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How many digits of the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code) identify the country? A. first three B.

first four C. first five D. first six E. None of the above A station in a network forwards incoming packets by placing them on its shortest output queue. What routing algorithm is being used? A. hot potato routing B. flooding C. static routing D. delta routing E. None of the above The probability that a single bit will be in error on a typical public telephone line using 4800 bps modem is 10 to the power 3. If no error detection mechanism is used, the residual error rate for a communication line using 9-bit frames is approximately equal to A. 0.003 B. 0.009 C. 0.991 D. 0.999 E. None of the above Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device A. Router C. Repeater B. Bridge D. Modem

Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time? A. Contention B. Collision C. Synchronous D.Asynchronous E. None of the above

. You have a class A network address with 40 subnets, but are required to add 60 new subnets very soon. You would like to still allow for the largest possible number of host IDs per subnet. Which subnet mask should you assign? A. C. E. B. D.

What are the most commonly used transmission speeds in BPS used in data communication? A. 300 B. 1200 C. 2400 D.9600 E. None of the above

What is the default subnet mask for a class C network? A. B. C. D. E. None of the above Which of the following is used for modulation and demodulation? A. modem B. protocols C. gateway D. multiplexer E. None of the above Which of the following is not a disadvantage of wireless LAN? A. Slower data transmission B. higher error rate C. interference of transmissions from different computers D.All of the above

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) A. allows gateways to send error a control messages to other gateways or hosts provides communication between the Internet Protocol Software on one machine and the Internet Protocol Software on B. another reports error conditions to the original source, the source must relate errors to individual application programs and take C. action to correct the problem D. All of the above E. None of the above Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resources between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choose the most correct answer. A. Modem C. Hub B. Cable D. Router

The term 'duplex' refers to the ability of the data receiving stations to echo back a confirming message to the sender. In full duplex data transmission, both the sender and the receiver A. cannot talk at once B. can receive and send data simultaneously C. can send or receive data one at a time D. can do one way data transmission only E. None of the above How many hosts are attached to each of the local area networks at your site? A. 128 B. 254 C. 256 D. 64 E. None of the above

Which of the following technique is used for fragment? A. a technique used in best-effort delivery systems to avoid endlessly looping packets a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it B. in the data portion of the low level frame one of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission C. across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size D. All of the above E. None of the above .

Contention is A. One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal C. the condition when two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the same time a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the D. network E. None of the above Avalanche photodiode receivers can detect hits of transmitted data by receiving A. 100 photons B. 200 photons C. 300 photons D. 400 photons E. None of the above Satellite-Switched Time-Division Multiple Access (SS/TDMA) is A. the method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time. B. a medium access control technique for multiple access transmission media C. a form of TDMA in which circuit switching is used to dynamically change the channel assignments D. All of the above E. None of the above When you ping the loopback address, a packet is sent where? A. On the network B. Down through the layers of the IP architecture and then up the layers again C. Across the wire D. through the loopback dongle E. None of the above Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another? A. FTP B. SNMP C. SMTP D.RPC E. None of the above

. Which of the following device is used to connect two systems, especially if the systems use different protocols?

A. hub B. bridge C. gateway D. repeater E. None of the above The synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because A. they produce large volume of data B. they contain clock recovery circuits C. they transmit the data with stop and start bits. D. they operate with a larger bandwidth E. None of the above A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is A. B. C. D. E. bus network star network ring network Point-to-point network None of the above

Which of the following TCP/IP protocol allows an application program on one machine to send a datagram to an application program on another machine? A. UDP B. VMTP C. X.25 D. SMTP E. None of the above A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer would require a: A. telegraph line B. simplex lines C. mixedband channel D. All the above E. None of the above ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is A. a TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high level IP Address to a low-level physical hardware address B. a TCP/IP high level protocol for transferring files from one machine to another C. a protocol used to monitor computers D. a protocol that handles error and control messages E. None of the above

If you get both local and remote echoes, every character you type will appear on the screen A. once B. twice C. three times

D. never E. None of the above

What part of is the Network ID, assuming a default subnet mask? A. 192 B. 192.168.10 C. D. 51 E. None of the above

The slowest transmission speeds are those of A. twisted-pair wire B. coaxial cable C. fiber-optic cable D. microwaves

A noiseless 3 KHz Channel transmits bits with binary level signals. What is the maximum data rate? A. 3 Kbps B. 6 Kbps C. 12 Kbps D. 24 Kbps.

Carrier is A. One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal C. the condition when two or more sections attempt to use the same channel at the same time D. a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

E. None of the above

What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration problems? A. WINS Server

B. WINS Proxy C. DHCP Server D. PDC E. None of the above

In CRC there is no error if the remainder at the receiver is _____. A. equal to the remainder at the sender B. zero C. nonzero D. the quotient at the sender

Which of the following statements is correct for the use of packet switching? A. the subdivision of information into individually addressed packets in conjunction with alternative routing arrangement enabled the transmission path to be altered in the event of congestion or individual link failure the employment of additional intelligence within the network enabled more sophisticated error control and link control procedures to be applied by employing wide bandwidth circuits for the trunk networks substantial economies through extensive sharing of capacity could be achieved.



D. All of the above E. None of the above

A front-end processor is A. a user computer system B. a processor in a large-scale computer that executes operating system instructions C. a minicomputer that relieves main-frame computers at a computer centre of communications control functions D. preliminary processor of batch jobs. E. None of the above

What is the port number for NNTP? A.119 C. 79 B. 80 D.70

Eight stations are competing for the use of a shared channel using the 'Adaptive tree Walk Protocol'. If the stations 7 and 8 are suddenly become ready at once, how many bit slots are needed to resolve the contention? A. 7 slots B. 5 slots C. 10 slots D. 14 slots

Usually, it takes 10-bits to represent one character. How many characters can be transmitted at a speed of 1200 BPS? A. 10 B. 12 C. 120 D. 1200 E. None of the above

To connect a computer with a device in the same room, you might be likely to use A. a coaxial cable B. a dedicated line C. a ground station D. All of the above E. None of the above

Internet-like networks within an enterprise. A. Intranets B. Switching alternating C. Inter organizational networks D. Extranets

How many bits internet address is assigned to each host on a TCP/IP internet which is used in all communications with the host? A. 16 - bits B. 32 - bits

C. 48 - bits D. 64 - bits E. None of the above

With an IP address of 100, you currently have 80 subnets. What subnet mask should you use to maximize the number of available hosts? A. 192 C. 240 E. 252 B. 224 D. 248

Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly? A. wideband channel B. voiceband channel C. narrowband channel D. broadband channel E. None of the above

Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers? A. communications software B. protocol C. communications hardware D. access to transmission medium E. All of the above

Which of the following does not allow multiple users or devices to share one communications line? A. doubleplexer B. multipplexer C. concentrator D. controller E. None of the above

The geostationary satellite used for communication systems

A. rotates with the earth B. remains stationary relative to the earth C. is positioned over equator D. All of the above E. None of the above

Telecommunication networks frequently interconnect an organization with its customers and suppliers. Select the best fit for answer: A. Bandwidth alternatives B. Switching alternating C. Inter organizational networks D. Extranets

The packets switching concept was first proposed A. in the late 1980s for the Defense Ministry of US. B. in the early 1960s for military communication systems, mainly to handle speech C. in the late 1950s for Defense Ministry of US D. All of the above E. None of the above

The _____ houses the switches in token ring. A. Transceiver B. nine-pin connector C. MAU D. NIC E. None of the above

What device separates a single network into two segments but lets the two segments appear as one to higher protocols? A. Switch C. Gateway B. Bridge D. Router

Which of the following refers to the terms "residual error rate"?

A. the number of bit errors per twenty four hours of continuous operation on an asynchronous line B. The probability that one or more errors will be undetected when an error detection scheme is used C. the probability that one or more errors will be detected when an error detection mechanism is used D. signal to noise ratio divided by the ratio of energy per bit to noise per hertz E. None of the above

Which of the following summation operations is performed on the bits to check an error-detecting code? A. Codec C. Checksum B. Coder-decoder D. Attenuation

The research and development department at your office has been experimenting with different technologies to help improve the performance of the network. One group has been examining the use of a broadband network versus a based band network. Select the correct statement about broadband and baseband. A. Broadband networks carry several channels on a single cable, whereas in a baseband network several cables carry one channel Baseband networks carry a single channel on a single cable, whereas broadband networks carry several channels on a single cable


C. Baseband refers to local area networks, and broadband refers to wide area networks. D. Baseband operates at a standard bit rate, whereas broadband may operate at different rates as needed E. Broadband and baseband refer to the different frequencies at which infrared operates then transmitting signals in certain conditions

An error-detecting code inserted as a field in a block of data to be transmitted is known as A. Frame check sequence B. Error detecting code C. Checksum D. flow control E. None of the above

The cheapest modems can transmit A. 300 bits per second B. 1,200 bits per second C. 2,400 bits per second D. 4,800 bits per second E. None of the above

Computers cannot communicate with each other directly over telephone lines because they use digital pulses whereas telephone lines use analog sound frequencies. What is the name of the device which permits digital to analog conversion at the start of a long distance transmission? A. Interface B. Modem C. Attenuation D. Teleprocessor E. None of the above

What is the usual number of bits transmitted simultaneously in parallel data transmission used by microcomputers? A. 16 B. 9 C. 8 D. 4 E. None of the above

The receive equalizer reduces delay distortions using a A. tapped delay lines B. Gearshift

C. Descrambler D. difference engine E. None of the above

Four routers have to be interconnected in a point-to-point Network. Each pair of root us may connected by a high-speed line, a medium speed line or a low speed line. Find the total number of topologies. A. 12 C. 48 B. 81 D. 729

A network consists of eight NT servers. You are planning to move servers to different segments of your network, what utility should be used at each server to determine which server generates the most traffic? A. NBTSTAT B. NETSTAT.EXE C. Performance Monitor D. Network Monitor E. ARP.EXE

What is the name of the software package that allows people to send electronic mail along a network of computers and workstations? A. Memory resident package B. Project management package C. Data communication package D. Electronic mail package E.

The communication mode that supports two-way traffic but only one direction at a time is A. Simplex B. Duplex C. half duplex D. Multiplex

HMP (Host Monitoring Protocol) is: A. a TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high level IP Address to a low-level physical hardware address

B. a TCP/IP high level protocol for transferring files from one machine to another. C. a protocol used to monitor computers D. a protocol that handles error and control messages

Which of the following is a voiceband channel? A. Telephone line B. Telegraph line C. Coaxial cable D. Microwave systems

A 8-Mbps token ring has a token holding timer value of 10 msec. What is the longest frame (assume header bits are negligible) that can be sent on this ring? A. 8000 B frame B. 80,000 B frame C. 8 x 10 bit frame D. 10,000 B frame

Data are sent over pin _____ of the EIA-232 interface. A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. All of the above

To connect a computer with a device in the same room, you might be likely to use A. a coaxial cable B. a dedicated line C. a ground station D. All of the above

Demodulation is a process of A. converting analog to digital signals B. converting digital to analog signals

C. multiplexing various signals into one high speed line signals D. performing data description.

Internet-like networks between a company and its business partners. Select the best fit for answer: A. Bandwidth alternatives B. Switching alternating C. Inter organizational networks D. Extranets

An example of an analog communication method is A. laser beam B. Microwave C. voice grade telephone line D. All of the above

Which of the following layer protocols are responsible for user and the application programme support such as passwords, resource sharing, file transfer and network management? A. Layer 7 protocols B. Layer 6 protocols C. Layer 5 protocols D. Layer 4 protocols

What frequency range is used for FM radio transmission? A. Very Low Frequency : 3 kHz to 30. kHz B. Low Frequency : 30 kHz to 300 kHz C. High Frequency : 3 MHz to 30 MHz D. Very High Frequency : 30 MHz to 300 MHz

Transmission of computerised data from one location to another is called

A. data transfer B. data flow C. data communication D. data management

Compared to analog signals, digital signals A. allow faster transmission B. are more accurate C. both (a) and (b) D. All of the above

FDDI is a A. ring network B. star network C. mesh network D. bus based network

A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is called a A. bus network B. ring network C. star network D. All of the above

If delays are recorded as 10 bit numbers in a 50 router network, and delay vectors are exchanged twice a second, how much bandwidth per fill duplex line is occupied by the distributed routing algorithm? A. 500 bps B. 1500 bps C. 5 bps D. 1000 bps

HOSTS file entries are limited to how many characters? A. 8 B. 255 C. 500 D. Unlimited

Demodulation is the process of A. converting digital signals to analog signals B. converting analog signals to digital signals C. combining many low speed channels into one high speed channel D. dividing the high-speed signals into frequency bands

Which of the following statement is incorrect? A. The Addresses Resolution Protocol, ARP, allows a host to find the physical address of a target host on the same physical network, given only the target IP address. The sender's IP - to- physical address binding is included in every ARP broadcast; receivers update the IP-to-Physical address binding information in their cache before processing an ARP packet. ARP is a low-level protocol that hides the underlying network physical addressing, permitting us to assign IP-addresses of our choice to every machine.



D. All of the above

You are working with a network that has the network ID What subnet should you use that supports up to 25 hosts and a maximum number of subnets? A. C. B. D.

Which of the following best illustrates the default subnet mask for a class A,B, and C Network? A.,, B.,, C.,, D.,,

Devices interconnected by the LAN should include A. Computers and terminals B. mass storage device, printers and plotters C. bridges and gateways D. All of the above

What are the data transmission channels available for carrying data from one location to another? A. Narrowband B. Voiceband C. Broadband D. All of the above

On a class B network, how many hosts are available at each site with a subnet mask of 248? A.16,382 C. 4,094 B. 8,190 D.2,046

Which of the following technique is used for encapsulation? A. a technique used in best-effort delivery systems to avoid endlessly looping packets. B. a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level frame. One of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size


D. All of the above

You are working with three networks that have the network IDs,, and What subnet mask can you use to combine these addresses into one? A. B.



With an IP address set starting with 150, you currently have six offices that you are treating as subnets. Plans are in place to open 10 more offices before the end of the year. What subnet mask should you use to satisfy the needed number of subnets and maximize the number of hosts available at each site? A. 192 C. 240 B. 224 D. 248

A machine that connects to two or more electronic mail systems and transfers mail messages among them is known as A. Gateways B. mail gateway C. Bridges D. User Agent

If digital data rate of 9600 bps is encoded using 8-level phase shift keying (PSK) method, the modulation rate is A. 1200 bands B. 3200 bands C. 4800 bands D. 9600 bands

Error detection at a data link level is achieved by A. bit stuffing B. cyclic redundancy codes C. Hamming codes D. Equalization

When the computer provides the manager with a multiple choice of possible answers, the prompting technique is A. question and answer B. form filling C. open-ended question D. menu selection

Which network topology is considered passive?

A. Cross C. Star

B. Ring D. Bus

If a firm wanted to transmit data from 1,000 punched cards to a remote computer, they would use a(n) A. POS terminal B. data collection terminal C. batch processing terminal D. intelligent terminal

Which address is the loopback address? A. B. C. D.

Error rate is A. an error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed on the bits to be checked. B. a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of all the binary digits. a code in which each expression conforms to specific rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an C. expression, the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and thus the presence of the errors is detected. D. the ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units

Intranets and extranets can use their network fire walls and other security features to establish secure Internet links within an enterprise or with its trading partners. Select the best fit for answer: A. Network Server B. Virtual Private Network C. Network operating system D. OSI

Which of the following technique is used for Time-To-Line (TTL)? A. a technique used in best-effort delivery system to avoid endlessly looping packets. B. a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level frame


One of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size.

D. All of the above

Communication network is A. one or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal C. the condition with two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the same time D. a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

Which of the following statement is incorrect? A. if a host moves from one network to another, its IP address must change B. routing uses the network portion of the IP address, the path taken by packets travelling to a host with multiple IP addresses depends on the address used. IP addresses encode both a network and a host on that network, they do not specify an individual machine, but a connection to a network.


D. All of the above

Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission? A. resistance to data theft B. fast data transmission rate C. low noise level D. few transmission errors E. All of the above

Bandlimited signal is A. transmission of signals without modulation B. a signal all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency range C. simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations D. All of the above

Computers in a LAN can be interconnected by radio and infrared technologies. A. Wireless LANs

B. Network Topologies C. Multiplexer D. Modem

You have a network ID of and you need to divide it into multiple subnets in which at least 600 host IDs for each subnet are available. You desire to have the largest amount of subnets available. Which subnet mask should you assign? A. C. B. D.

How many digits of the Network User Address are known as the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code)? A. first three B. first four C. first five D. first seven

Which of the following is the address of the router? A. The IP address B. The TCP address C. The subnet mask D. The default gateway

Thorough planning must take place when setting up an 802.3 network. A maximum number of segments can separate any two nodes on the network. What is the maximum number of segments allowed between two nodes? A. Five C. Four B. Two D. Six

A devices that links two homogeneous packet-broadcast local networks, is A. hub B. bridge C. repeater D. gateway

Identify the odd term amongst the following group: A. Coaxial cable B. Optical fibre C. Twisted pair wire D. Microwaves

Which of the following divides the high speed signal into frequency bands? A. t-switch B. modem C. frequency-division multiplexer D. time-division multiplexer

What is the first octet range for a class C IP address? A. 192 - 255 B. 192 - 223 C. 192 - 226 D. 128 191

Which utility is useful for finding the local host name? A. NBTSTAT B. Netstat C. PING D. Hostname

Which of the following conditions is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time? A. Contention C. Synchronous B. Collision D. Asynchronous

The slowest transmission speeds are those of A. twisted-pair wire B. coaxial cable C. fiber-optic cable

D. microwaves

Distributed Queue Dual Bus is a standard for A. LAN B. MAN C. WAN D. Wireless LAN. E. LAN and MAN

A teleprocessing system may consist of A. user systems B. communications systems C. computer center systems D. All of the above

If the ASCII character G is sent and the character D is received, what type of error is this? A. single-bit C. burst B. multiple-bit D. recoverable

Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user? A. Network B. Application C. Data-link D. Session

The transfer of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through A. modems B. computer ports C. interfaces D. buffer memory

What is the number of separate protocol layers at the serial interface gateway specified by the X.25 standard?

A. 4 B. 3 C. 6 D. 2

Many data communication networks have been established which provide a wealth of on-demand information services to people at home. What is the name of the system which provides an interactive, graphics-rich service that permits user to select what they want? A. Teletex system B. Fax system C. Videotex system D. Microwave system

Which of the following statements is correct? A. Terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler B. Receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler C. Transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler D. Control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

Which of the following characteristic(s) is/are suited to the PSS applications? A. bursty traffic and low communications intensity B. widely dispersed terminals and access to international packets switched services C. Multiple remote host or applications accessed by a single local access circuit terminal and circuit D. All of the above

Because the configuration infor-mation for a DHCP client is received dynamically, you must use which utility to read the current configuration to verify the settings? A. PING B. TRACERT C. ARP D. IPCONFIG

Which of the following is separated by a subnet mask?

A. DHCP scopes B. Network ID and host ID C. Domains D. Subnets

The signal to noise ratio for a voice grade line is 30.1 dB (decibels) or a power ratio of 1023:1. The maximum achievable data rate on this line whose spectrum ranges from 300 Hz to 4300 Hz is A. 6200 bps B. 9600 bps C. 34000 bps D. 31000 bps

TCP is: A. Operates at the Data Link layer B. Connection orientated and unreliable C. Connection orientated and reliable D. Connectionless and unreliable

Which of the following statements is correct? A. Protocol converters are the same as multiplexers B. Protocol converters are the same as TDMs C. Protocol converters are usually not operated in pairs. D. Protocol converters are usually operated in

The dialogue techniques for terminal use do not include A. questions and answers B. open-ended questions C. form fillings D. menu display

You have a network ID of and require at least 25 host IDs for each subnet, with the largest amount of subnets available. Which subnet mask should you assign? A. C. B. D.

The encoding method specified in the EIA-232 standard is _____. A. NRZ-I B. NRZ-L C. Manchester D. Differential Manchester

Examples are packet switching using frame relay, and cell switching using ATM technologies. Select the best fit for answer: A. Bandwidth alternatives B. Switching alternating C. Inter organizational networks D. Extranets

The physical layer, in reference to the OSI model, defines A. data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device C. the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service D. All of the above

A required characteristic of an online real-time system is: A. more than one CPU B. offline batch processing C. no delay in processing D. All of the above

How many class A, B, and C network IDs can exist? A. 2,113,658 B. 16,382

C. 126 D. 128

The transmission signal coding method of TI carrier is called A. Bipolar B. NRZ C. Manchester D. Binary

Which of the following statement is correct? A. Buffering is the process of temporarily storing the data to allow for small variation in device speeds B. Buffering is a method to reduce cross-talks C. Buffering is a method to reduce the routing overhead D. Buffering is storage of data within the transmitting medium until the receiver is ready to receive

You are working with a network that has the network ID and require nine subsets for your company and the maximum number of hosts. What subnet mask should you use? A. C. B. D.

Messages from one computer terminal can be sent to another by using data networks. The message to be sent is converted to an electronic digital signal, transmitted via a cable, telephone or satellite and then converted back again at the receiving end. What is this system of sending messages called? A. Paperless office B. Electronic mail C. Global network D. Electronic newspaper

HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) is A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time B. a method access control technique for multiple-access transmission media C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued by ISO. D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-switched network

You are working with a network that has the network ID What subnet should you use that supports four subnets and a maximum number of hosts? A. C. B. D.

Establishing a virtual connection is functionally equivalent to A. Connecting as virtual memory B. Physically connecting a DTE and DCE C. Placing a telephone call prior to a conversation D. Placing a modem prior to a conversation

The first step in troubleshooting many problems is to verify which of the following? A. The subnet mask is valid B. TCP/IP is installed correctly on the client C. The WINS server is running D. The BDC is operable

You are working with a network that is and would like to have the maximum number of hosts per subnet. This assumes support for eight subnets. What subnet mask should you use? A. C. B. D.

Which of the following files is used for NetBIOS name resolution? A. HOSTS B. LMHOSTS C. ARP D. FQDN

What protocol is used between E-Mail servers? A. FTP C. SNMP B. SMTP D. POP3

If you configure the TCP/IP address and other TCP/IP parameters manually, you can always verify the configuration through which of the following? Select the best answer.

A. Network Properties dialog box B. Server Services dialog box C. DHCPINFO command-line utility D. Advanced Properties tab of TCP/ IP Info.

In a PC to telephone hookup for long distance communication, modem is connected between the telephone line and A. PC B. synchronous port C. crossover cable D. asynchronous port

Which of the following communications service provides message preparation and transmission facilities? A. Teletex B. Teletext C. x400 D. Fax

Four bits are used for packet sequence numbering in a sliding window protocol used in a computer network. What is the maximum window size? A. 4 B. 8 C. 15 D. 16

Which of the following device copies electrical signals from one Ethernet to another? A. bridge B. repeater C. hub D. passive hub

Stephanie is in charge of a small network and wants to make it simple but secure. The users want to have full control over their data and still be able to share data with the rest of the office. The networking knowledge of the office staff is basic. Which network(s) would be the best for Stephanie to set up?

A. Peer-to-peer B. Master domain C. Server-based D. WAN

When UPC is used, the price of the item is located A. on the item B. on the item and on the shelf C. in computer storage D. on the shelf and in computer storage

Error control is needed at the transport layer because of potential errors occurring _____. A. from transmission line noise B. in routers C. from out-of-sequence delivery D. from packet losses.

The transport layer protocol is connectionless. A. NVT B. FTP C. TCP D. UDP

The fundamental requirements of private-to-public network interconnection methods which need to be provided in gateways is/are A. universal accessibility for private network Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) B. adequate cost control mechanisms for administration of the private networks C. to assign address to private network DTEs D. a and b both

Communication between computers is almost always

A. serial B. parallel C. series parallel D. direct

Which of the following is considered a broadband communications channel? A. coaxial cable B. fiber optic cable C. microwave circuits D. satellites systems

Data link layer retransmits the damaged frames in most networks. If the probability of a frame's being damaged is p, what is the mean number of transmissions required to send a frame if acknowledgements are never lost. A. P I (K + 1) B. KIK (1 + F) C. 1/ (1 - F) D. K I (K - P)

Which of the following characteristics is not true of NetBEUI? A. Highly-customizable B. Routable C. Little configuration required D. Fast for small networks to Self-tuning

You are trying to decide which type of network you will use at your office, and you want the type that will provide communication and avoid collisions on the cable. Which of the following is the best choice? A. Token-Ring C. Ethernet B. CSMA/CD D. CSMA/CA

Which of the following network access standard is used for connecting stations to a packet-switched network? A. X.3 B. X.21

C. X.25 D. X.75

Interconnected networks need communication processors such as switches, routers, hubs, and gateways. Select the best fit for answer: A. TCP/IP B. Protocol C. Open Systems D. Internetwork processor

A decrease in magnitude of current, voltage, a power of a signal in transmission between points, is known as A. Attenuation B. Amplitude C. Aloha D. Carrier

The term "remote job entry" relates to A. batch processing B. realtime processing C. transaction processing D. distributed processing

Data communications monitors available on the software market include A. ENVIRON/1 B. TOTAL C. BPL D. Telenet

Which of the following statement is correct?


A spin stabilized satellite used solar cells mounted on a cylinder body that continuously rotates so that 40 a time and it also uses gyroscopic action of a spinning satellite to maintain its orientation towards the earth and the sun.

B. A spin stabilized satellite uses solar panels whose cells are continually oriented toward the sun C. Satellite transponders use lower frequency reception of radiation from earth stations and higher frequency for transmission to earth stations.

D. satellite transponders use a single frequency for reception and transmission from one point on earth to another

What is the default subnet mask for a class A network? A. B. C. D.

When using the loopback address, if TCP/IP is installed correctly, when should you receive a response? A. Immediately B. Only if the address fails C. After the next host comes online D. Within two minutes

Which of the following statement is correct? A. Satellite transponders contain a receiver and transmitter designed to relay microwave transmissions from one point on earth to another.

B. Satellite transponders contain a device that echos the radiation without change from one point on earth to another. C. Satellite transponder contains devices that transform the message sent from one location on earth to a different code for transmission to another location. Satellite transponders use lower frequency reception of radiation from earth stations and higher frequency for transmission to earth stations


The modern enterprise is interconnected internally and externally by the Internet, intranets, and other networks. Select the best fit for answer: A. Internetworked enterprise B. Information super highway C. Business applications of telecommunications D. Client/Server networks

The data communication support should include, but is not restricted to A. file transfer and transaction processing B. file and database access C. terminal support, electronic mail and voice grams. D. All of the above

MAC is A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time B. a method access control technique or multiple-access transmission media C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued to ISO. D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-switched network

What is the name of the device that converts computer output into a form that can be transmitted over a telephone line? A. Teleport B. Modem C. Multiplexer D. Concentrator

You are working with a network that has the network ID, and you require 25 subnets for your company and an additional 30 for the company that will merge with you within a month. Each network will contain approximately 600 nodes. What subnet mask should you assign? A. C. B. D.255,255.248.0

Which application allows a user to access and change remote files without actual transfer? A. TELNET B. NFS C. FTP D. DNS

Parity bit is

A. an error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed on the bits to be checked. B. a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of all the binary digits. a code in which each expression conforms to specific rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an C. expression, the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and thus the presence of the errors in detected D. the ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units

Which of the following file retrieval methods use hypermedia? A. HTTP B. WAIS C. Veronica D. Archie

Which IP address class has few hosts per network? A. D B. C C. B D. A

Microprogramming is A. assembly language programming B. programming of minicomputers C. control unit programming D. macro programming of microcomputers . You are working with a network that has the network ID What subnet should you use that supports up to 12 hosts and a maximum number of subnets? A. B. C. 255.255.255. 240


Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. Multiplexers are designed to accept data from several I/O devices and transmit a unified stream of data on one communication line.

B. HDLC is a standard synchronous communication protocol. C. RTS/CTS is the way the DTE indicates that it is ready to transmit data and the way the DCE indicates that it is ready to accept data.

D. RTS/CTS is the way the terminal indicates ringing

If communication software can be called the "traffic cop" of a micro communication system, then what should the modem be called? A. Park B. Bridge C. Interface D. Link . Which of the following specifies the network address and host address of the computer? A. The IP address B. The TCP address C. The subnet mask D. The default gateway

For connecting modem, a computer must be equipped with a port that conforms to the RS-232 standard of the Electronic Industries Association of America. What do the letters 'RS' stand for? A. Recognised standard B. Random sequence C. Recommended standard D. Registered source

A network that requires human intervention of route signals is called a A. bus network B. ring network

C. star network D. T-switched network

What is the port number for POP3? A. 110 C. 80 B. 90 D. 49

Which of the following provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail but does not allow a user to download messages selectively? A. SMTP C. IMAP B. DHCP D. POP3

On a class C network with a subnet mask of 192, how many subnets are available? A. 254 C. 30 B. 62 D. 2

Ethernet and Token-Ring are the two most commonly used network architectures in the world. Jim has heard of the different topologies for networks and wants to choose the architecture that will provide him with the most options. Which of the following would that be? Choose the most correct answer. A. Token-Ring because it currently can run at both 4Mbps and 16Mbps. This means that it can be used in any topology B. Ethernet, because it is cabled using fiber-optic cable C. Token-Ring, because it uses a MAU D. Ethernet, because it can be set up with most topologies and can use multiple transfer speeds

A 4 KHz noiseless channel with one sample every 125 per sec, is used to transmit digital signals. Find the bit rate (bits per second) that are sent, if CCITT 2.048 Mbps encoding is used. A. 500 Kbps B. 32 Kbps C. 8 Kbps D. 64 Kbps.

How can you see the address of the DHCP server from which a client received its IP address? A. By using Advanced Properties of TCP/IP B. By using IPCONFIG/ALL

C. By using DHCPINFO D. By pinging DHCP

In a synchronous modem, the receive equalizer is known as A. adaptive equalizer B. impairment equalizer C. statistical equalizer D. compromise equalizer

Alex is required to provide information on how many people are using the network at any one time. Which network will enable him to do so? A. Server-based C. Ethernet B. Token-Ring D. Star

Now-a-days computers all over the world can talk to each other. Which is one of the special accessories essential for this purpose? A. Keyboard B. Modem C. Scanner D. Fax

To make possible the efficient on-line servicing of many teleprocessing system users on large computer systems, designers are developing A. communication systems B. multiprogramming systems C. virtual storage systems D. All of the above

Which of the following best describes the scopes on each DHCP server, in the absence of configuration problems with DHCP addresses, if you use multiple DHCP servers in your environment? A. Unique to that subnet only B. For different subnets C. For no more than two subnets D. For no subnets

The main difference between TCP and UDP is A. UDP is connection oriented where as TCP is datagram service B. TCP is an Internet protocol where as UDP is an ATM protocol C. UDP is a datagram where as TCP is a connection oriented service D. All of the above

What operates in the Data Link and the Network layer? A. NIC B. Bridge C. Brouter D. Router

What is the name of the computer based EMMS that provides a common forum where users can check in at their convenience, post messages, actively exchange ideas and participate in ongoing discussions? A. E-mail B. Bulletin board system (BBS) C. Teleconferencing D. Videoconferencing

Which of the following statement is incorrect? A. The CCITT Recommendation X.25 specifies three layers of communication: physical, link and network. B. The second layer of communication is the data-link layer C. Errors in the physical layer can be detected by the data link layer D. The fourth layer, in reference to the OSI model, is the session layer

E. None of the above

Devices on one network can communicate with devices on another network via a A. file server B. utility server C. printer server D. gateway

Which file transfer protocol uses UDP? A. NFS B. TELNET C. TFTP D. FTP

You are working with a class C network. You are required to configure it for five subnets, each of which will support 25 nodes. What subnet should you use? A. C. B. D.

A network designer wants to connect 5 routers as point-to-point simplex line. Then the total number of lines required would be A. 5 B. 10 C. 20 D. 32

Which of the following medium access control technique is used for bus/tree? A. token ring B. token bus C. CSMA


A distributed data processing configuration in which all activities must pass through a centrally located computer is called a: A. ring network B. spider network C. hierarchical network D. data control network

Which of the following network access standard is used for connecting stations to a circuit-switched network? A. X.3 B. X.21 C. X.25 D. X.75

Which of the following is not a transmission medium? A. telephone lines B. coaxial cable C. modem D. microwave systems

Which of the following statement is incorrect? A. Gateways are assumed to know correct routes; hosts begin with minimal routing information and learn new routes from gateways. Layered protocols are designed so that layer n at the destination receives exactly the same object sent by layer n at the source. Application programs as well as all protocol software from the Internet layer upward use only IP addresses; the network interface layer handles physical addresses.



D. All of the above

A batch processing terminal would not include a A. CPU B. card reader

C. card punch D. line printer

The physical layer of a network A. defines the electrical characteristics of signals passed between the computer and communication devices B. controls error detection and correction C. constructs packets of data and sends them across the network D. All of the above

Which of the following allows devices on one network to communicate with devices on another network? A. multiplexer B. gateway C. t-switch D. modern

An error detecting code is which code is the remainder resulting from dividing the bits to be checked by a predetermined binary number, is known as A. Cyclic redundancy check B. Checksum C. Error detecting code D. Error rate

In OSI model, which of the following layer provides error-free delivery of data? A. Data link B. Network C. transport D. Session

Error detection at the data link level is achieved by? A. Bit stuffing B. Hamming codes C. Cyclic Redundancy codes

D. Equalization

he area of coverage of a satellite radio beam is known as A. Footprint B. Circular polarization C. Beam width D. Identity

Which of the following data transmission media has the largest terrestrial range without the use of repeaters or other devices? A. Hardwiring B. Microwave C. Satellite D. Laser

What is the minimum number of wires needed to send data over a serial communication link layer? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 6

The _____ layer is the layer closest to the transmission medium. A. transport B. network C. data link D. physical

What is the name of the device that connects two computers by means of a telephone line?

A. Tape B. modem C. bus D. cable

On a class B network, how many subnets are available with a subnet mask of 248? A. 2 C. 30 B. 6 D. 62

Ethernet networks can be cabled in a number of topologies, depending on what works best in each environment. As more nodes are added, the efficiency of Ethernet decreases. Select the best answer as to why Ethernet becomes less efficient as size increases. A. Network collisions occur B. Repeaters cannot increase the signal strength sufficiently C. Cable terminators do not reflect the signal properly D. Cable terminators do not absorb the signal properly

In a _____ topology, if there are n devices in a network, each device has n - 1 ports for cables. A. ring B. bus C. star D. mesh

To avoid transmission errors, a check figure is calculated by the A. transmitting computer B. receiving computer C. both (a) and (b) D. Start and stop bit

What is the first octet range for a class A IP address? A. 1 - 126 B. 192 - 255 C. 192 - 223 D. 1 - 127

Which of the following is not a standard synchronous communication protocol? A. SDLC B. SMTP C. SLIP D. PAS

The network layer, in reference to the OSI model, provide A. data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device C. the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service D. All of the above

In OSI network architecture, the routing is performed by A. network layer B. data link layer C. transport layer D. session layer

Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications? A. narrowband channels B. simplex lines C. full-duplex lines

D. mixed band channels

What is the first octet range for a class B IP address? A. 128 - 255 B. 1 - 127 C. 192 - 223 D. 128 - 191

The 32-bit internet address 10000000 00001010 00000010 00011110 will be written in dotted decimal notation as A. B. C. D.

Which of the following items is not used in Local Area Networks (LANs)? A. Computer B. Modem C. Printer D. Cable

Error detection at a data link level is achieved by A. bit stuffing B. cyclic redundancy codes C. Hamming codes D. equalization

RS-232-G A. is an interface between two data circuit terminating equipment as examplified by a local and remote modem B. is an interface standard between Data terminal Equipment and Data Circuit Terminating Equipment C. specifies only the mechanical characteristics of an interface by providing a 25-pin connector

D. requires only 7 pin out of 25 in order to transmit digital data over public telephone lines

RS-449/442-A/423-A is A. a set of physical layer standards developed by EIA and intended to replace RS-232-C. B. a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of the all the binary digits a code in which each expression conforms to specific rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an C. expression the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and thus the presence of the errors is detected D. the ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units

Which of the following digits are known as the area code of the Network User Address (NUA)? A. 5-7 B. 1-4 C. 8-12 D. 13-14

End-to-end connectivity is provided from host-to-host in: A. Network layer B. Session layer C. Data link layer D. Transport layer

CSMA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access) is A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time B. a method access control technique for multiple-access transmission media. C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued by ISO. D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-switched network

Which of the following summation operation is performed on the bits to check an error-detecting code? A. Codec B. Coder-decoder C. Checksum

D. Attenuation

The standard suit of protocols used by the Internet, intranets, extranets, and some other networks. A. TCP/IP B. Protocol C. Open Systems D. Internetwork processor

Networks that follow the 802.5 standard appear to be in a star topology but are actually operating in what type of topology? A. Linear bus B. Modified star C. Modified ring D. Ring

A communications device that combines transmissions from several 1/ O devices into one line is a: A. concentrator B. modifier C. multiplexer D. full-duplex line

The main difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is A. the clocking is derived from the data in synchronous transmission B. the clocking is mixed with the data in asynchronous transmission C. the pulse height is different. D. the bandwidth required is different

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is

A. a TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high level IP Address to a low-level physical hardware address B. a TCP/IP high level protocol for transferring files from one machine to another C. a protocol used to monitor computers D. a protocol that handles error and control messages

Which of the following uses network address translation? A. Routers B. Network adapter drivers C. Hubs D. Windows 95

The X.25 standard specifies a A. technique for start-stop data B. technique for dial access C. DTE/DCE interface D. data bit rate

The most important part of a multiple DHCP configurations is to make sure you don't have which of the following in the different scopes? Select the best answer. A. Duplicate addresses B. Duplicate pools C. Duplicate subnets D. Duplicate default gateways

When a group of computers is connected together in a small area without the help of telephone lines, it is called A. Remote communication network (RCN) B. Local area network(LAN) C. Wide area network (WAN) D. Value added network (VAN)

The 802.5 standard implements a way for preventing collisions on the network. How are collisions prevented when using this standard? A. CSMA/CD B. Token passing C. Collision detection D. Time sharing

A communication network which is used by large organizations over regional, national or global area is called A. LAN B. WAN C. MAN D. Intranet

Information systems with common hardware, software, and network standards that provide easy access for end users and their networked computer systems. Select the best fit for answer: A. TCP/IP B. Protocol C. Open Systems D. Internetwork processor

Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for file transfer with minimal capability and minimal overhead? A. RARP B. FTP C. TFTP D. TELNET

Terminals are required for A. realtime, batch processing, and timesharing B. realtime, timesharing, and distributed processing C. realtime, distributed processing, and manager inquiry D. realtime, timesharing, and message switching

What frequency range is used for microwave communications, satellite and radar? A. Low Frequency : 30 kHz to 300 kHz B. Medium Frequency : 300 kHz to 3 MHz C. Super High Frequency : 3000 MHz to 30000 MHz D. Extremely High Frequency :30,000 MHz

Which of the following statements is incorrect? A. The difference between synchronous and asynchronous transmission is the clocking derived from the data in synchronous transmission

B. Half-duplex line is a communication line in which data can move in two directions, but not at the same time. C. Teleprocessing combines telecommunications and DP techniques in online activities. D. Batch processing is the preferred processing mode for telecommunication operations

If the ASCII character H is sent and the character I is received, what type of error is this? A. single-bit C. burst B. multiple-bit D. recoverable

A 4 KHz noise less channel with one sample ever 125 per sec is used to transmit digital signals. If Delta modulation is selected, then how many bits per second are actually sent? A. 32 kbps B. 8 kbps C. 128 kbps D. 64 kbps.

UDP is: A. Not a part of the TCP/IP suite B. Connection oriented and unreliable C. Connection orientated and reliable D. Connectionless and unreliable

The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to A. simplex lines

B. half-duplex lines C. full-duplex lines D. biflex-line

What OSI layer handles logical address to logical name resolution? A. Transport B. Physical C. Presentation D. Data Link

The MAC (Media Access Control) address of the network card is used in both Ethernet and Token-Ring networks and is essential for communication. What does MAC provide? A. A logical address that identifies the workstation B. A physical address that is randomly assigned each time the computer is started C. A physical address that is assigned by the manufacturer D. The logical domain address for the workstation

Which of the following is an example of a client-server model? A. TELNET B. FTP C. DNS D. All of the above

In CRC there is no error if the remainder at the receiver is _____. A. the quotient at the sender B. nonzero C. zero D. equal to the remainder at the sender

A T-switch is used to A. control how messages are passed between computers B. echo every character that is received

C. transmit characters one at a time D. rearrange the connections between computing equipment

A global network of millions of business, government, educational, and research networks; computer systems; database; and end users. Select the best fit for answer: A. Internet works B. The Internet C. Internet revolution D. Internet technologies

Alice is setting up a small network in her home so that she can study for her MCSE exams. She doesn't have a lot of money to spend on hardware, so she wants to use a network topology that requires the least amount of hardware possible. Which topology should she select? A. Star C. Token-Ring B. Bus D. Ethernet

The CCITT Recommendation X.25 specifies three layers of communications: A. application, presentation and session B. Session, transport and network C. physical datalink and network D. datalink, network and transport

Which of the following technique is used for allocating capacity on a satellite channel using fixed-assignment FDM? A. Amplitude modulation B. Frequency-division multiple access C. Frequency modulation D. Frequency-shift keying

Which of the following allows a simple email service and is responsible for moving messages from one mail server to another? A. IMAP B. DHCP



Many large organizations with their offices in different countries of the world connect their computers through telecommunication satellites and telephone lines. Such a communication network is called A. LAN B. WAN C. ECONET D. ETHERNET

A network which is used for sharing data, software and hardware among several users owning microcomputers is called A. WAN B. MAN C. LAN D. VAN

In geosynchronous orbit, satellite A. remains in a fixed position so that as earth rotates, it can fully cover the earth B. remains in a fixed position related to points on earth C. moves faster than the earth's rotation so that it can cover larger portion of earth. D. moves simultaneously

You are working with a network that has the network ID and contains 73 networks. In the next year, you will be adding an additional 27 branch offices to your company. For simplified management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you management, you want to keep the most possible hosts per subnet. Which subnet mask should you use? A. C. B. D.

A group of 2m - 1 routers are interconnected in a centralized binary tree, with router at each tree node. Router I communicate with router J by sending a message to the root of the tree. The root then sends the message back down to J. Then find the mean router-router path length. A. 2 (m - 2)

B. 2 (2 - 1) C. m - 1 D. (2m - l)/mJ

Most networks are connected to other local area or wide area networks. Select the best fit for answer: A. Internet works B. The Internet C. Internet revolution D. Internet technologies

You are working with a network that is and would like to support 600 hosts per subnet. What subnet mask should you use? A. C. B. D.

A 6-MHz channel is used by a digital signaling system utilizing 4-level signals. What is the maximum possible transmission rate? A. 1.5 Mbaud/sec B. 6 Mband/sec C. 12 Mbaud/sec D. 24 Mbaud/sec

Error detecting code is A. an error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed on the bits to be checked B. a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of all the binary digits. a code in which each expression conforms to specify rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an C. expression, the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and thus the presence of the error is detected. D. the ratio of the data units in error to the total number of data units

The birthplace of the World Wide Web is considered to be A. the Department of Defense

B. CERN C. ARPA D. Netscape

What is the loopback address? A. B. C. D.

A modulator converts a _____ signal to a(n) _____ signal. A. FSK; PSK B. PSK; FSK C. analog; digital D. digital; analog

The systematic access of small computers in a distributed data processing system is referred to as: A. dialed service B. multiplexing C. polling D. conversational mode

The process of converting analog signals into digital signals so they can be processed by a receiving computer is referred to as: A. modulation B. demodulation C. synchronizing D. synchronizing

An example of digital, rather than analog, communication is A. DDD


How many OSI layers are covered in the X.25 standard? A. two B. three C. seven D. six

A band is always equivalent to A. a byte B. a bit C. 100 bits D. None of these

The most flexibility in how devices are wired together is provided by A. bus networks B. ring networks C. star networks D. T-switched networks

Which of the following statement is incorrect? A. The transport layer provides for any format, translationer code conversion necessary to put the data into an intelligible format.

B. The presentation layer transforms information from machine format to the understandable format. C. The data link layer handles the transfer of data between the ends of a physical link. D. All of the above

Bus is A. one or more conductors that some as a common connection for a related group of devices B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal C. the condition when two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the same time D. a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

Which of the following medium is used for broadband local networks? A. Coaxial cable B. optic fiber C. CATV D. UTP

In cyclic redundancy checking what is the CRC? A. the divisor B. the quotient C. the dividend D. the remainder

What is the maximum number of entries in the HOSTS file? A. 8 B. 255 C. 500 D. Unlimited

One important characteristic of the hub architecture of ARC-net is A. directionalized transmission B. access control and addressing C. multiple virtual networks D. alternative routing

The basic Ethernet design does not provide A. access control B. addressing C. automatic retransmission of a message D. multiple virtual networks

Phase shift keying (psk) method is used to modulate digital signals at 9600 bps using 16 levels. Find the line signaling speed (i.e., modulation rate) A. 2400 bands B. 1200 bands C. 4800 bands D. 9600 bands.

You are in the process of analyzing a problem that requires you to collect and store TCP/IP Packets. Which of the following utilities is best suited for this purpose? A. NBTSTAT B. Performance Monitor C. NETSTAT D. Network Monitor

What is the name of the network topology in which there are bi-directional links between each possible node? A. Ring B. Star C. Tree D. Mesh

Videotex is a combination of A. television B. communication C. computer technology

D. All of the above

Which of the following frequency ranges is used for AM radio transmission? A. Very Low Frequency : 3 kHz to 30 kHz B. Medium Frequency : 300 kHz to 3 MHz C. High Frequency : 3 MHz to 30 MHz D. Very High Frequency : 30 MHz to 300 MHz

Baseband is A. transmission of signals without modulation B. a signal all of whose energy is contained within a finite frequency range C. the simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations D. All of the above

A 4 KHz noise less channel with one sample ever 125 per sec is used to transmit digital signals. Differential PCM with 4 bit relative signal value is used. Then how many bits per second are actually sent? A. 32 Kbps B. 64 Kbps C. 8 Kbps D. 128 Kbps.

X.21 is A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time B. a method access control technique for multiple-access transmission media C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued by ISO D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-switched network

In cyclic redundancy checking, the divisor is _____ the CRC. A. the same size as B. one bit less than

C. one bit more than D. two bits more

Which command-line tool is included with every Microsoft TCP/IP client? A. DHCP B. WINS C. PING D. WINIPCFG

If odd parity is used for ASCII error detection, the number of 0s per eight-bit symbol is _____. A. even C. indeterminate B. odd D. 42

An error-detecting code inserted as a field in a block of data to be transmitted is known as A. Frame check sequence B. Error detecting code C. Checksum D. flow control

Working of the WAN generally involves A. telephone lines B. microwaves C. satellites D. All of the above

An example of a medium-speed, switched communications service is A. Series 1000 B. Dataphone 50 C. DDD D. All of the above

A devices that links two homogeneous packet-broadcast local networks, is A. gateway B. repeater C. bridge D. hub

A computer that handles resource sharing and network management in a local area network. Select the best fit for answer: A. Network Server B. Virtual Private Network C. Network operating system D. OSI

Repeaters are often used on an 802.3 network to help strengthen the signals being transmitted. As with the length of segments and the number of segments, a limit exists as to how many repeaters can be used between any two nodes. What is the maximum number of repeaters that can be used? A. Five C. Four B. Two D. Six

How much power (roughly) a light-emitting diode can couple into an optical fiber? A. 100 microwatts B. 440 microwatts C. 100 picowatts D. 10 milliwatts

Layer one of the OSI model is A. physical layer B. link layer C. transport layer D. network layer

What is the default subnet mask for a class B network? A. 127.0.01

B. C. D.

In CRC the quotient at the sender A. becomes the dividend at the receiver B. becomes the divisor at the receiver C. is discarded D. is the remainder

How many pairs of stations can simultaneously communicate on Ethernet LAN? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. multiple

A protocol is a set of rules governing a time sequence of events that must take place A. between peers B. between modems C. between an interface D. across an interface

The application layer of a network A. establishes, maintains, and terminates virtual circuits B. defines the user's port into the network C. consists of software being run on the computer connected to the network D. All of the above

The simultaneous transmission of data to a number of stations is known as

A. broadcast B. Band width C. Aloha D. Analog transmission

You have a network ID of with 8 subnets. You need to allow the largest possible number of host IDs per subnet. Which subnet mask should you assign? A. C. B. D.

Which multiplexing technique shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency? A. FDM B. synchronous TDM C. asynchronous TDM D. All of the above

Which of the following protocol is connection-oriented? A.IPX C. NetBEUI B. UDP D.TCP

Which multiplexing technique shifts each signal to a different carrier frequency? A. FDM B. synchronous TDM C. asynchronous TDM D. All of the above

The loss in signal power as light travels down the fiber is called A. attenuation B. propagation C. scattering D. interruption

Which layer of international standard organization's OSI model is responsible for creating and recognizing frame boundaries? A. physical layer B. data link layer C. transport layer D. network layer

Different computers are connected to a LAN by a cable and a/an A. modem B. interface card C. special wires D. telephone lines

When a host knows its physical address but not its IP address, it can use _____. A. RARP B. ARP C. IGMP D. ICMP

What is the name given to the exchange of control signals which is necessary for establishing a connection between a modem and a computer at one end of a line and another modem and computer at the other end? A. Handshaking B. Modem options C. Protocol D. Duplexing

A communications medium that uses pulses of laser light in glass fibers. Select the best fit for answer: A. Fiber optic cables B. Cellular phone systems C. Telecommunications processors

D. Telecommunications software

In OSI model, which of the following layer transforms information from machine format into that understandable by user A. application B. presentation C. session D. physical

Which utility is useful for troubleshooting NetBIOS name resolution problems? A. NBTSTAT B. Netstat C. PING D. Hostname

Which of the following is an important characteristic of LAN? A. application independent interfaces B. unlimited expansion C. low cost access for low bandwidth channels D. parallel transmission

Which of the following is a wrong example of network layer: A. Internet Protocol (IP) ARPANET B. X. 25 Packet Level Protocol (PLP) - ISO C. Source routing and Domain naming - Usenet D. X.25 level 2 - ISO

A 2000-character text file has to be transmitted by using a 1,200 baud modem. Can you tell how long will it take? A. 2 seconds B. 20 seconds C. 120 seconds D. 12 seconds

Telecommunications networks come in a wide range of speed and capacity capabilities. Select the best fit for answer: A. Bandwidth alternatives B. Switching alternating C. Inter organizational networks D. Extranets

Which of the following statements is correct? A. characteristic of the hub architecture of ARC-net is alternative routing. B. characteristic of LAN is unlimited expansion C. characteristic of LAN is low cost access for low bandwidth channels D. characteristic of the hub architecture of ARC-net is directionalized transmission

What frequency range is used for TV transmission and low power microwave applications? A. Very Low Frequency : 3 kHz to 30 kHz B. Medium Frequency : 300 kHz to 3 MHz C. Ultra High Frequency : 300 MHz to 3000 MHz D. Super High Frequency : 3000 MHz to 30000 MHz

Which of the following statement is correct? A. Satellite transponders use a higher frequency for reception of radiation from earth stations and lower frequency for transmission to earth stations.

B. Satellite transponders contain a device that echos the radiation without change from one point on earth to another C. Satellite transponder contain devices that transform the message sent from one location on earth to a different code for transmission to another location satellite transponders us lower frequency reception of radiation from earth stations and higher frequency for transmission to earth stations


ASK, PSK, FSK, and QAM are examples of _____ encoding. A. digital-to-digital C. analog-to-analog B. digital-to-analog D. analog-to-digital

The data-link layer, in reference to the OSI model, specifies

A. data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device C. the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched service D. All of the above

What function does a serial interface perform in data communication? A. Converts serial data into audio signals B. Converts analog signals into digital signals C. Converts parallel data into a stream of bits D. Decodes incoming signals into computer data

When two computers communicate with each other, they send information back and forth. If they are separated by a reasonable distance, they can send and receive the information through a direct cable connection which is called a nullmodem connection. Presently what is the maximum distance in metres permitted in this null-modem connection? A. 80 B. 100 C. 30 D. 150

Modulation in which the two binary values are represented by two different amplitudes of the carrier frequency is known as A. Amplitude-shift keying B. Amplitude C. Amplitude modulation D. Aloha

In a synchronous modem, the digital-to-analog converter transmits signal to the A. equalizer B. modulator C. demodulator

D. terminal

Which of the following is an example of bounded medium? A. Coaxial cable B. Wave guide C. Fiber optic cable (d) None of these

Which transmission mode is used for data communication along telephone lines? A. Parallel B. Serial C. Synchronous D. Asynchronous

With an IP address starting at 200, you currently have 10 subnets. What subnet mask should you use to maximize the number of available hosts? A. 192 C. 240 B. 224 D. 248

Which of the following TCP/IP internet protocol a diskless machine uses to obtain its IP address from a server? A. RDP B. RARP C. RIP D. X.25

In OSI network architecture, the dialogue control and token management are responsibilities of A. session layer B. network layer C. transport layer D. data link layer

Which of the following transmission systems provides the highest data rate to an individual device A. Computer bus B. Telephone lines C. Voice band modem D. leased lines

The IEEE 802 project of the 1980s involved further defining the lower two layers of the OSI model. A number of standards were agreed upon during that time. Which of the following is the standard for Ethernet? A. 802.2 C. 802.4 B. 802.3 D. 802.5

Which of the following connectivity devices is used to extend a network on a purely mechanical basis? A. Gateway B. Switch C. Router D. Active hub

A medium access control technique for multiple access transmission media is A. Aloha B. Amplitude C. Angle modulation D. Attenuation

The core diameter of a single-mode fibers is about A. 10 times the wavelength of the light carried in the fiber B. 10 times the fiber radius C. 7 times the light carried in the fiber D. 3 times the wavelength of the light carried in the fiber

Networks where end user workstations are tied to LAN servers to share resources and application processing. A. Internetworked enterprise B. Information super highway C. Business applications of telecommunications D. Client/Server networks

With an IP address of, what is your default subnet mask? A. B. C. D.

IEEE project 802 divides the data link layer into an upper _____ sublayer and a lower _____ sublayer. A. HDLC, PDU B. PDU, HDLC C. MAC, LLC D. LLC, MAC

Two computers that communicate with each other use a simple parity check to detect errors for ASCII transmissions. Which of the following events will always lead to an undeleted error? A. one bit or any odd number of bits inverted in a block of data during transmission B. two bits or any even number of bits inverted in a block during transmission C. one bit or any odd number of bits inverted in a byte during transmission D. two bits or any even number of bits inverted in a byte during transmission

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