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Sec A (All questions are compulsory) Q1) Select the correct answers ? a) b) c) d) 1. Marketing Management involves: Sales Promotional activities Pricing All of the above 2. 4 Ps of Marketing Mix involves which one of the following : a) Product, price, power, promotion b) Product, price, promotion, place c) Purchase, price, promotion, place d) Product, process, price, promotion


3. Which of the following is a factor of External Environment in SWOT analysis ? a) Strength and Weakness b) Weakness and Opportunities c) Opportunities and Threat d) Threat and Strength

4. Price and demand elasticity is an important factor to decide the prices of a product? True / False

5. Targeting and Positioning of a product or Service can be done on the basis of Profession of a customer ? True / False 6. A core benefit in a Product level defines: a) Service or benefit a customer is really buying b) Expected service or benefit c) Service or benefit above the expected level of customers d) Product or service that a customer might undergo in future

7. As a Marketing Manager of your company which pricing policy would you adopt to gain maximum market share ? a) Market skimming pricing b) Market penetration pricing c) Cost plus pricing d) All of the above

8. A zero-level channel in a consumer marketing channel includes: a) Manufacturer and consumer b) Manufacturer and retailer c) Retailer and consumer d) Wholesaler and consumer

9. Consumer characteristics in a Consumer Buying Behavior is made up of: a) Cultural factors b) Social factors c) Personal factors d) All of the above

10. Which of the following is not true in case of Product Life Cycle: a) Products have a limited life b) Products require different marketing, financial and manufacturing strategies in each life cycle stage c) Profits rise and fall at different stages of product life cycle d) Products have a never ending existence

Section B Q2) Write short notes on any two of the following: a) Market Segmentation b) Strategy and levels of strategy c) SWOT Analysis


Section C


Q3) Define and explain Product Life Cycle with the help of a graph ? Q4) Explain the distribution channels and its levels ?

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