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Miss Mendels Pre-Calculus 2012-2013

Room: 204 Phone: 756-8547 ext. 504 Email: Class Website:

Course Description: This course objective is to master the concepts of pre-calculus by participating in class, group learning activities, and completing home learning experiences. SUPPLY LIST: (these items should be brought to class everyday) 1. Graphing calculator is required. I recommend a TI-84 or 84 plus. The school has calculators to rent if needed for $20 this can be paid to the financial office. 2. Notebook paper, graph paper may be helpful 3. Red Pen, Pencils and eraser. (All math worked is expected to be done in pencil.) 4. 4x6 note cards (100) 5. Textbook: Demana, Franklin; Bert Waits, Gegory Foley, and Daniel Kennedy. Precalculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic. Boston, MA. Addison-Wesley. (7th edition) GRADING POLICY: 45% - Daily Grades: Daily quizzes, partner or group activities, individual class work, class activities, class participation, homework assignments, small projects, notebook and note cards. 25%- Homework: Homework assignments will be given on a daily basis. They will be checked at the beginning of the next class period. These assignments can be found on the assignment guide or on the class website. Work must be shown for full credit on all assignments. If you are absent the assignments missed (the assignment that was due on the day missed and the assignment assigned on the day missed) are due upon return to class. This also applies to school excused absences! It is your responsibility to be caught up on content by the time the exam is given, regardless of absences. 10%- Notes: You are expected to take notes. They must be organized into sections with titled with the date and topic. If you are absent for lessons, it is your responsibility to get the notes from the class website or from another student. 4x6 Note cards will be part of our note taking. Notes and note cards will be graded on the day you take each unit test 10%- Quizzes: Quizzes will be given at the beginning of each class period. If you are tardy or need to return to your locker/car for supplies you will receive a 0 on that quiz and it can not be made up. If you are absent (excused) it will not be counted against you. Quiz retakes will be available before and after school but must be completed by each unit test. Your three lowest quiz scores will be dropped at the end of each term. 55% - Major Grades: Tests and major projects or other major grades. After each test is returned you have the option to do a test analysis (meaning: redo each missed problem and write a sentence explaining why you missed the problem). The test analysis should be completed on a piece of notebook paper and stapled to the top of the test. These are due 2 days after the test is returned. This analysis will be a mini test grade. There will be NO TEST RETAKES. If you are absent on the day of a test, you must take the test during the next class period you are present. Make-up tests are allowed for excused absences only; tests not taken due to an unexcused absence will receive a 0. Make-up tests may be different than the original still covering the same content. If you are absent on the day of the test, you forfeit the opportunity for any extra credit offered on the exam. Exams are designed to be finished during class. Once a student has started the exam, they must finish it during the time allotted or forfeit the points for the incomplete sections. If you are absent on the day of a review you are still required to take the test on the day it is given.

LATE HOMEWORK: Homework not turned in when corrected in class will be considered late. Students are expected to grade their late homework before turning them in. Half credit will be given for late homework. NO LATE HOMEWORK will be counted after the unit test. CHEATING: If you are caught cheating at all you will receive a 0. Use of a cell phone or other listening device during a test or quiz is considered cheating. Copying someone elses homework is considered cheating, working together is encouraged but dont confuse working together with cheating. This list is not inclusive. Work given a 0 for cheating cannot be made up including tests. Letter Grade: the letter grade is determined by a weighted average of daily grades and tests. A 93% C 73% A90% C70% B+ 87% D+ 67% B 83% D 64% B80% D60% C+ 77% F below 60%

ABSENCE POLICY: I support the schools attendance policy. Please see the student handbook for details. EXTRA CREDIT AND HALL PASSES: At the beginning of each term students will be given 3 hall passes. Hall passes not used can be turned in for extra credit. This is the only guaranteed extra credit I give. TUTORING: Math Lab is available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 2:30-3:30 in Room 33. If you do not understand a concept I highly recommend using the math lab to stay on top of your work. I will be available before school (7:15) and after school (until 2:45). The best advice I can give is: Study daily. COURSE WEBSITE: The course website can be found at: Please use the website frequently as it can be a great study tool as well as answer any questions you may have about the course. CLASSROOM POLICIES: Students are always expected to follow school policies on rules, dress and behavior Always be polite, respectful, prepared and positive. I do not allow food and drink (other than water) in the classroom. I do not allow the following in class, they must be turned off and in the students backpack (if they are out in class they will be taken away, if it becomes a perpetual problem they will be taken to the administration): Cell Phones, ipods, Mp3 players or any other distracting electronic device Homework for other classes Anything else that distracts from learning American Fork High School complies with the requirements of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Therefore, no student shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, religion, or disability. CONTACT INFORMATION: If you have any concerns please us my email: (best method) or leave a phone message at: 756-8547 ext. 504. The best time to contact me is before or after school. Please include your childs name in the message. I will respond to all messages as quickly as I can.

Information and Signature Sheet

Student Name: ___________________________________

Class Period:




Contact #:




Parent/Guardian: Please sign below indicating your understanding of the information on the disclosure statement. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Student: Please sign below indicating your understanding of the information on the disclosure statement. Signature: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

Please indicate below any issues or concerns you feel I should be made aware of for the upcoming school year.

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