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Slovins Formula is developed by Robert Slovin. It is used to determine the appropriate number of participants/sample in a survey.

This determination of sample size is based on the availability of the number of populations. Without the actual value of a population, Slovins formula is not appropriate. A Stratified Sampling Technique is a form of a probability sampling technique where everybody in the population should have an equal chance to be selected. In using this technique, the researcher should need to divide the entire entity of a population and group it accordingly. The groupings are called STRATA. To apply the Slovins Formula in a Stratified Systematic Sampling Technique, follow this step-by-step procedure.

1. For each School population, use the Slovins Formula:

N ; e2 2 1 N e

0.05 M arg in of error

2. Compute for the Sampling Frame


n N

3. Multiply the result of the sampling frame to the population of each strata. Multiply 98 to the sampling frame(.480769), we will get 47. Meaning, out of 98 Freshmen, we will be needing 47 participants.

School 1 Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Total School 2 Freshmen Sophomore Junio Senior total School 3 Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior Total

Population 98 100 200 34 432 Population 35 87 100 341 563 Population 124 200 166 78 568

Sample 47 48 96 16 208 Sample 15 36 42 142 234 Sample 51 83 69 32 235

4. Take school 1 as example. We have determined that out of 98 freshmen, we need to have a representative sample of 47 freshmen students. To apply Systematic Sampling Arranged the 98 Freshmen Students in Alphabetical Order by Surname or maybe by ID number from lowest to highest. Once arranged, take every 8th students until we get the 47.

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