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Study, Master Plan

Subcategory: Water Project: El Cajon Downtown Specific Plan Water Study DWE Job #: 572-001 Location: Client: Contact: El Cajon, CA RECON Environmental, Inc. Karen Bowling, Environmental Analysis, 619-308-9333

Completion Date: 2010 Project Description: The city of El Cajon is the local agency for the proposed El Cajon Downtown Specific Plan. The project encompasses 541 acres and proposes redevelopment of the Citys downtown area.

Key Personnel: Steve Nielsen, P.E. Project Manager/Engineer Key Components: The project involved determining the impacts that redevelopment would have in the existing water system. A hydraulic model was used to simulate future demand conditions to test the adequacy of the system. Our work also involved coordinating with the Helix Water District on their preparation of a Water Supply Assessment report.

Project Duration: The work completed under this contract has supported the overall project schedule. Our work was initiated in August 2008 and the project is in the nearly approved stage as of July 2010.

Project Cost: Revised: July 13, 2010


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