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Joseph Ryan Gonzales

Rogationist of the Heart of Jesus

AB-Philosophy IV

Why is Indian philosophy spiritual in nature? Reflection: In the course of philosophy, philosophers have been using different approaches. In Indian philosophy, they enclosed their way of philosophizing on spirituality. Basically, they became spiritual because they attach their philosophy on religion. As a result, they became consequential in their philosophizing, that is, if you do something bad there would always be a fair consequence on it. They have given more emphasis on religion than on the practicality of things. Indeed, philosophy is not just a mere philosophizing but also guidance in our daily living. It is being presented by Indian philosophy. Their philosophy does not only satisfy their intellectual thirst or vacuum. Human life is its higher and profounder aim which involves dealing with the ultimate problems in life. They illuminate the importance of the ultimate reality in living in genuineness or to say divine transformation of life. Living life in a bliss, sanctification, virtues and morality is the main object which can be attained through the divine transformation of life. Moreover, Indian traditional philosophers regarded philosophy as a practical necessity which is in need of cultivation in order to know how life can best be led.

As a result, philosophy as a search for truth or love of wisdom is the search for the real meaning of life and a way of living in Indian Philosophy

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