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The objective of this experiment is to enable us to study ac circuit analysis in considerably more detail than would be possible without the aid of digital computation technique. Magnetic coupled circuits is also discussed in this experiment.

Lab assignments:
#Problem 1: Given circuit diagram:

Questions: a) We have to construct the circuit in Figure-1 for both netlist and schematic taking V1 to be of magnitude 100V and choosing a suitable frequency. b) We have to simulate it in PSPICE to perform a transient analysis over a suitably chosen interval of time c)We have to plot the wave shapes of currents through and voltages across the resistor R1 & inductorL1 and resistor R2 & capacitor C1 mentioning their phase relationship.


problem1.cir L1 R1 C1 R2 V1 .tran .probe .END 0 2 0 3 1 2 1 3 1 0 10uH 31.25 10uf 30 DC 0 AC 0 SIN 0 100v 1k 0 0 0

Plotting of current and voltage across R1 and L1:

so the current through R1 and L1 are in same phase but voltage across inductor L1 leads voltage across R1.

#Problem 2: Given circuit diagram:


a) A circuit with two mutually coupled inductors is shown in fig 2. We have to write down the netlist of the above circuit when the input voltage is 120v peak with a suitable frequency (say 60Hz,90Hz etc). Then we have to calculate the magnitude and phase of the output current. The coefficient of coupling for the transformer is 0.999. b)We have to plot the voltage wave shapes at point 2 and 4. c)Finally we have to perform the above problem by changing the position of the DOT on the Secondary inductor ANS: a.Netlist: problem2.cir K1 R1 L1 V1 R3 V2 R2 L2 .tran L1 1 2 1 7 7 4 0 L2 2 0 0 6 0 6 4 -.999 .5 .5H DC 150 0V .5 0.5m 0 AC 0 SIN 0 120 60 0 0 0

.probe .END

a)Plotting of output current:

So the magnitude of the output current is 24.946mA and phase is 0 degree.(ans.)

b)Plotting of voltage wave shapes at point 2 and 4:

c)Netlist when position of dot changed in the secondary indicator:

problem2.cir K1 R1 L1 V1 R3 V2 R2 L2 .tran .probe .END L1 1 2 1 7 7 4 4 L2 2 0 0 6 0 6 0 -.999 .5 .5H DC 150 0V .5 .5mh 0 AC 0 SIN 0 120 60 0 0 0

Plotting of output current:

Plotting of voltage wave shapes at point 2 and 4:

1.When we change position pf dot in the secondary inductor,a phase change takes place in output voltage and current.

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