How To Use BOL Tree

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SAP IS-U/CRM Integration BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

How to use the generic Tree

12. January 2009

BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

Table of content:
1 Summary .........................................................................................................................3 2 Customizing ....................................................................................................................3
2.1 Define a tree profile ...............................................................................................................................3 2.1.1 Profiles ...............................................................................................................................................3 2.1.2 Define Columns ..................................................................................................................................3 2.1.3 Hierarchy ............................................................................................................................................4 2.1.4 One Click Actions (OCAs) ...................................................................................................................6 2.2 Define Node Presentation .....................................................................................................................7 2.2.1 Define Columns ..................................................................................................................................7

3 Implementation Tasks....................................................................................................8
3.1 Manditory Steps ....................................................................................................................................8 3.2 Tree properties ......................................................................................................................................9 3.3 Tree Event Handling............................................................................................................................12

4 Other considerations ...................................................................................................13 5 Conclusion....................................................................................................................13


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

1 Summary
This document describes how to reuse the generic BOL-tree component IUBOTREE. At the beginning, the required customizing steps are described followed by the descrition how to integrate the tree into a parent component. The tree can be used in UIU and in IC WebClient scenarios.

2 Customizing
Start View Cluster CRM_IU_IC_BOLTREE in transaction SM34 or go to Customizing for the CRM system under Customer Relationship Management Industry-Specific Solutions Telecommunications Master Data Object Management Settings for Object Workbench Define Object Hierarchy and Object Attributes.

2.1 Define a tree profile

2.1.1 Profiles
For the definition of tree profiles the following data are required:

Profile Name: the technical name/key of this tree profile Description: not relevant for the runtime UI Description of the profile GenIL Component Set: this component set is loaded during runtime, the components of BOL objects that are defined in the hierarchy should be part of this set Rows per Page: when the number mentioned in this field is reached, google-like paging links appear, if nothing is defined 16 is taken as default Visible Rows in Scroll Area: o o default entry 0 means that there is no maximum height defined-> the tree will grow until rows per page is reached -> no vertical scrollbar will appear; an entry >0 defines the number of rows which will be visible -> the rest of the lines can be reached via the scroll bar)

2.1.2 Define Columns

For the definition of the BOL tree colums the following data are required:


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

Column ID: you can define up to 20 columns, the column ID is also used as sorting key Title: this text appears as the title of the column Width in %: The visible columns shouldnt exceed 100%, if nothing is defined the system will calculate the width proportionally Hidden: o If Hidden is marked the column will not appear during runtime, predefined hidden columns can be defined by SAP and customers just have to activate them, or customers can hide normally visible columns. This flag allows to reuse Node Presentations in multiple tree profiles. E.g. there are two different tree profiles and in both one specific object is defined in the hierarchy. The Node Presentation of this object is the same except that in one profile one column is not needed. This column can be defined as hidden in the corresponding tree profile .This means that only one Node Presentation can be used.

2.1.3 Hierarchy
For the definition of the hierarchy of the BOL Tree the following data are required: Node ID: the node key in the hierarchy Parent Node ID: An existing Node ID in the hierarchy can be defined as parent, if no parent is defined means this node is a root node. Multiple different root nodes can be defined. The Parent Object Name should display the External Object Name of the corresponding parent node. Path for Target Nodes: a BOL relation path can be defined for non-root nodes as the relation between the parent node and the child node. (Alternatively, this relation can be defined via coding in the node class, see Change Relation flag) External Object Name: the BOL object type of this node, this BOL type is also the target object type of the defined relation in Path for Target Nodes Sequence No: On the same level multiple nodes can be defined (multiple nodes have the same parent); this field defines the sequence of this nodes on one level. Presentation ID: this field defines the Node Presentation for this node. A Node Presentation defines each cell content of a node line. See Define Node Presentation Hidden: This node is hidden, it is only used as a logical node, e.g to display the children directly beneath the grandparent. For a hidden node, it is not necessary to define a Presentation ID. Node is Folder: This node has a folder icon and it inherits the BOL object type from its parent. It is used to define e.g. semantic or systematic arranging of objects. Is Recursive: Used to define a recursive hierarchy (of the same object type). E.g. Item -> SubItem >SubItem Define user exit class (node class):


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

Class Name: define an ABAP Objects class name which implements the interface IF_IU_IC_BOL_TREE. Because of possible future enhancements it is recommended to use CL_IU_IC_BOL_TREE as the superclass! Change relation: Instead of using the Path for Target Nodes the tree will call the IF_IU_IC_BOL_TREE~GET_CHILDREN method of the defined class to fill this node with objects Change Presentation: Normally, the content of a tree cell is defined in the Node Presentation (Presentation ID). This can be redefined in the IF_IU_IC_BOL_TREE~GET_ATTRIBUTE method. Within the method the cell content/value can be filled dynamically. Rerender Cell: Normally a cell content is rendered as text, icon, inputfield or link depending on the definition of the Node Presentation. If this flag is marked the method IF_IU_IC_BOL_TREE~RENDER_CELL will be called. Within this method the cell content can be rendered differently, e.g. in the form of a combination of multiple UI elements (multiple icons, icons + text, inputfield + icon, inputfield + text etc.)

Define initial expanding behaviour: o Maximal Sibling Nodes: If there are more siblings than defined in this field, this node will not be expanded The entry 0 means no maximum is defined and this node will be expanded, 888 means the node stays collapsed. Maximal Child Nodes: If there are more children than defined in this field this node will not be expanded. The entry 0 means no maximum is defined and this node will be expanded. 888 means the node stays collapsed.

Hierarchy Overview


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

Hierarchy Node Details

2.1.4 One Click Actions (OCAs)

OCAs need a customizing and an implementation part. Description of the customizing settings: One Click Action ID: Key of the OCA, An event handler method of the parent UI Component is called when an OCA is selected, this key is passed to differentiate between the OCAs (see Implementation Tasks). Alternative Column ID: If nothing is defined in this field the OCA is rendered in the column with the Column ID 1. Otherwise, it is displayed in the column with the ID defined in this field. If another content cell is already defined, the OCA appear before the other cell content. Sequence: defines the Sequence of the OCAs Icon Name: You can either define a CRM icon (file name, e.g. delete.gif) or a SAP icon name (Transaction ICON, e.g ICON_LOCKED) as icon. Either Icon Name or Text or both should be defined. One Click Action Text: optionally a text can be defined, it will appear as a link. Either Icon Name or Text or both should be defined. One Click Action Tooltip: tooltip for the OCA icon and text


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

2.2 Define Node Presentation

For the definition of the node presentation the following data are required: Presentation ID: The key of one node presentation You can assign this ID to a node in the hierarchy definition (see Define a tree profile Presentation ID). It can be assigned to multiple nodes and multiple tree hierarchies. Presentation Text: Just a description, not relevant for the UI External Object Name: The BOL object type for this node presentation The same object type that is defined in the corresponding hierarchy node Hierarchy

2.2.1 Define Columns

Like in the tree profile definition, multiple columns (up to 20) can be defined, too. One entry in this table defines the content of one tree cell:

Define Columns Detail Column ID: The column ID is the key of this column. The content defined here will be displayed in the column with the same Column ID which is defined in the tree profile (see Define a tree profile Define Columns). Icon: Optionally you can define an icon. It will appear before the content. You can either define a CRM icon (file name, e.g. delete.gif) or a SAP icon name (Transaction ICON, e.g ICON_LOCKED) as icon. This icon is not an OCA. It is recommended to use either icons or OCAs in one tree profile. Value Path A: o o A BOL value path starting from the BOL object type defined in External Object Name can be defined as value path. The syntax for the path is the following: //<BOL_Atribute_Name> or //<BOL_Relation_Name1>/<BOL_Relation_Name2>/.../<BOL_Atribute_Name>. The value of the attribute with the name BOL_Atrribute_Name will be displayed in the cell. The relations in the path can be used optionally to display attributes of objects which are defined beneath the current object in the GenIL model. E.g. the current object is a Business Partner and we want to display the street of the bill address in the same tree row, but in the model the address is an own object beneath the BP. The path would be: //BillAdressRelation/STREET


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

It is also possible to define translatable OTR texts as the content of the cell. The syntax for the OTR path is: OTR/<otr_alias_name>. E.g. OTR/CRM_IC_APPL/PARTNER. The OTR texts can be found or created in the transaction SOTR_EDIT

Value path B, C: You can define up to 3 values in the paths A, B and C which will be concatenated and separated by a blank and diplayed in the cell Editable: Defines whether this cell can be edited. If the Edit Mode (see Implementation Tasks) is active and the flag is marked the value defined in Edit Value Path is rendered as an input field. The value paths A, B and C are not used in edit mode. Edit Value Path: The value path for the edit mode. (see Value Path A for syntax, dont use OTR texts here) Is Link: Defines whether the value should be rendered as a link within this cell. Link Event ID: An event handler method of the parent UI Component is called when this link is clicked, this ID is passed to differentiate between the links. (see Implementation Tasks)

Define Columns Overview

3 Implementation Tasks
This chapter describes the needed implementation tasks to use the generic tree component IUBOTREE.

3.1 Manditory Steps

First of all define in the parent component a usage of the IUBOTREE component:

The next step is to set the tree profile which should be used in the tree component. This can be done e.g in the method WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE of the parent component controller class:


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

data: lr_profile type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access, lr_node type ref to cl_bsp_wd_context_node. lr_node = iv_usage->get_context_node( 'PROFILE' ). if lr_node is bound. lr_profile = lr_node->collection_wrapper->get_current( ). if lr_profile is bound. lr_profile->set_property( iv_attr_name = 'PROF_ID' iv_value = 'IPM_VITALI' ). endif. endif. Then depending on what object type(s) is defined as root object in the treeprofile the ROOTOBJECTS node should be filled with root objects. This can be done via bounding a node of the parent component to the ROOTOBJECTS node or via filling the ROOTOBJECTS node-collection with objects manually. If the tree is not used as an assignement block (in an overview page), one of the inbound plugs beginning with DEFAULT* has to be triggered or the tree property INITIAL_SELECT has to be set (see tree properties). The last mandatory step is to handle the outbound plugs of the generic tree component (NODE_CLICKED and NODE_SELECTED). Therefore, you have to create navigational links or delegate them to outbound plugs of the parent component. After these mandatory steps the tree will behave as follows (this behaviour can be influenced by further optional steps): the tree type is Table Tree (non-navigable; technical COLUMN). See UI Guidelines for SAP CRM Chapter 10 (There are two types of hierarchies, the second type is Hierarchy Map -> navigatable) there are no toolbar buttons If the tree is an assignment block, it can be personalized, otherwise not the tree can not be scrolled tree rows are filled up until the number Rows per Page is reached the tree is by default in edit mode -> cells defined as edit cells will be editable when object is locked no row will be initially selected the tree is in SINGLESELECT mode, deselection is not possible

3.2 Tree properties

The behaviour of the tree the can be influenced by setting the tree properties in the parent component. This can be done in the same way as setting the tree profile in the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE (see above): data: lr_profile type ref to if_bol_bo_property_access, lr_node type ref to cl_bsp_wd_context_node, ls_tree_props type crm_isutree_tree_properties. lr_node = iv_usage->get_context_node( PROFILE ). if lr_node is bound. lr_profile = lr_node->collection_wrapper->get_current( ). if lr_profile is bound. *setting the profile lr_profile->set_property( iv_attr_name = PROF_ID iv_value = IPM_VITALI ). *setting the mode lr_profile->set_property( iv_attr_name = MODE iv_value = E ). *setting the tree properties ls_tree_props-type = COLUMN.


BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

ls_tree_props-toolbar_foreign_use = TRUE. ls_tree_props-maxbuttonnumber = 8. ls_tree_props-fill_up_empty_rows = FALSE. ls_tree_props-personalizable = FALSE. ls_tree_props-display_mode = X. ls_tree_props-initial_select = if_crm_iu_bol_tree_evt_service=>co_mode_select_first. ls_tree_props-expand_collapse_all = abap_true. ls_tree_props-find = abap_true. ls_tree_props-allow_unselect = abap_true. ls_tree_props-multiselect = abap_true. lr_profile->set_property( iv_attr_name = TREEPROPERTIES iv_value = ls_tree_props ). endif. endif. MODE: the value E lets appearing the environment toolbar buttons over the tree. These buttons are: o o o o o o (from right to left:) Refresh: The tree is rebuilt (e.g. the agent assumes that some other objects could appear in the tree). Display Superior Object: This button is active if a row is selected, it selects (sets the focus to) the superior row. Display Lower-Level Object: selects the lower row. Restrict Environment to Focus Object: Only active if a row is selected, the slected row becomes the root object (zoom to the selected row). Extend Evironment: only active if the zoom-button was clicked before(Restrict Environment to Focus Object), it re-zooms, the root object becomes a child again. Display Entire Environment: only active if the zoom-button was clicked before (maybe several times), it re-zooms to the top root object which is defined in the tree profile (it executes several Extend Environment steps).

tree property TYPE: o o o possible values: SIMPLE, COLUMN default value: COLUMN There are two types of hierarchies : See UI Guidelines for SAP CRM Chapter 10

tree property TOOLBAR_FOREIGN_USE o o o possible values: TRUE, FALSE default value: FALSE If the the toolbar should be displayed within an assignment block header, set this property to TRUE: tree property MAXBUTTONNUMBER o o o possible values: integer numbers default value: 8 A more button appears if there are more buttons available the defined in this property.

tree property FILL_UP_EMPTY_ROWS o possible values: TRUE, FALSE



BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

o o

default value: TRUE if TRUE -> tree rows are filled up with empty rows util the number Rows per Page(Customizing) is reached

tree property PERSONALIZABLE o o o possible values: TRUE, FALSE default value:FALSE If TRUE-> personalizable icon appears

tree property DISPLAY MODE o o possible values: '' = edit mode; X = display mode default value:

tree property INITIAL_SELECT o o possible values: F=first; R=virtual root; S=current; N = = no selection default value:

tree property EXPAND_COLLAPSE_ALL o o o o possible values: '' = no buttons visible; X = buttons visible default value: if TRUE: Expand All and Colapse All buttons appears in the toolbar: if no line is selected, everything is expanded/collapsed, if lines is are selected, only the are expanded/collapsed

tree property FIND o o o o possible values: '' = no buttons visible; X = Position/Next Hit butt. visible default value: if TRUE: Position/Next Hit buttons appears: With Position you can search for a string/pattern within the tree, the first found row will be selected. With Next Hit the next found row will be selected.

tree property SCROLLROWCOUNT o o possible values: integer numbers or initial default value: initial



BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

the maximal visible rows are defined here, if more rows are there a vertical scroll bar appears:

tree property MULTISELECT o o possible values: '' = SINGLESELECT; X = MULTISELECT default value:

tree property ALLOW_UNSELECT o o possible values: " = unselect a line not possible; X = unselect possible default value:

3.3 Tree Event Handling

Since CRM 2007 it is possible to define 3 types of events in the tree: Link Events (in each cell) One Click Action Events (OCA Events) Toolbar Button Events

To define a link event see 2.2.1 (cell attribute Is Link is marked and Link ID is defined) To define a OCA event see 2.1.4 (OCA with OCA-ID is defined) Toolbar buttons can not be defined via customizing, but via implementation (see below in this chapter)

To handle the events in the parent component the tree provides an event service. This event_service is a public component node of the tree component. The event_service node implements the interface if_crm_iu_bol_tree_evt_service. To get an instance of the service the public static method cl_iubotree_bspwdcomponen_cn08=>get_event_service( ir_parent_component = <parent component instance> iv_tree_usage_name = <tree usage name> )should be used. This can be done e.g. in the WD_USAGE_INITIALIZE of the parent component. Additionaly, to the event service you need to implement one or more event handler. An event handler has to implement the interface IF_CRM_IU_BOL_TREE_EVT_HANDLER. E.g. the parent component itself could be the event handler. So, if you have the service and an event handler you can register(subscribe) the handler to all events or only to an event type or even only to a specific event: data tree_event_service type ref to if_crm_iu_bol_tree_evt_service. tree_event_service = cl_iubotree_bspwdcomponen_cn08=>get_event_service( ir_paren t_component = me iv_tree_usage_name = iv_usage->usage_name ). if tree_event_service is bound. * subcsibe to all events: tree_event_service>subscribe( event_handler = me event_type = space event_id = space ).



BOL Tree (Generic Tree)

* subcsibe to specific event type: tree_event_service>subscribe( event_handler = me event_type = 'LINK' event_id = space ). * subcsibe to specific event: tree_event_service>subscribe( event_handler = me event_type = 'LINK' event_id = '<LINK_ID>' ). endif.

Now whenever an event is triggered (link, OCA or button is clicked) the method IF_CRM_IU_BOL_TREE_EVT_HANDLER~HANDLE_EVENT of your subscribed handler is called. The method IF_CRM_IU_BOL_TREE_EVT_HANDLER~IS_EVENT_ACTIVE is called for links and for OCAs before they are displayed, so you can control whether the actions/ links which are defined in customizing should be active. In the method IF_CRM_IU_BOL_TREE_EVT_HANDLER~ADJUST_TOOLBAR_ACTIONS it is possible to adjust the toolbar buttons. It is possible to adjust (remove, sort, deactivate) the tree own buttons (like position, next, expand all, collapse all, see 3.2 Tree properties) and its possible to define your own buttons: method if_crm_iu_bol_tree_evt_handler~adjust_toolbar_actions. data: ls_button type crmt_thtmlb_button. ls_button-id = 'BUTTON_1'. ls_button-text = 'Button 1'. ls_button-tooltip = 'Click Button 1'. ls_button-on_click = 'BUTTON_1'. ls_button-on_client_click = ''. ls_button-enabled = abap_true. append ls_button to ct_toolbar_actions.


4 Other considerations 5 Conclusion



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