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Lesson Plan for Bathrooms

Expectations: Respectful Respect the privacy of others Use kind words Use indoor voices Responsible Get in and out as quickly as possible Keep bathrooms clean Safe Wash hands with soap Walk Objective: All students will demonstrate the correct behaviors to use in bathrooms All students will follow bathroom expectations Anticipatory Set: Classroom teacher will lead a class discussion about appropriate bathroom behaviors Teacher will list above expectations on the Smartboard and discuss each Modeling/Guided Practice: Done in classroom students model correct and incorrect behaviors Example When Joey washes her hands, the water splashes the wall. He cleans it up before going back to class Non Example Susie drops several paper towels on the floor and walks off and leaves them Example Tommy notices a puddle on the floor he tells the teacher so a custodian can be notified. Non Example Clara tries to look under the stall door to see who is in there and then stands on the toilet next to the stall and yells at the person. Check for understanding/independent practice: Students brainstorm a chart of situations that need cleaning up in the bathroom Students discuss situations in the bathroom that may need to be reported to the teacher Students discuss the custodians job and how leaving or making a mess on purpose impacts his/her job. Closure: Students practice the expectations during the next few days while using the bathrooms Teacher follows up with a discussion after a few days about noticed improved bathroom behavior.

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