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For more info: Cabal to Re-Elect Chancellor Autumn ChancellorAutumn@gmail.

com MEDIA ADVISORY: Doyle Seeks Second Term as Head of Zombie Action Committee Berkshire County, MASS- Dalton, Massachusetts resident Autumn Doyle will seek a second term as Chancellor of the Berkshire County- based Zombie Action Committee, the group's elected leader said, following a vote by the committee last week to move up the nomination and election timetable. "I wish to serve a second term as Chancellor ov thee Zombie Action Committee only if that be the will of the people that I have faithfully served in my first term," said Doyle in a hurried interview between appointments. Doyle was elected Supreme High Chancellor and Guardian of the Cabal by an 84.5% majority landslide in December 2011, and quickly began overhauling the organization's procedural system while creating a more cordial yet ambitious climate of action. Within her first months as Chancellor, Doyle organized new subcommittees, initiated outreach and collaboration with new institutions, pooled input from the committee to advance a revised charter document ratified by the group in February, and has helmed the planning of expanded educational events around its annual commemoration of World Zombie Day in October. "The most important thing to me is that we do some good things while making sure it stays fun," said Doyle upon being sworn in as the ZAC's first Chancellor at an inauguration ceremony January 25 at the Lichtenstein Center for the Arts in Pittsfield. Doyle credits the strength of the committee overall for the remarkable growth and increased interest seen this year, as seen in vastly increased media coverage locally and internationally in recent months. "Without them, none of the past, present, nor future accomplishments of the ZAC would be possible." Within days of the committee's vote to move up election dates, Autumn had already received the requisite number of 3 individual nominations to appear on the ballot for the ZAC's top position. Nominations can be entered through August 31, and candidates will campaign leading up to and during its planned events in early October. Winners will be announced at the conclusion of polling on World Zombie Day, October 13, 2012. SHC Doyle will meet periodically with her Chief of Staff and key supporters both on and off the committee to organize her re-election campaign as needed.

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