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HTML Programming 4.

0: Introduction
############################################################ 1. Which of the following statements is not a rule for creating tables in HTML? A: Leave at least one space between each cell. 2. What tag would change the background color in the default.htm file to cyan? A: <BODY BGOLCOR="Cyan"> 3. What opening tag creates a link to an ftp server? A: <A HREF="ftp://ftp_address"> 4. Which of the following statements is not a way to communicate over the Internet? A: Use codes to create elements of a Web page. 5. The ___ tags indicate the text you want to appear in the browser window. A: <Body> and </Body> 6. The tag ___ A: will automatically separate each list item by a line break. 7. The two most common types of graphic files are ___ A: GIF and JPEG 8. ___ formatting leaves the formatting to the system that displays the final output. A: Descriptive 9. By adding the ___ to the <A HREF> tag, you can create a link to a different section within the same document. A: #sign 10. ___ have opening and closing tag elements; the data to be acted upon is placed between the elements. A: Container tags 11. The ___ tags will add the text color blue to the word "Babylon." A: <FONT COLOR="blue"> Babylon </FONT> 12. What is the tag that will create a cell header that spans across five columns of a table? A: <TH COLSPAN="5"> 13. Which of the following HTML tag statements is not in the proper format? A: <tag_name[data]</tage_name>

14. The ___ attribute displays text when a non-graphics browser encounters an IMG statement. A: ALT 15. ___ enables you to specify the exact location of a file you want to reference within a link tag. A: Absolute addressing

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