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Process to generate Report on Excise duty Payable T-code : [J2IER1]

Required fields to be field shown with red arrow. After selecting the required Details button. Click on Execute button. The report will look like this -

The fields explanation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Description of goods: - Material name. Unit of Quantity: - Material unit measure maintained in Material master. Opening Balance: - Quantity available on the first day on the period (month). Quantity Manufactured: - Amount of quantity used for manufacturing. Quantity Cleared: - Quantity sold. Assessable Value: This is the selling value entered in Sales order. Duty: - Excise duties payable. Ex: BED, Edu Cess and SE Cess. Duty Payable: - Excise duty amount payable for Excise dept.

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