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and the fascinating world of the human body. Human Biology is a general education course intended for students with pre-nursing/health professional goals, however, anyone is welcome! Studying the universal processes of living systems from chemistry to cells, we will lay a foundation for our exploration of human organ systems followed by discussions of humans and their relationship to the environment. INSTRUCTOR INFORMATION Office Phone: Email: Skype: Office Location & Office Hours:

928.634-6578 joanne.oellers Building M, Room 213 MW 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., TTh 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. (5 hours) Other times by appointment. Building L, Room 105 Mondays & Wednesdays 8 a.m.-10:45 p.m.


GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Course Description This is an introductory biology course for allied health majors with an emphasis on humans. Topics include fundamental concepts of cell history, histology, microbiology, and genetics. Dual credit for BIO 156 and BIO 100 will not be awarded. PrerequisiteReading proficiency. Credit hours4. myYC Portal All Yavapai College students will be required to use the myYC portal. The portal includes: Links to your College email Your degree audit system DegreeWorks to track your progress Registration information & your schedule Links to view transcripts, update information, and more!

For assistance with the Portal, go to Student Email Yavapai College requires enrolled students to have an email address to which official College communications can be sent, referred to as your scholar address, accessed by clicking on the email icon in your myYC portal. Students are expected to check their Yavapai College email account for college-related information and for class information and announcements at least every other day.

Students may elect to forward their YC email to an address different from their scholar account (see instructions on website) but assume full responsibility for reading email at the forwarded location. For assistance, go to Safety 1. For your safety, you must wear full coverage shoes for every class. If you forget, you accept full responsibility for any injury that results from exposed foot areas. I suggest you keep a pair of closed shoes in your car or backpack. 2. No eating in class, please. Water bottles are allowed. Textbook Human Biology, Michael D. Johnson, 6th edition, ISBN 9780321701671. Please become familiar with textbook website resources. Course Website = Blackboard + My Website Even though we meet in the classroom, I provide announcements, materials, and activities in Blackboard or on my website, linked through Blackboard. Please start exploring each of these sites.

Important College-wide Dates Fall semester begins Late registration ends Last day for 100% refund Last day for student-initiated withdrawal Labor Day holiday Veterans Day holiday Thanksgiving holiday Last day of fall semester

Monday, August 20 Sunday, August 26 Sunday, August 26 Sunday, October 14 Monday, September 3 Monday, November 12 Wednesday, November 21-25 Monday, December 10

SOME CHOICES OF SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS 1. Develop personal responsibility. See yourself as the primary force in outcomes and experiences. 2. Become self-motivated. Discover personally meaningful goals to overcome obstacles. 3. Practice self-management. Plan and take purposeful actions in pursuit of goals. 4. Be interdependence. Build mutually supportive relationships that help yourself and others to achieve goals. 5. Cultivate self awareness. Employ behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that keep you on course. 6. Strive for life-long learning. Find value in every experience. 7. Develop emotional intelligence. Manage emotions in support of goals. 8. Enjoy discovery learning. Find the wonder in the nature and seek understanding outside the classroom. 9. Believe in yourself! See yourself as a capable of achieving your dreams and goals.

ASSESSMENT Class Progress Simply select View Grades and Email on the left sidebar of your Blackboard Announcements screen. The Grade Center displays your point totals and the points possible in the course. Simply divide your earned points by the total course points at a particular point for your percentage grade. Be alert to your scores. Check frequently! If you uncover any discrepancies, notify me ASAP, and please let me know if you are struggling in any way. We can work together to find a solution.

Assessments & Grading Criteria Lab notebooks Quizzes Milestone Papers Attendance Exams (you will drop one)

4 x 50 11 x 10 4 x 15 26 x 5 3 x 100

200 110 60 130 300 800 points total

All assessments are equally weighted. Here is the performance and grading scale used to determine your final grade: A = 90 - 100% 720 & above Superior, extraordinary scholarship outstanding performance, excellent comprehension of subject material and above average written/oral expression B = 80 - 89% 640 to 719 Above-average work, good conceptual understanding, good expression, perhaps slightly lacking in organization and/or mechanics C = 70 - 79% 560 to 639 Acceptable work for this level of college D = 60 - 69% 480 to 559 Below standard of acceptable college work F = < 60% 480 & below Failure to meet minimal requirement for passing course To do well, expect to spend 8-12 hours a week on the course outside of class.

A failing grade may reflect lack of attendance, effort, or points, or result from non-compliance with course policies, including neglecting to withdraw oneself from class before the student-initiated withdrawal deadline. Progress Reports and Meetings Three times during the semester, I will give you an official report on your progress to that point. Also, please meet with me in person sometime during the semester. After exams or during my office hours are good times.

COURSE COMPONENT DETAILS Assignment details can be found on Monday mornings in weekly folders through your MyYC Portal in Blackboard. To keep up with the action, visit Blackboard and read your YC email at least every other day. To keep up with the action, visit Blackboard and read your YC email at least every other day. Blogs You will post your Milestone Papers (see description below) to a personal blog. Please develop a blog site or have an established blog ready for class by the end of the first week of class. Make sure the blog does not incorporate another class, since your work there should be stored separately. You may use an alias for your blog name, but I must know who you are (I will see this on the wiki). I will collect your blog links into the class wiki and then share them in a blogroll on my Wordpress site. I will help you get started, if you need me to. Let me know right away if you have any problems. Your blog entries are intended to be public! Please tell me if you have concerns about this.

Be sure you save your own copy of every blog posting that you do. I recommend doing the postings in a word or rich text document and then copying them into the blog. You can save these on your own computer, your campus M drive, or a portable hard drive. Be sure you have these backups just like you would for a paper assignment that you turn in. Do not lose your information! Save it in at least two locations. Reading Assignments Please complete any reading assignments or other materials as directed before class, to prepare for discussions and activities. Quizzes You will take quizzes in Blackboard. They are due on Sundays by midnight. Details will be available in your weekly folders. Laboratory Exercises The laboratory exercises take many forms, group work, discussion, problem solving, and analysis of data to name a few. Lab time is collaborative, so I expect to see you sharing results, but answers, drawings, and written discussions must be your own and submitted separately, even if you work in a group. Laboratory exercise sheets are provided to you through your course on Blackboard. In preparation for a lab period (see schedule on pages 9-14 of syllabus) always read the lab exercise ahead of class and starting week 2, please print your own laboratory exercise. On exam days, you will submit a laboratory notebook containing labs from the unit you just completed. Each lab is usually worth 10 points and each units labs are valued at 50 points. If the number of labs is more or less than 5, then the points for each

lab will be distributed, so each lab has an equal value. For example if there are 6 labs in one unit, then each lab is worth 8.34 points. To be accepted and considered for evaluation, your laboratory notebook must: 1. Be placed in a folder or binder separate from class notes 2. Be neat and legible 3. Include a cover page indicating your name and course name 4. Have a table of contents that refers to tabs placed in front of each laboratory exercise I will not grade notebooks missing any of the requirements above. In addition to the basic requirements, your grade will reflect your thoughtful answers to questions, presentation of data, and other lab-specific details. Exams A total of 4 exams will be given each worth 100 points. You will take all four exams, but your lowest exam score will be dropped. Therefore, the resulting exam total will be out of 300 points. Each exam includes multiple choice questions, vocabulary matching, and short answer questions. You should prepare by using textbook companion website Practice Quizzes, Concept Review, Test Yourself multiple choice quizzes, and Quick Checks throughout the chapters. This material provides you a good basis for understanding the material on exams. I provide a study guide for each exam.

During exams, only instructor-provided materials and a pen or pencil are allowed in your desk area.

Milestone Papers After each unit you will write a unit paper and post it to your blog. The purpose of this paper is to give you another opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the unit material and reflect on your experience with the content, and comment on how you learned the various topics. Details for assignments are provided in separate documents available on your Blackboard site. CONTENT AND OUTCOMES Course Content 1. Light microscopy 2. Scientific method 3. Introduction to biochemistry 4. Cellular structure, function, histology, reproduction 5. Cellular evolution and respiration

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Mendelian genetics Molecular genetics Clinical microbiology Human evolution and natural selection Human impacts and the environment Selected topics in human biology

Learning Outcomes. Numbers in parentheses match the course content, above.. 1. Use a light microscope to examine cells and cell structures. (1) 2. Describe the principles of the scientific method and relate them to topics in the allied health fields. (2) 3. Describe the principles of biochemistry and how these principles apply to all cellular life. (3,5) 4. Describe the structure of a eukaryotic cell including the properties of the cell membrane. (4) 5. Identify common human cell types and describe the organization of human cells into tissues and organs. (4) 6. Describe cell reproduction in eukaryotes and how this process occurs in various human tissues. (4) 7. Describe the principles of cell metabolism including aerobic cellular respiration. (5) 8. Describe the evolutionary support for the domains of life. (5) 9. Describe the principles of Mendelian genetics as they apply to inheritance in humans. (6) 10. Describe DNA structure, replication and protein synthesis. (7) 11. Identify characteristics of clinically important microbes and the diseases they produce. (8) 12. Define natural selection, describe varied evidences for evolution, and discuss the implications for human evolution. (9) 13. Describe major ecological impacts of humans and health-related implications. (10) 14. Apply general concepts to selected topics in human biology. (11) 15. Use scientific reasoning to evaluate the biology of human cells, organisms and populations. TECHNOLOGY Even while meeting face to face, technology is part of our regular course operation. You be comfortable with normal technological operations, such as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Accessing and working in Blackboard Email communication Sending, receiving and attaching files through email Viewing online videos Searching the internet for resources Opening and saving Word documents Converting documents to Rich Text

I can provide you with some help, but I will not be familiar with your computer and might not offer the best advice. Sometimes a problem is system-related, and then I feel really helpless. If you inform me of a technological glitch, I will do my best to find help for you. Your best bet: contact the Help Desk (see contact information on page 8) or a friend who is smart about these things. INSTITUTION & INSTRUCTOR POLICIES Instructor Response Time I will do my best to respond to emails and phone calls within 24 hours (I will likely not respond on weekends) and correct assignments within 48 hours after the due date. Attendance & Preparedness Students are expected to show up to class ready to actively participate, with all assigned readings and homework completed beforehand. Active participation during the class and evidence of engagement with the class material is expected.

Each day you are present, you have the potential to earn 5 attendance/preparedness points. There are a total of 31 class meetings four of which are exam days. You cannot earn attendance points on exam days or the first day of class, therefore 26 days remain so you can earn up to 130 for attendance. If you do not miss a class, I will award 10 extra points. I calculate attendance/preparedness into your grade reports, but it is your responsibility to know how this record might be affecting your grade. Points will subsequently be deducted from the total if the student shows poor participation or preparedness. This includes (but is not limited to) providing apathetic responses to teacher questions, rarely or never speaking in class (when appropriate for discussion), falling asleep, texting, or being otherwise distracted or disruptive in class, being absent from class, and showing little or no familiarity with vocabulary and concepts covered previously. Just coming to class will not earn you the full 5 points. As a courtesy, I would appreciate knowing if you will miss a class. Missed Assignments No late work will be accepted. Start assignments well before the due date to avoid finding yourself with a computer problem or other type of problem preventing you from completing an assignment on time. If you want to know what we covered in class while you were absent, please consult your syllabus. Withdrawal Policy Talk to me about any concerns you have about the class, your attendance, or progress. I want to help you succeed and might have options to offer you. You must be present the first class meeting, or you will be withdrawn from the class. If you are absent four times and/or you do not respond to my calls or emails, I will assume you no longer wish to be part of the class, and you will be withdrawn. It is your responsibility to assess your progress regularly and make the best decision for yourself about continuing in class. To officially withdraw from a course, you must submit a completed Yavapai College Change of Class Enrollment Form by 10/14 to the Registration Office or online. If you remain in the class after the student-initiated withdrawal date, you will likely receive, at the conclusion of the semester, the letter grade you earned by that time, not a withdrawal. Weather and Other Unforeseen Events Extreme winter weather or other conditions may prohibit travel to the College. Subscribing to text alerts and checking for updates on the Yavapai College Home Page keeps you up to date on situations potentially affecting you, such as cancellation of classes. Because I drive from Prescott, weather or road conditions might create an obstacle to my coming to campus. I will use email, Blackboard announcements, and notes on doors to communicate with you about delays or class cancellations. Student Code of Conduct The intended purpose of Yavapai Colleges Student Code of Conduct is to maintain order and stability and preserve all educational functions by setting forth standards of behavior and promoting respect for the rights of all individuals. Respect for the rights of others and for the College and its property are fundamental expectations for every student. The Student Code of Conduct outlines behavioral expectations, and explains the process for responding to allegations of student misconduct. It is your responsibility to read and understand this document.

Academic integrity Honesty in academic work is a central element of the learning environment. The presentation of another individuals work as ones own or the act of seeking unfair academic advantage through cheating, plagiarism, or other dishonest means are violations of the Colleges Student Code of Conduct and a violation of academic integrity. If you are not sure what this means ask me or refer to definitions of plagiarism, cheating, and violation of copyright and penalties for violation in the Yavapai College Student Code of Conduct. Plagiarism or violation of academic honesty in the preparation of class assignments will earn you a zero for that assignment and will likely result in a failing grade for the semester. For example, if I suspect you of cheating, because you are texting during an exam, you will earn a zero for your exam. Internet Downloading Yavapai College technological equipment and resources must be used in accordance with the Copyright Guidelines (check with a librarian). Use of Yavapai College equipment and resources to illegally copy, download, access, print or store copyrighted material or download pornographic material is strictly prohibited. For example, file swapping of copyrighted material such as music or movies is strictly prohibited. Users found to violate this policy will have their privileges to use Yavapai College technological equipment and resources revoked. Classroom Etiquette and Netiquette Students are expected to respond and write in a professional and appropriate manner when activities are assigned to create scenarios, discuss opinions, present on a selected subject, or post to the web. Inappropriate language or objectionable material will not be tolerated and could result in disciplinary measures and/or a failing grade for the class. All electronic devices must be placed in a non-audible mode while in classrooms, computer labs, the library, the learning center, and testing areas. However, there may be times we use our phones for research or other activities, and having the sound on is okay. Even in a face-to-face class, there are times when you need to communicate electronically with classmates and instructors. Just as courteous behavior is necessary in person, it is necessary online. See Best Practices for Online Learners and find Netiquette (about halfway down the page) for online etiquette guidelines. For example, I appreciate polite email exchanges with correct spelling. 1. In the subject line, include the course number and a reasonably specific reason for the e-mail Example: BIO 100 Due Date for Lab 2. Think about what you are writing. Choose an appropriate greeting such as Hello Professor. Ask politely for what you need. Proofread your message before sending. 3. Sign with your full name, course number, and meeting time. Example: Charles Darwin, BIO 156, MW 11-1:45 4. When you receive a reply, say Thanks or something like that. This lets me know you did receive my message.

HELP Library services are available at Prescott and Verde YC campuses. Both libraries are members of a countywide library network, which provides access to a wide-range of information and resources at libraries throughout Yavapai County. The YC computers are fully-equipped for course requirements. Visit a library if your home computer is not working for you. Learning Resource Centers are available on most campuses. These centers provide a variety of learning support for students including tutoring, adaptive equipment for students with disabilities, computer-assisted instruction, adult basic education, and English as a Second Language classes. For tutoring, call 928.634.6562 (Verde campus) or 928.776.2085 (Prescott campus). For tutoring, call 928.634.6562 (Verde campus) or 928.776.2085 (Prescott campus). Disability Resources If you have a disability, including a learning disability, please contact Disability Resources at 928.776.2079 or 928.776.2057 to discuss your disability with a staff member. This will be so that you can arrange accommodations that you need for this class. More Resources Academic Advising Registration and Financial Aid Resources (through MyYC portal) Technology Help Desk 928.776.2168 Prescott Campus 928.649.5558 Verde Campus 855.836.3520 Toll-free either campus

SCHEDULE BIO 156 MONDAY & WEDNESDAY Please note that lab titles are generalized and may appear in a different form in your weekly assignment folders. This schedule might change, if so, I will notify you ASAP. Dont forget after-chapter resources even only partial chapter reading is required. And check your weekly folders for additional details. UNIT 1 SCIENCE AND CELL STRUCTURE WEEK 1 (8/20, 8/22 ) Science and Society Homework: Read chapter 1 and other as directed in this weeks folder Use study tools Read lab exercise In class: Introductions Chapter 1 topics and homework discussion Lab: 8/22 Doing Science In preparation for Week 2, read Chapter 2 p. 24-37 and Epidemic lab exercise. WEEK 2 (8/27, 8/29) Chemistry of Living Things Homework: Use study tools Read Waters Importance to Life lab exercise Quiz 1 Chapter 1 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday 9/2) In class: Chapter 2 topics & homework discussion Labs: 8/27 Epidemic 8/29 Waters Importance to Life In preparation for Week 3, read Chapter 2 p. 37-49, Chapter 17 p. 407-412 and Molecules and DNA Extraction lab exercise. WEEK 3 (9/5 only) Organic Molecules Of Life Homework: Use study tools Quiz 2 Chapter 2 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday 9/9) In class: Chapter 2 topics & homework discussion



Molecules and DNA Extraction Lab

In preparation for Week 4, read Chapter 3 p. 50-69, and Microscope lab exercise. Week 4 (9/10, 9/12) Structure of Cells Homework: Use study tools Read Organelles lab exercise Quiz 3 Chapter 17 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 3 topics & homework discussion Labs: 9/10 Microscope 9/12 Organelles In preparation for Week 5, read Chapter 3 p. 69-79 and Enzymes lab exercise. WEEK 5 (9/17, 9/19) Function of Cells Homework: Use study tools Read Structure & Function of Mitochondria and Bacterial Fermentation lab exercises Quiz 4 Chapter 3 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 3 topics & homework discussion Labs: 9/17 Enzymes 9/19 Structure & Function of Mitochondria Bacterial Fermentation In preparation for Week 6, read Chapter 17 p. 404-407, 413-425, Chapter 18 p. 426-434 and Mitosis lab exercise UNIT 2 CELL REPRODUCTION AND GENETICS WEEK 6 (9/24, 9/26) Cellular Reproduction & Differentiation Homework: Use study tools In class: Chapter 17 topics & homework discussion Lab: 9/24 Mitosis


Due: 9/26 Exam 1 Lab Notebook 1 Milestone Paper

100 points 50 points 15 points

In preparation for Week 7, read Chapter 19 and My Favorite Chromosome & Genome Exploration lab exercises. WEEK 7 (10/1, 10/3) Genetics & Inheritance Homework: Use study tools Read Genetics Calculations lab exercise Quiz 5 Chapter 17 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 19 topics & homework discussion Labs: 10/1 My Favorite Chromosome & Genome Exploration 10/3 Genetics Calculations In preparation for Week 8, read Chapter 20 and Amylase Electrophoresis lab exercise. WEEK 8 (10/8, 10/10) DNA Technology & Genetic Engineering Homework: Read pBlue lab exercise Use study tools Quiz 6 Chapter 19 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 20 topics & homework discussion Labs: 10/8 Amylase Electrophoresis 10/10 pBlue In preparation for Week 9, read Chapter 4 and Tissues and Effectiveness of Sunscreens lab exercises. UNIT 3 ORGAN SYSTEMS WEEK 9 (10/15, 10/17) From Cells to Tissues Homework: Use study tools In class: Chapter 4 topics & homework discussion


10/15 Tissues and Effectiveness of Sunscreens

Due: 10/17 Exam 2 Lab Notebook 2 Milestone Paper

100 points 50 points 15 points

In preparation for Week 10, read Chapter 5 p. 102-114 (stop before section 5.5) and Chapter 6 p.122-132 and Chicken Leg Dissection lab exercise. WEEK 10 (10/22, 10/24) Skeletal & Muscular Systems Homework: Read Muscle Action lab exercise Quiz 7 Chapter 4 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) Use study tools In class: Chapter 5 & 6 topics & homework discussion Labs: 10/22 Chicken Leg Dissection 10/24 Muscle Action In preparation for Week 11, read Chapter 7 p. 143-154, Chapter 8 p.162-173 and Blood Typing & Hematocrit lab exercises. WEEK 11 (10/29, 10/31) Blood & Cardiovascular System Homework: Use study tools Quiz 8 Chapter 5 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Labs: 10/29 Blood Typing & Hematocrit In preparation for Week 12, read Chapter 10 and Sheep Heart Exploration lab exercise. WEEK 12 (11/5, 11/7) Respiratory System Homework: Use study tools Read Respiration lab exercise Quiz 9 Chapter 7 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 10 topics & homework discussion Labs: 11/5 Sheep Heart Exploration


Respiration (Pig Pluck)

In preparation for Week 13, read Chapter 14 and Organs of Digestion & Kidney Dissection lab exercise. UNIT 4 HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT WEEK 13 (11/14 Wednesday only) Digestive System Homework: Use study tools In class: Chapter 14 topics &homework discussion Lab: 11/13 Organs of Digestion & Kidney Dissection Due: 11/15 Exam 3 Lab Notebook 3 Milestone Paper

100 points 50 points 15 points

In preparation for Week 14, read Chapter 9 p. 188-209 (stop before section 9.9) and Lymphatic System & Microbiology lab exercise. WEEK 14 (11/19 Monday only) Immune System & Defense Homework: Use study tools Quiz 10 Chapter 14 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday) In class: Chapter 9 topics & homework discussion Lab: 11/19 Lymphatic System & Microbiology Read Chapter 11 p. 242-253, Chapter 12 p.274-281 (stop before section 12.3) ~ NOVEMBER 21-25-THANKSGIVING BREAK ~ WEEK 15 (11/26, 11/28 ) Nervous System & Senses Homework: Read Nervous System and Special Senses lab exercise. Use study tools Quiz 11 Chapter 9 (10 pts., online, due midnight Sunday)


In class: Chapter 11 topics & homework discussion 11/28 Nervous System and Special Senses Read Chapter 24 p. 544-560. WEEK 16 (12/3, 12/5) Population Growth & Human Impacts Homework: Read Human Impact lab exercise In class: Chapter 24 topics & homework discussion Lab: 12/5 Human Impact Week 17 (12/10 Monday only, last day of semester) No lab Due: 12/10 Exam 4 Lab Notebook 4 Milestone Paper

100 points 50 points 15 points


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