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Guess paper DNB final (Psychiatry) General psychology 1. Learning theory-application to psychiatry 2.

Social causation theory-relation with psychiatric disorder Key figures 1. Erik Erikson 2. Jean peaget 3. Jung Research 1. General about designs 2. ANOVA, MANOVA 3. Parametric and non parametric test Defences: Everything Neuro anatomy 1. Limbic System-anatomy, circuits, relevance in psychiatry 2. Basal ganglia and role in movement disorders Child Psychiatry 1. ADHD 2. PDD 3. SLD Child abuse-Full Rehabilitation Psychiatry 1. Rehabilitation-status in India 2. IDEAS Community Psychiatry 1. DMHP 2. Aims and objectives of NMHP 3. Principles of community psychiatry Preventive psychiatry 1. Level of prevention-specially schizophrenia Forensic Psychiatry 1. Admission under special circumstances

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Mental health authority Criminal responsibility RTI act in relation to psychiatry Informed consent Testamentary capacity

Psychotherapy 1. CBT-Principles and various disorders 2. Principles of counselling Neuro-imaging 1. fMRI 2. Findings in schizophrenia Organic Psychiatry 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Amnestic syndrome-causes, C/F Wernikes-Korsakoff Psychosis-etiology, pathology, c/f, management Delirium, dementia-everything Fronto-temporal dementia-features Vascular dementia-features and management Aphasia

Psychopharmacology 1. 2. 3. 4. Lithium-mechanism, indications, s/e Valproate s/e Clozapine s/e and monitoring Metabolic Syndrome

Neuropsychiatry 1. Head trauma and sequel 2. Simple partial seizure 3. Thyroid and psychiatry Neurophysiology/chemistry 1. GABA 2. Electrophysiology-sleep, memory Developmental Psychology 1. Erik Erikson 2. Jean Peaget Genetics

1. Adoption studies in schizophrenia 2. Linkage analysis 3. Genetics of Schizophrenia Psychopathology 1. Delusional perception 2. Formal thought disorder Suicide 1. Epidemiology 2. Suicide and psychiatric disorders 3. Durkheims Theory Testing 1. Projective tets Addiction 1. 2. 3. 4. Inhalant abuse Alcohol dependence treatment Delirium Tremens Nicotine addiction

Schizophrenia 1. Resistant schizophrenia-management Depression 1. Etiology 2. CBT Anxiety 1. PTSD 2. GAD 3. Panic Attack Psychosomatics 1. Type B personality 2. Type A personality Eating Disorder 1. Anorexia Nervosa Personality Disorder

1. Cluster B/Boarderline C/F and management 2. Schizotypal PD Reproductive Psychiatry 1. Postpartum depression 2. Postpartum psychosis 3. Pregnancy and psychotropic drugs

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