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Backgrounder/White Paper Assignment

Jacobs, ENGL420, F12

General Scenario A close friend of your family, who works with one of your parents, has a longtime interest in __________ (entertainment, technology, science, arts, etc.) and suspects s/he might have an idea for the Next Big Thing in that field. However, theres one catch: s/he needs an influx of cash to get that idea off the ground. After graduation, youd like to work for this friend. In order to impress him or her with your initiative, you offer to produce a white paper to help advise him or her on the best possible crowdsource funding platform AND the best practices to use on that site. Deliverables Assignment 1: Small group presentations on each platform (as assigned) Research your assigned platform in collaboration with your assigned partner(s) Give two-minute Elevator Pitch presentations on platform Post links with additional information about platform for your classmates Assignment 2: Brief proposal outlining your whitepaper, including goals and intended research methods. Your goal with this proposal is to receive my support of the project you describe Assignment 3: Whitepaper A contrast and comparison of two different platforms (Kickstarter, indiegogo, profounder, etc.), through which you will select what you perceive to be the superior platform on which to focus. One platform will be the one assigned to you. You will select the second after your classmates presentations. A case study of a successful use of this platform. A case study of a failed use of this platform. Based on these two case studies, a summary of your study that contains a set of: 1) best practices for the use of this platform; 2) common pitfalls to avoid. Assignment 4: Two-minute elevator pitch to summarize your findings. Resources PWO Readings specified on course calendar Chicago Manual of Style, APA, or MLA (as applicable to your major) Deadline Due emailed to me by no later than midnight on Sunday, September 23 Assessment Criteria (to be defined by the class) Formatting Design Clarity Conciseness Innovation/creativity Proper citation (MLA or APA) Appropriate number and use of sources Accuracy Grammar and mechanics Use of outside resources Participation in peer review and instructor review

Appropriate length Amount of text, visuals, and white space

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