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I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution, do hereby order nd promul! te the " mily Code of the Philippines, s follows# $I$%& I 'ARRIA(& Ch pter ). Re*uisites of ' rri !e Arti+le ). ' rri !e is spe+i l +ontr +t of perm nent union between m n nd wom n entered into in ++ord n+e with l w for the est blishment of +on,u! l nd f mily life. It is the found tion of the f mily nd n inviol ble so+i l institution whose n ture, +onse*uen+es, nd in+idents re !overned by l w nd not sub,e+t to stipul tion, e-+ept th t m rri !e settlements m y fi- the property rel tions durin! the m rri !e within the limits provided by this Code. ./0 1 Art. 0. No m rri !e sh ll be v lid, unless these essenti l re*uisites re present# .)1 %e! l + p +ity of the +ontr +tin! p rties who must be m le nd fem le2 nd .01 Consent freely !iven in the presen+e of the solemni3in! offi+er. ./4 1 Art. 4. $he form l re*uisites of m rri !e re# .)1 Authority of the solemni3in! offi+er2 .01 A v lid m rri !e li+ense e-+ept in the + ses provided for in Ch pter 0 of this $itle2 nd .41 A m rri !e +eremony whi+h t 5es pl +e with the ppe r n+e of the +ontr +tin! p rties before the solemni3in! offi+er nd their person l de+l r tion th t they t 5e e +h other s husb nd nd wife in the presen+e of not less th n two witnesses of le! l !e. ./4 , // 1 Art. 6. $he bsen+e of ny of the essenti l or form l re*uisites sh ll render the m rri !e void ab initio, e-+ept s st ted in Arti+le 4/ .01. A defe+t in ny of the essenti l re*uisites sh ll not ffe+t the v lidity of the m rri !e but the p rty or p rties responsible for the irre!ul rity sh ll be +ivilly, +rimin lly nd dministr tively li ble. .n1 Art. /. Any m le or fem le of the !e of ei!hteen ye rs or upw rds not under ny of the impediments mentioned in Arti+les 47 nd 48, m y +ontr +t m rri !e. ./6 1 Art. 9. No pres+ribed form or reli!ious rite for the solemni3 tion of the m rri !e is re*uired. It sh ll be ne+ess ry, however, for the +ontr +tin! p rties to ppe r person lly before the solemni3in! offi+er nd de+l re in the presen+e of not less th n two witnesses of le! l !e th t they t 5e e +h other s husb nd nd wife. $his de+l r tion sh ll be +ont ined in the m rri !e +ertifi+ te whi+h sh ll be si!ned by the +ontr +tin! p rties nd their witnesses nd ttested by the solemni3in! offi+er. In + se of m rri !e in articulo mortis, when the p rty t the point of de th is un ble to si!n the m rri !e +ertifi+ te, it sh ll be suffi+ient for one of the witnesses to the m rri !e to write the n me of s id p rty, whi+h f +t sh ll be

ttested by the solemni3in! offi+er. .// 1 Art. 7. ' rri !e m y be solemni3ed by# .)1 Any in+umbent member of the ,udi+i ry within the +ourt:s ,urisdi+tion2 .01 Any priest, r bbi, im m, or minister of ny +hur+h or reli!ious se+t duly uthori3ed by his +hur+h or reli!ious se+t nd re!istered with the +ivil re!istr r !ener l, +tin! within the limits of the written uthority !r nted by his +hur+h or reli!ious se+t nd provided th t t le st one of the +ontr +tin! p rties belon!s to the solemni3in! offi+er:s +hur+h or reli!ious se+t2 .41 Any ship + pt in or irpl ne +hief only in the + se mentioned in Arti+le 4)2 .61 Any milit ry +omm nder of unit to whi+h +h pl in is ssi!ned, in the bsen+e of the l tter, durin! milit ry oper tion, li5ewise only in the + ses mentioned in Arti+le 402 ./1 Any +onsul;!ener l, +onsul or vi+e;+onsul in the + se provided in Arti+le )<. ./9 1 Arti+le. 8. $he m rri !e sh ll be solemni3ed publi+ly in the +h mbers of the ,ud!e or in open +ourt, in the +hur+h, +h pel or temple, or in the offi+e the +onsul; !ener l, +onsul or vi+e;+onsul, s the + se m y be, nd not elsewhere, e-+ept in + ses of m rri !es +ontr +ted on the point of de th or in remote pl +es in ++ord n+e with Arti+le 0= of this Code, or where both of the p rties re*uest the solemni3in! offi+er in writin! in whi+h + se the m rri !e m y be solemni3ed t house or pl +e desi!n ted by them in sworn st tement to th t effe+t. ./7 1 Art. =. A m rri !e li+ense sh ll be issued by the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r of the +ity or muni+ip lity where either +ontr +tin! p rty h bitu lly resides, e-+ept in m rri !es where no li+ense is re*uired in ++ord n+e with Ch pter 0 of this $itle. ./8 1 Art. )<. ' rri !es between "ilipino +iti3ens bro d m y be solemni3ed by +onsul;!ener l, +onsul or vi+e;+onsul of the Republi+ of the Philippines. $he issu n+e of the m rri !e li+ense nd the duties of the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r nd of the solemni3in! offi+er with re! rd to the +elebr tion of m rri !e sh ll be performed by s id +onsul r offi+i l. .7/ 1 Art. )). >here m rri !e li+ense is re*uired, e +h of the +ontr +tin! p rties sh ll file sep r tely sworn ppli+ tion for su+h li+ense with the proper lo+ l +ivil re!istr r whi+h sh ll spe+ify the followin!# .)1 "ull n me of the +ontr +tin! p rty2 .01 Pl +e of birth2 .41 A!e nd d te of birth2 .61 Civil st tus2 ./1 If previously m rried, how, when nd where the previous m rri !e w s dissolved or nnulled2 .91 Present residen+e nd +iti3enship2 .71 ?e!ree of rel tionship of the +ontr +tin! p rties2 .81 "ull n me, residen+e nd +iti3enship of the f ther2 .=1 "ull n me, residen+e nd +iti3enship of the mother2 nd .)<1 "ull n me, residen+e nd +iti3enship of the !u rdi n or person h vin! +h r!e, in + se the +ontr +tin! p rty h s neither f ther nor mother nd is under the !e of twenty;one ye rs. $he ppli+ nts, their p rents or !u rdi ns sh ll not be re*uired to e-hibit their

residen+e +ertifi+ tes in ny form lity in +onne+tion with the se+urin! of the m rri !e li+ense. ./= 1 Art. )0. $he lo+ l +ivil re!istr r, upon re+eivin! su+h ppli+ tion, sh ll re*uire the present tion of the ori!in l birth +ertifi+ tes or, in def ult thereof, the b ptism l +ertifi+ tes of the +ontr +tin! p rties or +opies of su+h do+uments duly ttested by the persons h vin! +ustody of the ori!in ls. $hese +ertifi+ tes or +ertified +opies of the do+uments by this Arti+le need not be sworn to nd sh ll be e-empt from the do+ument ry st mp t -. $he si!n ture nd offi+i l title of the person issuin! the +ertifi+ te sh ll be suffi+ient proof of its uthenti+ity. If either of the +ontr +tin! p rties is un ble to produ+e his birth or b ptism l +ertifi+ te or +ertified +opy of either be+ use of the destru+tion or loss of the ori!in l or if it is shown by n ffid vit of su+h p rty or of ny other person th t su+h birth or b ptism l +ertifi+ te h s not yet been re+eived thou!h the s me h s been re*uired of the person h vin! +ustody thereof t le st fifteen d ys prior to the d te of the ppli+ tion, su+h p rty m y furnish in lieu thereof his +urrent residen+e +ertifi+ te or n instrument dr wn up nd sworn to before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r +on+erned or ny publi+ offi+i l uthori3ed to dminister o ths. @u+h instrument sh ll +ont in the sworn de+l r tion of two witnesses of l wful !e, settin! forth the full n me, residen+e nd +iti3enship of su+h +ontr +tin! p rty nd of his or her p rents, if 5nown, nd the pl +e nd d te of birth of su+h p rty. $he ne rest of 5in of the +ontr +tin! p rties sh ll be preferred s witnesses, or, in their def ult, persons of !ood reput tion in the provin+e or the lo+ lity. $he present tion of birth or b ptism l +ertifi+ te sh ll not be re*uired if the p rents of the +ontr +tin! p rties ppe r person lly before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r +on+erned nd swe r to the +orre+tness of the l wful !e of s id p rties, s st ted in the ppli+ tion, or when the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r sh ll, by merely loo5in! t the ppli+ nts upon their person lly ppe rin! before him, be +onvin+ed th t either or both of them h ve the re*uired !e. .9< 1 Art. )4. In + se either of the +ontr +tin! p rties h s been previously m rried, the ppli+ nt sh ll be re*uired to furnish, inste d of the birth or b ptism l +ertifi+ te re*uired in the l st pre+edin! rti+le, the de th +ertifi+ te of the de+e sed spouse or the ,udi+i l de+ree of the bsolute divor+e, or the ,udi+i l de+ree of nnulment or de+l r tion of nullity of his or her previous m rri !e. In + se the de th +ertifi+ te + nnot be se+ured, the p rty sh ll m 5e n ffid vit settin! forth this +ir+umst n+e nd his or her +tu l +ivil st tus nd the n me nd d te of de th of the de+e sed spouse. .9) 1 Art. )6. In + se either or both of the +ontr +tin! p rties, not h vin! been em n+ip ted by previous m rri !e, re between the !es of ei!hteen nd twenty;one, they sh ll, in ddition to the re*uirements of the pre+edin! rti+les, e-hibit to the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r, the +onsent to their m rri !e of their f ther, mother, survivin! p rent or !u rdi n, or persons h vin! le! l +h r!e of them, in the order mentioned. @u+h +onsent sh ll be m nifested in writin! by the interested p rty, who person lly ppe rs before the proper lo+ l +ivil re!istr r, or in the form of n ffid vit m de in the presen+e of two witnesses nd ttested before ny offi+i l uthori3ed by l w to dminister o ths. $he person l m nifest tion sh ll be re+orded in both ppli+ tions for m rri !e li+ense, nd the ffid vit, if one is

e-e+uted inste d, sh ll be tt +hed to s id ppli+ tions..9) 1 Art. )/. Any +ontr +tin! p rty between the !e of twenty;one nd twenty;five sh ll be obli!ed to s5 their p rents or !u rdi n for dvi+e upon the intended m rri !e. If they do not obt in su+h dvi+e, or if it be unf vor ble, the m rri !e li+ense sh ll not be issued till fter three months followin! the +ompletion of the publi+ tion of the ppli+ tion therefor. A sworn st tement by the +ontr +tin! p rties to the effe+t th t su+h dvi+e h s been sou!ht, to!ether with the written dvi+e !iven, if ny, sh ll be tt +hed to the ppli+ tion for m rri !e li+ense. @hould the p rents or !u rdi n refuse to !ive ny dvi+e, this f +t sh ll be st ted in the sworn st tement. .90 1 Art. )9. In the + ses where p rent l +onsent or p rent l dvi+e is needed, the p rty or p rties +on+erned sh ll, in ddition to the re*uirements of the pre+edin! rti+les, tt +h +ertifi+ te issued by priest, im m or minister uthori3ed to solemni3e m rri !e under Arti+le 7 of this Code or m rri !e +ounselor duly ++redited by the proper !overnment !en+y to the effe+t th t the +ontr +tin! p rties h ve under!one m rri !e +ounselin!. " ilure to tt +h s id +ertifi+ tes of m rri !e +ounselin! sh ll suspend the issu n+e of the m rri !e li+ense for period of three months from the +ompletion of the publi+ tion of the ppli+ tion. Issu n+e of the m rri !e li+ense within the prohibited period sh ll sub,e+t the issuin! offi+er to dministr tive s n+tions but sh ll not ffe+t the v lidity of the m rri !e. @hould only one of the +ontr +tin! p rties need p rent l +onsent or p rent l dvi+e, the other p rty must be present t the +ounselin! referred to in the pre+edin! p r !r ph. .n1 Art. )7. $he lo+ l +ivil re!istr r sh ll prep re noti+e whi+h sh ll +ont in the full n mes nd residen+es of the ppli+ nts for m rri !e li+ense nd other d t !iven in the ppli+ tions. $he noti+e sh ll be posted for ten +onse+utive d ys on bulletin bo rd outside the offi+e of the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r lo+ ted in +onspi+uous pl +e within the buildin! nd ++essible to the !ener l publi+. $his noti+e sh ll re*uest ll persons h vin! 5nowled!e of ny impediment to the m rri !e to dvise the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r thereof. $he m rri !e li+ense sh ll be issued fter the +ompletion of the period of publi+ tion. .94 1 Art. )8. In + se of ny impediment 5nown to the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r or brou!ht to his ttention, he sh ll note down the p rti+ul rs thereof nd his findin!s thereon in the ppli+ tion for m rri !e li+ense, but sh ll nonetheless issue s id li+ense fter the +ompletion of the period of publi+ tion, unless ordered otherwise by +ompetent +ourt t his own inst n+e or th t of ny interest p rty. No filin! fee sh ll be +h r!ed for the petition nor +orrespondin! bond re*uired for the issu n+es of the order. .96 1 Art. )=. $he lo+ l +ivil re!istr r sh ll re*uire the p yment of the fees pres+ribed by l w or re!ul tions before the issu n+e of the m rri !e li+ense. No other sum sh ll be +olle+ted in the n ture of fee or t - of ny 5ind for the issu n+e of s id li+ense. It sh ll, however, be issued free of +h r!e to indi!ent p rties, th t is those who h ve no visible me ns of in+ome or whose in+ome is insuffi+ient for their subsisten+e f +t est blished by their ffid vit, or by their o th before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r. .9/ 1 +h n robles virtu l l w libr ry

Art. 0<. $he li+ense sh ll be v lid in ny p rt of the Philippines for period of one hundred twenty d ys from the d te of issue, nd sh ll be deemed utom ti+ lly + n+eled t the e-pir tion of the s id period if the +ontr +tin! p rties h ve not m de use of it. $he e-piry d te sh ll be st mped in bold +h r +ters on the f +e of every li+ense issued. .9/ 1 Art. 0). >hen either or both of the +ontr +tin! p rties re +iti3ens of forei!n +ountry, it sh ll be ne+ess ry for them before m rri !e li+ense + n be obt ined, to submit +ertifi+ te of le! l + p +ity to +ontr +t m rri !e, issued by their respe+tive diplom ti+ or +onsul r offi+i ls. @t teless persons or refu!ees from other +ountries sh ll, in lieu of the +ertifi+ te of le! l + p +ity herein re*uired, submit n ffid vit st tin! the +ir+umst n+es showin! su+h + p +ity to +ontr +t m rri !e. .99 1 Art. 00. $he m rri !e +ertifi+ te, in whi+h the p rties sh ll de+l re th t they t 5e e +h other s husb nd nd wife, sh ll lso st te# .)1 $he full n me, se- nd !e of e +h +ontr +tin! p rty2 .01 $heir +iti3enship, reli!ion nd h bitu l residen+e2 .41 $he d te nd pre+ise time of the +elebr tion of the m rri !e2 .61 $h t the proper m rri !e li+ense h s been issued ++ordin! to l w, e-+ept in m rri !e provided for in Ch pter 0 of this $itle2 ./1 $h t either or both of the +ontr +tin! p rties h ve se+ured the p rent l +onsent in ppropri te + ses2 .91 $h t either or both of the +ontr +tin! p rties h ve +omplied with the le! l re*uirement re! rdin! p rent l dvi+e in ppropri te + ses2 nd .71 $h t the p rties h ve entered into m rri !e settlement, if ny, tt +hin! +opy thereof. .97 1 Art. 04. It sh ll be the duty of the person solemni3in! the m rri !e to furnish either of the +ontr +tin! p rties the ori!in l of the m rri !e +ertifi+ te referred to in Arti+le 9 nd to send the dupli+ te nd tripli+ te +opies of the +ertifi+ te not l ter th n fifteen d ys fter the m rri !e, to the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r of the pl +e where the m rri !e w s solemni3ed. Proper re+eipts sh ll be issued by the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r to the solemni3in! offi+er tr nsmittin! +opies of the m rri !e +ertifi+ te. $he solemni3in! offi+er sh ll ret in in his file the *u drupli+ te +opy of the m rri !e +ertifi+ te, the +opy of the m rri !e +ertifi+ te, the ori!in l of the m rri !e li+ense nd, in proper + ses, the ffid vit of the +ontr +tin! p rty re! rdin! the solemni3 tion of the m rri !e in pl +e other th n those mentioned in Arti+le 8. .98 1 Art. 06. It sh ll be the duty of the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r to prep re the do+uments re*uired by this $itle, nd to dminister o ths to ll interested p rties without ny +h r!e in both + ses. $he do+uments nd ffid vits filed in +onne+tion with ppli+ tions for m rri !e li+enses sh ll be e-empt from do+ument ry st mp t -. .n1 Art. 0/. $he lo+ l +ivil re!istr r +on+erned sh ll enter ll ppli+ tions for m rri !e li+enses filed with him in re!istry boo5 stri+tly in the order in whi+h the s me re re+eived. Ae sh ll re+ord in s id boo5 the n mes of the ppli+ nts, the d te on whi+h the m rri !e li+ense w s issued, nd su+h other d t s m y be ne+ess ry. .n1 Art. 09. All m rri !es solemni3ed outside the Philippines, in ++ord n+e with the

l ws in for+e in the +ountry where they were solemni3ed, nd v lid there s su+h, sh ll lso be v lid in this +ountry, e-+ept those prohibited under Arti+les 4/ .)1, .61, ./1 nd .91, 4947 nd 48. .)7 1 >here m rri !e between "ilipino +iti3en nd forei!ner is v lidly +elebr ted nd divor+e is there fter v lidly obt ined bro d by the lien spouse + p +it tin! him or her to rem rry, the "ilipino spouse sh ll h ve + p +ity to rem rry under Philippine l w. .As mended by &-e+utive Order 0071 Ch pter 0. ' rri !es &-empted from %i+ense Re*uirement Art. 07. In + se either or both of the +ontr +tin! p rties re t the point of de th, the m rri !e m y be solemni3ed without ne+essity of m rri !e li+ense nd sh ll rem in v lid even if the ilin! p rty subse*uently survives. .70 1 Art. 08. If the residen+e of either p rty is so lo+ ted th t there is no me ns of tr nsport tion to en ble su+h p rty to ppe r person lly before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r, the m rri !e m y be solemni3ed without ne+essity of m rri !e li+ense. .70 1 Art. 0=. In the + ses provided for in the two pre+edin! rti+les, the solemni3in! offi+er sh ll st te in n ffid vit e-e+uted before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r or ny other person le! lly uthori3ed to dminister o ths th t the m rri !e w s performed in articulo mortis or th t the residen+e of either p rty, spe+ifyin! the b rrio or b r n! y, is so lo+ ted th t there is no me ns of tr nsport tion to en ble su+h p rty to ppe r person lly before the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r nd th t the offi+er too5 the ne+ess ry steps to s+ert in the !es nd rel tionship of the +ontr +tin! p rties nd the bsen+e of le! l impediment to the m rri !e. .70 1 Art. 4<. $he ori!in l of the ffid vit re*uired in the l st pre+edin! rti+le, to!ether with the le!ible +opy of the m rri !e +ontr +t, sh ll be sent by the person solemni3in! the m rri !e to the lo+ l +ivil re!istr r of the muni+ip lity where it w s performed within the period of thirty d ys fter the perform n+e of the m rri !e. .7/ 1 Art. 4). A m rri !e in rti+ulo mortis between p ssen!ers or +rew members m y lso be solemni3ed by ship + pt in or by n irpl ne pilot not only while the ship is t se or the pl ne is in fli!ht, but lso durin! stopovers t ports of + ll. .76 1 Art. 40. A milit ry +omm nder of unit, who is +ommissioned offi+er, sh ll li5ewise h ve uthority to solemni3e m rri !es in rti+ulo mortis between persons within the 3one of milit ry oper tion, whether members of the rmed for+es or +ivili ns. .76 1 Art. 44. ' rri !es mon! 'uslims or mon! members of the ethni+ +ultur l +ommunities m y be performed v lidly without the ne+essity of m rri !e li+ense, provided they re solemni3ed in ++ord n+e with their +ustoms, rites or pr +ti+es. .78 1 Art. 46. No li+ense sh ll be ne+ess ry for the m rri !e of m n nd wom n who h ve lived to!ether s husb nd nd wife for t le st five ye rs nd without ny le! l impediment to m rry e +h other. $he +ontr +tin! p rties sh ll st te the fore!oin! f +ts in n ffid vit before ny person uthori3ed by l w to dminister o ths. $he solemni3in! offi+er sh ll lso st te under o th th t he s+ert ined the

*u lifi+ tions of the +ontr +tin! p rties m rri !e. .79 1

re found no le! l impediment to the

Ch pter 4. Boid nd Boid ble ' rri !es Art. 4/. $he followin! m rri !es sh ll be void from the be!innin!# .)1 $hose +ontr +ted by ny p rty below ei!hteen ye rs of !e even with the +onsent of p rents or !u rdi ns2 .01 $hose solemni3ed by ny person not le! lly uthori3ed to perform m rri !es unless su+h m rri !es were +ontr +ted with either or both p rties believin! in !ood f ith th t the solemni3in! offi+er h d the le! l uthority to do so2 .41 $hose solemni3ed without li+ense, e-+ept those +overed the pre+edin! Ch pter2 .61 $hose bi! mous or poly! mous m rri !es not f ilin! under Arti+le 6)2 ./1 $hose +ontr +ted throu!h mist 5e of one +ontr +tin! p rty s to the identity of the other2 nd .91 $hose subse*uent m rri !es th t re void under Arti+le /4. Art. 49. A m rri !e +ontr +ted by ny p rty who, t the time of the +elebr tion, w s psy+holo!i+ lly in+ p +it ted to +omply with the essenti l m rit l obli! tions of m rri !e, sh ll li5ewise be void even if su+h in+ p +ity be+omes m nifest only fter its solemni3 tion. .As mended by &-e+utive Order 0071 Art. 47. ' rri !es between the followin! re in+estuous nd void from the be!innin!, whether rel tionship between the p rties be le!itim te or ille!itim te# .)1 Cetween s+end nts nd des+end nts of ny de!ree2 nd .01 Cetween brothers nd sisters, whether of the full or h lf blood. .8) 1 Art. 48. $he followin! m rri !es sh ll be void from the be!innin! for re sons of publi+ poli+y# .)1 Cetween +oll ter l blood rel tives whether le!itim te or ille!itim te, up to the fourth +ivil de!ree2 .01 Cetween step;p rents nd step;+hildren2 .41 Cetween p rents;in;l w nd +hildren;in;l w2 .61 Cetween the doptin! p rent nd the dopted +hild2 ./1 Cetween the survivin! spouse of the doptin! p rent nd the dopted +hild2 .91 Cetween the survivin! spouse of the dopted +hild nd the dopter2 .71 Cetween n dopted +hild nd le!itim te +hild of the dopter2 .81 Cetween dopted +hildren of the s me dopter2 nd .=1 Cetween p rties where one, with the intention to m rry the other, 5illed th t other person:s spouse, or his or her own spouse. .801 Art. 4=. $he +tion or defense for the de+l r tion of bsolute nullity of m rri !e b initio sh ll not pres+ribe. .As mended by &-e+utive Order 007 nd Republi+ A+t No. 8/442 $he
phr se "However, in case of marriage celebrated before the effectivity of this Code and falling under Article 36, such action or defense shall prescribe in ten years after this Code shall taken effect" h s been deleted by Republi+ A+t No. 8/44 DApproved "ebru ry 04, )==8E1.

Art. 6<. $he bsolute nullity of previous m rri !e m y be invo5ed for purposes of rem rri !e on the b sis solely of fin l ,ud!ment de+l rin! su+h previous m rri !e void. .n1

Art. 6). A m rri !e +ontr +ted by ny person durin! subsisten+e of previous m rri !e sh ll be null nd void, unless before the +elebr tion of the subse*uent m rri !e, the prior spouse h d been bsent for four +onse+utive ye rs nd the spouse present h s well;founded belief th t the bsent spouse w s lre dy de d. In + se of dis ppe r n+e where there is d n!er of de th under the +ir+umst n+es set forth in the provisions of Arti+le 4=) of the Civil Code, n bsen+e of only two ye rs sh ll be suffi+ient. "or the purpose of +ontr +tin! the subse*uent m rri !e under the pre+edin! p r !r ph the spouse present must institute summ ry pro+eedin! s provided in this Code for the de+l r tion of presumptive de th of the bsentee, without pre,udi+e to the effe+t of re ppe r n+e of the bsent spouse. .84 1 Art. 60. $he subse*uent m rri !e referred to in the pre+edin! Arti+le sh ll be utom ti+ lly termin ted by the re+ordin! of the ffid vit of re ppe r n+e of the bsent spouse, unless there is ,ud!ment nnullin! the previous m rri !e or de+l rin! it void ab initio. A sworn st tement of the f +t nd +ir+umst n+es of re ppe r n+e sh ll be re+orded in the +ivil re!istry of the residen+e of the p rties to the subse*uent m rri !e t the inst n+e of ny interested person, with due noti+e to the spouses of the subse*uent m rri !e nd without pre,udi+e to the f +t of re ppe r n+e bein! ,udi+i lly determined in + se su+h f +t is disputed. .n1 Art. 64. $he termin tion of the subse*uent m rri !e referred to in the pre+edin! Arti+le sh ll produ+e the followin! effe+ts# .)1 $he +hildren of the subse*uent m rri !e +on+eived prior to its termin tion sh ll be +onsidered le!itim te2 .01 $he bsolute +ommunity of property or the +on,u! l p rtnership, s the + se m y be, sh ll be dissolved nd li*uid ted, but if either spouse +ontr +ted s id m rri !e in b d f ith, his or her sh re of the net profits of the +ommunity property or +on,u! l p rtnership property sh ll be forfeited in f vor of the +ommon +hildren or, if there re none, the +hildren of the !uilty spouse by previous m rri !e or in def ult of +hildren, the inno+ent spouse2 .41 ?on tions by re son of m rri !e sh ll rem in v lid, e-+ept th t if the donee +ontr +ted the m rri !e in b d f ith, su+h don tions m de to s id donee re revo5ed by oper tion of l w2 .61 $he inno+ent spouse m y revo5e the desi!n tion of the other spouse who +ted in b d f ith s benefi+i ry in ny insur n+e poli+y, even if su+h desi!n tion be stipul ted s irrevo+ ble2 nd ./1 $he spouse who +ontr +ted the subse*uent m rri !e in b d f ith sh ll be dis*u lified to inherit from the inno+ent spouse by test te nd intest te su++ession. .n1 Art. 66. If both spouses of the subse*uent m rri !e +ted in b d f ith, s id m rri !e sh ll be void ab initio nd ll don tions by re son of m rri !e nd test ment ry dispositions m de by one in f vor of the other re revo5ed by oper tion of l w. .n1 Art. 6/. A m rri !e m y be nnulled for ny of the followin! + uses, e-istin! t the time of the m rri !e# .)1 $h t the p rty in whose beh lf it is sou!ht to h ve the m rri !e nnulled w s

ei!hteen ye rs of !e or over but below twenty;one, nd the m rri !e w s solemni3ed without the +onsent of the p rents, !u rdi n or person h vin! substitute p rent l uthority over the p rty, in th t order, unless fter tt inin! the !e of twenty;one, su+h p rty freely +oh bited with the other nd both lived to!ether s husb nd nd wife2 .01 $h t either p rty w s of unsound mind, unless su+h p rty fter +omin! to re son, freely +oh bited with the other s husb nd nd wife2 .41 $h t the +onsent of either p rty w s obt ined by fr ud, unless su+h p rty fterw rds, with full 5nowled!e of the f +ts +onstitutin! the fr ud, freely +oh bited with the other s husb nd nd wife2 .61 $h t the +onsent of either p rty w s obt ined by for+e, intimid tion or undue influen+e, unless the s me h vin! dis ppe red or +e sed, su+h p rty there fter freely +oh bited with the other s husb nd nd wife2 ./1 $h t either p rty w s physi+ lly in+ p ble of +onsumm tin! the m rri !e with the other, nd su+h in+ p +ity +ontinues nd ppe rs to be in+ur ble2 or .91 $h t either p rty w s ffli+ted with se-u lly;tr nsmissible dise se found to be serious nd ppe rs to be in+ur ble. .8/ 1 Art. 69. Any of the followin! +ir+umst n+es sh ll +onstitute fr ud referred to in Number 4 of the pre+edin! Arti+le# .)1 Non;dis+losure of previous +onvi+tion by fin l ,ud!ment of the other p rty of +rime involvin! mor l turpitude2 .01 Con+e lment by the wife of the f +t th t t the time of the m rri !e, she w s pre!n nt by m n other th n her husb nd2 .41 Con+e lment of se-u lly tr nsmissible dise se, re! rdless of its n ture, e-istin! t the time of the m rri !e2 or .61 Con+e lment of dru! ddi+tion, h bitu l l+oholism or homose-u lity or lesbi nism e-istin! t the time of the m rri !e. No other misrepresent tion or de+eit s to +h r +ter, he lth, r n5, fortune or +h stity sh ll +onstitute su+h fr ud s will !ive !rounds for +tion for the nnulment of m rri !e. .89 1 Art. 67. $he +tion for nnulment of m rri !e must be filed by the followin! persons nd within the periods indi+ ted herein# .)1 "or + uses mentioned in number ) of Arti+le 6/ by the p rty whose p rent or !u rdi n did not !ive his or her +onsent, within five ye rs fter tt inin! the !e of twenty;one, or by the p rent or !u rdi n or person h vin! le! l +h r!e of the minor, t ny time before su+h p rty h s re +hed the !e of twenty;one2 .01 "or + uses mentioned in number 0 of Arti+le 6/, by the s me spouse, who h d no 5nowled!e of the other:s ins nity2 or by ny rel tive or !u rdi n or person h vin! le! l +h r!e of the ins ne, t ny time before the de th of either p rty, or by the ins ne spouse durin! lu+id interv l or fter re! inin! s nity2 .41 "or + uses mentioned in number 4 of Arti+le 6/, by the in,ured p rty, within five ye rs fter the dis+overy of the fr ud2 .61 "or + uses mentioned in number 6 of Arti+le 6/, by the in,ured p rty, within five ye rs from the time the for+e, intimid tion or undue influen+e dis ppe red or +e sed2 ./1 "or + uses mentioned in number / nd 9 of Arti+le 6/, by the in,ured p rty,

within five ye rs fter the m rri !e. .87 1 Art. 68. In ll + ses of nnulment or de+l r tion of bsolute nullity of m rri !e, the Court sh ll order the prose+utin! ttorney or fis+ l ssi!ned to it to ppe r on beh lf of the @t te to t 5e steps to prevent +ollusion between the p rties nd to t 5e + re th t eviden+e is not f bri+ ted or suppressed. In the + ses referred to in the pre+edin! p r !r ph, no ,ud!ment sh ll be b sed upon stipul tion of f +ts or +onfession of ,ud!ment. .88 1 Art. 6=. ?urin! the penden+y of the +tion nd in the bsen+e of de*u te provisions in written !reement between the spouses, the Court sh ll provide for the support of the spouses nd the +ustody nd support of their +ommon +hildren. $he Court sh ll !ive p r mount +onsider tion to the mor l nd m teri l welf re of s id +hildren nd their +hoi+e of the p rent with whom they wish to rem in s provided to in $itle IF. It sh ll lso provide for ppropri te visit tion ri!hts of the other p rent. .n1 Art. /<. $he effe+ts provided for by p r !r phs .01, .41, .61 nd ./1 of Arti+le 64 nd by Arti+le 66 sh ll lso pply in the proper + ses to m rri !es whi+h re de+l red b initio or nnulled by fin l ,ud!ment under Arti+les 6< nd 6/. $he fin l ,ud!ment in su+h + ses sh ll provide for the li*uid tion, p rtition nd distribution of the properties of the spouses, the +ustody nd support of the +ommon +hildren, nd the delivery of third presumptive le!itimes, unless su+h m tters h d been d,udi+ ted in previous ,udi+i l pro+eedin!s. All +reditors of the spouses s well s of the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll be notified of the pro+eedin!s for li*uid tion. In the p rtition, the +on,u! l dwellin! nd the lot on whi+h it is situ ted, sh ll be d,udi+ ted in ++ord n+e with the provisions of Arti+les )<0 nd )0=. Art. /). In s id p rtition, the v lue of the presumptive le!itimes of ll +ommon +hildren, +omputed s of the d te of the fin l ,ud!ment of the tri l +ourt, sh ll be delivered in + sh, property or sound se+urities, unless the p rties, by mutu l !reement ,udi+i lly pproved, h d lre dy provided for su+h m tters. $he +hildren or their !u rdi n or the trustee of their property m y s5 for the enfor+ement of the ,ud!ment. $he delivery of the presumptive le!itimes herein pres+ribed sh ll in no w y pre,udi+e the ultim te su++ession l ri!hts of the +hildren ++ruin! upon the de th of either of both of the p rents2 but the v lue of the properties lre dy re+eived under the de+ree of nnulment or bsolute nullity sh ll be +onsidered s dv n+es on their le!itime. .n1 Art. /0. $he ,ud!ment of nnulment or of bsolute nullity of the m rri !e, the p rtition nd distribution of the properties of the spouses nd the delivery of the +hildren:s presumptive le!itimes sh ll be re+orded in the ppropri te +ivil re!istry nd re!istries of property2 otherwise, the s me sh ll not ffe+t third persons. .n1 Art. /4. &ither of the former spouses m y m rry ! in fter +ompli n+e with the re*uirements of the immedi tely pre+edin! Arti+le2 otherwise, the subse*uent m rri !e sh ll be null nd void.+h n robles virtu l l w libr ry Art. /6. Children +on+eived or born before the ,ud!ment of nnulment or bsolute nullity of the m rri !e under Arti+le 49 h s be+ome fin l nd e-e+utory sh ll be +onsidered le!itim te. Children +on+eived or born of the subse*uent m rri !e




sh ll



le!itim te.

$I$%& II %&(A% @&PARA$ION Art. //. A petition for le! l sep r tion m y be filed on ny of the followin! !rounds# .)1 Repe ted physi+ l violen+e or !rossly busive +ondu+t dire+ted ! inst the petitioner, +ommon +hild, or +hild of the petitioner2 .01 Physi+ l violen+e or mor l pressure to +ompel the petitioner to +h n!e reli!ious or politi+ l ffili tion2 .41 Attempt of respondent to +orrupt or indu+e the petitioner, +ommon +hild, or +hild of the petitioner, to en! !e in prostitution, or +onniv n+e in su+h +orruption or indu+ement2 .61 "in l ,ud!ment senten+in! the respondent to imprisonment of more th n siye rs, even if p rdoned2 ./1 ?ru! ddi+tion or h bitu l l+oholism of the respondent2 .91 %esbi nism or homose-u lity of the respondent2 .71 Contr +tin! by the respondent of subse*uent bi! mous m rri !e, whether in the Philippines or bro d2 .81 @e-u l infidelity or perversion2 .=1 Attempt by the respondent ! inst the life of the petitioner2 or .)<1 Ab ndonment of petitioner by respondent without ,ustifi ble + use for more th n one ye r. "or purposes of this Arti+le, the term "child" sh ll in+lude +hild by n ture or by doption. .= 1 Art. /9. $he petition for le! l sep r tion sh ll be denied on ny of the followin! !rounds# .)1 >here the !!rieved p rty h s +ondoned the offense or +t +ompl ined of2 .01 >here the !!rieved p rty h s +onsented to the +ommission of the offense or +t +ompl ined of2 .41 >here there is +onniv n+e between the p rties in the +ommission of the offense or +t +onstitutin! the !round for le! l sep r tion2 .61 >here both p rties h ve !iven !round for le! l sep r tion2 ./1 >here there is +ollusion between the p rties to obt in de+ree of le! l sep r tion2 or .91 >here the +tion is b rred by pres+ription. .)<< 1 Art. /7. An +tion for le! l sep r tion sh ll be filed within five ye rs from the time of the o++urren+e of the + use. .)<01 Art. /8. An +tion for le! l sep r tion sh ll in no + se be tried before si- months sh ll h ve el psed sin+e the filin! of the petition. .)<41 Art. /=. No le! l sep r tion m y be de+reed unless the Court h s t 5en steps tow rd the re+on+ili tion of the spouses nd is fully s tisfied, despite su+h efforts, th t re+on+ili tion is hi!hly improb ble. .n1 Art. 9<. No de+ree of le! l sep r tion sh ll be b sed upon stipul tion of f +ts or +onfession of ,ud!ment.

In ny + se, the Court sh ll order the prose+utin! ttorney or fis+ l ssi!ned to it to t 5e steps to prevent +ollusion between the p rties nd to t 5e + re th t the eviden+e is not f bri+ ted or suppressed. .)<) 1 Art. 9). After the filin! of the petition for le! l sep r tion, the spouses sh ll be entitled to live sep r tely from e +h other. $he +ourt, in the bsen+e of written !reement between the spouses, sh ll desi!n te either of them or third person to dminister the bsolute +ommunity or +on,u! l p rtnership property. $he dministr tor ppointed by the +ourt sh ll h ve the s me powers nd duties s those of !u rdi n under the Rules of Court. .)<6 1 Art. 90. ?urin! the penden+y of the +tion for le! l sep r tion, the provisions of Arti+le 6= sh ll li5ewise pply to the support of the spouses nd the +ustody nd support of the +ommon +hildren. .)</ 1 Art. 94. $he de+ree of le! l sep r tion sh ll h ve the followin! effe+ts# .)1 $he spouses sh ll be entitled to live sep r tely from e +h other, but the m rri !e bonds sh ll not be severed2 .01 $he bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll be dissolved nd li*uid ted but the offendin! spouse sh ll h ve no ri!ht to ny sh re of the net profits e rned by the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership, whi+h sh ll be forfeited in ++ord n+e with the provisions of Arti+le 64.012 .41 $he +ustody of the minor +hildren sh ll be w rded to the inno+ent spouse, sub,e+t to the provisions of Arti+le 0)4 of this Code2 nd .61 $he offendin! spouse sh ll be dis*u lified from inheritin! from the inno+ent spouse by intest te su++ession. 'oreover, provisions in f vor of the offendin! spouse m de in the will of the inno+ent spouse sh ll be revo5ed by oper tion of l w. .)<9 1 Art. 96. After the fin lity of the de+ree of le! l sep r tion, the inno+ent spouse m y revo5e the don tions m de by him or by her in f vor of the offendin! spouse, s well s the desi!n tion of the l tter s benefi+i ry in ny insur n+e poli+y, even if su+h desi!n tion be stipul ted s irrevo+ ble. $he revo+ tion of the don tions sh ll be re+orded in the re!istries of property in the pl +es where the properties re lo+ ted. Alien tions, liens nd en+umbr n+es re!istered in !ood f ith before the re+ordin! of the +ompl int for revo+ tion in the re!istries of property sh ll be respe+ted. $he revo+ tion of or +h n!e in the desi!n tion of the insur n+e benefi+i ry sh ll t 5e effe+t upon written notifi+ tion thereof to the insured. $he +tion to revo5e the don tion under this Arti+le must be brou!ht within five ye rs from the time the de+ree of le! l sep r tion be+ome fin l. .)<7 1 Art. 9/. If the spouses should re+on+ile, +orrespondin! ,oint m nifest tion under o th duly si!ned by them sh ll be filed with the +ourt in the s me pro+eedin! for le! l sep r tion. .n1 Art. 99. $he re+on+ili tion referred to in the pre+edin! Arti+les sh ll h ve the followin! +onse*uen+es# .)1 $he le! l sep r tion pro+eedin!s, if still pendin!, sh ll thereby be termin ted t wh tever st !e2 nd .01 $he fin l de+ree of le! l sep r tion sh ll be set side, but the sep r tion of property nd ny forfeiture of the sh re of the !uilty spouse lre dy effe+ted sh ll

subsist, unless the spouses !ree to revive their former property re!ime. $he +ourt:s order +ont inin! the fore!oin! sh ll be re+orded in the proper +ivil re!istries. .)<8 1 Art. 97. $he !reement to revive the former property re!ime referred to in the pre+edin! Arti+le sh ll be e-e+uted under o th nd sh ll spe+ify# .)1 $he properties to be +ontributed new to the restored re!ime2 .01 $hose to be ret ined s sep r ted properties of e +h spouse2 nd .41 $he n mes of ll their 5nown +reditors, their ddresses nd the mounts owin! to e +h. $he !reement of reviv l nd the motion for its pprov l sh ll be filed with the +ourt in the s me pro+eedin! for le! l sep r tion, with +opies of both furnished to the +reditors n med therein. After due he rin!, the +ourt sh ll, in its order, t 5e me sure to prote+t the interest of +reditors nd su+h order sh ll be re+orded in the proper re!istries of properties. $he re+ordin! of the orderin! in the re!istries of property sh ll not pre,udi+e ny +reditor not listed or not notified, unless the debtor;spouse h s suffi+ient sep r te properties to s tisfy the +reditor:s +l im. .)=/ , )<8 1 $I$%& III RI(A$@ AN? OC%I(A$ION@ C&$>&&N AU@CAN? AN? >I"& Art. 98. $he husb nd nd wife re obli!ed to live to!ether, observe mutu l love, respe+t nd fidelity, nd render mutu l help nd support. .)<= 1 Art. 9=. $he husb nd nd wife sh ll fi- the f mily domi+ile. In + se of dis !reement, the +ourt sh ll de+ide. $he +ourt m y e-empt one spouse from livin! with the other if the l tter should live bro d or there re other v lid nd +ompellin! re sons for the e-emption. Aowever, su+h e-emption sh ll not pply if the s me is not +omp tible with the solid rity of the f mily. .))< 1 Art. 7<. $he spouses re ,ointly responsible for the support of the f mily. $he e-penses for su+h support nd other +on,u! l obli! tions sh ll be p id from the +ommunity property nd, in the bsen+e thereof, from the in+ome or fruits of their sep r te properties. In + se of insuffi+ien+y or bsen+e of s id in+ome or fruits, su+h obli! tions sh ll be s tisfied from the sep r te properties. .))) 1 Art. 7). $he m n !ement of the household sh ll be the ri!ht nd the duty of both spouses. $he e-penses for su+h m n !ement sh ll be p id in ++ord n+e with the provisions of Arti+le 7<. .))/ 1 Art. 70. >hen one of the spouses ne!le+ts his or her duties to the +on,u! l union or +ommits +ts whi+h tend to brin! d n!er, dishonor or in,ury to the other or to the f mily, the !!rieved p rty m y pply to the +ourt for relief. .))9 1 Art. 74. &ither spouse m y e-er+ise ny le!itim te profession, o++up tion, business or +tivity without the +onsent of the other. $he l tter m y ob,e+t only on v lid, serious, nd mor l !rounds. In + se of dis !reement, the +ourt sh ll de+ide whether or not# .)1 $he ob,e+tion is proper2 nd .01 Cenefit h s o++urred to the f mily prior to the ob,e+tion or there fter. If the benefit ++rued prior to the ob,e+tion, the resultin! obli! tion sh ll be enfor+ed

! inst the sep r te property of the spouse who h s not obt ined +onsent. $he fore!oin! provisions sh ll not pre,udi+e the ri!hts of +reditors who +ted in !ood f ith. .))7 1 $I$%& IB PROP&R$G R&%A$ION@ C&$>&&N AU@CAN? AN? >I"& Ch pter ). (ener l Provisions Art. 76. $he property rel tionship between husb nd nd wife sh ll be !overned in the followin! order# .)1 Cy m rri !e settlements e-e+uted before the m rri !e2 .01 Cy the provisions of this Code2 nd .41 Cy the lo+ l +ustom. .))81 Art. 7/. $he future spouses m y, in the m rri !e settlements, !ree upon the re!ime of bsolute +ommunity, +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins, +omplete sep r tion of property, or ny other re!ime. In the bsen+e of m rri !e settlement, or when the re!ime !reed upon is void, the system of bsolute +ommunity of property s est blished in this Code sh ll !overn. .))= 1 Art. 79. In order th t ny modifi+ tion in the m rri !e settlements m y be v lid, it must be m de before the +elebr tion of the m rri !e, sub,e+t to the provisions of Arti+les 99, 97, )08, )4/ nd )49. .)0)1 Art. 77. $he m rri !e settlements nd ny modifi+ tion thereof sh ll be in writin!, si!ned by the p rties nd e-e+uted before the +elebr tion of the m rri !e. $hey sh ll not pre,udi+e third persons unless they re re!istered in the lo+ l +ivil re!istry where the m rri !e +ontr +t is re+orded s well s in the proper re!istries of properties. .)00 1 Art. 78. A minor who ++ordin! to l w m y +ontr +t m rri !e m y lso e-e+ute his or her m rri !e settlements, but they sh ll be v lid only if the persons desi!n ted in Arti+le )6 to !ive +onsent to the m rri !e re m de p rties to the !reement, sub,e+t to the provisions of $itle IF of this Code. .)0< 1 Art. 7=. "or the v lidity of ny m rri !e settlement e-e+uted by person upon whom senten+e of +ivil interdi+tion h s been pronoun+ed or who is sub,e+t to ny other dis bility, it sh ll be indispens ble for the !u rdi n ppointed by +ompetent +ourt to be m de p rty thereto. .)04 1 Art. 8<. In the bsen+e of +ontr ry stipul tion in m rri !e settlement, the property rel tions of the spouses sh ll be !overned by Philippine l ws, re! rdless of the pl +e of the +elebr tion of the m rri !e nd their residen+e. $his rule sh ll not pply# .)1 >here both spouses re liens2 .01 >ith respe+t to the e-trinsi+ v lidity of +ontr +ts ffe+tin! property not situ ted in the Philippines nd e-e+uted in the +ountry where the property is lo+ ted2 nd .41 >ith respe+t to the e-trinsi+ v lidity of +ontr +ts entered into in the Philippines but ffe+tin! property situ ted in forei!n +ountry whose l ws re*uire different form lities for its e-trinsi+ v lidity. .)06 1

Art. 8). &verythin! stipul ted in the settlements or +ontr +ts referred to in the pre+edin! rti+les in +onsider tion of future m rri !e, in+ludin! don tions between the prospe+tive spouses m de therein, sh ll be rendered void if the m rri !e does not t 5e pl +e. Aowever, stipul tions th t do not depend upon the +elebr tion of the m rri !es sh ll be v lid. .)0/ 1 Ch pter 0. ?on tions by Re son of ' rri !e Art. 80. ?on tions by re son of m rri !e re those whi+h re m de before its +elebr tion, in +onsider tion of the s me, nd in f vor of one or both of the future spouses. .)091 Art. 84. $hese don tions re !overned by the rules on ordin ry don tions est blished in $itle III of Coo5 III of the Civil Code, insof r s they re not modified by the followin! rti+les. .)07 1 Art. 86. If the future spouses !ree upon re!ime other th n the bsolute +ommunity of property, they + nnot don te to e +h other in their m rri !e settlements more th n one;fifth of their present property. Any e-+ess sh ll be +onsidered void. ?on tions of future property sh ll be !overned by the provisions on test ment ry su++ession nd the form lities of wills. .)4< 1 Art. 8/. ?on tions by re son of m rri !e of property sub,e+t to en+umbr n+es sh ll be v lid. In + se of fore+losure of the en+umbr n+e nd the property is sold for less th n the tot l mount of the obli! tion se+ured, the donee sh ll not be li ble for the defi+ien+y. If the property is sold for more th n the tot l mount of s id obli! tion, the donee sh ll be entitled to the e-+ess. .)4) 1 Art. 89. A don tion by re son of m rri !e m y be revo5ed by the donor in the followin! + ses# .)1 If the m rri !e is not +elebr ted or ,udi+i lly de+l red void b initio e-+ept don tions m de in the m rri !e settlements, whi+h sh ll be !overned by Arti+le 8)2 .01 >hen the m rri !e t 5es pl +e without the +onsent of the p rents or !u rdi n, s re*uired by l w2 .41 >hen the m rri !e is nnulled, nd the donee +ted in b d f ith2 .61 Upon le! l sep r tion, the donee bein! the !uilty spouse2 ./1 If it is with resolutory +ondition nd the +ondition is +omplied with2 .91 >hen the donee h s +ommitted n +t of in!r titude s spe+ified by the provisions of the Civil Code on don tions in !ener l. .)40 1 Art. 87. &very don tion or !r nt of !r tuitous dv nt !e, dire+t or indire+t, between the spouses durin! the m rri !e sh ll be void, e-+ept moder te !ifts whi+h the spouses m y !ive e +h other on the o++ sion of ny f mily re,oi+in!. $he prohibition sh ll lso pply to persons livin! to!ether s husb nd nd wife without v lid m rri !e. .)44 1 Ch pter 4. @ystem of Absolute Community @e+tion ). (ener l Provisions

Art. 88. $he bsolute +ommunity of property between spouses sh ll +ommen+e t the pre+ise moment th t the m rri !e is +elebr ted. Any stipul tion, e-press or implied, for the +ommen+ement of the +ommunity re!ime t ny other time sh ll be void. .)6/ 1 Art. 8=. No w iver of ri!hts, sh res nd effe+ts of the bsolute +ommunity of property durin! the m rri !e + n be m de e-+ept in + se of ,udi+i l sep r tion of property. >hen the w iver t 5es pl +e upon ,udi+i l sep r tion of property, or fter the m rri !e h s been dissolved or nnulled, the s me sh ll ppe r in publi+ instrument nd sh ll be re+orded s provided in Arti+le 77. $he +reditors of the spouse who m de su+h w iver m y petition the +ourt to res+ind the w iver to the e-tent of the mount suffi+ient to +over the mount of their +redits. .)69 1 Art. =<. $he provisions on +o;ownership sh ll pply to the bsolute +ommunity of property between the spouses in ll m tters not provided for in this Ch pter. .n1 @e+tion 0. >h t Constitutes Community Property Art. =). Unless otherwise provided in this Ch pter or in the m rri !e settlements, the +ommunity property sh ll +onsist of ll the property owned by the spouses t the time of the +elebr tion of the m rri !e or +*uired there fter. .)=7 1 Art. =0. $he followin! sh ll be e-+luded from the +ommunity property# .)1 Property +*uired durin! the m rri !e by !r tuitous title by either spouse, nd the fruits s well s the in+ome thereof, if ny, unless it is e-pressly provided by the donor, test tor or !r ntor th t they sh ll form p rt of the +ommunity property2 .01 Property for person l nd e-+lusive use of either spouse. Aowever, ,ewelry sh ll form p rt of the +ommunity property2 .41 Property +*uired before the m rri !e by either spouse who h s le!itim te des+end nts by former m rri !e, nd the fruits s well s the in+ome, if ny, of su+h property. .0<) 1 Art. =4. Property +*uired durin! the m rri !e is presumed to belon! to the +ommunity, unless it is proved th t it is one of those e-+luded therefrom. .)9<1+h n
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@e+tion 4. Ch r!es nd Obli! tions of the Absolute Community Art. =6. $he bsolute +ommunity of property sh ll be li ble for# .)1 $he support of the spouses, their +ommon +hildren, nd le!itim te +hildren of either spouse2 however, the support of ille!itim te +hildren sh ll be !overned by the provisions of this Code on @upport2 .01 All debts nd obli! tions +ontr +ted durin! the m rri !e by the desi!n ted dministr tor;spouse for the benefit of the +ommunity, or by both spouses, or by one spouse with the +onsent of the other2 .41 ?ebts nd obli! tions +ontr +ted by either spouse without the +onsent of the other to the e-tent th t the f mily m y h ve been benefited2 .61 All t -es, liens, +h r!es nd e-penses, in+ludin! m ,or or minor rep irs, upon

the +ommunity property2 ./1 All t -es nd e-penses for mere preserv tion m de durin! m rri !e upon the sep r te property of either spouse used by the f mily2 .91 &-penses to en ble either spouse to +ommen+e or +omplete profession l or vo+ tion l +ourse, or other +tivity for self;improvement2 .71 Ante;nupti l debts of either spouse insof r s they h ve redounded to the benefit of the f mily2 .81 $he v lue of wh t is don ted or promised by both spouses in f vor of their +ommon le!itim te +hildren for the e-+lusive purpose of +ommen+in! or +ompletin! profession l or vo+ tion l +ourse or other +tivity for self; improvement2 .=1 Ante;nupti l debts of either spouse other th n those f llin! under p r !r ph .71 of this Arti+le, the support of ille!itim te +hildren of either spouse, nd li bilities in+urred by either spouse by re son of +rime or *u si;deli+t, in + se of bsen+e or insuffi+ien+y of the e-+lusive property of the debtor;spouse, the p yment of whi+h sh ll be +onsidered s dv n+es to be dedu+ted from the sh re of the debtor;spouse upon li*uid tion of the +ommunity2 nd .)<1 &-penses of liti! tion between the spouses unless the suit is found to be !roundless. If the +ommunity property is insuffi+ient to +over the fore!oin! li bilities, e-+ept those f llin! under p r !r ph .=1, the spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the unp id b l n+e with their sep r te properties. .)9) , )90 , )94 , 0<0 ;0</ 1 Art. =/. >h tever m y be lost durin! the m rri !e in ny ! me of +h n+e, bettin!, sweepst 5es, or ny other 5ind of ! mblin!, whether permitted or prohibited by l w, sh ll be borne by the loser nd sh ll not be +h r!ed to the +ommunity but ny winnin!s therefrom sh ll form p rt of the +ommunity property. .)96 1 @e+tion 6. Ownership, Administr tive, &n,oyment nd ?isposition of the Community Property Art. =9. $he dministr tion nd en,oyment of the +ommunity property sh ll belon! to both spouses ,ointly. In + se of dis !reement, the husb nd:s de+ision sh ll prev il, sub,e+t to re+ourse to the +ourt by the wife for proper remedy, whi+h must be v iled of within five ye rs from the d te of the +ontr +t implementin! su+h de+ision. In the event th t one spouse is in+ p +it ted or otherwise un ble to p rti+ip te in the dministr tion of the +ommon properties, the other spouse m y ssume sole powers of dministr tion. $hese powers do not in+lude disposition or en+umbr n+e without uthority of the +ourt or the written +onsent of the other spouse. In the bsen+e of su+h uthority or +onsent, the disposition or en+umbr n+e sh ll be void. Aowever, the tr ns +tion sh ll be +onstrued s +ontinuin! offer on the p rt of the +onsentin! spouse nd the third person, nd m y be perfe+ted s bindin! +ontr +t upon the ++ept n+e by the other spouse or uthori3 tion by the +ourt before the offer is withdr wn by either or both offerors. .0<9 1

Art. =7. &ither spouse m y dispose by will of his or her interest in the +ommunity property. .n1 Art. =8. Neither spouse m y don te ny +ommunity property without the +onsent of the other. Aowever, either spouse m y, without the +onsent of the other, m 5e moder te don tions from the +ommunity property for +h rity or on o++ sions of f mily re,oi+in! or f mily distress. .n1 @e+tion /. ?issolution of Absolute Community Re!ime Art. ==. $he bsolute +ommunity termin tes# .)1 Upon the de th of either spouse2 .01 >hen there is de+ree of le! l sep r tion2 .41 >hen the m rri !e is nnulled or de+l red void2 or .61 In + se of ,udi+i l sep r tion of property durin! the m rri !e under Arti+les )46 to )48. .)7/ 1 Art. )<<. $he sep r tion in f +t between husb nd nd wife sh ll not ffe+t the re!ime of bsolute +ommunity e-+ept th t# .)1 $he spouse who le ves the +on,u! l home or refuses to live therein, without ,ust + use, sh ll not h ve the ri!ht to be supported2 .01 >hen the +onsent of one spouse to ny tr ns +tion of the other is re*uired by l w, ,udi+i l uthori3 tion sh ll be obt ined in summ ry pro+eedin!2 .41 In the bsen+e of suffi+ient +ommunity property, the sep r te property of both spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the support of the f mily. $he spouse present sh ll, upon proper petition in summ ry pro+eedin!, be !iven ,udi+i l uthority to dminister or en+umber ny spe+ifi+ sep r te property of the other spouse nd use the fruits or pro+eeds thereof to s tisfy the l tter:s sh re. .)78 1 Art. )<). If spouse without ,ust + use b ndons the other or f ils to +omply with his or her obli! tions to the f mily, the !!rieved spouse m y petition the +ourt for re+eivership, for ,udi+i l sep r tion of property or for uthority to be the sole dministr tor of the bsolute +ommunity, sub,e+t to su+h pre+ ution ry +onditions s the +ourt m y impose. $he obli! tions to the f mily mentioned in the pre+edin! p r !r ph refer to m rit l, p rent l or property rel tions. A spouse is deemed to h ve b ndoned the other when her or she h s left the +on,u! l dwellin! without intention of returnin!. $he spouse who h s left the +on,u! l dwellin! for period of three months or h s f iled within the s me period to !ive ny inform tion s to his or her where bouts sh ll be prim f +ie presumed to h ve no intention of returnin! to the +on,u! l dwellin!. .)78 1 @e+tion 9. %i*uid tion of the Absolute Community Assets nd %i bilities Art. )<0. Upon dissolution of the pro+edure sh ll pply# .)1 An inventory sh ll be prep red, bsolute +ommunity nd the e-+lusive .01 $he debts nd obli! tions of the bsolute +ommunity re!ime, the followin! listin! sep r tely ll the properties of the properties of e +h spouse. bsolute +ommunity sh ll be p id out of its

ssets. In + se of insuffi+ien+y of s id ssets, the spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the unp id b l n+e with their sep r te properties in ++ord n+e with the provisions of the se+ond p r !r ph of Arti+le =6. .41 >h tever rem ins of the e-+lusive properties of the spouses sh ll there fter be delivered to e +h of them. .61 $he net rem inder of the properties of the bsolute +ommunity sh ll +onstitute its net ssets, whi+h sh ll be divided e*u lly between husb nd nd wife, unless different proportion or division w s !reed upon in the m rri !e settlements, or unless there h s been volunt ry w iver of su+h sh re provided in this Code. "or purpose of +omputin! the net profits sub,e+t to forfeiture in ++ord n+e with Arti+les 64, No. .01 nd 94, No. .01, the s id profits sh ll be the in+re se in v lue between the m r5et v lue of the +ommunity property t the time of the +elebr tion of the m rri !e nd the m r5et v lue t the time of its dissolution. ./1 $he presumptive le!itimes of the +ommon +hildren sh ll be delivered upon p rtition, in ++ord n+e with Arti+le /). .91 Unless otherwise !reed upon by the p rties, in the p rtition of the properties, the +on,u! l dwellin! nd the lot on whi+h it is situ ted sh ll be d,udi+ ted to the spouse with whom the m ,ority of the +ommon +hildren +hoose to rem in. Children below the !e of seven ye rs re deemed to h ve +hosen the mother, unless the +ourt h s de+ided otherwise. In + se there in no su+h m ,ority, the +ourt sh ll de+ide, t 5in! into +onsider tion the best interests of s id +hildren. .n1 Art. )<4. Upon the termin tion of the m rri !e by de th, the +ommunity property sh ll be li*uid ted in the s me pro+eedin! for the settlement of the est te of the de+e sed. If no ,udi+i l settlement pro+eedin! is instituted, the survivin! spouse sh ll li*uid te the +ommunity property either ,udi+i lly or e-tr ;,udi+i lly within simonths from the de th of the de+e sed spouse. If upon the l pse of the simonths period, no li*uid tion is m de, ny disposition or en+umbr n+e involvin! the +ommunity property of the termin ted m rri !e sh ll be void. @hould the survivin! spouse +ontr +t subse*uent m rri !e without +ompli n+e with the fore!oin! re*uirements, m nd tory re!ime of +omplete sep r tion of property sh ll !overn the property rel tions of the subse*uent m rri !e. .n1 Art. )<6. >henever the li*uid tion of the +ommunity properties of two or more m rri !es +ontr +ted by the s me person before the effe+tivity of this Code is + rried out simult neously, the respe+tive + pit l, fruits nd in+ome of e +h +ommunity sh ll be determined upon su+h proof s m y be +onsidered ++ordin! to the rules of eviden+e. In + se of doubt s to whi+h +ommunity the e-istin! properties belon!, the s me sh ll be divided between the different +ommunities in proportion to the + pit l nd dur tion of e +h. .)8= 1 Ch pter 6. Con,u! l P rtnership of ( ins @e+tion ). (ener l Provisions Art. )</. In + se the future spouses !ree in the m rri !e settlements th t the re!ime of +on,u! l p rtnership ! ins sh ll !overn their property rel tions durin! m rri !e, the provisions in this Ch pter sh ll be of supplement ry ppli+ tion.

$he provisions of this Ch pter sh ll lso pply to +on,u! l p rtnerships of ! ins lre dy est blished between spouses before the effe+tivity of this Code, without pre,udi+e to vested ri!hts lre dy +*uired in ++ord n+e with the Civil Code or other l ws, s provided in Arti+le 0/9. .n1 Art. )<9. Under the re!ime of +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins, the husb nd nd wife pl +e in +ommon fund the pro+eeds, produ+ts, fruits nd in+ome from their sep r te properties nd those +*uired by either or both spouses throu!h their efforts or by +h n+e, nd, upon dissolution of the m rri !e or of the p rtnership, the net ! ins or benefits obt ined by either or both spouses sh ll be divided e*u lly between them, unless otherwise !reed in the m rri !e settlements. .)60 1 Art. )<7. $he rules provided in Arti+les 88 nd 8= sh ll lso pply to +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins. .n1 Art. )<8. $he +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll be !overned by the rules on the +ontr +t of p rtnership in ll th t is not in +onfli+t with wh t is e-pressly determined in this Ch pter or by the spouses in their m rri !e settlements. .)67 1 @e+tion 0. &-+lusive Property of & +h @pouse Art. )<=. $he followin! sh ll be the e-+lusive property of e +h spouse# .)1 $h t whi+h is brou!ht to the m rri !e s his or her own2 .01 $h t whi+h e +h +*uires durin! the m rri !e by !r tuitous title2 .41 $h t whi+h is +*uired by ri!ht of redemption, by b rter or by e-+h n!e with property belon!in! to only one of the spouses2 nd .61 $h t whi+h is pur+h sed with e-+lusive money of the wife or of the husb nd.
.)68 1

Art. ))<. $he spouses ret in the ownership, possession, dministr tion nd en,oyment of their e-+lusive properties. &ither spouse m y, durin! the m rri !e, tr nsfer the dministr tion of his or her e-+lusive property to the other by me ns of publi+ instrument, whi+h sh ll be re+orded in the re!istry of property of the pl +e the property is lo+ ted. .)47 , )98 ,
)9= 1

Art. ))). A spouse of !e m y mort! !e, en+umber, lien te or otherwise dispose of his or her e-+lusive property, without the +onsent of the other spouse, nd ppe r lone in +ourt to liti! te with re! rd to the s me. .n1 Art. ))0. $he lien tion of ny e-+lusive property of spouse dministered by the other utom ti+ lly termin tes the dministr tion over su+h property nd the pro+eeds of the lien tion sh ll be turned over to the owner;spouse. .n1 Art. ))4. Property don ted or left by will to the spouses, ,ointly nd with desi!n tion of determin te sh res, sh ll pert in to the donee;spouses s his or her own e-+lusive property, nd in the bsen+e of desi!n tion, sh re nd sh re li5e, without pre,udi+e to the ri!ht of ++retion when proper. .)/< 1 Art. ))6. If the don tions re onerous, the mount of the +h r!es sh ll be borne by the e-+lusive property of the donee spouse, whenever they h ve been dv n+ed by the +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins. .)/) 1 Art. ))/. Retirement benefits, pensions, nnuities, !r tuities, usufru+ts nd simil r benefits sh ll be !overned by the rules on !r tuitous or onerous +*uisitions s

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@e+tion 4. Con,u! l P rtnership Property Art. ))9. All property +*uired durin! the m rri !e, whether the +*uisition ppe rs to h ve been m de, +ontr +ted or re!istered in the n me of one or both spouses, is presumed to be +on,u! l unless the +ontr ry is proved. .)9< 1 Art. ))7. $he followin! re +on,u! l p rtnership properties# .)1 $hose +*uired by onerous title durin! the m rri !e t the e-pense of the +ommon fund, whether the +*uisition be for the p rtnership, or for only one of the spouses2 .01 $hose obt ined from the l bor, industry, wor5 or profession of either or both of the spouses2 .41 $he fruits, n tur l, industri l, or +ivil, due or re+eived durin! the m rri !e from the +ommon property, s well s the net fruits from the e-+lusive property of e +h spouse2 .61 $he sh re of either spouse in the hidden tre sure whi+h the l w w rds to the finder or owner of the property where the tre sure is found2 ./1 $hose +*uired throu!h o++up tion su+h s fishin! or huntin!2 .91 %ivesto+5 e-istin! upon the dissolution of the p rtnership in e-+ess of the number of e +h 5ind brou!ht to the m rri !e by either spouse2 nd .71 $hose whi+h re +*uired by +h n+e, su+h s winnin!s from ! mblin! or bettin!. Aowever, losses therefrom sh ll be borne e-+lusively by the loser; spouse. .)/4 , )/6 , )//, )/=1 Art. ))8. Property bou!ht on inst llments p id p rtly from e-+lusive funds of either or both spouses nd p rtly from +on,u! l funds belon!s to the buyer or buyers if full ownership w s vested before the m rri !e nd to the +on,u! l p rtnership if su+h ownership w s vested durin! the m rri !e. In either + se, ny mount dv n+ed by the p rtnership or by either or both spouses sh ll be reimbursed by the owner or owners upon li*uid tion of the p rtnership. .n1 Art. ))=. >henever n mount or +redit p y ble within period of time belon!s to one of the spouses, the sums whi+h m y be +olle+ted durin! the m rri !e in p rti l p yments or by inst llments on the prin+ip l sh ll be the e-+lusive property of the spouse. Aowever, interests f llin! due durin! the m rri !e on the prin+ip l sh ll belon! to the +on,u! l p rtnership. .)/9 , )/7 1 Art. )0<. $he ownership of improvements, whether for utility or dornment, m de on the sep r te property of the spouses t the e-pense of the p rtnership or throu!h the +ts or efforts of either or both spouses sh ll pert in to the +on,u! l p rtnership, or to the ori!in l owner;spouse, sub,e+t to the followin! rules# >hen the +ost of the improvement m de by the +on,u! l p rtnership nd ny resultin! in+re se in v lue re more th n the v lue of the property t the time of the improvement, the entire property of one of the spouses sh ll belon! to the +on,u! l p rtnership, sub,e+t to reimbursement of the v lue of the property of the owner;spouse t the time of the improvement2 otherwise, s id property sh ll be ret ined in ownership by the owner;spouse, li5ewise sub,e+t to reimbursement of the +ost of the improvement.

In either + se, the ownership of the entire property sh ll be vested upon the reimbursement, whi+h sh ll be m de t the time of the li*uid tion of the +on,u! l p rtnership. .)/8 1 @e+tion 6. Ch r!es Upon nd Obli! tions of the Con,u! l P rtnership Art. )0). $he +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll be li ble for# .)1 $he support of the spouse, their +ommon +hildren, nd the le!itim te +hildren of either spouse2 however, the support of ille!itim te +hildren sh ll be !overned by the provisions of this Code on @upport2 .01 All debts nd obli! tions +ontr +ted durin! the m rri !e by the desi!n ted dministr tor;spouse for the benefit of the +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins, or by both spouses or by one of them with the +onsent of the other2 .41 ?ebts nd obli! tions +ontr +ted by either spouse without the +onsent of the other to the e-tent th t the f mily m y h ve benefited2 .61 All t -es, liens, +h r!es, nd e-penses, in+ludin! m ,or or minor rep irs upon the +on,u! l p rtnership property2 ./1 All t -es nd e-penses for mere preserv tion m de durin! the m rri !e upon the sep r te property of either spouse2 .91 &-penses to en ble either spouse to +ommen+e or +omplete profession l, vo+ tion l, or other +tivity for self;improvement2 .71 Ante;nupti l debts of either spouse insof r s they h ve redounded to the benefit of the f mily2 .81 $he v lue of wh t is don ted or promised by both spouses in f vor of their +ommon le!itim te +hildren for the e-+lusive purpose of +ommen+in! or +ompletin! profession l or vo+ tion l +ourse or other +tivity for self; improvement2 nd .=1 &-penses of liti! tion between the spouses unless the suit is found to !roundless. If the +on,u! l p rtnership is insuffi+ient to +over the fore!oin! li bilities, the spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the unp id b l n+e with their sep r te properties. .)9) 1 Art. )00. $he p yment of person l debts +ontr +ted by the husb nd or the wife before or durin! the m rri !e sh ll not be +h r!ed to the +on,u! l properties p rtnership e-+ept insof r s they redounded to the benefit of the f mily. Neither sh ll the fines nd pe+uni ry indemnities imposed upon them be +h r!ed to the p rtnership. Aowever, the p yment of person l debts +ontr +ted by either spouse before the m rri !e, th t of fines nd indemnities imposed upon them, s well s the support of ille!itim te +hildren of either spouse, m y be enfor+ed ! inst the p rtnership ssets fter the responsibilities enumer ted in the pre+edin! Arti+le h ve been +overed, if the spouse who is bound should h ve no e-+lusive property or if it should be insuffi+ient2 but t the time of the li*uid tion of the p rtnership, su+h spouse sh ll be +h r!ed for wh t h s been p id for the purpose bove; mentioned. .)94 1 Art. )04. >h tever m y be lost durin! the m rri !e in ny ! me of +h n+e or in

bettin!, sweepst 5es, or ny other 5ind of ! mblin! whether permitted or prohibited by l w, sh ll be borne by the loser nd sh ll not be +h r!ed to the +on,u! l p rtnership but ny winnin!s therefrom sh ll form p rt of the +on,u! l p rtnership property. .)96 1 @e+tion /. Administr tion of the Con,u! l P rtnership Property Art. )06. $he dministr tion nd en,oyment of the +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll belon! to both spouses ,ointly. In + se of dis !reement, the husb nd:s de+ision sh ll prev il, sub,e+t to re+ourse to the +ourt by the wife for proper remedy, whi+h must be v iled of within five ye rs from the d te of the +ontr +t implementin! su+h de+ision. In the event th t one spouse is in+ p +it ted or otherwise un ble to p rti+ip te in the dministr tion of the +on,u! l properties, the other spouse m y ssume sole powers of dministr tion. $hese powers do not in+lude disposition or en+umbr n+e without uthority of the +ourt or the written +onsent of the other spouse. In the bsen+e of su+h uthority or +onsent, the disposition or en+umbr n+e sh ll be void. Aowever, the tr ns +tion sh ll be +onstrued s +ontinuin! offer on the p rt of the +onsentin! spouse nd the third person, nd m y be perfe+ted s bindin! +ontr +t upon the ++ept n+e by the other spouse or uthori3 tion by the +ourt before the offer is withdr wn by either or both offerors. .)9/ 1 Art. )0/. Neither spouse m y don te ny +on,u! l p rtnership property without the +onsent of the other. Aowever, either spouse m y, without the +onsent of the other, m 5e moder te don tions from the +on,u! l p rtnership property for +h rity or on o++ sions of f mily re,oi+in! or f mily distress. .)76 1 @e+tion 9. ?issolution of Con,u! l P rtnership Re!ime Art. )09. $he +on,u! l p rtnership termin tes# .)1 Upon the de th of either spouse2 .01 >hen there is de+ree of le! l sep r tion2 .41 >hen the m rri !e is nnulled or de+l red void2 or .61 In + se of ,udi+i l sep r tion of property durin! the m rri !e under Arti+les )46 to )48. .)7/ 1 Art. )07. $he sep r tion in f +t between husb nd nd wife sh ll not ffe+t the re!ime of +on,u! l p rtnership, e-+ept th t# .)1 $he spouse who le ves the +on,u! l home or refuses to live therein, without ,ust + use, sh ll not h ve the ri!ht to be supported2 .01 >hen the +onsent of one spouse to ny tr ns +tion of the other is re*uired by l w, ,udi+i l uthori3 tion sh ll be obt ined in summ ry pro+eedin!2 .41 In the bsen+e of suffi+ient +on,u! l p rtnership property, the sep r te property of both spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the support of the f mily. $he spouse present sh ll, upon petition in summ ry pro+eedin!, be !iven ,udi+i l uthority to dminister or en+umber ny spe+ifi+ sep r te property of the other spouse nd use the fruits or pro+eeds thereof to s tisfy the l tter:s sh re. .)78 1

Art. )08. If spouse without ,ust + use b ndons the other or f ils to +omply with his or her obli! tion to the f mily, the !!rieved spouse m y petition the +ourt for re+eivership, for ,udi+i l sep r tion of property, or for uthority to be the sole dministr tor of the +on,u! l p rtnership property, sub,e+t to su+h pre+ ution ry +onditions s the +ourt m y impose. $he obli! tions to the f mily mentioned in the pre+edin! p r !r ph refer to m rit l, p rent l or property rel tions. A spouse is deemed to h ve b ndoned the other when he or she h s left the +on,u! l dwellin! without intention of returnin!. $he spouse who h s left the +on,u! l dwellin! for period of three months or h s f iled within the s me period to !ive ny inform tion s to his or her where bouts sh ll be prim f +ie presumed to h ve no intention of returnin! to the +on,u! l dwellin!. .)97 , )=) 1 @e+tion 7. %i*uid tion of the Con,u! l P rtnership Assets nd %i bilities Art. )0=. Upon the dissolution of the +on,u! l p rtnership re!ime, the followin! pro+edure sh ll pply# .)1 An inventory sh ll be prep red, listin! sep r tely ll the properties of the +on,u! l p rtnership nd the e-+lusive properties of e +h spouse. .01 Amounts dv n+ed by the +on,u! l p rtnership in p yment of person l debts nd obli! tions of either spouse sh ll be +redited to the +on,u! l p rtnership s n sset thereof. .41 & +h spouse sh ll be reimbursed for the use of his or her e-+lusive funds in the +*uisition of property or for the v lue of his or her e-+lusive property, the ownership of whi+h h s been vested by l w in the +on,u! l p rtnership. .61 $he debts nd obli! tions of the +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll be p id out of the +on,u! l ssets. In + se of insuffi+ien+y of s id ssets, the spouses sh ll be solid rily li ble for the unp id b l n+e with their sep r te properties, in ++ord n+e with the provisions of p r !r ph .01 of Arti+le )0). ./1 >h tever rem ins of the e-+lusive properties of the spouses sh ll there fter be delivered to e +h of them. .91 Unless the owner h d been indemnified from wh tever sour+e, the loss or deterior tion of mov bles used for the benefit of the f mily, belon!in! to either spouse, even due to fortuitous event, sh ll be p id to s id spouse from the +on,u! l funds, if ny. .71 $he net rem inder of the +on,u! l p rtnership properties sh ll +onstitute the profits, whi+h sh ll be divided e*u lly between husb nd nd wife, unless different proportion or division w s !reed upon in the m rri !e settlements or unless there h s been volunt ry w iver or forfeiture of su+h sh re s provided in this Code. .81 $he presumptive le!itimes of the +ommon +hildren sh ll be delivered upon the p rtition in ++ord n+e with Arti+le /). .=1 In the p rtition of the properties, the +on,u! l dwellin! nd the lot on whi+h it is situ ted sh ll, unless otherwise !reed upon by the p rties, be d,udi+ ted to the spouse with whom the m ,ority of the +ommon +hildren +hoose to rem in.

Children below the !e of seven ye rs re deemed to h ve +hosen the mother, unless the +ourt h s de+ided otherwise. In + se there is no su+h m ,ority, the +ourt sh ll de+ide, t 5in! into +onsider tion the best interests of s id +hildren. .)8) ,
)80 , )84 , )86 , )8/ 1

Art. )4<. Upon the termin tion of the m rri !e by de th, the +on,u! l p rtnership property sh ll be li*uid ted in the s me pro+eedin! for the settlement of the est te of the de+e sed. If no ,udi+i l settlement pro+eedin! is instituted, the survivin! spouse sh ll li*uid te the +on,u! l p rtnership property either ,udi+i lly or e-tr ;,udi+i lly within si- months from the de th of the de+e sed spouse. If upon the l pse of the si-;month period no li*uid tion is m de, ny disposition or en+umbr n+e involvin! the +on,u! l p rtnership property of the termin ted m rri !e sh ll be void. @hould the survivin! spouse +ontr +t subse*uent m rri !e without +ompli n+e with the fore!oin! re*uirements, m nd tory re!ime of +omplete sep r tion of property sh ll !overn the property rel tions of the subse*uent m rri !e. .n1 Art. )4). >henever the li*uid tion of the +on,u! l p rtnership properties of two or more m rri !es +ontr +ted by the s me person before the effe+tivity of this Code is + rried out simult neously, the respe+tive + pit l, fruits nd in+ome of e +h p rtnership sh ll be determined upon su+h proof s m y be +onsidered ++ordin! to the rules of eviden+e. In + se of doubt s to whi+h p rtnership the e-istin! properties belon!, the s me sh ll be divided between the different p rtnerships in proportion to the + pit l nd dur tion of e +h. .)8= 1 Art. )40. $he Rules of Court on the dministr tion of est tes of de+e sed persons sh ll be observed in the ppr is l nd s le of property of the +on,u! l p rtnership, nd other m tters whi+h re not e-pressly determined in this Ch pter. .)87 1 Art. )44. "rom the +ommon m ss of property support sh ll be !iven to the survivin! spouse nd to the +hildren durin! the li*uid tion of the inventoried property nd until wh t belon!s to them is delivered2 but from this sh ll be dedu+ted th t mount re+eived for support whi+h e-+eeds the fruits or rents pert inin! to them. .)88 1 Ch pter /. @ep r tion of Property of the @pouses nd Administr tion of Common Property by One @pouse ?urin! the ' rri !e Art. )46. In the bsen+e of n e-press de+l r tion in the m rri !e settlements, the sep r tion of property between spouses durin! the m rri !e sh ll not t 5e pl +e e-+ept by ,udi+i l order. @u+h ,udi+i l sep r tion of property m y either be volunt ry or for suffi+ient + use. .)=< 1 Art. )4/. Any of the followin! sh ll be +onsidered suffi+ient + use for ,udi+i l sep r tion of property# .)1 $h t the spouse of the petitioner h s been senten+ed to pen lty whi+h + rries with it +ivil interdi+tion2 .01 $h t the spouse of the petitioner h s been ,udi+i lly de+l red n bsentee2 .41 $h t loss of p rent l uthority of the spouse of petitioner h s been de+reed by the +ourt2

.61 $h t the spouse of the petitioner h s b ndoned the l tter or f iled to +omply with his or her obli! tions to the f mily s provided for in Arti+le )<)2 ./1 $h t the spouse !r nted the power of dministr tion in the m rri !e settlements h s bused th t power2 nd .91 $h t t the time of the petition, the spouses h ve been sep r ted in f +t for t le st one ye r nd re+on+ili tion is hi!hly improb ble. In the + ses provided for in Numbers .)1, .01 nd .41, the present tion of the fin l ,ud!ment ! inst the !uilty or bsent spouse sh ll be enou!h b sis for the !r nt of the de+ree of ,udi+i l sep r tion of property. .)=) 1 Art. )49. $he spouses m y ,ointly file verified petition with the +ourt for the volunt ry dissolution of the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins, nd for the sep r tion of their +ommon properties. All +reditors of the bsolute +ommunity or of the +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins, s well s the person l +reditors of the spouse, sh ll be listed in the petition nd notified of the filin! thereof. $he +ourt sh ll t 5e me sures to prote+t the +reditors nd other persons with pe+uni ry interest. .)=) 1 Art. )47. On+e the sep r tion of property h s been de+reed, the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership of ! ins sh ll be li*uid ted in +onformity with this Code. ?urin! the penden+y of the pro+eedin!s for sep r tion of property, the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership sh ll p y for the support of the spouses nd their +hildren. .)=0 1 Art. )48. After dissolution of the bsolute +ommunity or of the +on,u! l p rtnership, the provisions on +omplete sep r tion of property sh ll pply. .)=) 1 Art. )4=. $he petition for sep r tion of property nd the fin l ,ud!ment !r ntin! the s me sh ll be re+orded in the proper lo+ l +ivil re!istries nd re!istries of property. .)=4 1 Art. )6<. $he sep r tion of property sh ll not pre,udi+e the ri!hts previously +*uired by +reditors. .)=6 1 Art. )6). $he spouses m y, in the s me pro+eedin!s where sep r tion of property w s de+reed, file motion in +ourt for de+ree revivin! the property re!ime th t e-isted between them before the sep r tion of property in ny of the followin! inst n+es# .)1 >hen the +ivil interdi+tion termin tes2 .01 >hen the bsentee spouse re ppe rs2 .41 >hen the +ourt, bein! s tisfied th t the spouse !r nted the power of dministr tion in the m rri !e settlements will not ! in buse th t power, uthori3es the resumption of s id dministr tion2 .61 >hen the spouse who h s left the +on,u! l home without de+ree of le! l sep r tion resumes +ommon life with the other2 ./1 >hen p rent l uthority is ,udi+i lly restored to the spouse previously deprived thereof2 .91 >hen the spouses who h ve sep r ted in f +t for t le st one ye r, re+on+ile nd resume +ommon life2 or .71 >hen fter volunt ry dissolution of the bsolute +ommunity of property or +on,u! l p rtnership h s been ,udi+i lly de+reed upon the ,oint petition of the

spouses, they !ree to the reviv l of the former property re!ime. No volunt ry sep r tion of property m y there fter be !r nted. $he reviv l of the former property re!ime sh ll be !overned by Arti+le 97. .)=/ 1 Art. )60. $he dministr tion of ll +l sses of e-+lusive property of either spouse m y be tr nsferred by the +ourt to the other spouse# .)1 >hen one spouse be+omes the !u rdi n of the other2 .01 >hen one spouse is ,udi+i lly de+l red n bsentee2 .41 >hen one spouse is senten+ed to pen lty whi+h + rries with it +ivil interdi+tion2 or .61 >hen one spouse be+omes fu!itive from ,usti+e or is in hidin! s n ++used in +rimin l + se. If the other spouse is not *u lified by re son of in+ompeten+e, +onfli+t of interest, or ny other ,ust + use, the +ourt sh ll ppoint suit ble person to be the dministr tor. .n1 Ch pter 9. Re!ime of @ep r tion of Property Art. )64. @hould the future spouses !ree in the m rri !e settlements th t their property rel tions durin! m rri !e sh ll be !overned by the re!ime of sep r tion of property, the provisions of this Ch pter sh ll be suppletory. .0)0 1 Art. )66. @ep r tion of property m y refer to present or future property or both. It m y be tot l or p rti l. In the l tter + se, the property not !reed upon s sep r te sh ll pert in to the bsolute +ommunity. .0)4 1 Art. )6/. & +h spouse sh ll own, dispose of, possess, dminister nd en,oy his or her own sep r te est te, without need of the +onsent of the other. $o e +h spouse sh ll belon! ll e rnin!s from his or her profession, business or industry nd ll fruits, n tur l, industri l or +ivil, due or re+eived durin! the m rri !e from his or her sep r te property. .0)6 1 Art. )69. Coth spouses sh ll be r the f mily e-penses in proportion to their in+ome, or, in + se of insuffi+ien+y or def ult thereof, to the +urrent m r5et v lue of their sep r te properties.+h n robles virtu l l w libr ry $he li bilities of the spouses to +reditors for f mily e-penses sh ll, however, be solid ry. .0)/ 1 Ch pter 7. Property Re!ime of Unions >ithout ' rri !e Art. )67. >hen m n nd wom n who re + p +it ted to m rry e +h other, live e-+lusively with e +h other s husb nd nd wife without the benefit of m rri !e or under void m rri !e, their w !es nd s l ries sh ll be owned by them in e*u l sh res nd the property +*uired by both of them throu!h their wor5 or industry sh ll be !overned by the rules on +o;ownership. In the bsen+e of proof to the +ontr ry, properties +*uired while they lived to!ether sh ll be presumed to h ve been obt ined by their ,oint efforts, wor5 or industry, nd sh ll be owned by them in e*u l sh res. "or purposes of this Arti+le, p rty who did not p rti+ip te in the +*uisition by the other p rty of ny property sh ll be deemed to h ve +ontributed ,ointly in the +*uisition thereof if

the former:s efforts +onsisted in the + re nd m inten n+e of the f mily nd of the household. Neither p rty + n en+umber or dispose by +ts inter vivos of his or her sh re in the property +*uired durin! +oh bit tion nd owned in +ommon, without the +onsent of the other, until fter the termin tion of their +oh bit tion. >hen only one of the p rties to void m rri !e is in !ood f ith, the sh re of the p rty in b d f ith in the +o;ownership sh ll be forfeited in f vor of their +ommon +hildren. In + se of def ult of or w iver by ny or ll of the +ommon +hildren or their des+end nts, e +h v + nt sh re sh ll belon! to the respe+tive survivin! des+end nts. In the bsen+e of des+end nts, su+h sh re sh ll belon! to the inno+ent p rty. In ll + ses, the forfeiture sh ll t 5e pl +e upon termin tion of the +oh bit tion. .)66 1 Art. )68. In + ses of +oh bit tion not f llin! under the pre+edin! Arti+le, only the properties +*uired by both of the p rties throu!h their +tu l ,oint +ontribution of money, property, or industry sh ll be owned by them in +ommon in proportion to their respe+tive +ontributions. In the bsen+e of proof to the +ontr ry, their +ontributions nd +orrespondin! sh res re presumed to be e*u l. $he s me rule nd presumption sh ll pply to ,oint deposits of money nd eviden+es of +redit. If one of the p rties is v lidly m rried to nother, his or her sh re in the +o; ownership sh ll ++rue to the bsolute +ommunity or +on,u! l p rtnership e-istin! in su+h v lid m rri !e. If the p rty who +ted in b d f ith is not v lidly m rried to nother, his or her sh ll be forfeited in the m nner provided in the l st p r !r ph of the pre+edin! Arti+le. $he fore!oin! rules on forfeiture sh ll li5ewise pply even if both p rties re in b d f ith. .)66 1 $I$%& B $A& "A'I%G Ch pter ). $he " mily s n Institution Art. )6=. $he f mily, bein! the found tion of the n tion, is b si+ so+i l institution whi+h publi+ poli+y +herishes nd prote+ts. Conse*uently, f mily rel tions re !overned by l w nd no +ustom, pr +ti+e or !reement destru+tive of the f mily sh ll be re+o!ni3ed or !iven effe+t. .0)9 , 0)8 1 Art. /<. " mily rel tions in+lude those# .)1 Cetween husb nd nd wife2 .01 Cetween p rents nd +hildren2 .41 Amon! brothers nd sisters, whether of the full or h lf;blood. .0)7 1 Art. )/). No suit between members of the s me f mily sh ll prosper unless it should ppe r from the verified +ompl int or petition th t e rnest efforts tow rd +ompromise h ve been m de, but th t the s me h ve f iled. If it is shown th t no su+h efforts were in f +t m de, the s me + se must be dismissed. $his rules sh ll not pply to + ses whi+h m y not be the sub,e+t of +ompromise under the Civil Code. .000 1 Ch pter 0. $he " mily Aome

Art. )/0. $he f mily home, +onstituted ,ointly by the husb nd nd the wife or by n unm rried he d of f mily, is the dwellin! house where they nd their f mily reside, nd the l nd on whi+h it is situ ted. .004 1 Art. )/4. $he f mily home is deemed +onstituted on house nd lot from the time it is o++upied s f mily residen+e. "rom the time of its +onstitution nd so lon! s ny of its benefi+i ries +tu lly resides therein, the f mily home +ontinues to be su+h nd is e-empt from e-e+ution, for+ed s le or tt +hment e-+ept s herein fter provided nd to the e-tent of the v lue llowed by l w. .004 1 Art. )/6. $he benefi+i ries of f mily home re# .)1 $he husb nd nd wife, or n unm rried person who is the he d of f mily2 nd .01 $heir p rents, s+end nts, des+end nts, brothers nd sisters, whether the rel tionship be le!itim te or ille!itim te, who re livin! in the f mily home nd who depend upon the he d of the f mily for le! l support. .009 1 Art. )//. $he f mily home sh ll be e-empt from e-e+ution, for+ed s le or tt +hment e-+ept# .)1 "or nonp yment of t -es2 .01 "or debts in+urred prior to the +onstitution of the f mily home2 .41 "or debts se+ured by mort! !es on the premises before or fter su+h +onstitution2 nd .61 "or debts due to l borers, me+h ni+s, r+hite+ts, builders, m teri lmen nd others who h ve rendered servi+e or furnished m teri l for the +onstru+tion of the buildin!. .064 1 Art. )/9. $he f mily home must be p rt of the properties of the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership, or of the e-+lusive properties of either spouse with the l tter:s +onsent. It m y lso be +onstituted by n unm rried he d of f mily on his or her own property. Nevertheless, property th t is the sub,e+t of +ondition l s le on inst llments where ownership is reserved by the vendor only to !u r ntee p yment of the pur+h se pri+e m y be +onstituted s f mily home. .007 , 008 1 Art. )/7. $he +tu l v lue of the f mily home sh ll not e-+eed, t the time of its +onstitution, the mount of the three hundred thous nd pesos in urb n re s, nd two hundred thous nd pesos in rur l re s, or su+h mounts s m y here fter be fi-ed by l w. In ny event, if the v lue of the +urren+y +h n!es fter the doption of this Code, the v lue most f vor ble for the +onstitution of f mily home sh ll be the b sis of ev lu tion. "or purposes of this Arti+le, urb n re s re deemed to in+lude +h rtered +ities nd muni+ip lities whose nnu l in+ome t le st e*u ls th t le! lly re*uired for +h rtered +ities. All others re deemed to be rur l re s. .04) 1 Art. )/8. $he f mily home m y be sold, lien ted, don ted, ssi!ned or en+umbered by the owner or owners thereof with the written +onsent of the person +onstitutin! the s me, the l tter:s spouse, nd m ,ority of the benefi+i ries of le! l !e. In + se of +onfli+t, the +ourt sh ll de+ide. .04/ 1 Art. )/=. $he f mily home sh ll +ontinue despite the de th of one or both spouses

or of the unm rried he d of the f mily for period of ten ye rs or for s lon! s there is minor benefi+i ry, nd the heirs + nnot p rtition the s me unless the +ourt finds +ompellin! re sons therefor. $his rule sh ll pply re! rdless of whoever owns the property or +onstituted the f mily home. .048 1 Art. )9<. >hen +reditor whose +l ims is not mon! those mentioned in Arti+le )// obt ins ,ud!ment in his f vor, nd he h s re son ble !rounds to believe th t the f mily home is +tu lly worth more th n the m -imum mount fi-ed in Arti+le )/7, he m y pply to the +ourt whi+h rendered the ,ud!ment for n order dire+tin! the s le of the property under e-e+ution. $he +ourt sh ll so order if it finds th t the +tu l v lue of the f mily home e-+eeds the m -imum mount llowed by l w s of the time of its +onstitution. If the in+re sed +tu l v lue e-+eeds the m -imum llowed in Arti+le )/7 nd results from subse*uent volunt ry improvements introdu+ed by the person or persons +onstitutin! the f mily home, by the owner or owners of the property, or by ny of the benefi+i ries, the s me rule nd pro+edure sh ll pply. At the e-e+ution s le, no bid below the v lue llowed for f mily home sh ll be +onsidered. $he pro+eeds sh ll be pplied first to the mount mentioned in Arti+le )/7, nd then to the li bilities under the ,ud!ment nd the +osts. $he e-+ess, if ny, sh ll be delivered to the ,ud!ment debtor. .067 , 068 1 Art. )9). "or purposes of v ilin! of the benefits of f mily home s provided for in this Ch pter, person m y +onstitute, or be the benefi+i ry of, only one f mily home. .n1 Art. )90. $he provisions in this Ch pter sh ll lso !overn e-istin! f mily residen+es insof r s s id provisions re ppli+ ble. .n1 $I$%& BI PA$&RNI$G AN? "I%IA$ION Ch pter ). %e!itim te Children Art. )94. $he fili tion of +hildren m y be by n ture or by doption. N tur l fili tion m y be le!itim te or ille!itim te. .n1 Art. )96. Children +on+eived or born durin! the m rri !e of the p rents re le!itim te. Children +on+eived s result of rtifi+i l insemin tion of the wife with the sperm of the husb nd or th t of donor or both re li5ewise le!itim te +hildren of the husb nd nd his wife, provided, th t both of them uthori3ed or r tified su+h insemin tion in written instrument e-e+uted nd si!ned by them before the birth of the +hild. $he instrument sh ll be re+orded in the +ivil re!istry to!ether with the birth +ertifi+ te of the +hild. .// , 0/8 1 Art. )9/. Children +on+eived nd born outside v lid m rri !e re ille!itim te, unless otherwise provided in this Code. .n1 Art. )99. %e!itim +y of +hild m y be impu!ned only on the followin! !rounds# .)1 $h t it w s physi+ lly impossible for the husb nd to h ve se-u l inter+ourse with his wife within the first )0< d ys of the 4<< d ys whi+h immedi tely pre+eded the birth of the +hild be+ use of#

. 1 the physi+ l in+ p +ity of the husb nd to h ve se-u l inter+ourse with his wife2 .b1 the f +t th t the husb nd nd wife were livin! sep r tely in su+h w y th t se-u l inter+ourse w s not possible2 or .+1 serious illness of the husb nd, whi+h bsolutely prevented se-u l inter+ourse2 .01 $h t it is proved th t for biolo!i+ l or other s+ientifi+ re sons, the +hild +ould not h ve been th t of the husb nd, e-+ept in the inst n+e provided in the se+ond p r !r ph of Arti+le )962 or .41 $h t in + se of +hildren +on+eived throu!h rtifi+i l insemin tion, the written uthori3 tion or r tifi+ tion of either p rent w s obt ined throu!h mist 5e, fr ud, violen+e, intimid tion, or undue influen+e. .0// 1 Art. )97. $he +hild sh ll be +onsidered le!itim te lthou!h the mother m y h ve de+l red ! inst its le!itim +y or m y h ve been senten+ed s n dulteress. .0/9 1 Art. )98. If the m rri !e is termin ted nd the mother +ontr +ted nother m rri !e within three hundred d ys fter su+h termin tion of the former m rri !e, these rules sh ll !overn in the bsen+e of proof to the +ontr ry# .)1 A +hild born before one hundred ei!hty d ys fter the solemni3 tion of the subse*uent m rri !e is +onsidered to h ve been +on+eived durin! the former m rri !e, provided it be born within three hundred d ys fter the termin tion of the former m rri !e2 .01 A +hild born fter one hundred ei!hty d ys followin! the +elebr tion of the subse*uent m rri !e is +onsidered to h ve been +on+eived durin! su+h m rri !e, even thou!h it be born within the three hundred d ys fter the termin tion of the former m rri !e. .0/= 1 Art. )9=. $he le!itim +y or ille!itim +y of +hild born fter three hundred d ys followin! the termin tion of the m rri !e sh ll be proved by whoever lle!es su+h le!itim +y or ille!itim +y. .09) 1 Art. )7<. $he +tion to impu!n the le!itim +y of the +hild sh ll be brou!ht within one ye r from the 5nowled!e of the birth or its re+ordin! in the +ivil re!ister, if the husb nd or, in proper + se, ny of his heirs, should reside in the +ity or muni+ip lity where the birth too5 pl +e or w s re+orded. If the husb nd or, in his def ult, ll of his heirs do not reside t the pl +e of birth s defined in the first p r !r ph or where it w s re+orded, the period sh ll be two ye rs if they should reside in the Philippines2 nd three ye rs if bro d. If the birth of the +hild h s been +on+e led from or w s un5nown to the husb nd or his heirs, the period sh ll be +ounted from the dis+overy or 5nowled!e of the birth of the +hild or of the f +t of re!istr tion of s id birth, whi+hever is e rlier. .094 1 Art. )7). $he heirs of the husb nd m y impu!n the fili tion of the +hild within the period pres+ribed in the pre+edin! rti+le only in the followin! + ses# .)1 If the husb nd should died before the e-pir tion of the period fi-ed for brin!in! his +tion2 .01 If he should die fter the filin! of the +ompl int without h vin! desisted therefrom2 or .41 If the +hild w s born fter the de th of the husb nd. .090 1 Ch pter 0. Proof of "ili tion Art. )70. $he fili tion of le!itim te +hildren is est blished by ny of the followin!#

.)1 $he re+ord of birth ppe rin! in the +ivil re!ister or fin l ,ud!ment2 or .01 An dmission of le!itim te fili tion in publi+ do+ument or priv te h ndwritten instrument nd si!ned by the p rent +on+erned. In the bsen+e of the fore!oin! eviden+e, the le!itim te fili tion sh ll be proved by# .)1 $he open nd +ontinuous possession of the st tus of le!itim te +hild2 or .01 Any other me ns llowed by the Rules of Court nd spe+i l l ws. .09/ , 099 , 097 1 Art. )74. $he +tion to +l im le!itim +y m y be brou!ht by the +hild durin! his or her lifetime nd sh ll be tr nsmitted to the heirs should the +hild die durin! minority or in st te of ins nity. In these + ses, the heirs sh ll h ve period of five ye rs within whi+h to institute the +tion. Art. )76. %e!itim te +hildren sh ll h ve the ri!ht# .)1 $o be r the surn mes of the f ther nd the mother, in +onformity with the provisions of the Civil Code on @urn mes2 .01 $o re+eive support from their p rents, their s+end nts, nd in proper + ses, their brothers nd sisters, in +onformity with the provisions of this Code on @upport2 nd .41 $o be entitled to the le!itim te nd other su++ession l ri!hts !r nted to them by the Civil Code. .096 1 Ch pter 4. Ille!itim te Children Art. )7/. Ille!itim te +hildren m y est blish their ille!itim te fili tion in the s me w y nd on the s me eviden+e s le!itim te +hildren. $he +tion must be brou!ht within the s me period spe+ified in Arti+le )74, e-+ept when the +tion is b sed on the se+ond p r !r ph of Arti+le )70, in whi+h + se the +tion m y be brou!ht durin! the lifetime of the lle!ed p rent. .08= 1 Art. )79. Ille!itim te +hildren sh ll use the surn me nd sh ll be under the p rent l uthority of their mother, nd sh ll be entitled to support in +onformity with this Code. $he le!itime of e +h ille!itim te +hild sh ll +onsist of one;h lf of the le!itime of le!itim te +hild. &-+ept for this modifi+ tion, ll other provisions in the Civil Code !overnin! su++ession l ri!hts sh ll rem in in for+e. .087 1 Ch pter 6. %e!itim ted Children Art. )77. Only +hildren +on+eived nd born outside of wedlo+5 of p rents who, t the time of the +on+eption of the former, were not dis*u lified by ny impediment to m rry e +h other m y be le!itim ted. .09= 1 Art. )78. %e!itim tion sh ll t 5e pl +e by subse*uent v lid m rri !e between p rents. $he nnulment of void ble m rri !e sh ll not ffe+t the le!itim tion.
.07< 1 +h n robles virtu l l w libr ry

Art. )7=. %e!itim ted +hildren sh ll en,oy the s me ri!hts

.070 1

s le!itim te +hildren.

Art. )8<. $he effe+ts of le!itim tion sh ll retro +t to the time of the +hild:s birth. .074 1 Art. )8). $he le!itim tion of +hildren who died before the +elebr tion of the m rri !e sh ll benefit their des+end nts. .0761

Art. )80. %e!itim tion m y be impu!ned only by those who re pre,udi+ed in their ri!hts, within five ye rs from the time their + use of +tion ++rues. .07/ 1 $I$%& BII A?OP$ION Art. )84. A person of !e nd in possession of full +ivil + p +ity nd le! l ri!hts m y dopt, provided he is in position to support nd + re for his +hildren, le!itim te or ille!itim te, in 5eepin! with the me ns of the f mily. Only minors m y be dopted, e-+ept in the + ses when the doption of person of m ,ority !e is llowed in this $itle. In ddition, the dopter must be t le st si-teen ye rs older th n the person to be dopted, unless the dopter is the p rent by n ture of the dopted, or is the spouse of the le!itim te p rent of the person to be dopted. .07 , &. O. =) nd P? 9<41 Art. )86. $he followin! persons m y not dopt# .)1 $he !u rdi n with respe+t to the w rd prior to the pprov l of the fin l ++ounts rendered upon the termin tion of their !u rdi nship rel tion2 .01 Any person who h s been +onvi+ted of +rime involvin! mor l turpitude2 .41 An lien, e-+ept# . 1 A former "ilipino +iti3en who see5s to dopt rel tive by +ons n!uinity2 .b1 One who see5s to dopt the le!itim te +hild of his or her "ilipino spouse2 or .+1 One who is m rried to "ilipino +iti3en nd see5s to dopt ,ointly with his or her spouse rel tive by +ons n!uinity of the l tter. Aliens not in+luded in the fore!oin! e-+eptions m y dopt "ilipino +hildren in ++ord n+e with the rules on inter;+ountry doptions s m y be provided by l w.
.08 , &. O. =) nd P? 9<41

Art. )8/. Ausb nd nd wife must ,ointly dopt, e-+ept in the followin! + ses# .)1 >hen one spouse see5s to dopt his own ille!itim te +hild2 or .01 >hen one spouse see5s to dopt the le!itim te +hild of the other. .0= , &. O. =)
P? 9<41


Art. )89. In + se husb nd nd wife ,ointly dopt or one spouse dopts the le!itim te +hild of the other, ,oint p rent l uthority sh ll be e-er+ised by the spouses in ++ord n+e with this Code. .0= , &. O. nd P? 9<41 Art. )87. $he followin! m y not be dopted# .)1 A person of le! l !e, unless he or she is +hild by n ture of the dopter or his or her spouse, or, prior to the doption, s id person h s been +onsistently +onsidered nd tre ted by the dopter s his or her own +hild durin! minority. .01 An lien with whose !overnment the Republi+ of the Philippines h s no diplom ti+ rel tions2 nd .41 A person who h s lre dy been dopted unless su+h doption h s been previously revo5ed or res+inded. .4< , &. O. =) nd P? 9<41 Art. )88. $he written +onsent of the followin! to the doption sh ll be ne+ess ry# .)1 $he person to be dopted, if ten ye rs of !e or over, .01 $he p rents by n ture of the +hild, the le! l !u rdi n, or the proper !overnment instrument lity2

.41 $he le!itim te nd dopted +hildren, ten ye rs of !e or over, of the doptin! p rent or p rents2 .61 $he ille!itim te +hildren, ten ye rs of !e or over, of the doptin! p rent, if livin! with s id p rent nd the l tter:s spouse, if ny2 nd ./1 $he spouse, if ny, of the person doptin! or to be dopted. .4) , &. O. =) nd P? 9<41 Art. )8=. Adoption sh ll h ve the followin! effe+ts# .)1 "or +ivil purposes, the dopted sh ll be deemed to be le!itim te +hild of the dopters nd both sh ll +*uire the re+ipro+ l ri!hts nd obli! tions risin! from the rel tionship of p rent nd +hild, in+ludin! the ri!ht of the dopted to use the surn me of the dopters2 .01 $he p rent l uthority of the p rents by n ture over the dopted sh ll termin te nd be vested in the dopters, e-+ept th t if the dopter is the spouse of the p rent by n ture of the dopted, p rent l uthority over the dopted sh ll be e-er+ised ,ointly by both spouses2 nd .41 $he dopted sh ll rem in n intest te heir of his p rents nd other blood rel tives. .4=.)1 , .41 , P? 9<41 Art. )=<. %e! l or intest te su++ession to the est te of the dopted sh ll be !overned by the followin! rules# .)1 %e!itim te nd ille!itim te +hildren nd des+end nts nd the survivin! spouse of the dopted sh ll inherit from the dopted, in ++ord n+e with the ordin ry rules of le! l or intest te su++ession2 .01 >hen the p rents, le!itim te or ille!itim te, or the le!itim te s+end nts of the dopted +on+ur with the dopter, they sh ll divide the entire est te, one;h lf to be inherited by the p rents or s+end nts nd the other h lf, by the dopters2 .41 >hen the survivin! spouse or the ille!itim te +hildren of the dopted +on+ur with the dopters, they sh ll divide the entire est te in e*u l sh res, one;h lf to be inherited by the spouse or the ille!itim te +hildren of the dopted nd the other h lf, by the dopters. .61 >hen the dopters +on+ur with the ille!itim te +hildren nd the survivin! spouse of the dopted, they sh ll divide the entire est te in e*u l sh res, one; third to be inherited by the ille!itim te +hildren, one;third by the survivin! spouse, nd one;third by the dopters2 ./1 >hen only the dopters survive, they sh ll inherit the entire est te2 nd .91 >hen only +oll ter l blood rel tives of the dopted survive, then the ordin ry rules of le! l or intest te su++ession sh ll pply. .4=.61 , P? 9<41 Art. )=). If the dopted is minor or otherwise in+ p +it ted, the doption m y be ,udi+i lly res+inded upon petition of ny person uthori3ed by the +ourt or proper !overnment instrument l +tin! on his beh lf, on the s me !rounds pres+ribed for loss or suspension of p rent l uthority. If the dopted is t le st ei!hteen ye rs of !e, he m y petition for ,udi+i l res+ission of the doption on the s me !rounds pres+ribed for disinheritin! n s+end nt. .6< , P? 9<41 Art. )=0. $he dopters m y petition the +ourt for the ,udi+i l res+ission of the doption in ny of the followin! + ses# .)1 If the dopted h s +ommitted ny +t +onstitutin! !round for disinheritin! des+end nt2 or .01 >hen the dopted h s b ndoned the home of the dopters durin! minority

for t le st one ye r, or, by some other +ts, h s definitely repudi ted the doption. .6) , P? 9<41 Art. )=4. If the dopted minor h s not re +hed the !e of m ,ority t the time of the ,udi+i l res+ission of the doption, the +ourt in the s me pro+eedin! sh ll reinst te the p rent l uthority of the p rents by n ture, unless the l tter re dis*u lified or in+ p +it ted, in whi+h + se the +ourt sh ll ppoint !u rdi n over the person nd property of the minor. If the dopted person is physi+ lly or ment lly h ndi+ pped, the +ourt sh ll ppoint in the s me pro+eedin! !u rdi n over his person or property or both. Hudi+i l res+ission of the doption sh ll e-tin!uish ll re+ipro+ l ri!hts nd obli! tions between the dopters nd the dopted risin! from the rel tionship of p rent nd +hild. $he dopted sh ll li5ewise lose the ri!ht to use the surn mes of the dopters nd sh ll resume his surn me prior to the doption. $he +ourt sh ll ++ordin!ly order the mendment of the re+ords in the proper re!istries. .60 , P? 9<41 $I$%& BIII @UPPOR$ Art. )=6. @upport +omprises everythin! indispens ble for susten n+e, dwellin!, +lothin!, medi+ l ttend n+e, edu+ tion nd tr nsport tion, in 5eepin! with the fin n+i l + p +ity of the f mily. $he edu+ tion of the person entitled to be supported referred to in the pre+edin! p r !r ph sh ll in+lude his s+hoolin! or tr inin! for some profession, tr de or vo+ tion, even beyond the !e of m ,ority. $r nsport tion sh ll in+lude e-penses in !oin! to nd from s+hool, or to nd from pl +e of wor5. .0=< 1 Art. )</. @ub,e+t to the provisions of the su++eedin! rti+les, the followin! re obli!ed to support e +h other to the whole e-tent set forth in the pre+edin! rti+le# .)1 $he spouses2 .01 %e!itim te s+end nts nd des+end nts2 .41 P rents nd their le!itim te +hildren nd the le!itim te nd ille!itim te +hildren of the l tter2 .61 P rents nd their ille!itim te +hildren nd the le!itim te nd ille!itim te +hildren of the l tter2 nd ./1 %e!itim te brothers nd sisters, whether of full or h lf;blood .0=) 1 Art. )=9. Crothers nd sisters not le!itim tely rel ted, whether of the full or h lf; blood, re li5ewise bound to support e +h other to the full e-tent set forth in Arti+le )=6, e-+ept only when the need for support of the brother or sister, bein! of !e, is due to + use imput ble to the +l im nt:s f ult or ne!li!en+e. .0=) 1 Art. )=7. In + se of le!itim te s+end nts2 des+end nts, whether le!itim te or ille!itim te2 nd brothers nd sisters, whether le!itim tely or ille!itim tely rel ted, only the sep r te property of the person obli!ed to !ive support sh ll be nswer ble provided th t in + se the obli!or h s no sep r te property, the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership, if fin n+i lly + p ble, sh ll dv n+e the support, whi+h sh ll be dedu+ted from the sh re of the spouse

obli!ed upon the li*uid tion of the bsolute +ommunity or of the +on,u! l p rtnership. .n1 Art. )=8. ?urin! the pro+eedin!s for le! l sep r tion or for nnulment of m rri !e, nd for de+l r tion of nullity of m rri !e, the spouses nd their +hildren sh ll be supported from the properties of the bsolute +ommunity or the +on,u! l p rtnership. After the fin l ,ud!ment !r ntin! the petition, the obli! tion of mutu l support between the spouses +e ses. Aowever, in + se of le! l sep r tion, the +ourt m y order th t the !uilty spouse sh ll !ive support to the inno+ent one, spe+ifyin! the terms of su+h order. .0=0 1 Art. )==. >henever two or more persons re obli!ed to !ive support, the li bility sh ll devolve upon the followin! persons in the order herein provided# .)1 $he spouse2 .01 $he des+end nts in the ne rest de!ree2 .41 $he s+end nts in the ne rest de!ree2 nd .61 $he brothers nd sisters. .0=6 1 Art. 0<<. >hen the obli! tion to !ive support f lls upon two or more persons, the p yment of the s me sh ll be divided between them in proportion to the resour+es of e +h. Aowever, in + se of ur!ent need nd by spe+i l +ir+umst n+es, the ,ud!e m y order only one of them to furnish the support provision lly, without pre,udi+e to his ri!ht to +l im from the other obli!ors the sh re due from them. >hen two or more re+ipients t the s me time +l im support from one nd the s me person le! lly obli!ed to !ive it, should the l tter not h ve suffi+ient me ns to s tisfy ll +l ims, the order est blished in the pre+edin! rti+le sh ll be followed, unless the +on+urrent obli!ees should be the spouse nd +hild sub,e+t to p rent l uthority, in whi+h + se the +hild sh ll be preferred. .0=/ 1 Art. 0<). $he mount of support, in the + ses referred to in Arti+les )=/ nd )=9, sh ll be in proportion to the resour+es or me ns of the !iver nd to the ne+essities of the re+ipient. .0=9 1 Art. 0<0. @upport in the + ses referred to in the pre+edin! rti+le sh ll be redu+ed or in+re sed proportion tely, ++ordin! to the redu+tion or in+re se of the ne+essities of the re+ipient nd the resour+es or me ns of the person obli!ed to furnish the s me. .0=7 1 +h n robles virtu l l w libr ry Art. 0<4. $he obli! tion to !ive support sh ll be dem nd ble from the time the person who h s ri!ht to re+eive the s me needs it for m inten n+e, but it sh ll not be p id e-+ept from the d te of ,udi+i l or e-tr ;,udi+i l dem nd. @upport pendente lite m y be +l imed in ++ord n+e with the Rules of Court. P yment sh ll be m de within the first five d ys of e +h +orrespondin! month or when the re+ipient dies, his heirs sh ll not be obli!ed to return wh t he h s re+eived in dv n+e. .0=8 1 Art. 0<6. $he person obli!ed to !ive support sh ll h ve the option to fulfill the obli! tion either by p yin! the llow n+e fi-ed, or by re+eivin! nd m int inin! in the f mily dwellin! the person who h s ri!ht to re+eive support. $he l tter ltern tive + nnot be v iled of in + se there is mor l or le! l obst +le thereto. .0== 1 Art. 0</. $he ri!ht to re+eive support under this $itle s well s ny money or

property obt ined s su+h support sh ll not be levied upon on tt +hment or e-e+ution. .4<0 1 Art. 0<9. >hen, without the 5nowled!e of the person obli!ed to !ive support, it is !iven by str n!er, the l tter sh ll h ve ri!ht to +l im the s me from the former, unless it ppe rs th t he ! ve it without intention of bein! reimbursed.
.0)96 1

Art. 0<7. >hen the person obli!ed to support nother un,ustly refuses or f ils to !ive support when ur!ently needed by the l tter, ny third person m y furnish support to the needy individu l, with ri!ht of reimbursement from the person obli!ed to !ive support. $his Arti+le sh ll p rti+ul rly pply when the f ther or mother of +hild under the !e of m ,ority un,ustly refuses to support or f ils to !ive support to the +hild when ur!ently needed. .0)99 1 Art. 0<8. In + se of +ontr +tu l support or th t !iven by will, the e-+ess in mount beyond th t re*uired for le! l support sh ll be sub,e+t to levy on tt +hment or e-e+ution. "urthermore, +ontr +tu l support sh ll be sub,e+t to d,ustment whenever modifi+ tion is ne+ess ry due to +h n!es of +ir+umst n+es m nifestly beyond the +ontempl tion of the p rties. .n1 $I$%& IF PAR&N$A% AU$AORI$G Ch pter ). (ener l Provisions Art. 0<=. Pursu nt to the n tur l ri!ht nd duty of p rents over the person nd property of their unem n+ip ted +hildren, p rent l uthority nd responsibility sh ll in+lude the + rin! for nd re rin! them for +ivi+ +ons+iousness nd effi+ien+y nd the development of their mor l, ment l nd physi+ l +h r +ter nd well; bein!. .n1 Art. 0)<. P rent l uthority nd responsibility m y not be renoun+ed or tr nsferred e-+ept in the + ses uthori3ed by l w. .4)4 1 Art. 0)). $he f ther nd the mother sh ll ,ointly e-er+ise p rent l uthority over the persons of their +ommon +hildren. In + se of dis !reement, the f ther:s de+ision sh ll prev il, unless there is ,udi+i l order to the +ontr ry. Children sh ll lw ys observe respe+t nd reveren+e tow rds their p rents nd re obli!ed to obey them s lon! s the +hildren re under p rent l uthority. .4)) 1 +h n
robles virtu l l w libr ry

Art. 0)0. In + se of bsen+e or de th of either p rent, the p rent present sh ll +ontinue e-er+isin! p rent l uthority. $he rem rri !e of the survivin! p rent sh ll not ffe+t the p rent l uthority over the +hildren, unless the +ourt ppoints nother person to be the !u rdi n of the person or property of the +hildren. .n1 Art. 0)4. In + se of sep r tion of the p rents, p rent l uthority sh ll be e-er+ised by the p rent desi!n ted by the Court. $he Court sh ll t 5e into ++ount ll relev nt +onsider tions, espe+i lly the +hoi+e of the +hild over seven ye rs of !e, unless the p rent +hosen is unfit. .n1 Art. 0)6. In + se of de th, bsen+e or unsuit bility of the p rents, substitute p rent l uthority sh ll be e-er+ised by the survivin! !r ndp rent. In + se sever l

survive, the one desi!n ted by the +ourt, t 5in! into ++ount the s me +onsider tion mentioned in the pre+edin! rti+le, sh ll e-er+ise the uthority. .4// 1 Art. 0)/. No des+end nt sh ll be +ompelled, in +rimin l + se, to testify ! inst his p rents nd !r ndp rents, e-+ept when su+h testimony is indispens ble in +rime ! inst the des+end nt or by one p rent ! inst the other. .4)/ 1 Ch pter 0. @ubstitute nd @pe+i l P rent l Authority Art. 0)9. In def ult of p rents or ,udi+i lly ppointed !u rdi n, the followin! person sh ll e-er+ise substitute p rent l uthority over the +hild in the order indi+ ted# .)1 $he survivin! !r ndp rent, s provided in Art. 0)62 .01 $he oldest brother or sister, over twenty;one ye rs of !e, unless unfit or dis*u lified2 nd .41 $he +hild:s +tu l +ustodi n, over twenty;one ye rs of !e, unless unfit or dis*u lified. >henever the ppointment or ,udi+i l !u rdi n over the property of the +hild be+omes ne+ess ry, the s me order of preferen+e sh ll be observed. .46= , 4/) , 4/6 1 Art. 0)7. In + se of foundlin!s, b ndoned ne!le+ted or bused +hildren nd other +hildren simil rly situ ted, p rent l uthority sh ll be entrusted in summ ry ,udi+i l pro+eedin!s to he ds of +hildren:s homes, orph n !es nd simil r institutions duly ++redited by the proper !overnment !en+y. .4)6 1 Art. 0)8. $he s+hool, its dministr tors nd te +hers, or the individu l, entity or institution en! !ed in +hild re sh ll h ve spe+i l p rent l uthority nd responsibility over the minor +hild while under their supervision, instru+tion or +ustody. Authority nd responsibility sh ll pply to ll uthori3ed +tivities whether inside or outside the premises of the s+hool, entity or institution. .46= 1 Art. )0=. $hose !iven the uthority nd responsibility under the pre+edin! Arti+le sh ll be prin+ip lly nd solid rily li ble for d m !es + used by the +ts or omissions of the unem n+ip ted minor. $he p rents, ,udi+i l !u rdi ns or the persons e-er+isin! substitute p rent l uthority over s id minor sh ll be subsidi rily li ble. $he respe+tive li bilities of those referred to in the pre+edin! p r !r ph sh ll not pply if it is proved th t they e-er+ised the proper dili!en+e re*uired under the p rti+ul r +ir+umst n+es. All other + ses not +overed by this nd the pre+edin! rti+les sh ll be !overned by the provisions of the Civil Code on *u si;deli+ts. .n1 Ch pter 4. &ffe+t of P rent l Authority Upon the Persons of the Children Art. 00<. $he p rents nd those e-er+isin! p rent l uthority sh ll h ve with the respe+t to their unem n+ip ted +hildren on w rds the followin! ri!hts nd duties# .)1 $o 5eep them in their +omp ny, to support, edu+ te nd instru+t them by ri!ht pre+ept nd !ood e- mple, nd to provide for their upbrin!in! in 5eepin! with

their me ns2 .01 $o !ive them love nd ffe+tion, dvi+e nd +ounsel, +omp nionship nd underst ndin!2 .41 $o provide them with mor l nd spiritu l !uid n+e, in+ul+ te in them honesty, inte!rity, self;dis+ipline, self;reli n+e, industry nd thrift, stimul te their interest in +ivi+ ff irs, nd inspire in them +ompli n+e with the duties of +iti3enship2 .61 $o furnish them with !ood nd wholesome edu+ tion l m teri ls, supervise their +tivities, re+re tion nd sso+i tion with others, prote+t them from b d +omp ny, nd prevent them from +*uirin! h bits detriment l to their he lth, studies nd mor ls2 ./1 $o represent them in ll m tters ffe+tin! their interests2 .91 $o dem nd from them respe+t nd obedien+e2 .71 $o impose dis+ipline on them s m y be re*uired under the +ir+umst n+es2 nd .81 $o perform su+h other duties s re imposed by l w upon p rents nd !u rdi ns. .4)9 1 Art. 00). P rents nd other persons e-er+isin! p rent l uthority sh ll be +ivilly li ble for the in,uries nd d m !es + used by the +ts or omissions of their unem n+ip ted +hildren livin! in their +omp ny nd under their p rent l uthority sub,e+t to the ppropri te defenses provided by l w. .0)8<.01 nd .61 1 Art. 000. $he +ourts m y ppoint !u rdi n of the +hild:s property or !u rdi n d litem when the best interests of the +hild so re*uires. .4)71 Art. 004. $he p rents or, in their bsen+e or in+ p +ity, the individu l, entity or institution e-er+isin! p rent l uthority, m y petition the proper +ourt of the pl +e where the +hild resides, for n order providin! for dis+iplin ry me sures over the +hild. $he +hild sh ll be entitled to the ssist n+e of +ounsel, either of his +hoi+e or ppointed by the +ourt, nd summ ry he rin! sh ll be +ondu+ted wherein the petitioner nd the +hild sh ll be he rd. Aowever, if in the s me pro+eedin! the +ourt finds the petitioner t f ult, irrespe+tive of the merits of the petition, or when the +ir+umst n+es so w rr nt, the +ourt m y lso order the depriv tion or suspension of p rent l uthority or dopt su+h other me sures s it m y deem ,ust nd proper. .4)8 1 Art. 006. $he me sures referred to in the pre+edin! rti+le m y in+lude the +ommitment of the +hild for not more th n thirty d ys in entities or institutions en! !ed in +hild + re or in +hildren:s homes duly ++redited by the proper !overnment !en+y. $he p rent e-er+isin! p rent l uthority sh ll not interfere with the + re of the +hild whenever +ommitted but sh ll provide for his support. Upon proper petition or t its own inst n+e, the +ourt m y termin te the +ommitment of the +hild whenever ,ust nd proper. .4=) 1 Ch pter 6. &ffe+t of P rent l Authority Upon the Property of the Children Art. 00/. $he f ther nd the mother sh ll ,ointly e-er+ise le! l !u rdi nship over the property of the unem n+ip ted +ommon +hild without the ne+essity of +ourt

ppointment. In + se of dis !reement, the f ther:s de+ision sh ll prev il, unless there is ,udi+i l order to the +ontr ry. >here the m r5et v lue of the property or the nnu l in+ome of the +hild e-+eeds P/<,<<<, the p rent +on+erned sh ll be re*uired to furnish bond in su+h mount s the +ourt m y determine, but not less th n ten per centum.)<I1 of the v lue of the property or nnu l in+ome, to !u r ntee the perform n+e of the obli! tions pres+ribed for !ener l !u rdi ns. A verified petition for pprov l of the bond sh ll be filed in the proper +ourt of the pl +e where the +hild resides, or, if the +hild resides in forei!n +ountry, in the proper +ourt of the pl +e where the property or ny p rt thereof is situ ted. $he petition sh ll be do+5eted s summ ry spe+i l pro+eedin! in whi+h ll in+idents nd issues re! rdin! the perform n+e of the obli! tions referred to in the se+ond p r !r ph of this Arti+le sh ll be he rd nd resolved. $he ordin ry rules on !u rdi nship sh ll be merely suppletory e-+ept when the +hild is under substitute p rent l uthority, or the !u rdi n is str n!er, or p rent h s rem rried, in whi+h + se the ordin ry rules on !u rdi nship sh ll pply. .40< 1 Art. 009. $he property of the unem n+ip ted +hild e rned or +*uired with his wor5 or industry or by onerous or !r tuitous title sh ll belon! to the +hild in ownership nd sh ll be devoted e-+lusively to the l tter:s support nd edu+ tion, unless the title or tr nsfer provides otherwise. $he ri!ht of the p rents over the fruits nd in+ome of the +hild:s property sh ll be limited prim rily to the +hild:s support nd se+ond rily to the +olle+tive d ily needs of the f mily. .40) , 404 1 Art. 007. If the p rents entrust the m n !ement or dministr tion of ny of their properties to n unem n+ip ted +hild, the net pro+eeds of su+h property sh ll belon! to the owner. $he +hild sh ll be !iven re son ble monthly llow n+e in n mount not less th n th t whi+h the owner would h ve p id if the dministr tor were str n!er, unless the owner, !r nts the entire pro+eeds to the +hild. In ny + se, the pro+eeds thus !ive in whole or in p rt sh ll not be +h r!ed to the +hild:s le!itime. .400 1 Ch pter /. @uspension or $ermin tion of P rent l Authority Art. 008. P rent l uthority termin tes perm nently# .)1 Upon the de th of the p rents2 .01 Upon the de th of the +hild2 or .41 Upon em n+ip tion of the +hild. .407 1 Art. 00=. Unless subse*uently revived by fin l ,ud!ment, p rent l uthority lso termin tes# .)1 Upon doption of the +hild2 .01 Upon ppointment of !ener l !u rdi n2 .41 Upon ,udi+i l de+l r tion of b ndonment of the +hild in + se filed for the purpose2 .61 Upon fin l ,ud!ment of +ompetent +ourt divestin! the p rty +on+erned of p rent l uthority2 or

./1 Upon ,udi+i l de+l r tion of bsen+e or in+ p +ity of the person e-er+isin! p rent l uthority. .407 1 Art. 04<. P rent l uthority is suspended upon +onvi+tion of the p rent or the person e-er+isin! the s me of +rime whi+h + rries with it the pen lty of +ivil interdi+tion. $he uthority is utom ti+ lly reinst ted upon servi+e of the pen lty or upon p rdon or mnesty of the offender. .44< 1 Art. 04). $he +ourt in n +tion filed for the purpose in rel ted + se m y lso suspend p rent l uthority if the p rent or the person e-er+isin! the s me# .)1 $re ts the +hild with e-+essive h rshness or +ruelty2 .01 (ives the +hild +orruptin! orders, +ounsel or e- mple2 .41 Compels the +hild to be!2 or .61 @ub,e+ts the +hild or llows him to be sub,e+ted to +ts of l s+iviousness. $he !rounds enumer ted bove re deemed to in+lude + ses whi+h h ve resulted from +ulp ble ne!li!en+e of the p rent or the person e-er+isin! p rent l uthority. If the de!ree of seriousness so w rr nts, or the welf re of the +hild so dem nds, the +ourt sh ll deprive the !uilty p rty of p rent l uthority or dopt su+h other me sures s m y be proper under the +ir+umst n+es. $he suspension or depriv tion m y be revo5ed nd the p rent l uthority revived in + se filed for the purpose or in the s me pro+eedin! if the +ourt finds th t the + use therefor h s +e sed nd will not be repe ted. .44 1 Art. 040. If the person e-er+isin! p rent l uthority h s sub,e+ted the +hild or llowed him to be sub,e+ted to se-u l buse, su+h person sh ll be perm nently deprived by the +ourt of su+h uthority. .n1 Art. 044. $he person e-er+isin! substitute p rent l uthority sh ll h ve the s me uthority over the person of the +hild s the p rents. In no + se sh ll the s+hool dministr tor, te +her of individu l en! !ed in +hild + re e-er+isin! spe+i l p rent l uthority infli+t +orpor l punishment upon the +hild. .n1 $I$%& F &'ANCIPA$ION AN? A(& O" 'AHORI$G Art. 046. &m n+ip tion t 5es pl +e by the tt inment of m ,ority. Unless otherwise provided, m ,ority +ommen+es t the !e of twenty;one ye rs. &m n+ip tion lso t 5es pl +e# .)1 Cy the m rri !e of the minor2 or .01 Cy the re+ordin! in the Civil Re!ister of n !reement in publi+ instrument e-e+uted by the p rent e-er+isin! p rent l uthority nd the minor t le st ei!hteen ye rs of !e. @u+h em n+ip tion sh ll be irrevo+ ble. .4=7 , 4=8 , 6<< , 6<) 1 Art. 04/. $he provisions !overnin! em n+ip tion by re+orded !reement sh ll lso pply to n orph n minor nd the person e-er+isin! p rent l uthority but the !reement must be pproved by the +ourt before it is re+orded. .n1 Art. 049. &m n+ip tion for ny + use sh ll termin te p rent l uthority over the person nd property of the +hild who sh ll then be *u lified nd responsible for ll +ts of +ivil life. .6)0 1 Art. 047. $he nnulment or de+l r tion of nullity of the m rri !e of minor or of

the re+orded !reement mentioned in the fore!oin!. Arti+les 046 nd 04/ sh ll revive the p rent l uthority over the minor but sh ll not ffe+t +ts nd tr ns +tions th t too5 pl +e prior to the re+ordin! of the fin l ,ud!ment in the Civil Re!ister. .n1 $I$%& FI @U''ARG HU?ICIA% PROC&&?IN(@ IN $A& "A'I%G %A> Ch pter ). Pref tory Provisions Art. 048. Until modified by the @upreme Court, the pro+edur l rules provided for in this $itle sh ll pply s re! rds sep r tion in f +t between husb nd nd wife, b ndonment by one of the other, nd in+idents involvin! p rent l uthority. .n1 Ch pter 0. @ep r tion in " +t Art. 04=. >hen husb nd nd wife re sep r ted in f +t, or one h s b ndoned the other nd one of them see5s ,udi+i l uthori3 tion for tr ns +tion where the +onsent of the other spouse is re*uired by l w but su+h +onsent is withheld or + nnot be obt ined, verified petition m y be filed in +ourt lle!in! the fore!oin! f +ts. $he petition sh ll tt +h the proposed deed, if ny, embodyin! the tr ns +tion, nd, if none, sh ll des+ribe in det il the s id tr ns +tion nd st te the re son why the re*uired +onsent thereto + nnot be se+ured. In ny + se, the fin l deed duly e-e+uted by the p rties sh ll be submitted to nd pproved by the +ourt. .n1 Art. 06<. Cl ims for d m !es by either spouse, e-+ept +osts of the pro+eedin!s, m y be liti! ted only in sep r te +tion. .n1 Art. 06). Hurisdi+tion over the petition sh ll, upon proof of noti+e to the other spouse, be e-er+ised by the proper +ourt uthori3ed to he r f mily + ses, if one e-ists, or in the re!ion l tri l +ourt or its e*uiv lent sittin! in the pl +e where either of the spouses resides. .n1 Art. 060. Upon the filin! of the petition, the +ourt sh ll notify the other spouse, whose +onsent to the tr ns +tion is re*uired, of s id petition, orderin! s id spouse to show + use why the petition should not be !r nted, on or before the d te set in s id noti+e for the initi l +onferen+e. $he noti+e sh ll be ++omp nied by +opy of the petition nd sh ll be served t the l st 5nown ddress of the spouse +on+erned. .n1 Art. 064. A prelimin ry +onferen+e sh ll be +ondu+ted by the ,ud!e person lly without the p rties bein! ssisted by +ounsel. After the initi l +onferen+e, if the +ourt deems it useful, the p rties m y be ssisted by +ounsel t the su++eedin! +onferen+es nd he rin!s. .n1 Art. 066. In + se of non; ppe r n+e of the spouse whose +onsent is sou!ht, the +ourt sh ll in*uire into the re sons for his f ilure to ppe r, nd sh ll re*uire su+h ppe r n+e, if possible. .n1 Art. 06/. If, despite ll efforts, the ttend n+e of the non;+onsentin! spouse is not se+ured, the +ourt m y pro+eed e- p rte nd render ,ud!ment s the f +ts nd +ir+umst n+es m y w rr nt. In ny + se, the ,ud!e sh ll ende vor to prote+t the

interests of the non; ppe rin! spouse. .n1 Art. 069. If the petition is not resolved t the initi l +onferen+e, s id petition sh ll be de+ided in summ ry he rin! on the b sis of ffid vits, do+ument ry eviden+e or or l testimonies t the sound dis+retion of the +ourt. If testimony is needed, the +ourt sh ll spe+ify the witnesses to be he rd nd the sub,e+t;m tter of their testimonies, dire+tin! the p rties to present s id witnesses. .n1 Art. 067. $he ,ud!ment of the +ourt sh ll be immedi tely fin l nd e-e+utory. .n1 Art. 068. $he petition for ,udi+i l uthority to dminister or en+umber spe+ifi+ sep r te property of the b ndonin! spouse nd to use the fruits or pro+eeds thereof for the support of the f mily sh ll lso be !overned by these rules. .n1 Ch pter 4. In+idents Involvin! P rent l Authority Art. 06=. Petitions filed under Arti+les 004, 00/ nd 04/ of this Code involvin! p rent l uthority sh ll be verified. .n1 Art. 0/<. @u+h petitions sh ll be verified nd filed in the proper +ourt of the pl +e where the +hild resides. .n1 Art. 0/). Upon the filin! of the petition, the +ourt sh ll notify the p rents or, in their bsen+e or in+ p +ity, the individu ls, entities or institutions e-er+isin! p rent l uthority over the +hild. .n1 Art. 0/0. $he rules in Ch pter 0 hereof sh ll lso !overn summ ry pro+eedin!s under this Ch pter insof r s they re ppli+ ble. .n1 Ch pter 6. Other ' tters @ub,e+t to @umm ry Pro+eedin!s Art. 0/4. $he fore!oin! rules in Ch pters 0 nd 4 hereof sh ll li5ewise !overn summ ry pro+eedin!s filed under Arti+les 6), /), 9=, 74, =9, )06 nd )07, insof r s they re ppli+ ble. .n1 $I$%& FII "INA% PROBI@ION@ Art. 0/6. $itles III, IB, B, BI, BIII, IF, FI, nd FB of Coo5 ) of Republi+ A+t No. 489, otherwise 5nown s the Civil Code of the Philippines, s mended, nd Arti+les )7, )8, )=, 07, 08, 0=, 4<, 4), 4=, 6<, 6), nd 60 of Presidenti l ?e+ree No. 9<4, otherwise 5nown s the Child nd Gouth >elf re Code, s mended, nd ll l ws, de+rees, e-e+utive orders, pro+l m tions, rules nd re!ul tions, or p rts thereof, in+onsistent herewith re hereby repe led. Art. 0//. If ny provision of this Code is held inv lid, ll the other provisions not ffe+ted thereby sh ll rem in v lid. Art. 0/9. $his Code sh ll h ve retro +tive effe+t insof r s it does not pre,udi+e or imp ir vested or +*uired ri!hts in ++ord n+e with the Civil Code or other l ws. Art. 0/7. $his Code sh ll t 5e effe+t one ye r fter the +ompletion of its publi+ tion in newsp per of !ener l +ir+ul tion, s +ertified by the &-e+utive @e+ret ry, Offi+e of the President. ?one in the City of ' nil , this 9th d y of Huly, in the ye r of Our %ord, nineteen

hundred nd ei!hty;seven.

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