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2012 0768031028

Respocity Collectives Fund Application for Membership

Please complete and return this form to the school office

Name: Address: Phone Email New Membership Renewal Membership

Home: Work: Yes / No (circle one) Yes / No (circle one)


I agree to be bound by the constitution of the rcfund and by all valid resolutions passed by the Association. I agree to work within the boundaries of the Association Act 2012. I agree to be bound by Association Code of Conduct which includes the following: Personal Privacy Information obtained as a rcfund Association representative MUST be considered confidential and treated accordingly. Courtesy, respect, dignity and fairness will be observed at all times. Discrimination against any person will not be tolerated. (Reference: Anti-Discrimination Act 1991) Signature: Date: / / RCFUNDS USE ONLY Date received: Date accepted: Secretarys signature: Please indicate how you would like to become involved in the Respocity Collectives Society. (You are welcome to tick more than one box) Take an Executive Role Help with Fundraising Lead a Committee Join a society Network Rcfund Association Publicity Working Bees Book Club etc Banking

Join a Committee eg. Financial, Programs and Working Committee, (Please Specify)

Organise a Fundraiser eg. Raffle, Educational or Business Books, etc (Please Specify)

I am happy to have my contact details passed on to relevant committee members. I would like to receive current rcfund Assoc. information including Meeting Minutes by email. Phone etc.

Respocity Collectives Society

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