Itinerary Blog Post

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In two weeks time, Ill embark on another epic two month travel spree; this time to the United

States. Heres a look at my itinerary:

City: Hanoi, Vietnam Departing: 10 Sep 2012

m bi t Hn Gp L i!

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Los Angeles, California 11 Sep 2012 4 15 Sep 2012

I need a haircut, some good food, and a few nights with my girl friends!

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Phoenix, Arizona 15 Sep 2012 9 24 Sep 2012

My little brother is getting married to the love of his life.

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Seattle, Washington 24 Sep 2012 7 1 Oct 2012

Home sweet home. Time to hug a tree ride a ferry, and drink some coffee!

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Manchester, New Hapshire 1 Oct 2012 2 3 Oct 2012

Make new friends, but keep the old. Some are silver and the other gold.

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Boston, Massachusetts 3 Oct 2012 5 7 Oct 2012

The wedding to end all weddings: Nicole Paloma Cline & John Peter George Sarro

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

New York City, New York 7 Oct 2012 3 10 Oct 2012

I heart NYC. And Olivia B.

City: Arriving : Days: Departing:

Washington, District of Columbia 10 Oct 2012 5 15 Oct 2012

An infusion of patriotism.

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

New York City, New York 15 Oct 2012 7 22 Oct 2012

More love for NYC!

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Phoenix, Arizona 22 Oct 2012 5 27 Oct 2012

Happy Birthday, Mom. Grand Canyon Or BUST!

City: Arriving: Days: Departing:

Los Angeles, California 27 Oct 2012 6 2 Nov 2012

Back for more: food, friends, fun!

City: Hanoi, Vietnam Arriving: 3 Nov 2012 Days: 365

Xin cho! Ti tr l i!

The Quick Guide to Jillians Travels (this is more for me so I dont forget which city Im in and where Im off to next!) Arriving Departing Days Location 10 Sep 11 Sep 15 Sep 24 Sep 1 Oct 3 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct 27 Oct 3 Nov 15 Sep 24 Sep 1 Oct 3 Oct 7 Oct 10 Oct 15 Oct 22 Oct 27 Oct 2 Nov 1 4 9 7 2 5 3 5 7 5 6 Hanoi, Vietnam Los Angeles, CA Phoenix, AZ Seattle, WA Manchester, NH Boston, MA New York City, NY Washington, D.C. New York City, NY Phoenix, AZ Los Angeles, CA Reason m bi t Hn Gp L i! Re-entry: USA Little brothers getting married. Hug a tree, ride a ferry, drink coffee. The bride beckons. The wedding to end all wedding. I heart NYC. Patriotism. More love for NYC. My mom and me. Farewell, again. Be back soon. Xin cho! Ti tr l i!

365 Hanoi, Vietnam

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