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A . Paul has decided what hes goimg to do in his life. Complete the
sentences, using short forms of be going to and the verbs in brackets.
Im going to study

(study) music at university.

I ______________________ (travel) all over the world.

I ______________________ (not/work) in an office.
I ______________________ (marry) a very rich woman.
We ____________________(have) eleven boys.
They ___________________ (become) a football team.
They ___________________ (win) the World Cup.
I _______________________ (play) the piano every night in a cafe.
My wife _________________ (not /cook) or clean.
We _____________________ (eat) in restaurants every day.

B. Write positive sentences with short forms of be going to and words in

1. (I / see /a film tonight)

Im going to see a film tonight

2. (She /buy /a new car tomorrow) ______________________________.

3. ( They /work /hard this year) ________________________________.
4. (It /rain /this afternoon) _____________________________________.

C. Write negative sentences with short forms of be going to.

1. (They /not /catch /that train!)

Theyre not going to catch that train! .

2. ( Paul /not / drive /to Scotland) ________________________________.

3. (We /not /finish /it today) ____________________________________.
4 (She /not /buy /a new house) __________________________________.
D. Write questions with be going to.
1. (you /have /a holiday this year?)

Are you going to have a holiday this year? .

2. (they /win /the match?) ____________________________________________.

3. (Mary /leave /her job?) ____________________________________________.
4. (you /take /the exam in June?) ______________________________________.
C. Keiko is Japanese . Shes going to spend a week by the sea in England.
Ask her some questions. Use be going to, the in brackets ( ), and the words
in the box.
1. (speak)

Are you going to speak a lot of English? .

2. (play) ____________________________________.
3. (take) ____________________________________.
4. (swim) ___________________________________.
5. (eat) _____________________________________.
6. (stay) ____________________________________.
7. (go) _____________________________________.

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