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ALL STUDENTS K-12 Date: MOST SATURDAYS 9-11 AM Teacher: National Naval Officers Association, Monterey Chapter Classroom:

Dudley Knox Library, NPS

Name: OUR MISSION NNOA hosts BFYB tutoring sessions to help your students get ahead and stay ahead! We provide mentorship and outreach to our local community with students from NPS and DLI tutoring in all subjects. We strive to improve our program by pinpointing tutors and subjects in advance.


1. If you need access to NPS, email

with the FIRST AND LAST NAME of the person who will be driving your student to campus. This is a onetime requirement. 2. On the weeks you plan to attend, please email us the subject your student will need help with by

AUG: 11, 18, 25 SEP: 8, 15, 22, 29 APPROVEDFORDISTRIBUTION OCT: 13, 20, 27 MPUSDneitherendorsesnorsponsorsthe OrganizationoractivityrepresentedinthisNOV: 3, 17 document. DEC: 1, 8

1st Semester Dates

Wednesday at 9 PM.

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