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BESTIARY OF KRYNN Designers Cam Banks Cover Artist ....... JEFF EASLEY ANDRE LAROCHE interior Artists ..... ‘Quan Boca Additional Design JAMIE CHAMBERS JASON ENGLE Cuyeistooren Covet SEAN MACDONALD, TRAMPAS WHITEMAN Mark Evans Scory HARSHBARGER mera at Editor sn Cus a okt Marcaer Weis Brad WILLIAMS. Prijct anegerions 1A ceases Tn ES JArt Director......... CliRisToPHER COYLE Graphic Designer Kevin T Stew Special Thanks: Neil Burton, Renae Chambers, Weldon Chen, Richard Connery, Christy Everette, Sean Everette, Tracy Everette, Matt Haag, Luis de Pippo “This 620 Sytem® game wiles mechanics developed fr the new DUNGoss& De ioss® game by Jonathan Tet, Monte Cook, Skip Wiliams, Richard Baker, an Peter Adkison. This Wizards of the Coast Oficial Licensed Product contains no Open Gare Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in :y form without writen permission. To karn more abou the Open Gaming Liens and the 420 System License, plese visit. wizards conv Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, Dragonlance, the Dragonlane Logo, 20, the 420 stem Logo, Wizards of the Coss, and the Wizards of the Coast Logo are estered trademarks of Wizards ofthe Cost, Ine a subsidiary of Hasbro, ls. © 2004 Wirats of the Coss, I: ‘Used with persion. Ail rights reseed. First Printing —2006, Printed in China. © 2004 Soereign Pres, In. Sovereign Pres andthe Sovereign Pres Logo ae trademarks owned by Sovereign Press, Le Additonal information and content avaiable a ‘www dragonlanee com, cee pete eee et a eta tea Written & Published by Sovereign Press Comer Sei¢ A jenewa, WISSTS7.1982 N PRE United States V Lake TaBLe or Contents Dragon, Amphi Dragon, Aquatic 4 Taylang. eee$5$ Daemon Wat it nan 7% Uiiolinewn eeS8 Demon, Malrauthin Dragon, Fite “10 Funno. Gt Byewing... m Dragon, Frost ow 13 HOPK 63 Elemental Minions Draconian, Noble.. 17 Kalothagh. - 64 Ai Minion... Draconian, Frost. 18 Mandibeatn nom 65 Earth Minion. Draconian, Venom. 219 Mundane Animals... 66 Fire Minion... Draconian, Lightning.......21 Mundane Flightless BirdS.ue.68 Water Minion, Draconian, Flame... m2 Skrit : 70 Amp, Vapor enon Dragonspawn, Abomination... 26 Swarm, Turbidus Leech en. 71 — Razhakwnn Dragon Vassal ~-29 Urkhan Worm... 72 Ankholian Undead. 30, Whisper Spider 74 Knight Hautes - comes 38 Black Willow. senme76 Shadow Wight onnon Tylor. com 34 Bloodrager 78 Undead Beast Centaur, Wendle 37 Dark Thrall of Onysablet......80 Gholor.. Child ofthe Sea.. 39 Forestmaster... Seam Ditties 41 Kani Doll Wich orn ‘yin, 42 Magori. m Ambient Tempest. Disir Queen... 44 Proto-Create nnn Branch of Zivilyn. Giant, DesOlatiON neennennnnee $4 — Qhppoth nn Child of Chemosh Gurik Chal 45° Sacred Guardian, Dragon Ravager. Kyi osnon cen SRORE ROA ~-95 Scourge of Chaos SaqualamiNOi enn 2-49 Tainted-Blood..... Acceptance Siig 51 Wyndlass a 100 Wilderness Encounters TYPOlkvnnnmnnnnrnnnn $3 Chaos Wretch ~102 Monsters Listed by CR. Tayling 54 Daemonlord sai ALPHABETICAL ListinG OF Monsters & PRESTIGE CLASSES Air Minion 113 Dragon, Frost. Razhak se Ambient Tempest 134 Dragonspawn, Abomination..24 Sacred GUaRLAR annem Ankholian Undead nce 12t Dragon Vassal nen 29 SAQUATAMINOL nnd Black Willow 76 Earth Minion SIA Se0UFRe OF CHg0S ann 140 Bloodrager 78 Byewing 111 Shadow Wight sess Branch of Zivilyn 136 Feeder co 30 SKOREMOK ass Centaur, Wendle.. 37 Fire Minion us Skrit —) Chaos Wretch, 102 Forestmastetveeeenn 82 STB oS Child of Chemosh 137 Funno. cont Stahnk ee 8 Child ofthe Sea, 39 Gholor - 127 Swarm, Turbidus Leech .7L Daemon Warrior. 108 Giant, Desolation 44 Tainted-Blood. 7 Daemoniord.. 106 Gurik Chal... 45 Tayfolk an Dark thiallof Onysablet nn. 80 Hator. : 33 4 Demon, Malrauthin 110 Horax 2 3 35 Disitcssmmnnnnnnnnee $41 EMP, VapOF nn U7 matt Disit QUEER ornnnnnnnnnnen 44 Kalothagh - o 4 Draconian, Flame enone 23 Kani Doll - 84 Undead Beasts 126 Draconian, F10Stoceconmene 18 Knight Haunt 122 Urkhan Wott ecm? Draconian, LightBingieesncoes 21 RYBCn a Draconian, Noble coewonsnnnee 17 MAgOtin 86 Watet MIRON nan 16 Draconian, VENOM ecencwnn 19 Mandibeatonssnnnnnnnnn 65 Whisper Spider ssnssnnsonnns74 Dragon Ravager 139° Mundane Animalsenenn 660 WiChth nent 30 Dragon, Amphi 4 Mundane Flightless Birds....68 — Wyndlassnccconononnonnnnn 400 Dragon, AQUEEIC eccecnnennnnnns? — PROI-CTEATURE nse 88 Dragon, Fite wecocconnnnnnnnen 10 QUIPPOAR nn 30 20

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