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Book of Instruction

(A) Procedure for Collection of Clean Bills (For Other than B.P and for Places where we have branches) in FINACLE

Function at CollectingBranch. LODGMENT

Lodgment of out station cheque will be done from any CBS Branches through menu option OBC

a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBC > Function L

Press F4

Input A/C ID as Account No of beneficiary Press F4 Input No, Amount and Date of instrument Input other bank's sort code or combination of valid other bank and branch code (System will not accept own bank code i.e.: 012)

e. f.

Press F4 Input the corresponding Branch ALPHA (collecting branch's alpha)



Book of Instruction


Press F6 Next screen will open

h. Input valid tran code of the instrument and remark (remark field is not mandatory) i. j. Press F10 Put Y or N (Y to save N to quit)

k. Press F4 System will generate a 16 digit unique number for the OBC

Verification of lodged Cheque:

a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Use menu option OBC> Function V Input 16 digit OBC No or Press F2 for list Press F4 System will show particulars of instrument Press F10 Put Y or N (Y to save N to quit) Press F4 Entry will be verified

User can use D or M option in function code before verification for delete / modification of the entry. Even after verification and before passing of lodgement contra system will allow deleting the entry. 2/62


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Note: No contra entry will be passed at the branch level after lodgement of the instrument.

Generation of forwarding letter and sending of instrument along with forwarding letter to collecting branch :

User has to go to OBC menu and give function code as T for generation of forwarding letter and has to press F4. System will take the user to a new screen where user has to give the corresponding Branch alpha and date range for which forwarding letter is to be generated. If user will keep the corresponding branch ALPHA blank, system will generate forwarding letter for all instrument. Sending branch has to send one copy of the forwarding letter along with the instrument to the collecting branch and a copy of the forwarding letter along with the pay- in slip deposited by the customer will be kept by the sending branch for record.




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a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBCRPT> Option L Press F4 Input date range Press F4 system will generate a report

Go to Pr to view /Print the report

Functions at Collecting Branch


After receiving the forwarding letter along with the instruments from the sending Branch, Collecting branch will open a clearing zone for acknowledging the instrument as per the zones specified as follows through MCLZOH menu option.

Zone Code

Zone description


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Zone code 155-159 173-175 61-62 12


a. b. c. d. e.

Use menu option OBC > Function A Press F4 Input 16 digit OBC No or Press F2 for list Input Zone Code and Date Press F4

System will generate a Set Id for the above said acknowledgement entry and will be in enterstage only. Collecting branch then do all the clearing activities like verification of set, suspension of zone, release to shadow and regularized the zone as per the existing practice. On regularization beneficiary account will be credited and charges (Postage and commission) will be recovered from beneficiary account and will be credited to collecting branch's P/L accounts. Release to shadow and regularization of the outward clgzone should be done in same day to ensure ZERO balance in A/C ID SSSS0015181188

If the instrument is dishonoured by the drawee bank then the collecting branch has to mark it as return by opening a return zone as specified below through menu option MICZ. 5/62


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Zone Code 291 275 59 33


After opening the said zone user has to enter the instrument and mark it as outward return and complete the inward clearing cycle before regularization of the outward zone.

Collecting branch will treat the forwarding letter as credit voucher if instrument is honoured by other bank else return the instrument to sending branch along with return memo duly received from other bank.

Note: Collecting branch can REJECT the OBC if it deemed fit to do so with due remark using menu option OBC >Function R

If Collecting branch is not participating in clearing, please follow the following procedure:1.Counter present the instrument with drawee bank and collect the proceeds of the OBC and credit the same to LMO/SERVICE BR A/C 2. 3. 4. 5. Acknowledged the OBC and delete the clearing SET. Lodged a fresh SET in the specified clearing zone with collected proceeds. Give credit A/C id as beneficiary's 14 digits A/C No Complete Clearing cycle.

If Collecting branches are participating in CTS, they should route the transaction through specified clearing zone to make the transaction inter SOL free.




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a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBCRPT > Option A Press F4 Input date range Press F4 system will generate a report

Go to Pr to view /Print the report

Note: No contra entry will be passed at the branch level after acknowledgement of the instrument





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Use menu option OBCRPT >Option > 4R for reminder to sending branch system will generate the report .Go to Pr to view /Print


This reminder will be sent to both Sending and Collecting branch



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b. Use menu option OBCRPT > Option >8R for Reminder to both collecting/sending Branch.

system will generate the report .Go to Pr to view /Print


Contra voucher for lodgement /acknowledgement of Outstation cheques will be passed in centralized branch only through batch job.

For reconciliation purpose, Centralized branch can generate various report/register from menu option OBCRPT




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a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBCRPT > Option S Press F4 Use option L for lodgmentsummary and A for acknowledgement summary Input date (for a particular day) Press F4

System will generate a report. Then go to Menu option PR to view/print




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a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBCRPT > Option

Use option L for lodgmentsummary and Afor acknowledgement summary Input date (for a particular day) Press F4

System will generate a report. Then go to Menu option PR to view/print




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a. b. c. d.

Use menu option OBCRPT> Option O Use option L for lodgement of instruments and A for acknowledgement of instruments Input date range Press F4

System will generate a report. Then go to Menu option PR to view/print




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Use menu option >OBCRPT Put option code - R Press - f 4 System will go to next screen AS FOLLOWS



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Input Date > Date on which user want to tally the balance outstanding Press f 4 System will generate the report Go to menu option PR for view/print.

(B) Procedure for Collection of Clean Bills (For B.P and for Places where we do not have branches) in FINACLE

SR. MENU DESCRIPTION PAGE NO. NO. ITEM 1 2 3 4 Introduction 2

IRM-G Lodge a Clean 3 Option OBC Verification Process 7

IRM-V Verification of 8 Option a Lodged Clean



Book of Instruction

OBC 5 6 IRM-R Realisation of 9 Option a Clean OBC IRM-V Verification of 11 Option a realised Clean OBC Other Options 12 available for Procedure - CLEAN OBC IRM


Menu Option for all transactions in Clean Outward Bills for Collection is IRM. The clean bills may be of the type - Cheques / DDs/ Other Clean Instruments etc


Following Register and sub-Register for Clean OBC have been opened in Finacle:

Inland Bills Register-type OBC Description Outward Bills for Collection Sub-Register Type OBCCH Description OBC-Cheques / DDs /Other Clean Instruments etc.

On invoking the IRM menus, the user will be required to specify Register and Sub-Register combination which will be: OBC and OBCCH.


The functions available under IRM menu for clean OBCs are: Function Code G J C T I M V X D R B Description Lodge Lodge and Realize Copy Transfer Inquiry Modify Verify Cancel Delete Realize Proceeds Received


Book of Instruction


Close Interest Run Process Message Unclose Bill

At the request of the Customer, a Clean bill (Cheque, DD, Other clean instruments etc.) can be sent for collection. All actions relating to this are carried through IRM menu. Functionality of IRM menu is similar to FBM menu for documentary bills. STEPS FOR LODGING A CLEAN BILL MENU- IRM; OPTION-G STEP 1 FIELD NAME ACTIVITY RELEVANT KEY

Type IRM in the menu option block of the <Enter> Finacle Core User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Detailsscreen of Inward Remittance Maintenance. Function Type 'G' in the Function code and press 'F11' key <F11> to validate the same. Give the Register type - OBC and press 'F11' key <F11> to validate the same.

3 4

Register Type

Sub Register Give the Sub-Register type - OBCCH and press <F11> Type 'F11' key to validate the same.

5 6 7 8

Remit CCY Bill PurA/c Oper A/c Oper A/c

Under Remit CCY (Currency), INR (Indian <F4> Rupees) should be mentioned. Now Press F4. Not Required for Inland cheque sent for collection. Enter the operative account of customer, which is to be credited on realization of bill.

Chg Enter the operative account, which is to be debited for charge collection. This field is used for charge part transactions.

Party's Name

Address 10

Enter the Customer Id in the first block and press F11. System will validate the details and Name & Address will be populated in the respective fields. In case where cheque is collected in sundry deposit account for any reason, enter the Party's Name & Address in the respective field.


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11 12 13 14

Party Cntry Remit Dt

IN ( India )

Amt/ Enter the amount and date of the bill. Enter- IN ( India ) <F4>

Remit Cntry

FD Ref/Date The OBC/Bills (foreign) department reference Optional number and date of the reference, if any.


Coll/Corr BkOptional

The code of the collecting/corresponding bank and branch.


NTP / Grace The normal transit period in days. This is used to Perd calculate the due date. The default value set at the parameter level is 10 days whichis applicable for the Bills sent for collection to our own branches. Lodge Date The date on which the bill has been lodged. The date will be default populated at the time of lodgmentof bill. The date on which the bill is due. The default date is calculated by adding the grace period and NTP, based on the value specified in the NTP / Grace Perdfield above. (Display Field) Mode of remittance. Default value populated is N. Valid values- 'S' if communication is through message system or else 'N' It is to indicate whether the inward remittance received is advance payment in part or in full (for forexbills). For Inland bills- valid value is 'N' (None)



Due Date


Remit mode


Against Export

21 22

Current Oprn The code of the operation that is currently being performed on the bill. (Display Field) Closed? If the bill has been closed, Y is displayed in this field, in the Z - Close function. (Display Field) Press 'F6' key and it will lead to next screen. F6

23 24 25 26

Other Pty Address Country

Enter the name of the other party. The other party refers to the drawee of the bill. Enter the address of the drawee. IN (for India )

EEFC Pcnt& The percentage of remittance amount to be given Amount to the EEFC account. Not Applicable for Inland Bills. Int On Indicate whether the interest liability will be on Bill(B)/BP(P) the entire bill amount or on the bill purchase Liab amount that is exclusive of the margin amount. Valid Values: B - Bill Liability & P - BP liability



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Free Code 1

This free code has been used to indicate if the bill is being sent for collection to a bank branch of other banks. Valid value is OTHBK. It can be populated by search mode also by pressing F2.

If a bill is being sent to other bank, this value must be filled. Only then the system will be able to calculate and recover correct Exchange chargeable from the customer when bills are sent to other banks. If this field is left blank, Exchange as applicable to bills sent to our own branches will be calculated and recovered. Press 'F6' key and it will lead to next screen. 29 Purpose Remit of The purpose for which the remittance is being made. Although it is not applicable for Inland Clean BP, it is a mandatory field in the system. User may write any code. Select from search by pressing F2. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Convert Into Nostro FD Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. F6

A/C Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. The mode of advice of payment.

Nostro a/c (or) pymtby At Adv. PymtBy Drawee Bk/Br. Address Country

The code of the bank and branch, and the & address, on which the remittance is drawn. Not Required for Inland Bills for collection.

37 38 39 40 41

Passport Det Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Encash Cert Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Det CDF Details Cash Ref Not Required for Inland Bills for collection.

Letter Relevant details, if any, about the cash letter reference. The remittance group code to which the customer belongs.

42 43

Remit Group

Intermediary Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Trade Press 'F6' or 'F4' key and it will lead to next F4 or F6



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screen. 44 45 46 Inst. Type Drawee Bk/Br Address The type of instrument (Code) sent collection. Search for code by pressing F2. for

The code of the bank and branch on which the instrument was drawn. The address of the branch. Note: This field is displayed if the branch code is entered, else it is mandatory.

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Country Code Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Invt Class/Type Not Required for Inland Bills for collection.

Inst No./Qty Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Inst Amt Inst Date Deleted ? The amount of the instrument being sent for collection. The date of the instrument. Indicate whether the record is marked for deletion.

Nostro Value Not Required for Inland Bills for collection. Date On this screen, more than -1- instrument belonging to a customer being sent for collection at the same place, can be entered by down arrow. However, total amount of all instruments should tally with the amount mentioned at the main screen. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to original main F4 screen.


OPTION 'M' IN CASE ANY DETAILS OF THE BILL NEED F4 MODIFICATION/ADDITION, THE SAME CAN BE MODIFIED/ADDED AT THIS STAGE (BEFORE VERIFICATION) BY ENTERING 'M' IN THE OPTION BELOW THE SCREEN AND MODIFYING THE DETAILS IN THE RELEVANT SCREEN. OPTION '4' In the main screen, write '4' in the option field F4 and Press F4. It will lead to message screen. In this, messages relating to the OBC can be entered. This option is not mandatory while lodging the bill but is mandatory to visit while verifying the bill. In the Message Type field, the valid values are: S- Self message details D-Drawee message details X- Discrepancy bill message details F4





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B- Lodger message bill details 4- All message details Enter the desired value and Press F4. 58 Write the desired message in the row at the bottom of the screen. Once one message is written, press down arrow and write next message (the first message moves up in the screen by pressing down arrow).Any number of messages can be entered in the system. After entering the messages, Press 'F4' key and F10 it will lead to original main screen thus ending the Lodge process. To Commit press F10 60 The Bill ID will be generated by the system after a bill has been lodged. Bill Id is the ID of the bill. A unique bill ID identifies every bill. 61 The bill is now lodged in the system and needs to be verified. Submit the bill for verification.



Any process invoked on a bill in its entire life cycle requires either a verification or cancellation. The verification can be for a regular process invoked like lodgement, realisation or it could be for authorizing the general modifications done to the bills. In the case of verification of any process, on <ACCEPT> from the function block, user is taken to the option block. From here the user can use the sub-option 2 Bill Audit inquiry which shows the list of Tables where modifications have been stored and on <EXPLODE> the user is shown the old and new values for acceptance. In the other case, on <ACCEPT> the user is taken to the option block and from there the user is forced to visit the relevant screens before authorizing the process. The activities associated with the verification of a process are:

Visit the relevant screens Exception handling related to the process Updation of master table, of prime significance are fields like verify- ind, bill-stat, bill- func-code etc. Writing of the history record. Optionally transaction advice can also be generated.

Optionally closure can be done along with verification of Realisation process. ( ifthe conditions for closure are satisfied). Further, Audit records can be verified only after the corresponding bill has been verified. General steps involved in verification of a bill at its various stages of life cycle are as under: 20/62


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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Type V in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. The created/modified record is displayed for verification Click NextBlkto view the details of the record in the screens that follow. Press [Enter]. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter a valid option code to visit the appropriate screen. During verification of a bill, which has an IBR transaction, when the verifier has to enter additional details, the Create contra entry flgwill be N. The Bill Id field will be populated with the proper value. View all the details displayed and click Committo verify the record.


However, job cards for verification process of each activity are also given in subsequent pages.


Type IRM in the menu option block of the Finacle Core <Enter> User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open It will open General Bill Details screen of Inward Maintenance screen. Write 'V' inthe Function field and Bill ID number in the Bill ID field. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4

Please check all the details displayed on the screen. Write 'M' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and then F6 and Visit all the relevant screens. When the original screen returns after verification of all screen under 'M' Option, then Press F4 and cursor moves to Option down the screen. Write '4' in the Option down in the screen (if message details are entered at the time of lodgement). Press F4 and it takes to message screen. Verify the details mentioned on all the screens. Visit to Message screen is not mandatory in IRM menu unlike in FBM menu. Press F4 again it leads to main menu again.

Now Commit and Press F10 to complete the verification F10 process.



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Full realisation and part realisations are supported in the system. These two correspond to two different statuses in the bill history. When the entire bill amount is realised (either in parts or in a single process) the status of the bill is put as 'R- Realised', otherwise the status is put as 'P- Part Realised'. The 'Realisation' process can be invoked on any open bill that is not fully realised. STEPS FOR REALISING A CLEAN BILL Menu- IRM; Option-R STEP 1 FIELD NAME ACTIVITY RELEVANT KEY

Type IRM in the menu option block of the <Enter> Finacle Core User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Bill Detailsscreen of Inward Maintenance screen. Bill ID Write 'R' in the Function code and Bill ID number F4 in the Bill ID field, generated at the time of Purchase of the bill.

Other field on the screen need not be filled. Press F4 key and all the details of the bill are populated. 3 Enter 'R' option at the bottom in the main screen F4 and press F4. It takes user to next purchase screen. Realisation Account The field Realisation Account is default populated as Intermediary OBC, BP, BD REALISATION (A/c ID- 00000015181118) i.e. realization proceeds are being credited to the said a/c by collecting branch).Before realisation of clean bcplease ensure that the collection proceeds has already been parked in the intermediary a/c .

In case of any other mode of realization, the A/c ID of the account where realization proceeds are parked / credited should be mentioned. e.g. if realization proceeds are received by DD and DD is lodged in Clearing and proceeds held in intermediary account (SSSS0015181118), A/c ID of intermediary account should be given. 5 Bill realisation Amt Nostro Amount The amount being realized in the bill. This will represent the amount by which original OBC amount entry is to be reversed. Here, specify the actual amount in which the bill has been realized i.e. actual realization proceeds received which may be more/less than bill amount.


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Excess amount may be received on account of Interest received from drawee, commission amount recovered from him or any other charges received as per drawer/bank's instructions. 7 Foreign Bank Charge FB Int Amt Commission Amount Enter the amount recovered by other bank towards charges + Postage. Enter the amount received on account of Interest from drawee. Enter the amount received on commission recovered from drawer. account of

8 9

Please note that total of Bill realisation Amt + Foreign Bank Charge + FB Int Amt + Commission Amount should tally with amount under NostroAmount. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


Tran Type/ Tran Type - T (Transfer is populated). Sub Type Write Sub Type as 'BI' (Bank Induced). It can be searched and selected by pressing F2 also. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


The next screen shows the account/s in which Excess/extra amount received over and above the Bill amount,will be credited while realizing the bill.

Please ensure its correctness. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


The next screen appearing is TM (Transaction Maintenance). Here the user can view all the transactions generated at the time of realization of the bill (by down arrow at Option field) viz. realization account debited, credit to customer account, credits to commission and postage etc.

To go back to the main screen user has to type 'ACCEPT AND QUIT ' at the option block.

If entries generated are correct, Accept & quit the screen by writing 'A' in the Option field. 23/62


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Press 'F4' key and it will lead to original main F10 screen thus ending the realization process. To Commit press F10 The bill is now realised in the system and needs to be verified. Submit the bill for verification.


After a bill has been realised, the same can be verified using the same menu under 'V' option . STEPS FOR VERIFICATION OF A REALISED BILL MENU -IRM -V OPTION STEP ACTIVITY 1 RELEVANT KEY

Type IRM in the menu option block of the Finacle Core <Enter> User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Bill Detailsscreen of Inward Maintenance screen. Write 'V' in the Function field and Bill ID number in the Bill ID field. Press 'F4' key and it will populate all details of the Bill. F4

Please check all the details displayed on the screen. Write 'R' in the Optiondown in the screen. Press F4 and then F6 and Visit all the relevant screens. Press F4.


The next screen appearing is TM (Transaction Maintenance). Here the user can view all the transactions generated at the time of realization of the bill (by down arrow at Option field) viz. realization account debited, credit to customer account, credits to postage, commission etc.

To go back to the main screen user has to type 'ACCEPT AND QUIT' at the option block. If entries generated are correct, Accept & quit the screen by writing 'A' in the Option field. Press F4. 4 The original screen returns after verification of all screens F4 under 'R' Option, and accepting all part transactions under TM. The cursor moves to Option field down the screen. Write '4' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and it takes to message screen. Verify the details mentioned on all the screens. Visit to Message screen is not mandatory in 24/62


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IRM menu unlike in FBM menu. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to main screen. F4

When the main screen returns after verification as above, 'shift' cursor is taken to'tab' Advice Req? - Write 'Y' if advice generation of transaction is required. Leave blank, if not. Then press 'shift' & 'tab' and it leads to Option field.


Now Commit by pressing F10 to complete the verification F10 process of the bill. This completes the verification process for the bill purchased and the posting/verification of transactions.


Apart from the Lodging and Realisation process, IRM menu has other functions/options like, Purchase, Delinking, Dishonour, Recovery, Drawee message, Lodger message, etc, which work exactly in the same way as the system works, when the instrument is a Bill (explained earlier in Bills section). Similar to FBM menu options, there is a list of the options available to the users to execute depending on the event. The options available for IRM are:



E M P R K N O 4 U V Y I



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T L Q Z % C W 9 8 7 2 5 G 1 6 F # * @


Alternative Method for Realisation of O.B.C

Branches have reported some problem during realization of OBC where the proceeds are received by way of draft from other banks. As per the job card the branches are required to first credit the proceeds of the OBC in intermediary account (SSSS0015181118) and after regularization of the clearing proceeds, go for realization of the bill through IRM option and in the realization account ID, give the account number of the intermediary account (SSSS0015181118) in Realization account field and delete the default populated account number of IBTA.

Similarly when OBC is sent to our bank branch and the collecting branch has credited the proceeds of Cheque / Bill in intermediary account (SSSS0015181118) in that case also at the time of realization give the account number of intermediary account in Realization account field and delete the default populated account number of IBTA.

We give below an alternate method of realization of such OBCs, which may be used, if the branch finds it convenient:



Book of Instruction

When the DD for proceeds is received, it has to be lodged in clearing with the credit going directly to the intermediary account. Now the bill is to be realized in the system and the applicable charges are to be recovered as per following steps:


Type IRM in the menu option block of the <Enter> Finacle Core User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Bill Detail's screen of Inward Maintenance screen. Bill ID Write 'R' in the Function code and Bill ID F4 number in the Bill ID field, generated at the time of Purchase of the bill. Other field on the screen need not be filled. Press F4 key and all the details of the bill are populated.

Enter 'R' option at the bottom in the main F4 screen and press F4. It takes user to next purchase screen. Realisation Account The field Realisation Account is default populated as ccountSSSSIBTAintermediaryaccount (SSSS0015181118). The amount being realized in the bill. This will represent the amount by which original OBC amount entry is to be reversed. Here, specify the actual amount in which the bill has been realized i.e. actual realization proceeds received which may be more/less than bill amount.

Bill realisation Amt Nostro Amount

Excess amount may Interest received amount recovered charges received instructions. 7

be received on account of from drawee, commission from him or any other as per drawer/bank's

Foreign Bank Enter the amount recovered by other bank Charge towards charges + Postage. FB Int Amt Commission Amount Enter the amount received on account of Interest from drawee. Enter the amount received on account of commission recovered from drawer. Please note that total of Bill realization Amt + Foreign Bank Charge + FB Int Amt + Commission

8 9



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Amount should NostroAmount.




under F4

Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. 10 Tran Type/ Tran Type - T (Transfer is populated). Sub Type Write Sub Type as 'BI' (Bank Induced). It can be searched and selected by pressing F2 also. Consol Flg By default, it will be populated as Y. Change it to N. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. 12 The next screen shows the account/s in which Excess/extra amount received over and above the Bill amount will be credited while realizing the bill.



Please ensure its correctness. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. 12 The next screen appearing is TM (Transaction Maintenance). Here the user can view all the transactions generated at the time of realization of the bill (by down arrow at Option field) viz. realization account debited, credit to customer account, other bank charges debit to the customer account, credits to commission and postage etc. Now type A in the option box and press F4. it will lead to original main screen thus ending F10 the realization process. To Commit press F10 The bill is now realized in the system and needs to be verified. Submit the bill for verification. F4

( i)

Realisation of collections should be advised to the customers in Form No. 64. Unpaid items should be returned to them under cover of a letter and immediately despatched. Branch should ensure the following while returning the unpaid/uncollected cheques/instruments.



Book of Instruction


To send local cheques / instruments bills either by registered post or to deliver in person.


To send the documents by Registered A.D. Post where charges are recovered or by V.P.P. when charges are to be recovered.


To ensure that the acknowledgement receipt is received back by the Branch.


To preserve the receipt carefully.


( 29/62


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Branches should give immediate credit when outstation cheques, dividend warrants, interest warrants/refund orders etc. are tendered for collection, upto ` 15,000/-, irrespective of the category or status of the drawers of the cheque, provided customers desire the facility, subject to fulfillment of the following :


The facility should be extended only to valued current/ savings bank accountholders such as lawyers, doctors, government officials and salaried employees holding good positions.


Cheques should be in favour of such individual accountholders.


The facility should not be extended to individuals engaged in business, proprietorship/ partnership firms, companies etc. and also to members of staff.


Customers should be having account relationship with the branch atleast for a period of 6 to 12 months and must be maintaining an average credit balance of 30/62


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` 1000/= in their accounts.


The account should have been conducted satisfactorily and no cheques drawn or deposited by such account holders should have been returned unpaid for financial reasons.


The maximum outstanding per individual customer should not exceed ` 15,000/- at any one time.


The customer should fill in special paying-in-slip (F. No 291) and sign it, while tendering the cheque.


To ensure proper control and monitoring accounting entries should be passed through G/L Bills Purchased A/c.


Commission and out of pocket expenses as applicable to OBC items should be charged and credited to P/L Exchange A/c.



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Procedure in finacle is to be followed as explained in point B above


In the event of dishonour of cheque on which immediate credit has been given, branches should recover normal rate of interest for the period commencing from the date of credit till the bank remained out of funds. Normal interest rate means rates prescribed by RBI from time to time based on the size of loan (at present, the rate of interest upto ` 25,000/- to be charged by banks is as per BPLR).

As a matter of prudence, the branch should apprise the customer of these factors.


Immediate at par credits of cheques drawn by P.M. Relief Fund:

Cheques issued by Government of India in respect of grants made from "The Prime Minister's Relief Fund" to the state governments, magistrates etc. should be collected without levying any service charges and credit for the cheque amount should be given immediately irrespective of the amount. 32/62


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Payment of interest on account of delays in collection of cheques/instruments & delay in ECS Credit:

( i)

Interest @ 2% per annum over savings bank rate is to be paid to the customer, if such interest payable is ` 5/- or more for delayed collection of outstation instruments

lodged at and drawn on state headquarters, except the state capitals of North Eastern Region and

Sikkim , if these are not collected within -10- days from the date of

lodgement of the instrument for collection and within -14- days in all other cases. The interest is required to be paid/credited to the customers' accounts without the

customers having to claim it. Interest as above will, however, not be payable if the cheques/instruments are lost in transit. Interest should be paid to the debit of P/L

Interest Paid A/c (Sundries) and special kind of debit vouchers printed for this purpose should be used. Such vouchers 33/62


Book of Instruction

should invariably be countersigned by the Branch

Manager/Joint Manager. Till such time such special vouchers are supplied branches should use a suitable stamp, containing following details on relevant vouchers:


Date when sent for collection. (b)

Date of realisation. (c)

Interest paid @ _____ % for _____ days.


If the proceeds are to be credited to the borrowal accounts, like cash credit/overdraft/loan etc. interest should be paid at Bank's prime lending rate irrespective of the interest rate applicable to the borrowal account.


Further, Bank should also pay penal interest at the rate of 2 % above fixed deposit rate applicable for abnormal delay caused by the branch in collection of outstation instruments. The abnormal delay means 90 days plus 10/14 days as the case may be i.e. normal period allowed for collection.



Book of Instruction


These instructions are applicable only for inland instruments i.e. instruments drawn and payable in India .


Similarly, as per RBI instruction, compensation in case of delayed credit of ECS funds to the beneficiaries/ customers has to be paid by our branches suo

moto instead of waiting for a claim by the customers


Collection of foreign currency notes:


Please refer to Book of Instructions on Foreign Exchange Collection of loan certificates/ FDRs issued by limited companies



Book of Instruction

Account holders may approach branches for collection of loan certificates/fixed deposit receipts issued by joint stock companies. In such cases branches should obtain the following:


Loan certificates/fixed deposit receipts duly discharged on a revenue stamp.


Letter of authority addressed to the company authorising payment of proceeds to the bank and


An indemnity letter as per APPENDIX-II (This is taken to protect interests of the Bank, as there is a likelihood of the company avoiding or refusing to make payment of the principal amount/interest).

The certificate/receipt along with the letter of authority with the amount duly receipted thereon in advance should be forwarded to the concerned company by registered post acknowledgement due either directly or through the nearest branch.


Collection of prize money of lottery tickets:



Book of Instruction

Where branches are requested by the winner of a lottery to collect the prize money against presentation of lottery ticket, they should exercise great care as the prize money is payable to the bearer of the lottery ticket. Branch should take following precautions while sending a lottery ticket for collection:


Person, on whose behalf the lottery ticket is to be collected, must have a properly introduced current or savings bank account. Branches should exercise extra care about introduction etc.


The person tendering the lottery ticket should give a declaration stating that the prize-winning lottery ticket relates to a lottery organised or authorised by the Government mentioning full details, such as the number and date of the government notification relating to the lottery.


The person should also furnish a letter stating that the Bank may send the lottery ticket by post at his risk for collection of the proceeds. He should also give his consent that in case the lottery ticket is lost, misplaced, intercepted, wrongly delivered or delivered late, he would not hold the Bank responsible to make good the loss to him other than that for which the post office compensates the Bank.


The person should also declare that the lottery ticket lodged by him/her for collection was purchased by him/her or purchased by another person for giving benefit to him/her and he/she is entitled 37/62


Book of Instruction

to receive payment of the ticket. The collecting branch should preserve these undertakings/ declarations carefully and send the lottery ticket for collection.


The lottery ticket must be received for collection personally by the Branch Manager/Joint Manager who should the counterfoil/acknowledgement.



The lottery ticket must be kept in a cover, which should be sealed in the presence of the Branch Manager and another officer.


The cover should be insured with the post office upto the amount of prize money or the maximum insurance cover that is available from the post office whichever is lower. Alternatively the cover may be insured with an insurance company upto the full value of the prize money, if the customer so desires. The premium should be recovered in advance from the accountholder.


Bills sent to agents for collection:

( i)



Book of Instruction

Bills sent to other banks for collection should be endorsed in their favour as agents for collection. Bills written in vernacular, other than the regional language, should be accompanied by a certified Hindi/English translation.


Where the collection work is entrusted to our branch and any claim arises due to its negligence the bank would remain liable, as the constituent branch cannot be regarded as a separate entity but as one composite entity.


Where the collection work is entrusted to another bank, that bank becomes a sub-agent of our Bank and if any claim arises due to its negligence, our Bank is responsible to the constituent although the agent bank is in turn responsible to our Bank. With a view to making the agent bank directly responsible to the constituent the following clause is included in current account rules:

"Upcountry cheques, bills or hundis deposited for collection shall be collected through other bank or banks where our bank has no branch and such collecting bank shall be deemed to be the agent of the constituent wherever such cheques, bills or hundis are sent for collection".


Before sending bills for collection to other Bank, branches should ensure the existence of that bank at the centre.



Book of Instruction


Procedure in Finacle to be adopted as explained above.


Failure of collecting bank:

When it comes to the knowledge of the branch that the collecting bank has gone into liquidation, customers, whose bills were sent for collection to the said bank, should be advised of the developments and requested to obtain duplicate documents including lorry/railway receipt. Alternatively, branch should endeavour to obtain the documents back from the said bank and send them for collection through some other channel.


Agency arrangements:

Bank has entered into collection arrangements for collection of bills and cheques/instruments with various banks, mostly on a reciprocal basis. While forwarding collection items to the said banks or collecting bills etc. on their behalf, branches should strictly adhere to the arrangements as detailed in the Bank's Publication No. 114 "Collection Arrangements with Various Banks".

When payment advices from the banks, with whom reciprocal arrangements exist, are received stating that the proceeds of the bills have been remitted to the account maintaining branch, branches should await credit advices from our account maintaining branches. Credits should not be afforded to the accountholders on the strength of other banks' payment advices. 40/62


Book of Instruction


Service charges:

Branches should recover collection charges on outstation cheques/ bills/ dividend warrants etc. as stipulated in the ,revised guidelines of service charges of the Bank.

Procedure for handling Documentary Bill inFinacle.

Documentary Bills are those bills which contain documents of title to good s within it.

MAIN MENU Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 FBM-V Option FBM-R Option FBM-V Option MFBM FBM- # Option FBM-T Option FBM-M Option FBM-C Option FBM-I Option FBM-X Option FBM-G Option Menu Item Description Introduction Lodge a Documentary Bill Verification Process Verification of a Lodged Bill Realisation of a Documentary a Bill Verification of a Realised Documentary Bill Lodging of Multi Tenor Bills Extend Due Date Transfer of Bill- Transfer from Collection to Purchase Register Modify a Bill Copy a Bill Inquire a Bill Cancel a Bill


Book of Instruction

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

FBM-D Option FBM-Z Option FBM-Y Option FBM-B Option FBM- 2 Option FBM-Q Option FBM-9 Option

Delete a Bill Close a Bill Unclose a Closed Bill Receive Proceeds of a Bill Bill Audit Inquiry View Additional Details Asset Classification Inquiry Bill Status and Status Changes


Bill Event History (FBHI) Bill Inquiry (FBI)



For all the actions relating to Collection of a Documentary Bill (like lodging, realization, recovery of bill etc.), User is required to carry out these events through FBM / MFBM menu.

The FBM / MFBM menu is also used for handling Foreign Export and Import bills. As such many of the parameters of this menu may not require to be filled while performing various functions in the life cycle of a purchased Inland Bill.

Menu Options for all transactions in Documentary Outward Bills for Collection is FBM or MFBM as under:-

FBM - For lodging single tenor bills (A single bill with a single tenor i.e. either usanceor sight only) MFBM - For lodging Multi-tenor bills (A single bill with a combination of tenors i.e. portion of the bill may be sight and balance may be usance.)

Menu Option for all transactions in Clean Outward Bills for Collection is IRM. The clean bills may be of the type - Cheques / DDs/ Other Clean Instruments etc


Following Registers and sub-Registers for OBC have been opened in Finacle: 42/62


Book of Instruction

Inland Bills Register-type OBC OBC OBC OBC Outward Bills OBCS for Collection Outward Bills OBCU for Collection Outward Bills OBCCH for Collection OBC-Sight Documentary Bills OBC- UsanceDocumentary Bills OBC-Cheques/DDs/Other Clean Instruments etc. Description Sub-Register Type Description

On invoking the FBM / MFBM / IRM menus, the user will be required to specify Register and Sub-Register combination which will be either of the following:

1. 2. 3.



The functions available under FBM menu for OBC are: Function Code Description G Lodge C Copy T Transfer I Inquiry M Modify V Verify X Cancel D Delete R Realize B Proceeds Received Z Close Y Unclose Bill # Extend Due Date The actions which can be initiated are: Lodge, Realize, Transfer, Proceeds Received etc. Apart from these, normal functions like Modify, Inquire, Copy, Delete, Close etc. are also available. LODGE A DOCUMENTARY BILL FOR COLLECTION

At the request of the Customer, a documentary bill (Sight or Usance) can be Collected. All 43/62


Book of Instruction

actions relating to this are carried through FBM menu. For collecting a bill, it has to be lodged in the system (G-option). STEPS FOR LODGING A DOCUMENTARY BILL MENU- FBM; OPTION-G STEP FIELD NAME ACTIVITY RELEVANT KEY

Type FBM in the menu option block of the <Enter> Finacle Core User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Bill Details screen. Function Type 'G' in the Function option and press 'F4' F4 key to accept the same.

2 3 4

Register Type Give the Register type - OBC and press 'F4' F4 key to accept the same. Sub Register Give the Sub-Register type depending on the F4 Type nature of bill and press 'F4' key to accept the same. Valid combinations of Register & Sub-Register type are:



OBC and

Bill CCY

Under Bill CCY (bill currency), INR (Indian Enter/Tab Rupees) should be mentioned. Then Press Enter/Tab Under Party Code - Here, write Cust. ID of the customer. If party code of the customer is mentioned here, the system will automatically populate all F4 details of the party/ customer in subsequent screens. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen.

Party Code

7 8

Oper A/c

Enter the operative account of customer that Enter/Tab is to be credited on realisation of bill.

Oper Chg A/c Enter the operative account that is to be Enter/Tab debited for charge collection (if different from oper. A/c above). This field is used for charge part transactions. Party's Name Enter details. If the Cust. ID of customer is mentioned at party code in earlier screen, the system will automatically populate all details of the party/ customer here. The address of the customer.




Book of Instruction

11 12 13 14

Party Cntry BOEAmt/Dt Bill Country Lodge Date

Enter- IN ( India ) Enter the amount and date of the bill. Enter- IN ( India ). Enter the date on which the bill has been lodged. System populates this date. This field is used to enter the date on which a usancebill is accepted. It is automatically populated as L-Lodge date. The system calculates due date of the bill from this date. If the due date of bill is to be arrived at differently, the indicator based on which the due date is to be calculated, should be indicated. The valid values are: L - Lodge Date , B - Bill Date , A - Accept Date S - Shipment Date , I - Invoice Value , O Others

15 16

Accepted Dt Due Dt ind

17 18

NTP / Grace The normal transit period in days for sight Perd bills. This is used to calculate the due date. Usance Perd The period (in months/days) specified by the drawer of the bill to the drawee, to make the payment after despatch of goods or after receipt of the bill. The value should be filled as per customer instructions.


Usance Desc

This field describes from which date the usanceperiod operates. For example, date of shipment, date of acceptance, etc. The date on which the bill is due. The default date is calculated by adding the usanceperiod, grace period and NTP, based on the value specified in the Due Dt ind field above. However, this value can be modified. It should be ensured that due date arrived at here is as per customer's instructions.


Due Date

21 22

Notl Date Closed ?

Due The default due date as calculated by the system. This field cannot be modified. Indicates if the bill has been closed. The value, Y is displayed if the bill has been closed. The code of the operation that is currently being performed on the bill. The status of the bill and its description. For example: Lodged, Transferred, Realized, etc.

23 24

Current Oprn Bill Status


Book of Instruction

Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen.


25 26 27

Other Pty Address Under DC?

Enter the name of the other party. The other party refers to the drawee of the bill. Enter the address of the drawee. Specify whether the bill is drawn under a DC (Documentary Credit) i.e. L/C. Valid values are: 'Y' - Yes and 'N' - No The values for OBC have been set as 'Y' which aredisplayed by default. If the bill is not under L/C, it should be modified to 'N'.


DC Sol Id

The ID of the service outlet in which the DC (i.e. LC) was issued. Importance: L/Cs issued by BoB branches under CBS even though belonging to a different branch/ SOL can also be linked to a bill. Note: 1. This field can be entered only if the Under DC? flagis set to Y. 2. The SOL ID of the bill is displayed by default.



The reference number of the DC to be linked to the bill. This field can be entered only if the Under DC? flag is set to Y. The date on which the DC was opened. This field can be entered only if the Under DC? flag is set to Y.




Rate Code

The rate code to be applied for conversion between the DC and bill currency. Not applicable for Inland bills. The exchange rate to be applied for conversion between the DC and bill currency. Not applicable for Inland bills.


Rate Conditional


DC UtAmt The amount up to which the bill is covered Conditional under the DC. DC Balance The balance available under the DC after calculating the value of the bill under reference. The code of the bank and its branch as specified in the DC. This field consists of three parts: bank code, branch code and the name of the branch. This field can be entered only if the Under DC? flag is set to Y.



Issue Bk/Br



Bill Group

The code of the business group to which the



Book of Instruction

drawee /drawer belongs. This is specified to indicate the extent of exposure of the bank to a particular business group. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. 37 On Date Board This is the date on which the goods are loaded to the transporter(i.e. date of RR/MTR etc.). This is also one of the six values based on which the due date of the bill is calculated. Other information like the freight and insurance details can also be specified in this screen 38 Document Details of documents are default populated in the system. The documents shown are: BOE, Invoice, MTR, RR, Insurance& Quality Certificate. User can enter the no. of copies of such documents- both original & duplicate. Any additional documents with the bill not populated, can be mentioned in the -6- blank columns down below. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. 39 40 Invoice Amt Invoice Date This is the total invoice amount of the goods. F4 F4

No./ This is the invoice no and the date of the invoice. This is also one of the fields based on which the due date of the bill is arrived by the system This free code has been used to indicate if the bill is being sent for collection to a bank branch of other banks. Valid value is OTHBK. It can be populated by search mode also by pressing F2. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to original main F4 screen.


Free Code 1



IN CASE ANY DETAILS OF THE BILL NEED F4 MODIFICATION/ADDITION, THE SAME CAN BE MODIFIED/ADDED AT THIS STAGE BY ENTERING 'M' IN THE OPTION BELOW THE SCREEN AND MODIFYING THE DETAILS IN THE RELEVANT SCREEN. In the main screen, write '4' in the option F4 field and Press F4. It will lead to message screen. In this, messages relating to the bill can be entered. This option is not mandatory while lodging the bill but is mandatory to visit while verifying the bill. In the Message Type field, the valid values F4 are:






Book of Instruction

S- Self message details D-Drawee message details X- Discrepancy bill message details B- Lodger message bill details 4- All message details

Enter the desired value and Press F4. 45 Write the desired message in the row at the bottom of the screen. Once one message is written, press down arrow and write next message (the first message moves up in the screen by pressing down arrow).Any number of messages can be entered in the system. After entering the messages, Press 'F4' key F10 and it will lead to original main screen thus ending the Lodge process. To Commit press F10 The Bill ID will be generated by the system after a bill has been lodged. Bill Id is the ID of the bill. A unique bill ID identifies every bill. The bill is now lodged in the system and needs to be verified. Submit the bill for verification.



Any process invoked on a bill in its entire life cycle requires either a verification or cancellation. The verification can be for a regular process invoked like lodgement or realisation or it could be for authorizing the general modifications done to the bills. In the case of verification of any process, on <ACCEPT> from the function block, user is taken to the option block. From here the user can use the sub-option 2 Bill Audit inquiry which shows the list of Tables where modifications have been stored and on <EXPLODE> the user is shown the old and new values for acceptance. In the other case, on <ACCEPT> the user is taken to the option block and from there the user is forced to visit the relevant screens before authorizing the process. The activities associated with the verification of a process are:

Visit the relevant screens Exception handling related to the process Updation of master table, of prime significance are fields like verify- ind,

bill-stat, bill- func-code etc. 48/62


Book of Instruction

Writing of the history record. Optionally transaction advice can also be generated.

Optionally closure can be done along with verification of processes such as Recovery, Dishonour, and Realisation. ( ifthe conditions for closure are satisfied). Further, Audit records can be verified only after the corresponding bill has been verified. General steps involved in verification of a bill at its various stages of life cycle are as under: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type V in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. The created/modified record is displayed for verification Click NextBlkto view the details of the record in the screens that follow. Press [Enter]. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter a valid option code to visit the appropriate screen. During verification of a bill, which has an IBR transaction, when the verifier has to enter additional details, the Create contra entry flgwill be N. The Bill Id field will be populated with the proper value. View all the details displayed and click Committo verify the record.


However, job cards for verification process of each activity are also given in subsequent pages.



Type FBM in the menu option block of the Finacle Core <Enter> User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open Foreign Bill Maintenance Details screen. Write 'V' inthe Function field and Bill ID number in the Bill ID field. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4

Please check all the details displayed on the screen. Write 'M' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and then F6 and Visit all the relevant screens. When the original screen returns after verification of all screen under 'M' Option, then Press F4 and cursor moves to Option down the screen. Write '4' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and it takes to message screen. Verify the details mentioned on all the screens.



Book of Instruction

Press F4 again it leads to main menu again. 4 Now Commit and Press F10 to complete the verification F10 process.


Full realisation and part realisations are supported in the system. These two correspond to two different statuses in the bill history. When the entire bill amount is realised (either in parts or in a single process) the status of the bill is put as 'R- Realised', otherwise the status is put as 'P- Part Realised'. The 'Realisation' process can be invoked on any open bill that is not fully realised. STEPS FOR REALISING A DOCUMENTARY BILL MENU- FBM; OPTION-R STEP 1 FIELD NAME ACTIVITY RELEVANT KEY

Type FBM in the menu option block of the <Enter> Finacle Core User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open General Bill Details screen. Bill ID Write Bill ID of the bill generated at the time of F4 Purchase of the bill.

Other field on the screen need not be filled. Press F4 key and it takes to the next screen. 3 Main screen appears. All the details of the bill F4 already in the system are automatically populated.

Enter 'R' option at the bottom in the main screen and press F4. It takes user to next purchase screen. 4 Realisation Account The field Realisation Account is default populated as Inter Branch Transactions Account (A/c IDSSSS0031101035) i.e. realization proceeds are being received by way of IBTA advice.

In case of any other mode of realization, the A/c ID of the account where realization proceeds are parked / credited should be mentioned. e.g. if realization proceeds are received by DD and DD is lodged in Clearing and proceeds held in intermediary account (SSSS0015181118), A/c ID of intermediary account should be given.



Book of Instruction

On <key-accept> from the above screen user is taken to the transaction screen. 5 Bill realisation Amt Nostro Amount The amount being realized in the bill.

Here, specify the actual amount in which the bill has been realized i.e. actual realization proceeds received which may be more/less than bill amount.

Excess amount may be received on account of Interest received from drawee, commission amount recovered from him or any other charges received as per drawer/bank's instructions.

Foreign Bank Charge FB Int Amt Commission Amount

Enter the amount received receivedfrom drawee towards any other charges received as per drawer/bank's instructions. Enter the amount received on account of Interest from drawee. Enter the amount received on commission recovered from drawer. account of

8 9

Please note that total of Bill realisation Amt + Foreign Bank Charge + FB Int Amt + Commission Amount should tally with amount under NostroAmount. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


Tran Type/ Tran Type - T (Transfer is populated). Sub Type Write Sub Type as ' BI' (Bank Induced). It can be searched and selected by pressing F2 also. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


The next screen shows the account/s in which the realization proceeds of the Bill will be credited while realizing the bill.

Please ensure its correctness. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4


The next screen appearing is TM (Transaction Maintenance). Here the user can view all the


Book of Instruction

transactions generated at the time of realization of the bill (by down arrow at Option field) viz. realization account debited, credit to operative a/c of customer, credits to Commission, Postage accounts etc.

Two entries of equal amount (Cr. & Dr.) in Consolidated Office A/c (CONSOL OFFICE ACCT) are also generated. This intermediary account is basically used to consolidate the Net Credit entry in operative account instead of credit by gross amount of bill and separate debits for commission & postage.

Various options available to the user are:


User will be able to modify some of the details in transactions created by the system. But will not be able to modify the account type, account number, amounts, inrespect of BP a/c tran, realisation tran, etc. User will be able to change all the details in the other part trans created by the system like commission, P&T tranetc. Some of the options are explained below :

V (VALIDATE TRANSACTION): System checks all the transactions so created and also checks if all the bare minimum data has been entered for all the part trans. The process also checks if the transaction is balanced. If the transactions are balanced, the system populates a messaged Validations are Successful. Transaction is Balancing. Or else the message Transaction not balanced for this tran_id.

E (ENTER PART-TRAN) The user will be able to 52/62


Book of Instruction

create additional part trans.

To go back to the main screen user has to type ' ACCEPT AND QUIT ' at the option block.

If entries generated are correct, Accept & quit the screen by writing 'A' in the Option field. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to original main F10 screen thus ending the Purchase (or Discount) process. To Commit press F10 The bill is now realised in the system and needs to be verified. Submit the bill for verification.

The procedure for realisation for a bill portion in case of a multi tenor bill is the same as above. The user has to select the bill portion which needs to be realised.


After a bill has been realised, the same can be verified using the same menu under 'V' option . STEPS FOR VERIFICATION OF A REALISED BILL MENU - FBM: V OPTION STEP 1 ACTIVITY RELEVANT KEY

Type FBM in the menu option block of the Finacle Core <Enter> User Menu (Main Menu) and press <Enter>. It will open Foreign Bill Maintenance Details screen. Write 'V' in the Function field and Bill ID number in the Bill ID field. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to next screen. F4 F4

Please check all the details displayed on the screen. Write 'R' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and then F6 and Visit all the relevant screens. Press F4.

The next screen appearing is TM (Transaction Maintenance). Here the user can view all the transactions generated at the time of realization of the bill (by down arrow at Option field) viz. realization account debited, credit to BP/BD account, other credits if any 53/62


Book of Instruction

To go back to the main screen user has to type ' ACCEPT AND QUIT ' at the option block. If entries generated are correct, Accept & quit the screen by writing 'A' in the Option field. Press F4. 4 The original screen returns after verification of all F4 screens under 'R' Option, and accepting all part transactions under TM. The cursor moves to Close Bill ? fielddown the screen. If bill is to be closed, enter 'Y' or else enter 'N'. Then press 'shift' & 'tab' and it leads to Option field. Write '4' in the Option down in the screen. Press F4 and it takes to message screen. Verify the details mentioned on all the screens. Press 'F4' key and it will lead to main screen. 5 F4 &

When the main screen returns after verification as above, 'shift' cursor is again taken to- CloseBill ? fielddown the screen. 'tab' Enter 'Y' or 'N' as the case may be and Then press 'shift' & 'tab' and it leads to Option field.

Now Commit by pressing F10 to complete the verification F10 process of the bill. As of now, the transactions pertaining to bill realised are yet to be posted in the system. On pressing F10, the system takes to Online Financial Transaction Interface where transactions need to be posted by the authorizer / verifier.

At Online Financial Transaction Interface screen, the F10 authorizer can again view all the transactions generated on account of realisation of the bill (by down arrow at Specify Option field) viz. viz. realization account debited, credit to BP/BD account, other credits if any

Write 'P' and post each part transaction by pressing F4 at each part transaction viewed by down arrow. After posting all part transactions, press F10 & Commit. Examine exceptions appearing, if any and get authorization of the competent authority. Press F4 to override exceptions. After overriding the exceptions, the screen shows all the part transactions (Cr. & Dr.) in Entered & Posted status and the cursor movesto a blank box. Tran ID of transactions is also generated. 8 By writing L (List) and pressing F4, user can view all the F4 part transactions generated on the screen along with their status.



Book of Instruction

User can come out of the screen by Quitting. This completes the verification process for the OBC realised and the posting/verification of transactions.

LODGING OF MULTI-TENOR BILLS Banks have now started transacting trade business with multi-tenor bills wherein the payment for a single bill of exchange can be spread over multiple tenors. For e.g. : the seller may draw a bill of exchange on the buyer, for say 10% sight payment and balance on usancebasis. The usanceperiod can further be split into say 40% for 60 days usanceand the balance for 90 days usance. STEPS FOR LODGING A DOCUMENTARY BILL MENU- MFBM Such a type of bill can be lodged in the system using the MFBM option. All the functions of FBM menu option (except Copy, Transfer, process message, unclose bill and co-accept) are valid here too. The sum total amount of all the individual bill portions have to be mentioned in the Total Bill Amount field. On <accept>, the cursor goes to the data block wherein the user has to enter the details of the various bill portions. Here the system will validate for the following: 1. 2. 3. The sum of the individual bill portions amounts should be equal to the total bill amount. All the registers under which the individual portions are lodged should be either for outward or inward collection of bills. A combination of both is not supported. Book Advance Interest flag should be the same for all registers.

On <Accept> from the screen the system will take user to the normal FBM interface However, here the amount and the tenor isdefaulted from the first screen and user cannot change the amount in this screen. From here onwards, the user has to follow the normal procedure as explained in FBM. Once the details of the first bill portion is entered and the cursor comes to the option block, the user has to < commit (F10)> the record. Once this is done, the system then default populates the details of the second bill and cursor goes back to the general details for lodging the second bill. In addition to the bill details which are defaulted from the first screen, the other general bill details fed in the first bill portion are also auto-populated to avoid repetitive additions (Like operative ac no, operative chg a/c). The user can modify these bill details. However, there are certain fields which cannot change across multiple bill portions. These are Customer Id, DC no. if attached, other party detail, Party Name and Address, Currency, SOL ID, Bill Country, Party Country, drawee bank branch. The user after lodging the second bill portion will have to <commit (F10)> again, once the cursor reaches the option block. The cursor, on commit will then move on to the general details again for lodgement of the third bill. This process will be carried out till the final bill portion is committed. Once this is done, the user will be taken back to option block of the MFBM main screen. The valid sub-options of MFBM main screen are: 6 - GR FORM DETAIL, F - GR REALISATION DETAILS, 8 - SWIFT DETAILS, @ SWIFT MESSAGE HISTORY, S- MULTI TENOR BILL SUMMARY , C - MULTI TENOR BILL HISTORY, Q - QUIT



Book of Instruction

For inland bills, relevant sub-options may be S, C and Q.

Once a bill is lodged through MFBM menu, all activities relating to that bill can be carried through MFBM menu only.

Verification of all activities of the bills in MFBM menu is done in same manner as in FBM menu.


If the Bill status is either in 'Lodged', then user will be able to modify the due date of a Usancebill, using Function '#'. Once in the option block, if the user selects the option as '#', screen asking for due dates comes up, wherein the revised criteria for arriving at the bill due date can be entered. During extension, the general modification (option code 'M') for the bill is disabled. A newoption code '#' is available to modify those specific fields which affect the due date of the bill. The fields modifiable during extension of the bill are 'Due date Indicator', 'NTP period', 'Grace period' and ' Usanceperiod'.


It is possible that in the normal business scenario, a bill that is sent on collection may be required to be purchased subsequently, on receipt of acceptance or otherwise. Hence it becomes apparent that, the bill has to be transferred from the collection register to the purchase register. This can be achieved through FBM menu option, with function code as 'T' (transfer). Transfer is allowed only from non-purchase to purchase type register. Transfer is allowed only on Lodged collection bills. User cannot transfer collection bills if the due date of the bill is earlier than the BOD date.

Use the following steps to transfer a bill:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Type T in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field, the register type and the sub-type in the Register Type and Register Sub Type fields. Enter the currency of the bill to be copied in the Bill Currency field and a valid bill ID for the bill to which the details of this bill must be copied and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria are displayed.



Book of Instruction

5. 6. 7.

The cursor is positioned at the key fields of the record to be copied. Enter key fields for copying and click Accept. Modify relevant data and click Commit to accept the record with a new bill ID that is generated.


Use the following steps to modify a bill.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Type M in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and press Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria are displayed. Make all the necessary changes in the screen displayed and click NextBlkto move to the next screen. After making the desired modifications, click Accept. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter a valid option code to visit the appropriate screen. Make the desired modifications in the relevant screen and click Accept. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Click Commit to save the changes made to the database.


Use the following steps to copy a bill. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Type C in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field, the register type and the sub-type in the Register Type and Register Sub Type fields. Enter the currency of the bill to be copied in the Bill Currency field and a valid Bill ID for the bill to which the details of this bill must be copied and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria are displayed. The cursor is positioned at the Operative Account field of the record to be copied. Enter the Operative Account, DC Num., DC Date, Issue Bk/Br, Notl ConvRate, On Board Date fields in the General Bill Detailsscreens and click Accept. Modify relevant data and click Commit to accept the record with a new bill ID that is generated by the system.



Book of Instruction

A user can inquire details of any bill in the system including inquiry on deleted bills also. Use the following steps to inquire on a bill. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type I in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria are displayed. Click NextBlkto view the details of the record in the screens that follow. Press [Enter]. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter a valid option code to visit the appropriate screen. View the details displayed and click Quit. The cursor is positioned in the Function field. Repeat above procedure to view details of another bill or click Quit.


Cancellation is the process of undoing the changes made to a bill during any particular process and revertingit back to its previously verified status. The cancellation of a bill is applicable only for unverified lodged bills. Cancellation however is not applicable for intermediate processes or for the lodge process. Details pertaining to the process being cancelled are deleted or overwritten. Use the following steps to cancel a bill: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Type X in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. The created/modified record is displayed for cancellation. Click NextBlkto view the details of the record in the screens that follow. Press [Enter], the cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter option code 'X' to visit the appropriate screen. View the details displayed and click Commit (F10) to cancel the modifications made to the record. The cursor is positioned in the Function field. Repeat the above procedure to cancel details of another bill or click Quit.



Cancellation is the process of undoing the changes made to a bill during any particular process and revertingit back to its previously verified status. This can be invoked on unverified processes only. Cancellation however is not applicable for intermediate processes or for the lodge process. In the case of lodge where there is no previous status to revert back to,Deletion is the option to be invoked.

Deletion will logically delete the bill from the system, but there is no undelete option provided to revert back. Deletion of a bill is applicable only for verified lodged bills 58/62


Book of Instruction

Use the following steps to delete a bill:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Type D in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. Details of the bill are displayed. Click NextBlkto view the details of the record in the screens that follow. Press [Enter]. The cursor is positioned in the Option field. Enter a valid option code to visit the appropriate screen. Click Commit to delete the record or click Quit.

CLOSE A BILL A bill can be closed only after verification. Use the following steps to close a bill. 1. 2. 3. 4. Type Y in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria will be displayed. All the screens that are displayed while entering bill details will be displayed. Click Commit (F10) to close the bill

UNCLOSE A CLOSED BILL User can unclose only verified closed bills. Use the following steps to unclose a closed bill. 1. 2. 3. 4. Type Y in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill ID in the Bill Id field and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria will be displayed. All the screens that are displayed while entering bill details will be displayed. Click Commit to unclose the bill.


Use the following steps to mark the bills as proceeds received:

1. 2. 3.

Type B in the Function field of the General Bill Details screen and press [Enter]. Specify the Bill Id and click Accept. The details of the record matching the criteria will be displayed. Enter the message details and click Commit to mark the bill as proceeds received



Book of Instruction

Bill audit inquiry is possible through FBM menu - sub-option 2. This option is relevant only during Verify function and will list all the tables affected by the immediate previous action of the user.

User will be able to use <explode> key on any of the records to see the values which have been changed by the immediate previous user.


User can take a snap shot of the bill through menu option FBM - Option Q (View Additional Details).


Through sub-option 9 in FBM menu, user will be able to view the current classification of the particular bill.


When a process is invoked on a bill, the verification indicator is set to NULL. When the process is verified, the status will change (if status has changed) and the verification indicator is set to 'V'. User can invoke another process only if the verification indicator is 'V' and 'Bill Status'_fieldis not 'Z'. Till verification, modifications relating to the invoked process only are allowed.


ALLOWED IF BILL STATUS CHANGES TO STATUS IS (AFTER VERIFICATION) Null G G, B, K, N, P G, B, P G B P or R depending on part or full realisation K

1 2 3 4 5 6

Lodge Proceeds received Realisation Delink Dishonor Recovery

K (for non-collection N items), G, B, P K, N, P O (Recovered, if fully recovered; else existing



Book of Instruction

status before remains) 7 8 9 10 Close Delete Transfer Interest Run N, R, J, P Null G Except Null, T Remains same Null



G, T for the old bill G, T for the old bill


All the events which have taken place for the bill over a period of time can be viewed through 'the menu option- FBHI. User is required to enter SOL ID and Bill ID. After <Accept>, details of the bill viz. bill liability, Entered by, Verified by etc. are displayed. Simultaneously, cursor is taken to blank box on left bottom of the screen where:

On <EXPLODE> after entering the following:

[S] to view SWIFT message details, [E] to view EVENT transaction, [C] to view CONTINGENT transaction, [L] to view LIST of event transaction.

User can View Event (E) Transaction; View contingent (C) transactions(not applicable for Inland bills) ; List (L) of Event transaction :-

In case of Multi-tenor bills two options are provided for viewing the details viz:



If the 'S' option is used, the individual bill portions are shown along with their due dates and status In case the second option 'C' is used, the system lists out the details of the various events which hastaken place on the individual bill portions.



Book of Instruction


FBI menu option can be used for inquiries on bills. This is general purpose inquiry screen which the user can utilise to gather information on various selection criteria as shown below: 1. The ID of the service outlet to which the bill/s belong. Importance: Bills belonging to a different SOL can also be inquired upon. The SOL ID of the bill is displayed by default. This can be modified. The number of the bill purchase account. The account number specified should belong to the service outlet corresponding to the User Id used to log in. The party whose bills are to be inquired. The other party whose records are to be inquired on. The register type for which the records are to be inquired on. The register sub type for which the records are to be inquired on. The range of dates for the status of the bills. Bills that fall within the specified date range and with the status specified will be listed. The date range between which bills were accepted. Bills that fall within the specified date range will be listed The range of dates within which the bills were lodged. Bills that were lodged within this date range will be listed. A range of dates. Bills that are due within this date range will be listed. A range of Bill IDs. Bills within this range will be listed. The range of amounts for bills. Bills within this range will be listed.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

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