Istanbul Capacity Building 8-12 July 2012

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Dr Salah Zargani **, Dr S.P.Bindra*&** & Dr Ibrahim Shaban**, *Libyan Friends of Environment Forum ** Libyan Academy Janzour, Libya


This paper is designed to present that how World Class Low Carbon & related smart powered climate change education tools, techniques and technologies would help New Free Libya to sing a song of 21st century with empowered staff to fulfill their hopes, dreams, justice, dignity and pride. It is in line with Rio+20 resolutions on future we want.

The Capacity Development Process

Step 4: Monitor & Evaluate CD Strategies

Step 1: Assess Capacity Assets and Needs

Capacity Development Process

Step 3:

Step 2:

Implement CD Strategies

Formulate CD Strategies


1.UNESCO (University Industry Science Partnership Program) (UNISPAR) & UNESCO-UNIDO sponsored Graduate Resource Integration Program (GRIP)
2. UNIDO Promoting Responsible Industrial Design Merit through Entrepreneurship (PRIME), 3. UNESCO Blended Learning Program


Paper is designed to demonstrate that how LCE Capacity is feasible by

1. Best practices and experiences. 2. Value Addition (value chain analysis)

3. Capacity Development, capacity assessment

4. Top down, disciplined and data oriented approach using Six Sigma (measure, analyze, improve and control) 5. 4Ms (measure, model, map & monitor) 5. Empowered and committed staff at all levels having proven technical, scientific and Managerial skills

What is Low Carbon Economy?

What is it? What will shape it? Who are we positioning for it? Like Elsewhere New Libya too is on a journey to a lower carbon world. This means world over, as also in New Libya, there is need to work along the three axis of: energy efficiency; decarbonisation; and renewables.

Low Carbon Economy (LCE)

A Low-Carbon Economy (LCE) or LowFossil-Fuel Economy (LFFE)is a concept that refers to an economy Road Map which has a minimal output of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions into the biosphere, but specifically refers to the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide.

The recovery in oil prices has the Libyan economy a substantial boost . .
+26% GDP at current prices LYD billion

81.5 65.3
2007 USD* 64.1 billion

54.6 25.2 30.8 39.8

+6% GDP at constant prices 2002 LYD billion

25.2 26.7 28.0 29.8 31.3 33.1







* Converted at the 31/12/2007 exchange rate of USD 1 = LYD 1.2239 Source: Global Insight (WMM)


Libya country profile 2005 Economist intelligence unit

Targets for The Transition to Low Carbon Economy: New Libya follows EU Model
EU 20/20/20 by 2020 - 20% reduction on 1990 levels of GHG emissions (rising to 30% with a global agreement 95% by 2050) - 20% share for renewables in EU energy consumption - 20% reduction in energy use through energy efficiency

HOW? AND WHAT IS SHAPING IT? New Libyan energy infrastructure is & will experience the most significant change since it was first built: New Libya plans to have electric cars on the road. Conventional cars will be 40 per cent more efficient. New Libya plans to have green home makeovers New Libyan plan for new buildings will meet zero carbon home standards And every home will have smart meters And all of this will create new jobs

Emissions Reporting

Source: World Resources Institute

Delivering the Low Carbon Economy requires both evolution and revolution

Carbon Footprints the first step in the low carbon transition

Measurement Is The First Step

You Cant Manage What You Dont Measure 1.Measure your GHG emissions 2.Set a reduction target and plan 3.Reduce energy and emissions and save money

4.Ask your suppliers to disclose to you

The Carbon Disclosure Project is vital and we have to get everybody to participate in it. Bill Clinton

Risks and Opportunities

Disclosure can spur innovation CDP has shown that internationally consistent disclosure not only helps to pinpoint risk but also to generate opportunities

James Murdoch, The Financial Times May 2008

The WAY FORWARD The Carbon Disclosure Projects detailed reporting is helping persuade companies throughout the world to measure, manage, disclose and ultimately reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. No other organization is gathering this type of corporate climate change data and providing it to the marketplace. Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary-General

Smart Homes

Smart Mobility

2000 Km Libyan coasts are Out for-greening

Libyan are turning to vegetarian to conquer climate change

Smart Food?

Costs and Benefits of Climate Change

Global costs of climate change estimated to be 12% of GDP with early action, from 5-20% without early action

Before the Industrial Revolution, for thousands of years, the amount of carbon in the atmosphere was at 287ppm

Now, after three centuries of burning coal, oil, and gas, we're at 390ppm thats above any levels weve seen in recorded history.

2. We also know that CO2 influences global temperature

Where well be mid-century if we keep this up
550ppm? More?

Parts per Million CO2

TODAY: 390ppm EARLY 1900S

CO2 in PPM


Years ago
look how the temperature line follows CO2 concentrations throughout history



Three Year Average Sea Level Change (cm) Satellite Altimetry



Libyan Initiative on the green economy is designed

to serve & support research, innovation, education and the development of clean technologies through the implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan for Technology Support and Capacity-building, in order to achieve the objectives established in chapter 34 of Agenda 21.

An expert think tank/forum/platform for sharing experience and disseminating information and best practices are being established to support the transition to a low carbon economy. This process is accompanied by the development of expertise in strategic planning and integrated management of water resources, renewable energies, efforts to combat desertification and protection of biodiversity.

A number of initiatives, have also been created at Libyan Academy, including the First Libyan Environmental Engineering & Sciences Center (EESC), Libyan Business Council for Sustainable Development (LBCSD), Libyan 350 org, Libyan National Platform for Risk Reduction, Care Libya Brand Foundation (CLBF), Desert Prosperity Initiative, Sustainable Solid Waste Management Initiative. The national, regional rebuilding schemes, and initiatives provide a policy framework for a wide range of environmental protection and regional rebuilding development after the Arab Spring aimed at sustainable development

New Libya is developing national adaptation plan and undertaking several new projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions like carbon capture and storage in geological formations, in Libya. New Sectoral policies & programs are being initiated and implemented in the following areas: infrastructure rebuilding, environmental education, , Oil & Gas resources management, water conservation, ecosystem preservation, desert development, improvement of quality of life and health, cleaner development mechanism, reduction of industrial pollution and protection of archaeological, historical and cultural heritage.

Concluding Remarks
Knowledge based economy having characteristics of speed, quality, flexibility, knowledge and network requires promoting human interaction and innovation in Institutes Success depends upon how much value we add at every point of program and how much we can be entrepreneurial, creative, flexible and proactive to change in all aspects of management and operations. Collaborations and initiatives are needed to avoid duplication or waste of efforts through Institute, Industry Interaction.

Concluding Remarks
5. Customers are always the best judge of the quality and value of the services they are offered. It is important to measure their satisfaction with current services and to use their desires and visions as catalysts for the design, development, and deployment of new services for responsible and sustainable development.

6. With limited resources and ever-increasing demands for services. Knowledge of the real costs for each service -- using the financial measures can help make the choices among services rational and the improvement of services mandatory and measurable.

Capacity Development Resources & Tools
Capacity Development Resources & Tools We are working with our partners to identify and make available a range of capacity development resources and tools. These will be regulary updated so please make sure to bookmark this page! Further, we are working on a Capacity Development Resource Facility which will help develop and review the peformance of many of these resources. Capacity Development Library

We are working with our partners to identify and make available a range of capacity development resources and tools. Capacity Development Library

We are work ing with a wide rang e of partn ers to estab lish an infor mati on learn ing meta netw ork. Libra ries are an impo rtant part of this netw ork and CDG is work ing to devel oped a serie s of linke d librar y data bases . Whil e each of these is main taine d by separ ate netw orks, they are linke d, share resou rces and are searc hable ! Not only can you down load infor mati on, you can also provi de revie ws and rate the mate rial to let us know how usefu l it is. More ....

Deve lopm ent Gate way

Development Gateway
More ...

As a mem ber of devel opme nt Gate way UND P mana ges the Capa city Deve lopm ent Page. This is a great sourc e of devel opme nt mate rials whic h can be brow sed and down loade d.

Proje ct Data base

Project Database
More ... Usefu l Webl inks Searc h or add to this data base of usefu l webs ites. It come s comp lete with sum mari es to help you scope your infor mati on need s. You will need speci al acces s right s to uploa d infor mati on. Pleas e conta ct ou r site admi nistr ator for this.

We are also work ing with our partn ers to asse mble a data base of innov ative innia tives arou nd the work that addr ess the MDG s and susta inabl e devel opme nt.

Useful Weblinks

Concluding Remarks 1. New Libya is a Green happening country today with passion, purpose, people and competition driven pursuits 2. Young talented Libyan in large numbers aspire to scale new heights 3. Libya 2030 could reap the benefits of Decades of Low carbon R&D in Libya by attracting and retaining talent in a sustainable manner

Recommendations ..
Investment mapping ( taking into account, natural resources and population) Macro policies ( Physical, Monetary) Micro ( bottle necks, finance schemes, marketing) Developing basic knowledge capital improving

control and transparency of business


Promotion of Entrepreneurship culture and self-dependency through Educational, Training and Media Awareness.

Developing better regulation for business environment, supported by through

building strong partnership between Public and Private sector (PPP) Creating an active network of Business Centers, and Business Incubators for Technology & Innovation. Building an International Network.

Creating a suitable infrastructure (Industrial zones, Technology and Business



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