. Do you think blind dates are a good way to meet someone special? Why or why not?

Role-play speed dating, bachelors parties.

Role-play going on a date

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