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NARS Program Bullets

Paul Christian P. Santos, BSN Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo launched Assigned in Rural Service (NARS) Project the Nurses

Completion NARS exp. will be considered as a substitute for the work experience requirement of hospitals and other health facilities, both local and overseas. Certificate of Completion shall be issued jointly by the DOLE, DOH and PRC. Recruitment and selection shall be the responsibility of DOLE, through its Regional Offices.

February 9, 2009 during the Multi-Sectoral Summit on "Joining Hands Against the Global Crisis" in Malacanan Palace, Manila. AIMS: >to mitigate the impact of the global financial crisis, >to save and create as many jobs as possible >expand social protection and help achieve better health service and care for the people To address the: (1) glut (excess) of inexperienced nurses and the proliferation of "volunteer nurses" working in hospitals and (2) to promote health Warriors for Wellness in their hometown to do the 3 I's: >Initiate primary health, school nutrition, maternal health programs, first line diagnosis >Inform about community water sanitation practices and also do health surveillance >Immunize children and mothers *They shall likewise serve as roving nurses for rural schools. General Objectives: 1. Project NARS aims

NARS Requirement With valid nurse license issued by the PRC Not over 35 years old Resident of the identified municipalities No nursing-related practice for the past 3 years Priority: Nurse Applicants who are dependents of workers (OFWs) affected by the Global Crisis EXPECTED OUTCOME The NARS Project will: 1. Create a pool of 10,000 nurses who are adequately- trained and 2. public with enhanced clinical health competencies and readily of P8,000 for per the month first to six

available for local and overseas employment; Provide months income and 5,000 unemployed nurses

to another 5,000 for the second

half of the year, to help pump prime the economy; 3. Promote the health of the people through the improvement of the delivery of nursing and health care services, particularly in the 1,000 poorest municipalities; and 4. Bring the government closer to the people. 21:35 05-29-10

to improve delivery healthcare


services to our population and create a pool of registered nurses with enhanced clinical and preventive health management competencies for national public and private sector employment. Specific Objectives: 1. Provide registered nurses with necessary

competencies that en- compass both community health practice as well as clinical skills; 2. Address experienced overseas, 3. 4. the through shortage of skilled domestic and and nurses, both structured


development program; Provide deployment opportunities for nurses in rural areas and underserved communities; Augment the nursing workforce of hospitals and rural health units in identified poor municipalities of needed clinical and public health nurses. 5 per town in the 1,000 poorest municipalities, for a six-months tour of duty. 3mos = CLINICAL 3mos = PHN v/v P8,000.00 per month or P366.00 per day *may be increased if the host LGUs will offer a counterpart of say P2,000

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