SEETHiNGS Application Form

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an eclectic group exhibition APPLICATION TO EXHIBIT.

24th-30th Sept 2012

NOTE: All applications MUST be posted to: 12 Kent Street, Victoria Park or emailed to: by the 19th Aug 2012. All works MUST be delivered to the Victoria Park Arts Centre (12 Kent Street, Victoria Park) by the 23rd Sept 2012. For more info call Victoria on 0406 989 893 or Mae on 0478 675 599.

Contact Details
Name: Phone: Email:

Artwork Details
No. pieces submitted: No. pieces for sale: (NOTE: Although it is free to exhibit work at the exhibition, the gallery will take a 20% commission on any pieces sold during the exhibition. Please

consider this when pricing your work/s. This enables the gallery to continue its great work in the community. So thanks for your contribution.

SEETHiNGS is all about unusual and unique perceptions, which is why it is dubbed it an eclectic group exhibition. Were stitching our talents together: think Frankensteins monster. We all have varying styles of expression whether its photography, painting, sculpture, film, performance or music. The idea is to create a platform for talented people to work collaboratively. In the words of Bernard Shaw: You SEETHiNGS as they are and ask why? I SEETHiNGS as they never were and ask why not?. So how do you SEETHiNGS?

Media: Dimensions (l x w x h in cm): Asking price: Artist statement (200wrds or less):


Media: Dimensions (l x w x h in cm):

Asking price: Artist statement (200wrds or less):


Media: Dimensions (l x w x h in cm): Asking price: Artist statement (200wrds or less):



We will do our best to facilitate any special requirements you have, however, due to time and cost restraints we cannot guarantee it. Please ensure that your work is prepared for installation at time of delivery

23rd Sept 2012. Are there any specific requirements or assistance? If so, please give details: Y N

Please attach an image of your work/s and/or a description of how you envisage the final pieces. 1.



Do agree with the terms of the exhibition? Name: Signature:

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