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Loose areolar connective tissue layer

is the dangerous area of the scalp because pus or blood in it can spread easily.

infected blood from the scalp in diploic veins travel through emissary veins,
can be transmitted to cranial cavity connects with the intracranial venous sinuses may produce inflammatory processes in the emissary veins

thrombophlebitis of the intracranial venous sinuses and the cortical veins


skin of the scalp possesses numerous sebaceous glands, the ducts of which are prone to infection and damage by combs.

this reason, sebaceous cysts of the scalp are common.



profuse blood supply that nourish hair follicles even a small laceration can cause severe blood loss

in the scalp becomes difficult to stop since arterial walls are attached to fibrous septa thus preventing vasoconstriction



in epicranial aponeurosis produced by muscle tones of occipitofrontalis muscle is important in deep wounds of scalp

aponeurosis is divided, scalp is split against the unyielding skull & pull of the OF muscle causes wound to gape open

w/ sutures

of aponeurosis must be closed


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