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Deduce the value of

sin2 + sin2( + ) + sin2 ( + ).

If A, B and C are angles of a triangle, show that sinA + sinB + sinC = 4 cos

sin2 + sin2( +) + sin2 ( +2) = ( )( )

Using the identities sin3x= 3sinx 4 sin3x and cos 3x= 4 cos3x 3 cos x, show that Sin 5x = 16sin5x 20 sin3x + 5 sinx. Hence, (i) Find the values of x in the range 0-360 such that sin x 3sin3x + sin 5x = 0. (ii) Determine the set of values of x in the range 0-360 such that sin 5x > 16 sin5x.

Show that

( ) = cos ( ) and sin( + ) = cos ( ) .

Show that sin4( ) + sin4( + )=

Hence, or otherwise, solve the following for 0-90, (i) (ii) sin4( ) + sin4( + )=1. Sin42 + cos42 =

The horizontal base of a pyramid is an equilateral triangle ABC with each side 10 m long. The vertex V of the pyramid is at a height of

m above the base. Find VB.

If the point P lies on VB such that VP =

In the tetrahedron ABCD, AB = BC = 10cm, AC = 8 cm, AD = CD = 8 cm and BD = 6cm. Show that the line from C perpendicular to AB and the line from D perpendicular to AB meet at a point on AB. Hence, calculate the angle between the face ABC and the face ABD.

The triangle PQR lies in a horizontal plane, with Q due west of R. the bearings of P from Q and R are and respectively, where and are acute. The top A of a tower PA is at a height h above the plane and the angle of elevation of A from R is . The height of a vertical pole QB is k and the angle of elevation of B from R is . Show that

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