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Welcome to the Beginning of YOUR New Academic Life

With Ms. Mottley

Its 2011 and Our World is Filled With

So too Much of This.

Can Lead to This

Well Here Is Where it Stops!

Welcome 2 The World of Differentiated Instruction

Everyone Learns Differently

So OUR Room Will Look and Feel More Like THIS!

Differentiated Classroom:
In a differentiated classroom, the teacher proactively plans and carries out varied approaches to content, process, and product in anticipation of and response to student differences in readiness, interests, and learning needs. ~Carol A. Tomlinson

Differentiated Instruction is
Providing Students with Different Avenues All Leading to the SAME Destination. Tailoring Lessons To Ensure EVERY Student Reaches Their Ah Ha, Moment. Making Sure I Teach YOU the Way That Works for YOU!


So in Our Class
Your Interests Your Abilities Your Suggestions Your Feelings Your Skills
Help Call The Shots!!!!!

How YOU learn determines how YOU work!

Some Students may: Write Songs Journal Create Videos or Plays Write a Speech Make Illustrations Work on Group Projects

While others may:

Make PowerPoint Slide Shows Short Films Build or Mold Things Pod casts Book Reports

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Are YOU Ready!?!?!

I Sure Am!!!!

Chapman C., King R. (2005). Differentiated assessment strategies: One tool doesnt fit all. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, California. Tomlinson, C., (2001). How to differentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms. ASCD Publications: Alexandria, Virginia.

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