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DEVC 202 TMA No.

Joanna Cay S. Garcia September 13, 2011

The article The Proactive Information Society is an idea that shows how the art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social equity and the larger fulfillment of the human potential, which Quebral (1971) defines as Development Communication. In the article discussed I can imagine how as much as the expertise of the scientists and economists were used in the finer details of making the MUAR model work, but believe that the DevCom approaches of using communication research, datagathering, information dissemination, and getting feedback is the glue that truly brings such a project together. Not just by the experts in other fields involved in the program, I also think that some scientific method was of course used by the DevCom practitioners involved and how they thought about identifying the basic problem involved which in this case is how to maximize the utilization of the agricultural resources, gathered the data needed, and developed test materials, methods and new communication processes in which in the case of the article would be storing all the information one can get that would contribute to the problem identified. I can imagine that it is the DevCom practitioners to be ones who goes to the farmers and learn what they know about agriculture, the techniques they can contribute, how they tackle problems, and what they need to make their work easier and much more efficient. I also think that in such a project, it was the DevCom team who would be making sure that the stakeholders are made aware and educate them of its uses and

aims, most especially how each of them can further contribute in making it a sustainable program. The success of the MUAR model is an example of means of transforming a society towards change. In the article it can be seen as a sort of domino of positive effects beginning with the creation of an affluence that help address concerns like food, medicine, and unemployment. Which then lead to our becoming globally equipped with the skills in new communication technology, as well as improving our environment and attitude. Problems with food, health, and unemployment are of course some of the subordinates of poverty which is ideally lessened because of the positive effects brought about by the success of the program. In our textbook Todaro (1977) said that poverty can be alleviated with the use of rural development in general and to agricultural development, to which the MUAR model is a great example of. As mentioned in the beginning of the article the country made great leaps in its economic growth as it became the sixth largest food producer in the world. The article also mentioned the country becoming an integral part of the World Brain program because we found a new reputation of having specialists in information, especially in development communication. This is also something that shows greater social equality as many jobs are created and are improved making better the lives of many. I would assume that many of the farmers in our country would greatly benefit in such programs for instance.

The article also shows how one development project, with development communication can also contribute to the improving other aspects of our lives. The success of the MUAR project and the World Brain can ideally help in lessening our dependency for other things that share in our problems, like lessening the use of petroleum with most employees having no need to travel to work and instead stay at home and do their jobs via their computer. This of course is an example that helps our environment and creating a more stable home even for the next generation. On more personal thoughts after reading the article, was that how come something like MUAR model has not been attempted yet? Ideally, it is very simple how we can use the power of information and use it to improve the function and contribution of something that our country is abundant of. I have always wondered why we put too much attention in Industrial Technology, when we are a very agricultural country. It is to me, trying to desperately learn to be a ballerina when one obviously has the bone structure and the physique of a natural boxer. Another thing I thought of is that when it was written in 1983, I think that with the advancement of Technology and how everything it seems is possible with buttons and our fingertips, something like this would have made into reality more than 20 years later. But most importantly in an age where information and communication seems to be readily accessible almost everywhere, it is really frustrating to think that such scenarios are still scenarios at present. In the last ten years it said that going into agricultural business is a good means these days, because hindrances like infrastructure problems are now much easier for suppliers and farmers. But not many are privy to this data.

Especially now that I have been introduced to Development Communication and its practices, I can see how it is a great key in making projects like the MUAR model discussed in the article to become a success. This again leaves me to wonder why such disciplines have yet to be thoroughly used by our government as means to using information and communication to improve our country. It is because of such contributions through Development Communication helps lessen problems or give way for such problems like unemployment and health support be given attention, as mentioned in the article. Id like to think that when programs like the MUAR model finally be put into practice a real Ministry of Information and Communication be organized for it to lead in using Development Communication in facing problems like those mentioned in the article that might still exist even in a time where computer is available to almost everyone. Speaking of such concerns, the article also still tackles some of these even in such optimistic conditions. Problems like the gap between the information rich and poor are still some things that are present, media ownership, and issue of privacy. However in such cases wherein the MUAR project has helped gain the country some affluence, we can then move in further paying attention to the concerns mentioned, because we have done some work in lessening with problems which were formerly more pressing issues like most of the common societal problems. With the use of development communication, such problems will be lessened for us to find more time and means to move forward or work on other matters like improving our education system and by then our industrial capabilities.

Such body as the MIC is of course important to regulate the kind and flow of information that our society receives. And with the attributes of a DevCom practitioner being purposive, pragmatic, and value-driven, we can be sure that such information will only be aimed to helping us as a nation move forward to a more positive and proactive attitude and in effect to developing. And like in the article, once we are confident as a nation in being able to use what resources it has to the fullest, we can definitely be able to stand at par with the other nations in International programs like the World Brain, where we are one of the main proponents valued for our capabilities in the field of Development Communication. The article is one example that also shows how development communication can be very useful and how its practitioners can be in-demand one day. But of course such responsibilities are reiterated in the second article and how one has the ability to use information and communication as a means to shaping its environment to working towards the improving their surroundings, as suppose to continuously adapting to it yielding to many other concerns that causes problems like dwindling natural resources, economic collapse, and war. I also think that when such programs that show the value of development communication and the benefit it brings it will only be natural for our government to put more of our budget into it, just as it was mentioned in the article. Someone once told me that although DevCom has very noble means financial concern is of course still important to which I agree, but again it seems that for that to happen DevCom must first prove its worth by finally beginning such means following the example of the article.

References: The Proactive Information Society, A. Flor; 1983 Introduction to Development Communication; Ongkiko and Flor; 2006

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