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Divine Mbong Eseh OMDE 601 Section 9040 June 17, 2012 Assignment 1 ` Essay #1 - Definition of Distance Education

This paper begins with my initial definition and understanding of Distance Education (DE) at the beginning of this course, and ends with a description of my new perspective about the concept, three weeks into the course. The paper ends by listing the defining characteristics that every complete definition of DE must have.

What is distance education?

According to the author, distance education (DE) is taking place whenever a teacher and student(s) who are separated by physical distance communicate with each other through the internet for the purpose of education, and as an alternative to the traditional face-to- face campus-based classes (Eseh, 2012).This definition is based on the authors online educational experiences while a student at University of Maryland University College (UMUC)

Definitions of Distance Education (DE)

It is very easy to find many definitions of DE because it means different things to different people at different times all over the world. However, to capture the multidimensional aspects of this growing field of study, the author will use only two definitions and explains why: The first definition of choice by Moore and Kearsley(2005) states that Distance education is planned learning that normally occurs in a different place from teaching, requiring special course design and instruction techniques, communication through various technologies, and special organizational and administrative arrangements. (p.2).This definition emphasizes three key elements required in the understanding DE. First, that planned learning does not take place in the same physical location as the teaching. Second, that the teacher and student use some form of technology to mediate the communication between them. Third, the teaching methods and support arrangements for distance education differ from the traditional classroom environment requiring different instructor and student skills. The second definition by Desmond Keegan, is my best choice not because its similar to the one I authored above, but simply because it is comprehensive and brings into focus the main defining characteristics required of any complete definition of distance education. Desmond Keegans definition as presented by Holmberg (2004) maintains that in DE there is the quasi-permanent separation of teacher and learner throughout the length of the learning process that there is an influence of an educational organization both in the planning and preparation of learning materials that there is the use of technical media- print , audio, video or computer- to unite teacher and learner and carry the content of the course(Keegan,1990,p.44).

Some Final Thoughts

So what is my new perspective on the concept of Distance Education? What does it really mean? Whatever definition one accepts and from whatever approach, the definition is comprehensive and complete if and only if it has the following defining characteristics That distance teaching involves the presentation of planned learner matter, which means one-way communication (Holmberg 2004) that there is interaction between students and tutors, thus two-way traffic (Holmberg 2004) that technology is needed to bridge the gap or distance that exist in the process of distance education (Holmberg 2004) that the roles have changed, the student/ learner is at the center of all learning activities while the teacher / instructor is now a facilitator. (Holmberg 2004)

References References:
Eseh, D (2012, June 23, 2012)How do you define Distance Education [Week 01, Thread 03] Posted to cho Holmberg B. (2005). The evolution, principles, and practices of distance education. Oldenburg: Bibliotheks- und Informationssystem der Universitat Oldenburg

Moore, M., Kearsley, G. (2005). Distance education: A system view 2nd ed. CA: Thomson Wadsworth.

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