Junior Vocabulary ProjectLatrice McCaskill

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Junior Vocabulary Project

8/21/12 2nd period Ms. Minton

Latrice McCaskill

1. Definitions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Copious- exhibiting abundance or fullness, as of thoughts or words. Countenance- calm facial expression; composure. Scruple- a moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits. Feigned- pretended; sham; counterfeit: feigned enthusiasm Abhor- regarding with extreme repugnance or aversions; detesting utterly; loath; abominating.

2. Origin/ Etymology:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mid 13c, from L. copious plentiful from copla. 1250-1300: ME countenance behavior, bearing, self-control. Moral Misgiving, pang of conscience late 14 c from ofr scruple 1323 Abhor

3. Part of Speech:
Copious- Adjective Countenance- Noun Scruple- Noun Abhor- Verb

4. Synonym & Antonym Copious- NONE Countenance- Synonym: aspect, biscuit, map, mask, mug, visage. Antonym: deny, disapprove, fight, refuse. Scruple- Synonym: anxiety, caution, censor, pause, perplexity, uneasiness. Antonym: ignorance, negligence, unconcern Feigned- Synonym: artificial, assumed, fake, false, milation. Antonym: genuine, real, and sincere Abhor- Synonym: abominate, detest, hate, loathe, scorn. Antonym: admire, adore, enjoy, relish.

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