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UEC 302 Digital Electronic Circuits Tutorial Sheet #3

1. Convert each of the following decimal numbers to (a) BCD, (b) excess-3code and (c) 2421 code : i) 125 ii) 156 iii) 98 iv) 69 2. Convert each of the following BCD numbers to decimal: i) 0110 ii) 0001 iii) 01000101 iv) 10011000 v) 100001110000 3. Add the following BCD numbers: i) 1000 + 0110 ii) 00100101 + 00100111 iii) 01010001 + 01011000 iv) 10011000 + 10010111 4. Determine the binary code for each of the ten decimal digits using a weighted code with weights 7, 4, 2 and 1. 5. Represent following decimal numbers in the 2421 code. Also show that the code is self complementing: i) 3864 ii) 123 iii) 654 iv) 468 6. Represent following decimal numbers in the 84-2-1 code. Also show that the code is self complementing: i) 64 ii) 12 iii) 65 iv) 46 7. Obtain the (r-1)s complement of the following numbers representing in base r : i) (743210)8 ii) (9876123)10 iii) (12345F)16 iv) (543210)6 8. Determine which of the following even parity codes are in error: i) 100110010 ii) 011101010 iii) 10111111010001010 9. Determine which of the following odd parity codes are in error: i) 11110110 ii) 00110001 iii) 01010101010101010 10. Given the 11 bit data word 11001001010, generate the 15 bit hamming code word. 11. A 12 bit hamming code word containing 8 bits of data and 4 parity bits is read from memory. What was the original 8 bit data word that was written into the memory, if the 12 bit word read out is as follows: i) 000011101010 ii) 101110000110 iii) 101111110100 12. Convert gray to binary i) 1111 ii) 0011 iii) 0101 13. Convert binary to gray i) 0110 ii) 0001 iii) 01000101

iv) 0101 v) 10101010

iv) 10011000 v) 100110010

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