Sheaf Media Kit 12.13

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1912 - 2012

The U of S Official Student Paper Media Kit & Rate Card

100 years of

the Sheaf

What do we offer?
As students, our editorial team is completely connected to daily life at the U of S, and therefore have an inside look at all aspects of the campus community. The U of S has an enrolment of over 20,000 graduate and undergraduate students, with an additional 7,000 employees who help bring the campus to life everyday. Our target demographic is aged 18-25, highly-educated, tech-savy, and interested in upward mobility. Our concise format means we are a cover to cover paper, meaning certain exposure for your brand. The Sheaf publishes a weekly print edition at 4,500 copies, with over 20 distribution locations around the U of S. Multiple daily updates to our website ensures U of S students can turn to the Sheaf for breaking news at any time. With our mobile edition, readers can get their Uof S news on the go, anywhere. The U of S has extensive WiFi coverage, keeping students connected wherever they are on campus. Full copies of the paper can be found in our online archive at

Direct student engagement. Since the first issue of the

paper was published in November 1912, the Sheaf has been the official student newspaper of the U of S. For 100 years, the Sheaf has been giving students the news they want. The Sheaf is the first place students go to look for news on campus life and culture, and is one of the top outlets for student views.

High-quality journalism. Our audience views our quality

to be comparable to that of other free papers such as Planet S, Metro and the Verb. As a founding member of Canadian University Press, we are regularly published across Canada.

A complete package. We fully embrace the media through

which our readership communicates by having a platform fully embrace the media through which our readership communicates by having a platform-agnostic news strategy, engaging our readers via Twitter, Facebook, and blogs with exclusive web content. During the 2011/2012 year, we had an average of 1,500 unique visitors per day, with an average of 7,500 ad impressions per week.

We are where students live, work and play.

Publication Schedule 2012/2013

August 2012 S 5 M 6 T 7 W 1 8 T 2 9 F 3 S 4 2 9 3 4 5 6 6 7 S M September 2012 T W T F S 1 8 7 10 11 12 13 14 15 S October 2012 M 1 8 T 2 9 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6
The Sheaf Publishing Society Room 108 MUB, 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5B2

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Shantelle Hrytsak Advertising & Business Manager p. 306.966.8688 e.

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November 2012 S 4 M 5 T 6 W 7 T 1 8 F 2 9 S 3 10 2 9 3 S M

December 2012 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 S 1 8 6 S

January 2013 M 7 T 1 8 W 2 9 T 3 F 4 S 5 Important Dates

September 6 First day of classes Term 1 Dec.ember 5 Last day of classes Term 1 December 7 - 21 Term 1 exams

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February 2013 S 3 M 4 T 5 W 6 T 7 F 1 8 S 2 9 3 4 S M

March 2013 T 5 W 6 T 7 F 1 8 S 2 9 7 S M 1 8

April 2013 T 2 9 W 3 T 4 F 5 S 6

January 3 First day of classes Term 2 February 18-23 Reading week April 9 Last day of classes Term 2 April 11 - 29 Term 2 exams

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Publication Day

U of S Holiday

Canadian Holiday

Web products
Front page Right Bottom Box 300 x 300 px $150/week $20/day

The Sheaf Publishing Society Room 108 MUB, 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 5B2 Shantelle Hrytsak Advertising & Business Manager p. 306.966.8688 e. All prices are black & white, for a single issue. Please add 5% GST to all rates Colour Spot Colour.............$40.00 extra Full Colour...............$125.00 extra Inserts $100 per thousand inserts The Sheaf does not produce, fold or trim inserts. Inserts must be delivered directly to the printers.

Front page Top Leaderboard 468 x 60 px $210/week $30/day


Front page Right Top Box 300 x 300 px $175/week $25/day


Print products
Display Advertising
AD Full page 10.20 x 15.35 $700.00 AD 1/2 page vertical 5.05 x 15.35 $390.00 1/2 page horizontal 10.20 x 7.70 $390.00 1/3 page horizontal 10.20 x 5.15 $280.00 1/4 page vertical 5.05 x 7.70 $230.00 AD AD


Mechanical Specifications Printed Offset.........Tabloid Format Page Height.........15.35 Page Width.........10.20 No. of Columns........5 per page Circulation..............4,500 copies Printer Transcontinental - Saskatoon 838 - 56th Street East Deadlines & Formats Friday prior to publication @ noon. Late artwork will not be accepted. PDF, EPS, or JPEG files are acceptable. Ad Check It is agreed if an error occurs, the liability is limited to the price for the ad. Payment under $200 must be by credit card. The Sheaf reserves the right to refuse any advertising copy submitted. New accounts will be required to pay in advance if credit is not established. Accounts 30 days overdue will be charged interest 2% per month. Reduced contract rates are revoked upon failure to pay after 45 days and revert to the highest column line rate. All credit is revocable upon violation of same conditions.


1/4 page horizontal 10.20 x 3.85 $230.00


1/5 page vertical 4.00 x 7.70 $180.00


1/5 page square 5.05 x 6.15 $180.00


1/6 page vertical 5.05 x 5.15 $150.00


1/8 page vertical 3.00 x 6.40 $120.00


1/8 page square 4.00 x 4.85 $120.00


1/8 page horizontal 5.05 x 3.85 $120.00


1/16 page vertical 2.40 x 4.00 $65.00


1/16 page square 3.00 x 3.20 $65.00


1/16 page horizontal 4.00 x 2.40 $65.00

Premium Products - Front Page Advertising



1/4 page front cover banner 10.20 x 3.85 $355.00


1/5 page front cover banner 10.20 x 3.05 $305.00


1/8 page front cover banner 10.20 x 1.95 $245.00


1/16 page front cover banner - bottom 10.20 x 1.00 $150.00

1/16 page front cover banner - top 10.20 x 1.00 $180.00

Make cheque payable to: The Sheaf Room 108, Memorial Union Building 93 Campus Drive Saskatoon, SK. S7N 5B2 National Account Contact Campus Plus p. 416-966-8811 tf. 1.800.265.5372

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