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Headquarters: 11821 Woodhull Rd Forestport NY 13438 Kimberly Artessa Donations Coordinator 315-533-1184 or 315-240-7321

The Kylie Ann Turczyn Memorial Benefit
Kylie Turczyn was 23 years old when her life was violently taken from her on June 22, 2012. A victim of domestic violence, Kylie did what she was supposed to do. She left. Seven months later, her estranged boyfriend stalked and harassed her. To keep herself and her daughter safe, she moved in with her parents in their Deerfield NY home. On June 22, she was violently murdered in front of the estranged couples fouryear-old child, Gabriella before her attacker turned the gun on himself and took his own life. Four-year-old Gabby was left to be raised by her maternal grandparents. A memorial benefit is being planned on October 7 from Noon through 6:00pm at Daniels Banquet Specialist in New Hartford NY with all proceeds to be placed in a college trust fund for Kylies daughter, Gabby The benefit planning team is asking local business for your help in donations to be raffled off for prizes. Some of the items we are requesting are: BBQ Grill / Summer items / Adirondack Chairs Television / DVD Players / Electronics Tools / Tool Kits / Power Tools / Accessories Services / Event Tickets / Limo Services /Hotel Packages Gift Certificates / Pre-loaded gift cards of any denominations Appliances / Camping supplies / Patio Furniture /Household Furniture/Accessories Gift Baskets Monetary Contributions (Checks Preferred)

Please call me at 315-240-7321 to discuss the possibility of arrangement for donations. You can also email me at I thank you in advance for your time and consideration. Kimberly Artessa Donations Coordinator

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