Independence Day Speech Honourable Chief Guest of The Day

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Independence day speech Honourable Chief Guest of the day, distinguished guests f o r t h e o c c a s i o n , teachers, parents and all my dear

friends, This day 15thAugust of every year is a golden day engraved in the history of theworld. We got freedom on this date and it is a day worth a celebration. When wecelebrate it hoisting the flag, playing our National Anthem with fervour, distributingsweets, we need to sail back into the past to remember and pay homage to thebuilders of our nation. My dear friends, We were the privileged lot to have been born in free India. We were able to breathethe fresh free air since our birth. If at all we want to know the pangs of agony of being slaves under a foreign rule, we must ask our elders born before 1947. It wasindeed a Himalayan task for every Indian those days to fight against those powerfulgiants the British rulers. We must not allow those hard times and struggles fadeaway from our memories.Hence it is befitting for us to celebrate such National festivals and recall thoseh e r o i c d e e d s o f o u r N a t i o n a l h e r o e s . W e r e m e m b e r t h e m t o d a y . R i g h t f r o m Mahatma Gandhi to the local patriotic leaders we owe our gratitude. When weregard those martyrs who laid their precious lives for our sake, we must not ignoret h e c o m m o n p e o p l e wh o s a c r i f i c e d t h e i r l o t f o r t h e g o o d c a u s e . T h e r e w e r e farmers, land lords, businessmen, teachers, writers, poets and students who helpedthe land achieve the long cherished freedom.T o d a y w e h a v e c o m e a l o n g w a y i n t h e p a t h o f f r e e I n d i a . W e h a v e p r o v e d ourselves worthy of freedom. We are considered as the largest democracy in theworld. How proud we were when Abhinav Bindra made our National Flag flutter andJana Gana Mana played at the background in Beijing? We are proud of it and feelvery happy about all these positive aspects. But are we blind to the black cloudssurrounding us? Are we very successful in using our freedom in the right manner? If so, why should there be so many bomb blasts, killings, attacks on governmentoffices, cases against so many politicians and so many unstable governments?Well my dear friends, what can a student do at this juncture? Should we go andcatch the terrorists? Should we fight against the corrupted politicians? Or should wetake over the country into our hands by waging another war for freedom? No, weare not expected to do all these things. We must keep observing things around us.We will have our own day. Before that, let us do our duty of preparing ourselves tobe well-educated citizens of tomorrow. Let us do our duty sincerely and study hardto achieve a goal. Today we require youngsters with lot of knowledge and energy.Illiteracy is the first enemy for a democratic nation. Let us get rid of illiteracy andtake India to a bright future. Jai Hind

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