All About Me Bag 2012

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Wednesday 22nd August

Dear Parent(s), We have commenced our first unit of inquiry from the transdiscipinary theme, Who We Are. To help students learn more about each other and build connections, each child is asked to bring an About Me Bag to school. The small bag should contain about 5 to 6 items. The items need to be selected by your child and have personal significance to him/her. Possible items may include: A special item from a home country Souvenir from a recent holiday A family photo, photo of a pet, photo of a favourite event Something made by the child A favourite story book Equipment from your favourite sport/hobby

For her About Me Bag, Ms. Emma plans to bring a cloth bag that her class created last school year. Inside the bag will be a postcard of her hometown, a book her Dad use to read to her as a child, a toy emu, a rugby jersey, a photo of her sister and a CD containing her favourite songs. We seek your support in helping your child fill his/her About Me Bag. To help prepare for your childs presentation, you may wish to provide time for him/her to practice showing the items to a family member and explaining the reasons for choosing each item. Attaching a label or note on items will allow us to help students who need support. Each student has been allocated a day for discussing his/her About Me bag. Day Monday 27th August Tuesday 28th August Wednesday 29th August Thursday 30th August Monday 3rd September Tuesday 4th August Wednesday 5th September Children Plame, Yu and Elsa Molly, Punn and Nash Praan, Alon and Pun Ashwin, Jelle and Billie Christopher, Francois and Sarah Nakorn, Isheeta and Tonmai Eunice and Ayrton

If you have any questions about this experience, please see or e-mail me ( Thank you for your support. Ms. Emma and Ms. Jit

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