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Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 1 May I introduce myself? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Introductions Warmer, focused listening and communicative activities followed by writing and role playing. To learn greetings in a professional environment. To gain experience in hearing and responding to greetings in a professional environment. Students exchange real information about themselves with their classmates for group building.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Name game a. Warmer b. Listening Activity listen and check, p.4 c. Sentence pattern practice, p.4 d. Listening Activity, p. 5 e. Sentence pattern practice speaking p. 6 f. Communicative activity Interviews g. Discussion Different situations require different greetings h. Reading activity Greetings from around the world, Interchange p. 5 i. Communicative activity p. 7 j. Role-play situational greetings. k. Optional name game.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Role play

Participation in large and small group work. At Your Service, Interchange Book 1 Attendance

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 2 What do you do? Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Finding out about occupations. Warmers, focused listening and communicative activities, dictation and writing To initiate and respond to questions about occupations. To practice generating dialogue concerning jobs. Students practice listening and speaking in a comfortable environment. Repetition and fun enhances learning.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Topic Game a. Warmer b. Listening activity Listen and check, p. 8 c. Sentence pattern practice, p. 8 & 9 d. Vocabulary expansion, Interchange, p. 8 e. Matching activity, Interchange, p. 9 f. Sentence pattern practice, Interchange p. 9 g Listening activity Listen and complete, p. 9 h Role play listening dialogue p. 9 i. Listening activity & practice, Interchange p. 9 j. Charades job descriptions k. Making questions, p.10 l. Game Who are you? m. Dictation Describing a family member. n. Interview o. Writing and revision team work p. Presentation Presentations and Review

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material

Participation and Written work At Your Service, Interchange 1

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 3 What time does the next train leave? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Time and timetables Warmer, focused listening and communicative activities, core dialogue practice, song, role play To initiate and respond to questions about time. To generate discourse about time. Students practice speaking and listening in a comfortable environment. Repetition and communicative activities enhance learning.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Where do you want to go? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. Warmer Listening Activity Listen and write, p. 12 Listening Activity Clock faces Discussion How many ways can you say? Q & A practice in pairs, p. 13 Listening Activity Listen and match, p. 13 Speaking p. 14 Timetable practice generating dialogue about timetables, p. 14 Communicative activity fill in the timetable Song activity Rock around the clock 1. Listening 2. Writing Walkabout Interviews Summary of lesson

k. l.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material

Review of main points

Participation in large and small group activities At Your Service, Handouts, CD with song

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 4 What kind of room do you want? Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Describing locations Warmer, focused listening and communicative activities, vocabulary expansion, role play To initiate and respond to questions about hotel rooms. To use descriptive terms. To practice generating dialogue concerning hotel bookings. To practice using descriptive terms. Students practice using a variety of methods designed to enhance learning.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Im going on vacation, Im going to take Warmer Brainstorming What is most important feature of a hotel room? c. Focused listening listen and check, p. l6 d. Core dialogue cut up and match e. Pronunciation intonation of questions. f. Focused listening listen and write, p. 17 g. Practice dialogue stand and deliver h. Communicative Activity Handout, find a room/occupant i. Fill out reservation card with partner, p. 18 j. Role-play with found partner. k. Word Study p. 18 l. Game Adjective matching, i.e. Amazing Ayuthaya, Beautiful Bangkok m. Vocabulary expansion collocations n. Sentence pattern practice use collocations in given sentences o. Reading Preview ads for Hotels p. Cloze practice q. Create an advertisement in groups. a. b.

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 5 Dont leave your bags on the bus. Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Giving Instructions Imperatives Warmer, core dialogue, focused listening and communicative activities, running dictation, writing To initiate and respond to commands, to understand situations in which commands occur. To generate dialogue that is appropriate for specific purposes. Students practice giving and receiving commands using a variety of methods.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Simon Says a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. Warmer Focused listening, p. 20 Sentence patterns, p. 20 Focused listening, p. 21 Speaking practice, p. 21 Pronunciation practice p. 21 Language in Context, Matching handout Language Practice, p. 21 Lecture, Ordering words (then, next, etc.) Core dialogue, T/T T/S S/T S/S - //s Matching Activity, handout Running dictation, instructions Language in context, making rules activity, group work Presentation of rules Game Where am I?

3. Summary Stage

Game Where am I? Students use yes/no questions to find out what they can/cannot do and guess the location.

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 6 Is there a bank near here? Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Directions Warmer, Focused listening and communicative activities, vocabulary expansion, sentence pattern practice, review To initiate and respond to questions about directions. To practice giving directions and review place names. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer The neighborhood, map drawing a. b. c. d. e. Warmer Focused Listening, p. 24 Group work map drawing Core dialogue T/T T/S S/T S/S - //s Vocabulary expansion, expression of direction, p. 24 f. Sentence pattern practice Q & A g. Focused Listening, p. 25 h. Map reading, p. 26 27 i. Dictation j. Communicative Activity Asking directions, Interchange, p. IC 16 & IC 18 k. Game Near/Far l. Cloze Fill in the directions m. Speaking Practice The way home n Writing exercise The way home o. Peer evaluation p. Presentation Presentations

3. Summary Stage

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 7 Whos calling, please? Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Telephone conversations and taking messages Warmer, Focused listening and communicative activities, vocabulary expansion, sentence pattern practice, review To initiate and respond to messages. To practice proper speaking techniques for the telephone. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Warmer Chinese Whispers a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. Warmer Core Dialogue T/T T/S S/T S/S - //s Focused Listening, Interchange, p. 94 Paired speaking, Interchange, p. 94 Stand and Deliver Paired speaking Grammar Review, Interchange, p. 95 Vocabulary expansion, substitution Listening activity, p. 28 Sentence patterns practice cut up, p. 29 Word study, p. 30 Rearrange sentences, p. 29 Listen and check Language in context Answering the phone Communicative activity Taking messages, handout Role play

3. Summary Stage

Role play

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 8 Would you like a Window seat? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Making requests. Warmer, Focused listening and communicative activities, vocabulary expansion, sentence pattern practice, review To initiate and respond to requests for information. To practice making and responding to requests Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming What do you bring to the airport? Which people do you talk to at the airport? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Brainstorming Rearrange sentences, p. 32 Listen and check answers. Core Dialogue, Paired practice, p. 32 Focused listening, p. 33 Speaking practice, p. 33 Discussion Language in Context, Commands vs. Requests Group Matching Activity, handout Role-playing, p. 34 Guided communicative activity, p. 35 Communicative activity

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette, handouts Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 9 How was your day? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Discussing and describing activities and events. Warmer, Core Dialogue, controlled practice, vocabulary expansion, roleplay and further study, review To initiate and respond to discussion about daily activities/events. To practice talking about daily activities/events. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Brainstorming What do you like to do in your free time? Why? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Brainstorming Core Dialogue Controlled Practice Vocabulary expansion Focused listening, p. 33 Speaking practice, p. 33 Pair activity - interview Activity roleplay pg. 39 Listening pg. 36 Listening pg. 37 Groupwork describing an imaginary activity.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette, handouts, picture cards Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 10 Are you ready to order? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Using conversation in the context of ordering food in a restaurant. Warmer, Listening, Pairwork, Language study, groupwork, roleplay, review To be able to order food and use vocabulary in the context of restaurants. To practice ordering food in a restaurant. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming What kinds of food do you like? Have you ever tried? (Italian, American, Thai, Mexican, European etc) Give examples of each. What different types of places can you eat? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Brainstorming and Topic Game Listening Activity pg. 40 Pairwork and activity from Lets Talk Language Study pg. 40 Listening Activity pg. 41 Speaking practice pg. 42 Word Study pg. 42 Groupwork designing an eating experience. Role play and presentation

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, Lets Talk, cassette, handouts, menus. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 11 How will you be paying ? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Making payments Warmer, Listening, Pairwork, Language study, groupwork, roleplay, review To initiate and respond to any situation where payments are processed.. To practice making payments. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming Language related to making payments with use of vocabulary in the summary on pg. 47. Focusing on changing money. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Brainstorming Language study pg. 44 Listening Pairwork pg. 44 Matching Activity pg. 47 Further study pg. 46-47 Listening Activity pg. 45 Roleplay and presentation Communicative Activity

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette, handouts, grids for CA.. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 12 Well meet back here at three oclock Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Itineries Warmer, ListeningLanguage study, groupwork, review To use the language associated with tour guides and itineries. To practice understanding itineries. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming What is an itinery? What is a tour guide? Where might you find a tour guide? What language may they use? a. b. c. Brainstorming Listening pg.48 Groupwork design a route around local town and prepare tour and itinery for class. Including drawing a map and presentational notes.

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 13 Why dont you take the city bus tour? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Tourist Attractions Warmer, Core Dialogue, Vocab Expansion, Listening, group work, role-play/presentation, review To initiate and respond to questions centered on being new in a town/city. To practice understanding language focused in being new in a town/city. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Brainstorming Bangkok mind map. Bangkok Mix and Match a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. Brainstorming and Mix and Match Core Dialogue Vocabulary Expansion Listening Activity Communicative group work Role-play/Presentation Reading/Writing Activity pg. 54 Listening pg. 53 Communicative Activity

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. Cassette for listening activity. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 14 Shall I send you a brochure? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Brochures Warmer, Core Dialogue, Vocab Expansion, Listening, group work, role-play/presentation, review To understand and utilize language presented in a brochure. To practice reading and discussing language in a brochure. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming What is a brochure? Where would you find a brochure? What language may be used? a. b. c. d. e. f. Brainstorming Listening Activity pg. 56 Listening Practice pg. 57 Roleplay/Presentation work Reading pg. 58 Groupwork designing own brochure

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette for Listening. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Unit 14 Shall I send you a brochure? Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Brochures Warmer, Core Dialogue, Vocab Expansion, Listening, group work, role-play/presentation, review To understand and utilize language presented in a brochure. To practice reading and discussing language in a brochure. Students will practice speaking and listening in a comfortable and non-threatening environment. Repetition and fun enhance the learning process.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Brainstorming What is a brochure? Where would you find a brochure? What language may be used? a. b. c. d. e. f. Brainstorming Listening Activity pg. 56 Listening Practice pg. 57 Roleplay/Presentation work Reading pg. 58 Groupwork designing own brochure

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Review of main concepts

Participation in all activities. At Your Service, cassette for Listening. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004

Issue Teaching Program
Warmer, Focused listening and communicative activities, vocabulary expansion, sentence pattern practice, review To initiate and respond to questions about directions.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004

Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage 3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Approaches to Learning Learning to Knowing Time: 1 hours

Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004 Issue Teaching Program Main Point
Approaches to Learning - Learning to Knowing A participatory demonstration and review process To experience and make some hypothesis about the learning process through reflection on real language learning experiences. To introduce trainees to direct approach teaching using a basic communicative lesson in context, and a more discrete lesson using colored pencils for learning colors, numbers and basic word order. Experience being a learner and reflect on the learning experience.

General Purpose

Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Basic lesson on "greeting" in a foreign language using pictures, and gestures to set context. a. basic foreign language lesson b. reflection upon what was learned c. reflection upon the learning/teaching process d. using colored pencils for learning colors and numbers in a foreign language e. reflection on "what" was learned and "how" Summary discussion of second language acquisition theory and practice.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Learning Journal Foreign language teaching materials - tape, and cards, colored pens or rods. Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Appropriate Language (prerequisite Textbook adaptation) Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Appropriate Language for teaching Comparison of two methods of teaching followed by discussion and review of personalization, localization and contextualization. Trainees then practice writing their own dialogue from a textbook. Students learn more when language presented has meaning for them. To assist the trainees in making lessons more accessible, understandable and doable for their students. Trainees will reflect upon their own teaching process and examine ways they might adapt their materials.

Main Point General Purpose

Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Demo of two styles of teaching a. Demo of two styles of teaching. b. Discussion on benefits/drawbacks of each. c. Comparison of dialogues d. Review of localization and personalization. e. Putting ideas into practice following ideas of scaffolding. Teacher supplies input with groups following, groups supply input with teacher helping, groups supply input alone. Review of concepts introduced during the class.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Rewrite a dialogue to make it more accessible for Thai students. Interchange textbook, Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Big ClassBig Problem? Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
How to use communicative activities with big classes. Discussion of communicative activities, followed by group work and presentation. How to overcome some of the problems presented by big classes. Letting teachers share their own experiences and ideas about classroom management. Trainees think through problems that are specific to their teaching situation and attempt to come up with some solutions to implement.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Review communicative activities a. Review communicative activities. b. Trainees in groups write down specific problems they think they will encounter when using them in their own classroom. c. Discussion in large group about the problems. d. Trainees in groups try to think about solutions to the problems. e. Discussion in large group about problems f. Teacher led discussion on importance of group work. Review of topics discussed.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Problem/solution poster Poster paper, markers

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Communicative Activities Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Communicative practice of language Demonstrations of communicative activities followed by practice. To demonstrate communicative activities Show and review steps following the presentation of new language material. Trainees will experience the process both as students and teachers.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Trainees participate in Find Someone Who activity. a. demonstration of communicative activity b. define the criteria for communicative activities. c. demonstrate variations of communicative activities using Interchange 1. d. In groups, trainees prepare and present one communicative activity for the class. Review criteria and steps for communicative activity.

3. Summary Stage

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Discussion and peer teaching Teachers Toolkit and Interchange 1 Trainee Evaluation Form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Content-based Lesson Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point
Demonstrating a content-based lesson. Introduction to content-based education followed by demonstration and discussion. Content-based lessons are focused on using English to do something as opposed to learning English. To introduce trainees to a new model of teaching. Trainees will be able to participate in and reflect upon their experiences during a content-based lesson.

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Introduction to content-based education lecture. a. Introduction b. Demo lesson following steps: 1. Warmer 2. Core dialogue 3. Group Work 4. Pre-reading, reading and Post-reading activities. 5. Pre-listening, listening and post-listening activities. c. Discussion of usefulness of techniques specific to Thai teachers situations. Discussion of applicability in Thai classroom.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Participation in small and large group activities. Teachers Toolkit Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Controlled Practice Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Controlled practice of language Demonstrations of controlled practice followed by peer teaching To demonstrate controlled practice techniques. Show and review steps following the presentation of new language material. Trainees will experience the process and review the steps both as students and teachers.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Trainer does a demo lesson. a. demonstration of controlled practice b. review of steps c. peer teaching d. discussion of variations for large class Review of warmers, modeling and controlled practice procedures.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Peer teaching Teachers toolkit Trainee Evaluation Form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Feedback Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004

Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Feedback Discussion of feedback followed by communicative activity. Teachers should be aware of how they give feedback to students. Introduce different ideas about feedback. Trainees share experiences and ideas about feedback.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Introduction to feedback Student to teacher Teacher to student Verbal/non-verbal/written Continuous a. Introduction b. Brainstorming Feedback should be c. Communicative activity tic tac toe d. Feedback form review e. Complete Feedback form Complete Feedback form

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Participation in large group activities. Feedback form Feedback form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Interactive Materials Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Setting context through the use of interactive materials. Setting context with pictures demonstrations and participation followed by look at structure charts and blackboard techniques. To show effective ways to set context through the use of pictures. To encourage Thai teachers to use more context setting in their own classrooms. Trainees will get the chance to work cooperatively with their peers to create a structural chart and picture story.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Review of the importance of context setting. a. Review of context setting. b. Demo and practice with easily understandable symbols (cross = clinic) c. Practice with drawing techniques. d. Producing and presenting cartoon stories. e. Examining and producing structural charts. f. Review of concept of context setting. Review of concepts.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Structural charts and cartoon storyboard. Teachers Toolkit, poster paper and markers Learning Journals

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Lesson Plans Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Writing lesson plans Trainees work individually on creating lesson plans they can use in their own classes. To develop and adapt the techniques presented to fit their own teaching situation. To give the trainees a chance to put into practice some of the concepts they have been studying. Trainees work independently thinking about their own classes.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Presentation of homework in class. a. Trainees given instructions in class. b. Questions answered about assignment. c. Trainees work on assignment at home. d. Trainees turn in completed assignment. Assignment is checked by Trainers.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Full lesson plan Blank lesson plans Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Guided Lesson Planning Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Planning lessons for successful classes and mindmapping Introduce trainees to terminology on lesson plans, introduce mind-mapping as a tool for planning. A good lesson plan takes into account the learner, the environment, the materials, time, space and goals. To encourage trainers to think about lesson planning in a new way. Trainees will collaborate with other teachers to plan a successful class.

Main Point

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Brainstorming in groups What do teachers need to plan? a. Brainstorming b. Discuss new terminology for lesson planning. c. Introduce mind-mapping as a tool for planning. d. Trainees in groups mind-map the elements of a successful class. e. Trainees present their ideas to the class. Presentations and review of concepts.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Mind-maps for a successful class. Teachers Toolkit, Poster paper, markers Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Listening Activities & Workshop Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Teaching listening activities Demonstration of listening activities followed by discussion and peer teaching To demonstrate the importance of pre-, during, and post- listening activity. Show and review the steps following presentation of new language material. Trainees will experience the process both as students and teachers. Trainees will understand how to make listening activities more accessible for their students.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Trainer does a good and bad demo lesson. a. demonstration of bad demo lesson b. discussion on improvements possible c. demonstration of pre-listening activities d. demonstration of listening activities e. demonstration of post-listening activities f. Trainees in groups prepare listening activities. g. Trainees in groups present listening activities. Peer teaching and review of steps.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Peer teaching Tapes, cards, worksheets for listening class; Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Observed Teaching Basic, Expanded & Text-based Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Observing lessons Lesson demonstration followed by discussion of steps. To give students a full picture of how techniques can be used in a class. To further trainees understanding of how to use techniques introduced throughout the course. Trainees are able to participate as students to experience the techniques.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage 3. Summary Stage
Warmer a. Demonstration of full lesson. b. Discussion of steps followed. Determining applicability of techniques and addressing specific concerns of Thai teachers.

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Observed teaching form Cards, tapes, listening activity worksheets Observed teaching form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Reading to Writing Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point
Model focused reading activities 2 lesson demonstrations followed by discussion of steps. Group lesson planning. To introduce and stress the importance of preand post- reading activities, to explore the interskill relationship between reading, listening, speaking and writing. To introduce Thai teachers to techniques they can use to teach reading and writing. Trainees can participate and reflect upon their own classroom activities.

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Demo lesson by trainer a. Demonstration of reading lesson. b. Discussion of steps and reasoning for them. c. Explore ideas about how to extend ideas into writing and practice. d. Demonstration of second reading technique followed by writing exercise. e. Discussion of reading and writing exercise. f. Trainees in groups create lesson ideas for use in their class. g. Review lessons and ideas as presented by trainees in large class group. Review concepts introduced during the class.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Participate in small and large group discussions. Teachers Toolkit Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Review of Techniques Time; 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Review techniques. Review of all techniques covered in class through discursive process. Review all techniques with special emphasis on appropriate language and steps of basic lesson. Refresh the trainees memory before testing and finishing program. Trainees work cooperatively to review and revise techniques.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Summary of points common to all techniques presented i.e. making material accessible, usable, understandable and fun. a. Summary of points. b. Summary of steps for basic lesson. c. Practice at appropriate language exercise. Answering questions about specific problems trainees are experiencing.

2. Learning Activities Stage 3. Summary Stage

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

None Teachers Toolkit None

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Setting Context I Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Setting context through pictures, charades, posters, sounds. Demonstration of context setting followed by discussion and practice. To emphasize the importance of setting context in any English lesson. To introduce and have students practice different ways to set context. Trainees gain experience in setting contexts through the perspectives of student and teacher.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Lesson demo with map. a. Lesson demo with map. b. Discussion of what context is and why using the map might make the class smoother. c. Students select several dialogues and come up with different ways to set context for them. d. Trainees present context setting with pictures and mimes to the class. Review the importance of setting context and address specific concerns of Thai teachers.

3. Summary Stage

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Presentation Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Songs & Chants Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Songs & Chants, Rhythm & Stress in English Demonstration of how songs & chants can be used in a class to teach rhythm and stress followed by peer teaching in groups. To demonstrate how and why songs and chants can be used for teaching. To show the link between rhythm and stress in spoken and sung language. Show and review how songs and chants can be used for teaching. Students will experience the use of songs and chants both as students and teachers.

Main Point

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Trainees participate in chant I like it. a. Trainees participate in chant. b. Brainstorming on uses of songs & chants c. Lecture on rhythm and stress in English d. Sing and rewrite What to do with the Drunken Sailor. e. Demonstrate lesson using song as key element. f. Trainees in groups prepare lesson using song as a key element. g. Trainees present lesson to the class. Peer teaching and review

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Participation and peer teaching Cassettes with music, Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Teaching Grammar Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Methodologies for and against teaching grammar Define grammar, examine the debate between teaching and not teaching grammar, look at deductive and inductive approaches to grammar teaching and practice creating one of each. Grammar should be taught in context. Introduce trainees to different ways of approaching grammar teaching. Trainees work cooperatively in large and small groups to examine grammar teaching and create their own lessons incorporating new ideas.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Define grammar a. Define grammar b. In groups, have students come up with reasons for and against the explicit teaching of grammar. c. In a large group, go over these reasons. d. Introduce deductive and inductive grammar teaching with examples. e. Trainees create own lesson and present to class. Presentation of lesson ideas.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Presentation Teachers Toolkit Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Teaching Pronunciation Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Teaching techniques for pronunciation Determining which sounds are most difficult for Thai students followed by exercise examples and a short teaching demo. To increase Thai teachers awareness of pronunciation problems. To introduce trainees to techniques that they can use in their own classrooms. Trainees experience and reflect upon pronunciation lessons both as a student and as a teacher.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Brainstorming Which sounds are most difficult for Thai students? a. Brainstorming b. Group exercise Dealing with difficult sounds c. Practice with various techniques/games final sounds, rhythm & stress, minimal pairs. d. Peer teaching in groups Review of difficult sounds and techniques to address these problems.

3. Summary Stage

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Peer teaching Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Teaching Vocabulary Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose
Techniques for teaching vocabulary Demonstration of teaching techniques followed by a variety of exercises and discussion. To introduce trainees to techniques for teaching vocabulary. To learn about problems with learning vocabulary and methods to overcome these problems. Trainees will participate in vocabulary exercises and reflect on how they might use these for their own classes.

Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Exercise Which words convey the most meaning? a. Exercise b. Discussion How would you teach the meaningful words? c. Review of previous concepts and how they apply to teaching vocabulary. d. Introduction to strategies for teaching vocabulary with tasks. Review of concepts introduced in the class.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Participation in exercises and discussion. Teachers Toolkit Learning Journal

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Text Evaluation and Adaptation Time: 1 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program
Evaluating texts and adapting them for classroom use. Establishing criteria for text evaluation followed by demonstration and practice in making adaptations. The textbook is not the course. Introduction of the terms personalization and localization. To demonstrate how texts can be adapted to use in specific classes. Trainees will share experiences and ideas about using textbooks, and further learn other means for using them.

Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Brainstorming activity What do you want in a textbook? a. Brainstorming activity b. Student profiling c. Text evaluation practice with five textbooks. d. Determine criteria in groups e. Discussion of criteria f. Introduction to the idea of personalizing and localizing lessons for students. Review of main ideas presented in lesson.

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Text evaluation Teachers Toolkit, variety of textbooks. Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Vocabulary Expansion & Workshop Time: 4 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point
Increased vocabulary in specific grammatical structure. Demonstration followed by discussion of steps, group work and peer teaching To demonstrate one technique that can be employed to build both grammar knowledge and vocabulary usage. Show, review and practice the steps used in a vocabulary building exercise. Trainees will experience the process and reflect upon it as both teacher and student.

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Demonstration of lesson incorporating technique. a. Lesson demo by trainer. b. Review of steps c. Discussion of purpose for exercise. d. Trainees in groups prepare cards and dialogue for exercise. e. Peer teaching in groups. Review of steps and addressing specific concerns of Thai teachers in using the exercise.

3. Summary Stage

Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Peer teaching Cards for demo lesson, markers, blank paper, Teachers Toolkit Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Warmers & Modeling Language (Core Dialogue) Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point
Warmers & Modeling Language Demonstrations of warmers and modeling followed by review and short peer teaching. To define the role of warmers and allow participants to practice using one. To demonstrate modeling in the context of a lesson. Show and review the initial steps in a teaching lesson. To have trainees experience the concept of warmers and modeling both as teachers and students.

General Purpose Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage

Trainer does a warmer and then reviews the process. Trainer does modeling and reviews the process. a. demonstration of warmer b. review c. peer teaching d. demonstration of modeling e. review Peer teaching and review

2. Learning Activities Stage

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Peer teaching practice Cards for modeling Trainee evaluation form

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Writing Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004

Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose Behavioral Purpose
Teaching Writing Techniques Trainer demonstrates one kind of writing technique followed by review of steps. To demonstrate the concept of scaffolding for writing practice. Show and review techniques for teaching writing. Trainees experience writing activity from the perspective of a student.

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Demonstration of a bad writing lesson. Discussion on what went wrong a. Demonstration of a bad writing lesson. b. Discussion of what went wrong. c. Demonstration of writing lesson employing the use of scaffolding. 1. Teacher-centered 2. Group-centered 3. Individual-centered d. Review of steps followed by addressing specific concerns of trainees for use in their classes. Review of steps

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Prepare a written work in groups, short presentation Teachers Toolkit, Poster paper, markers Oral evaluation

Lesson Plan

Thai Teacher Training Program

Class: Theatre Techniques Time: 3 hours Date: April 4, 2004 May 8, 2004
Issue Teaching Program Main Point General Purpose
Group building and role plays. Group activities Build the group dynamic and introduce drama techniques for language practice Help the students get to know each other better through small group interactional activities and show how these activities can be used for teaching. To lower the participants affective filter and increase confidence in risk-taking activities.

Behavioral Purpose

Establishing Learning Activities 1. Introduction Stage 2. Learning Activities Stage

Mimed Introductions a. Mimed Introductions b. Mini-dramas Death in the Afternoon c. Grab-bag role plays d. 60 second commercial using song & dance e. Proverbial Mini-drama Discussion of how the use of theatre techniques may enhance learning

3. Summary Stage Assessment Assignment Teaching Material Record after Teaching

Teaching practice and collaboration during training inputs Teachers Toolkit, Grab bag Trainee Evaluation

Unit 1: May I Introduce Myself? Lesson 1

Warmer: Name Game. Put students in a circle. The first student introduces self, hi, my name is Suzy. The second student says, Her name is Suzy and my name is Doug. The third student in the circle says, Her name is Suzy and his name is Doug and my name is Mary Continue in the fashion all the way around the circle. Listening Activity: page 4 Language Study: page 4 Listen and Practice, page 5 More Practice, page 6 Interview: Put students in pairs. Have students interview each other to find out 3 to 5 interesting things about their partner. Have students introduce partner to class and tell the things they found out about their partner. Model by writing on the board: She is from....She likes.....etc Role Play: appropriate greetings and goodbyes in different settings. You may want to have students brainstorm phrases for saying hello and goodbye and put them on the blackboard before doing the role play. Put students in groups of 3. Have them write 4 short dialogues for introducing themselves and others in various situations such as a business situation, at a party, introducing a guest to family members and so on. The dialogue should include a greeting and a goodbye. Have each group perform one setting for the class. Activity: page 7 Optional Reading activity: see attached sheet Optional Name Game Activity: see attached sheets

Unit 2:What do you do? Lesson 1

Warmer: Play a topic game. The object of the game is to say as many things that fall under the topic as possible without repeating anything. Start with an easy topic like animals. Have students stand-up. Go around the room and each student has 5 seconds to say the name of an animal (dog, giraffe, monkey). If the student repeats one that has been said or cannot think of one in 5 seconds they are out and must sit down. The game continues until one person is left. Play again this time using the topic Jobs. Word Power Activity: see attached work sheet. You can also do this activity again, changing the center of the web. Change from jobs to a more specific job like Travel and Tourism jobs Work and Work Places Activity: This is a matching activity. You can do a variation of this activity by cutting it up in pieces and having the students sort it. Listening: page 8 At Your Service Language Study: page 8 At Your Service Listen and Practice: page 9 At Your Service. When they are finished practicing the dialogue, they should practice it as a role-play and perform it for the class. Reading Activity: see attached worksheet, What do you do, exactly? Optional Conversation Describing work see attached worksheet If you find this conversation useful in some way for this lesson, please use it, or if you need extra materials.

Unit 2: What do you do? Lesson 2

Warmer: Get students in groups of about 4. Hand out each group a piece of paper with a job written on it. i.e. doctor, receptionist, lawyer, teacher ect. Have each group do a charade of the job and have other groups guess the job.

More Practice page 10 Activity page 10: Who are you? Game Listening Activity: The teacher tells a short personalized story about what the members of your family do. The students should listen and answer questions on a questionnaire based on your story. You may have to re-read the story several times. For example: My name is Sarah. I have a brother. He lives in Chicago. He is married and has one child. He is a salesman. He sells sports equipment. He likes it because he loves sports. I have a sister too. She lives in New York. She has two dogs. She is a doctor. She likes it because she loves to help people, but she works long hours and gets very tired. The students should then interview two other students in the classroom using the questionnaire. The students may walk around the classroom and ask any two students they want. The teacher should model how to interview by changing the question to say you rather than she/he example. .. Do you have a brother? The teacher should model interview two students and fill in the questionnaire. Writing: When the students have completed their questionnaires they should write a paragraph about each person they interviewed. The students should then check their work with two other students. Do this by having the students get into groups of three. The student who did the writing should read their paragraph out loud to their group and the group corrects the paragraph for errors. The student picks one paragraph to read in front of the class.

Unit 3 What Time Does the Train Leave? Lesson 1

Warmer Game Where Am I ? Teacher is at the Train Station. Students have to ask Yes/No Qs to find out where the Teacher is. Listening Activity Page 12 Activity Students work in groups of 4. Hand out a blank clock face to groups. Hand out different expressions of time on slips of paper (see page 12) and get students to put expressions in correct place around the clock. Elicit answers to BB. Activity Page 13 In groups hand out the 8 different clock faces and a selection of the different expressions of time. Use example in book. Students to match the expressions with each face. Activity Roleplay Students work in pairs. Students to pick a situation where two people would be discussing the time. Come up with a short conversation for roleplay. Write dialogue down on paper. The get them to roleplay to group. As many pairs as you think necessary for your lesson. Reading Activity HANDOUT as follows Listening Activity Page 13 Activity Page 14 top of page

Unit 3 What Time Does the Train Leave? Lesson 2

Time with song Rock around the clock 1. Hand out lyrics 2. Play song 3. Ask each student to read one line of the song. If there is vocab which is not understood, this should be identifies at this point. Write unfamiliar vocab on BB and try to elicit meanings from other students. Get them to discuss meanings in pairs. T explain any vocab where meaning could not be elicited. To check understanding T asks Ss to write new sentences using the unfamiliar vocab on the BB. Listening Activity Draw blank clock face on the board and T start filling out an X oclock and then ask S what will happen at that point in the song. Then its the Ss turn to ask another S and so on. Sample Dialogue T: What time is it? (pointing at the clock and time drawn on the board) S: Its one oclock T: Thats right and what will the people have when the clock strikes one? S: They will have some fun. Student Extension S A: What time is it? S B: It is three oclock S A: Right and what will the people do at three oclock S B: (If the band slows down they will yell for more. This activity can also be extended to incorporate appropriate activities being performed when using the sentence structures. Activity T hands out a series of clock faces each with a different time showing to each individual student S walk about and complete table as follows with information using dialogue as below: A: What time is it? B: Its 11.30pm A: What do you do at that time? B: I go to sleep. Listening Quiz S listen to song and complete Question sheet as follows. When completed collect sheets in ensuring names are at the top and then hand them out randomly. Elicit answers from S and get them to mark the sheets.

Unit 4 Lesson 1 Warmer: Memory Game: Model the sentence and activity, then divide class into 3 groups of 10. Im going on vacation and Im going to take. . . each student must fill in the blank with what they would take in alphabetical order. You play this game in a circle and you must repeat what everyone says before you. For instance student one: Im going on holiday and Im going to take an apple Student two: Im going on holiday and Im going to take an apple, and a ball, etc. Listening: page 16 Language Study: page 16 variation: cut up the dialogue lines and have students match the questions with the correct answers. Pronunciation: Before students practice asking and answering the questions with a partner discuss intonation and stress. Model these questions using hand signals to show that questions go up at the end and the answers go down at the end. Write some of the questions and answers on the board and draw the curvy intonation lines. Have students practice asking and answering the above questions with a partner focusing on intonation. Listen and Practice: page 17 More Practice: page 18, Have 4-5 groups present as a role-play Activity 1: Make copies of the attached cards so that half the students will have a card with a hotel and half the students will have a card with a characters name. The student with the character card must find the best match for the criteria listed on the card. Use the walkabout method to have students mingle with each other. The students must ask questions to find the best match.

Sea Breeze Resort Rooms with ocean view Fan or Air conditioning Double rooms Hot and cold water 800 1200 baht Accepts Visa Vacancy June 2-18

Mr. Dum Siriporn Room with a view Air conditioning single room Cold water 700 baht Pay cash Arriving June 5th

Unit 4 Lesson 2 Warmer: Adjective Game, topic places. The students must come up with an adjective that starts with the same letter as the place. i.e. Beautiful Bangkok, or Amazing Ayuthaya. Word Study: page 18 Vocabulary Expansion: Matching: Which words go together worksheet. Put students in small groups and have them work together to match the appropriate adjectives and nouns. Tell students that if they dont understand a word they can ask you or ask their classmates for help. Go over the combinations with students eliciting all possible answers. Sentence Pattern Practice: Have students practice saying the word combinations in a sentence. Our rooms have lovely views. The price includes a free breakfast. We offer deluxe accommodation in a relaxing atmosphere. Relax in our spacious rooms. Our hotel is in a convenient location. Writing Activity: Have students in groups design a written advertisement for a hotel that might appear in a travel magazine. Do a model on the black board by eliciting the information and ideas. Elicit what important information should be included such as room type, air conditioning or fan, price, location. Students can use the vocabulary from the previous matching activity to describe their hotel. Writing Extension: Have students write a radio advertisement for a hotel and perform it for the class. Have them use a jingle or catchy phrase that goes with their hotel.

Matching: Which words go together?

Try to make as many combinations as you can.

beautiful comfortable spectacular clean spacious free friendly tasteful relaxing memorable warm private air-conditioned deluxe double furnished

breakfast service bathroom view room staff accommodation atmosphere bungalows holiday feeling balcony bed decoration terrace suite


Unit 5: Dont leave your bags on the bus. Lesson 1 Warmer: Simon Says Game. To extend this activity, play once with Teacher giving instructions and then divide into groups and give Students a chance to be Simon. Listening Page 20 Language Study Page 20 Listening Page 21 Activity Match the pairs. Students in groups of 4. Pair sheet as follows. These need cutting up and one set handed to each group. Activity Divide class into groups of 5 and give each group one of the following contexts: At the swimming pool, in the classroom, at the library, using a payphone, in a museum, in a hotel room. Hand out brown paper per group. Get them to come up with rules/instructions for their context. Show to class.

Unit 5: Dont leave your bags on the bus Lesson 2 Warmer: Model some instructions to the BB. Divide class into two and give them each a bag. Ask each student to write one instruction and put in the bags. Shuffle up instructions. Students take turns in their groups to pick out an instruction and do it in front of their group. Core Dialogue A: Could you tell me how to use the telephone? B: First pick up the receiver and then insert coins. A: Ok and next? B: Next press the number you want. A: Right B: Finally when you finish your conversation, replace the receiver. T/T > T/S > S/T > S/S > CP Activity Input idea to BB of situations where instructions are needed or situations where you are explaining to somebody how to do something. Eg: using a phone or making a cup of tea. Put students into groups and get them to pick a situation where they need to use instructions. You may need to help them with this. Ask students to write the instructions on brown paper. Check vocab and grammar. When groups have finished, pair groups up and get them to talk through their instructions with the other group. This will ensure that instructions make sense. Pick groups to demonstrate to the class their instructions and get class to act out each instruction at a time to ensure their comprehension of the instruction. You will need to model this first to show what is required. Ensure they use the vocab: First, Then, Next, Finally at some point in their instructions. Communicative Activity Cut up the two sets of instructions on the next page. Hand out the pieces of paper randomly. They have to talk to each other to find out who is part of instructions and then get themselves in the correct order. First set complete is the winner.

Unit 6: Is there a bank near here? Lesson 1 Activity Model drawing a map of a town. Ensure to include the following: bank, hotel, restaurant, shopping center, parking lot, bar, swimming pool, telephones and an exchange bureau. Ask class to draw a map in groups of 4. Core Dialogue: A: Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is? B: Yes, take the first right and its on the left. A: Thank you. And how about a seafood restaurant? B: I think you will find one across from the bank. Model T/T > T/S > S/T > S/S Vocab Expansion will need to draw cards 1. Hotel turn left and its behind the restaurant swimming pool mext to the hotel 2. shopping center between the bar and the telephones parking lot infront of the shopping center. 3. telephones behind the swimming pool exchange bureau on the right 4. Bar next to the hotel toilets go straight and they are on the right 5. school take the second left and its between the bar and the restaurant 6. cinema infront of the toilets post office on the left Listening Activity you will need to record the following dialogue. A: Excuse me but could you tell me where the bank is? B: Certainly. Go straight and its on the right. A: Thank you. And how about the restaurant? B: Well thats further down the road so go straight and its on the left. A: I heard that there is a good bar near there. B: Yes thats right. If you go past the restaurant and turn left it is down there. A: I have just arrived in town so do you know of a nice hotel? B: Yes. Turn right at the bank and its on the left. Its really good and very cheap. A: Wonderful. I dont suppose it has a swimming pool? B: No but if you take the first right, first left, first right, its on the right. A: I am so sorry to keep you for so long but one last thing. I need to park my car, is there a parking lot nearby? B: Yes its behind the swimming pool. And by the way, if you need anything else, there is a shopping center opposite the hotel. Fill in the blanks. Worksheet over page. Elicit answers to BB. Activity Using the blank map over page and their completed listening. Ask the students in groups to follow the directions and label the blank buildings on the map. Elicit answers.

Unit 6: I there a bank near here? Lesson 2 Warmer: Far/Very Far, Close/Very Close game. One student stands outside the classroom whilst an object is hidden in the class. Student comes back in classroom and has to walk around the classroom trying to find the object. The class shouts out close/very close when near and far/very far when far away. Listening Activity Page 25 More Practice Page 26 Modeling by Teacher: Directions to somewhere, Elicit directions to other locations near the school. Activity Writing Example: To get to my house you need to walk down the street and turn right at the school and walk past the swimming pool and the Grand Hotel. You will pass a large shopping center on your left. Then you need to take the second turning on your right. My house is inbetween the bank and the post office. Model by writing your directions on the board. Ask students to write directions to their own house. This can be real or made-up. Get the students in groups of 4 and each student needs to read out their paragraph to their group. Others in the group correct errors of each paragraph. Get as many individuals as you would like to read out their paragraphs. Activity Page 27.

Caller: Belle Message for: Mr. Johns Message: meeting at 11:00 Phone No: 02 345 5478 Caller: Mrs. Bond Message for: Mr. Bond Message: Call home as soon as possible. Phone No: home

Caller: Miss Harper Message for: Claire Message: Dont forget the party tonight at 9:00 Phone No: 02090094 Caller: Jessica Message for: Nong Message: Meet us for dinner at 7 if you have a chance. Phone No: 07895543

Caller: Mrs. Smith Message for: Mr. Smith Message: Pick me up at home around 7:30 Phone No: Home

Caller: Jan Message f Message: M front of th class Phone No Caller: Dr. Bobs office Caller: Dr Message for: Julia Message f Message: D Message: Reminder of appointme doctors appointment at canceled. 3:30 on Friday Phone No: 038 453 0980 when poss Phone No Caller: Ekamai Travel Message for: Miss Siriporn Message: Your ticket is ready. You need to collect it before Friday afternoon. Phone No: 038 763 5970 Caller: Miss Mills Message for: Sarah Message: Call me as soon as you can. Phone No: 078954326

Caller: Chang Travel Agency Message for: Mr. Sams Message: Ticket for flight to Bali on Friday at 1:15 has been confirmed Phone No: 098761289 Caller: Miss Pauly Message for: Somsok Message: Im running late. Please wait for me. Phone No: 097653484

Caller: Thai Airways Message for: Miss Patty Message: Flight you requested is full, please call to schedule another. Phone No: 02 476 4320

Caller: Ch Agency Message f Message: T your call, I a copy of o the post. Phone No

Caller: Michael Message for: Miss Goldman Message: Meet me at the mall at 1:45. Phone No: 067539014

Caller: Pau Message f Message: C you get a c Phone No

Unit 7: Whos Calling please? Lesson 2 Warmer: Fruitbowl. Label each student one of five selected fruits. Get students to sit in a circle and then you call out the name of a fruit. Eg: Orange All the oranges then get up and have to find another seat. You then take one seat away and then do the same with another fruit. This time someone will not be able to sit down. This process is repeated throughout the game until 1 person is left, who is the winner. You can also call Fruitbowl which means everyone needs to get up and sit in a new seat. Listening Activity Page 28. Extension: Once they have completed the listening, put them in pairs and get them to roleplay the dialogue using the Stand and Deliver method. Get pairs to show to class once learnt off by heart. Language Study Page 29 Reading Activity See overleaf. Run and read. Listening Activity Page 29. Option 1: Do as in book Option 2: Prepare sets of scrambled sentences Roleplay In pairs, ask students to prepare a telephone conversation of any situation they want. Ensure they use about 8-10 line dialogue. Perform to class.

Mr. Johns


Mr. Smith



Mr. Bond




Dr. Leonard Phot

Mr. Sams

Miss Patty

Miss Siriporn Sarah



Miss Goldman Mr. Triporn Mr. Books



Mr. Jones

Miss Toms


Mr. Don




Mr. Thomas

Unit 7: Whos Calling Please?

(two classes) Warmer: Telephone Game (Chinese Whispers) Sts get into three lines. Whisper the same sentence to first student in line. Have sts pass the sentence down line by whispering. Compare the results. Try it a couple of times once with a serious sentence and then something silly. Core Dialogue: A: Good morning. B: Hello. May I speak to Miss Porn, please? A: Shes not here. Can I take a message? B: Yes. Please tell her our meeting is on Friday. A: And what time will you meet? B: Well meet at 2:30. Stand and Deliver Practice Dialogue from Interchange pp. 94. Have students demonstrate in front of class after a bit of practice. Review Grammar on pp. 95, Interchange Language Study & Listen And Practice on pp. 29 of ATS More Practice on pp. 30 of ATS Role Play Pair up students. Each student gets a message card and an empty message card. Have them each deliver the message while the other writes down information, then swap. Pass out names. Have all students find their message recipient and deliver message. Word Study on pp. 30 of ATS Work in pairs to do crossword

Unit 12: Well meet back here at three oclock

Activity Students work in groups of four to fill in itinerary. Model the language they will need to use before giving out paper. A: Where are we going at 3:00 on Friday? B: Were going to the park. How about on Saturday at 10:00? C: Were going to eat lunch at the hotel.

Hong Kong Itinerary

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday Plane leaves BKK International Airport at 10:30 10:00 In flight 12:00 Plane arrives in Hong Kong International Airport at 2:30. Lunch at Canton Court 2:00 Check into the Park Hotel.

Sho Ko


Breakfast at hotel

Bird & Flower Market

Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island

Tram to P


Dim Sum breakfast at Eastern Palace

Bus to Macao

Lunch at Macao Palace

Tour of Macao

Gam Sh


Breakfast at hotel

Tour of New Territories

Picnic Lunch

Big Buddha


Hong Kong Itinerary STUDENT 1

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday 10:00 12:00 2:00 Check into the Park Hotel.


Lunch at Canton Court


Bus to Macao


Breakfast at hotel


Hong Kong Itinerary STUDENT 2

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday Plane leaves BKK International Airport at 10:30 10:00 12:00 2:00

Sho Ko


Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island


Lunch at Macao Palace


Tour of New Territories

Hong Kong Itinerary STUDENT 3

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday 10:00 In flight 12:00 2:00


Breakfast at hotel


Gam Sh


Big Buddha

Hong Kong Itinerary STUDENT 4

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday 10:00 12:00 Plane arrives in Hong Kong International Airport at 2:30. 2:00


Tram to P


Dim Sum breakfast at Eastern Palace


Picnic Lunch

Hong Kong Itinerary STUDENT 5

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday 10:00 12:00 2:00


Bird & Flower Market


Tour of Macao


Unit 12: Well meet back here at three oclock

The tour company where you bought your package tour through China made a big mistake and only that was traveling through China. Work with your group to figure out when and where to meet and t 8:00 Sunday Plane leaves BKK International Airport at 10:30 10:00 12:00 Plane arrives in Hong Kong International Airport at 2:30. 2:00 Check into the Star Hotel.


Tour of Hong Kong starting at 10






Unit 12 Follow the book and add the following two activities:
Itinerary Information Gap Separate paper Running Dictation 1. Copy statements below 5 -6 times, cut them up and tape them in different places around the classroom. 2. Have students pair off. One of them is a runner and the other one is a recorder. 3. The runner will go and read one statement and report back to the writer. 4. After writing down all five sentences, they should arrange them in the proper order.

First, were going to have breakfast at the hotel. After breakfast, were going to visit the Royal Palace and some Temples. Next, well have lunch at Khao San Road because its near the Royal Palace. Then, we are going to go to MBK to do some shopping. Finally, were going to eat some Japanese food at Siam Centers.

You will be going to Bali to stay in a five star resort on the beach for four days. The hotel has everything that you will need, including several restaurants, two swimming pools with poolside bars, a discotheque, movie theatre, water park and bowling alley. Prices at the hotel are very expensive.

You will be taking a road trip around Thailand. You will be starting in Bangkok and traveling through Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and on to the Myanmar Border. You will be doing some light hiking in the mountains and other outdoor activities. You will be staying in guesthouses and budget hotels and the total time for your trip is two weeks.

You are going to go backpacking around Western Europe for one month. You are going to visit Paris, Amsterdam and London. You will be staying in guesthouses and going to see a lot of museums, art galleries and historical sites on walking tours.

You are going to rough it at Khao Laem Ya National Park for three nights. You will be camping out and cooking your own food. You will take several mountain hikes to see waterfalls and animals. Your campsite is far from civilization, and has no running water, restaurants, or medical facilities.

You are going to fly to Kuala Lumpur for four days on a package tour that includes bus tours to various places of interest, accommodation, all meals and shopping excursions.

You are going to Australia on a one-year working holiday. You havent arranged a job in advance, you are going to find work when you get there. You are hoping to work in the hospitality industry, maybe as a waiter or waitress, for the first six months. The other six months you will spend traveling around Australia. You especially want to visit the city of Sydney, go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, and go four-wheel driving through the desert.

You are going to Japan on a one-month study trip. You will stay with a Japanese family in Tokyo. You will attend Japanese classes in the mornings, and in the afternoons you will go on cultural excursions with the other students in your class. At the end of your study trip, you will travel independently around Japan for a week or so, and stop over in South Korea for a few days, before returning home.

Chapter 8 Would you like a window seat? Warmer A: Where are you going on your holiday? B: Im going to America. Brainstorm to establish context: What do you need to bring with you to the airport? -passport -ticket -bags/luggage -medicine -money Who do you talk to at the airport? -ticket agent -customs officer/immigration officer -check-in clerk/receptionist -flight attendant Core Dialogue 8 lines A: May I see your passport, please? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Can you put your bags on the scale, please B: OK A: Would you fill out this name tag and attach it to your bag, please? B: Sure. Do you have a pen? A: Can you go straight through to departure Lounge now, please? B: Yes. Thank you very much.

Chapter 8.htm

Chapter 9 Context: Brainstorm ideas-What do you like to do in your free time? Why? Core dialogue: A: What did you do for Songkran? B: I went to the beach. A: How was it? B: It was a lot of fun. Controlled Practice- parallel lines, horseshoe, circles Vocab Extension: this weekend ------ I read a book----relaxing last week -----I worked a lot--- stressful on vacation --- I went to the Zoo-----fun last weekend ----I went to a museum----interesting this Week----I did nothing ------awful last weekend----- I saw a good football match ----exciting Interview each other What did you do, how was it, describe why you liked it, or didnt like it. Vocab matching, brainstorm other words that fit. page 39 make a grid- acknowledge what adjectives fit by placing an appropriate word. Food---Trip---Place---Activity---Movie--Book Delicious Awful Fantastic

Lesson 13 Part 1. What should I do in Bangkok? (Why dont you take the city bus tour?) Warmer (whole class) Bangkok mind map. Write the word Bangkok in the middle of the board and circle it. What do you think of when you think of Bangkok? Solicit from students. Context at the TAT tourist information office. Core Dialogue (whole class) A. B. A. B. A. B. Excuse me. What should I do in Bangkok? Why dont you go to the Grand Palace. Why is that? You can see the Emerald Buddha there. Anything else? I suggest you go shopping in Siam.

Vocabulary Expansion (whole class) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. go to Chinatown buy antiques there visit the Indian Market. visit the Royal Theatre see classical dancing there go to the Teak Mansion. take a river taxi see the scenery visit the National Museum. go to Lumphini stadium watch a Thai boxing match there see the snake farm. take a Skytrain avoid the traffic! go on a dinner cruise. go to the weekend market buy cheap clothes there visit the zoo. hang out on Khao Sarn Rd watch the tourists eat Pad Thai. visit Wat Po see the reclining Buddha have a Thai massage.

Listening Activity (small groups) An American tourist is in a TAT tourist information office. He is asking about what to do in Bangkok. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words. A. Excuse me. What should I do in Bangkok? B. Why dont you go to the Grand Palace. You can see the Emerald Buddha there. A. That sounds great. What else should I do? B. I suggest you take a river taxi. A. Whys that? B. You can see the scenery. A. OK. Id like to do some shopping too... B. You could go to the weekend market. There are a lot of cheap clothes for sale there. A. Cool! Anything else?

Lesson 14 Part 1. Shall I send you a brochure? Warmer A. When does the ship leave for Japan? B. It leaves tomorrow at eight. Or: A. How much does the plane ticket to Chiang Mai cost? B. It costs 1,500 baht. Listening p.56. And/or Teacher gives students cut up dialogue and students put it together. Then they practice the dialogue among themselves. I would suggest pairing students off so they can be travel agent and customer. TA: Hello sir/madam. May I help you? C: Yes. I would like two airplane tickets to Paris. TA: And when will you be going? C: I will be leaving on the 24th of May. TA: Would you like first class or coach? C: Two coach tickets please. TA: I can get you on a flight leaving Bangkok at 8pm. C: Thank you, that will be fine. How much will it cost? TA: I can get you a deal, 10,000 baht for the two tickets. C: Great! Ill buy them now. Do you take Visa? TA: Of course, sir. Here are your tickets, and have a nice flight. C: Thank you. Goodbye. Listen and practice p. 57. And/or Have students create own dialogue using travel agency as model. Encourage students to be as creative as possible. Groups of two will work. Performance in front of class optional. And/or Teacher models TA in various emotional modes, including singing the dialogue. But angry, sad, impatient, laughing, etc. May work to loosen up group if it doesnt carry okay.

Lesson 15 Part 1. I look forward to hearing from you. Warmer

A. What city were you born in? B. I was born in New York City. What city were you born in? A. I was born in ____________________________ . Or: A. Where would you like to go? B. I would like to go to Paris. Where would you like to go? A. Id like to go to ____________________________ .

Listening, p.60.
And Have students write the name of the city in which they were born. Teacher will collect slips and read the name of the city. Students try to guess who was born where. Teacher can put students into groups consistent with where they were born. Students can find out how many people are from the same city.

Language study, p. 60.

And/or Teacher gets students into groups of four or five. Students will write short dialogue about where they were born. They can make up something if they want. Role playing in front of the class is a possibility. Students may write about what they did while they were there. And Teacher gives students pictures of settings from various countries. Have students work in pairs and try to guess where the other students have been and what they did there. One student has picture of landscape or setting and the other students try to guess where he/she has been.

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Supplementary Activity What are you taking?

1. Go over the difference between have to, should and want to by giving examples. 2. Tell the class that they are all going on holiday and they will be going to different locations. Elicit to the board ideas about the following terms: (good/bad things, what to expect there, etc.) a. 5 star resorts b. backpacking c. road trip d. hotel/motel e. guesthouses f. roughing it g. study trip h. working holiday 3. Divide class up into groups of 5 -6. Give each group a description of their trip and a list of things that they can take with them. Instruct them to fill out the chart on the page of things they can take, 4 things they have to take, four things they should take and 4 things they want to take. 4. After the groups have finished filling out their chart have them explain to the rest of the class why they made these choices.

Supplementary Activity (60 90 minutes)

Planning a Trip around the World Materials: World Map, Red Markers Procedures: 1. Model the language that will be needed. A: B: A: B: Where would you like to go? Id like to go to China. Whys that? Because I want to visit the Great Wall.

2. Talk about other places that might be interesting to the students. Write down some of the places on the board and what they want to see there. 3. Tell the students that they have been given the opportunity to travel for two weeks. They should visit at least five places and they cannot go backwards i.e. they must keep going forward. Money is unlimited, so they can go anywhere. 4. Put students in groups of 4 5. Instruct them to make an itinerary using a red marker and the picture of the world. For each place they select they need to come up with a reason why. 5. Have groups come and present their itinerary to the rest of the class.

You will be going to Bali to stay in a five star resort on the beach for four days. The hotel has everything that you will need, including several restaurants, two swimming pools with poolside bars, a discotheque, movie theatre, water park and bowling alley. Prices at the hotel are very expensive.

You will be taking a road trip around Thailand. You will be starting in Bangkok and traveling through Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai and on to the Myanmar Border. You will be doing some light hiking in the mountains and other outdoor activities. You will be staying in guesthouses and budget hotels and the total time for your trip is two weeks.

You are going to go backpacking around Western Europe for one month. You are going to visit Paris, Amsterdam and London. You will be staying in guesthouses and going to see a lot of museums, art galleries and historical sites on walking tours.

You are going to rough it at Khao Laem Ya National Park for three nights. You will be camping out and cooking your own food. You will take several mountain hikes to see waterfalls and animals. Your campsite is far from civilization, and has no running water, restaurants, or medical facilities.

You are going to fly to Kuala Lumpur for four days on a package tour that includes bus tours to various places of interest, accommodation, all meals and shopping excursions.

You are going to Australia on a one-year working holiday. You havent arranged a job in advance, you are going to find work when you get there. You are hoping to work in the hospitality industry, maybe as a waiter or waitress, for the first six months. The other six months you will spend traveling around Australia. You especially want to visit the city of Sydney, go snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef, and go four-wheel driving through the desert.

You are going to Japan on a one-month study trip. You will stay with a Japanese family in Tokyo. You will attend Japanese classes in the mornings, and in the afternoons you will go on cultural excursions with the other students in your class. At the end of your study trip, you will travel independently around Japan for a week or so, and stop over in South Korea for a few days, before returning home.


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