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General Objectives: The ultimate goal of this study is to increase the students understanding and awareness about the disease ovarian cyst; the student nurses would also like to point out and put emphasis on the nature, causes, clinical manifestations, management, and prognosis regarding ovarian cyst in order to promote health, prevent the disease and help patients with such disease to recover.

Specific Objectives: At the end of case presentation, the student nurses will be able to: Present the introduction of the studied disease; State the purpose of the study; Enumerate the obtained initial database written in the patients chart; Present the nursing history including the past and present illness of the patient; Relate the activities of daily living of the patient; Present the patients cephalocaudal assessment; Identify the anatomy and physiology of the system involved (reproductive system);

Trace the pathophysiology of the disease process through schematic diagrams and textual explanation;

Explain the assessment and diagnostic findings; Interpret the laboratory results Discuss the medical and nursing management for the said condition. Outline the drug study from the patients medication; Enumerate the problem list; Present the Gordons Functional Pattern of the patient; and Present the nursing care plan made for the patient.

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