Solucionario Leithold - Cap. 02

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21 THE TANGENT LINE AND THE DERIVATIVE 24.1 Definition 2.1.2 Definition 2.1.3 Definition WO THE DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIATION Suppose the function f is contiuous at 2. The tanjent line tothe graph of fat che po PG f(z) 8 (@ the line throxgh P having slope m(e,), even by snde,) =tin £0 82)= Sle) X21) =fin Ss it hin nite (i) the line r=, if tin Sete) FE) 5, aay Os I neither () nor (i) of Definition 2.1.1 holds, thn thee i:no tangent line io the grap of f the pote Fey (2) Tr we want to fnd the slope of the tangert line to the cuve at more than one point, fist find ihe limit and then make the indiated placements for =y- Howerer, we Interested in finding the tangent line at oaly ote point ard ifthe ccordinates of the point tangency ace known, seer to fis! make Whe ndicated replacement ad the Bad the it fHey+ Oa) ~ Key) foo or -asand ling MEDEA MED 0 or 6 The rormel line to & graph at given point i the Hine perpendicalar to the tangent lise att point Formla (I) forthe slope ofthe tangeat lin is special cae of the formula for the derivative ‘function. Following is one of the most important defaitions in the ealeuls The derivative ofthe function fis that funtion, denoted by f/ such that its valve ab mum 2 in the domaia of given bythe equivalent formulas 1 = tim LEASE= HE) = yy HeV= LE) 2) = tim LE +82) HE) ym a and (a! 1'2)=im FERED tm AES ) ona iC thin fmt exis, where = 3 + Ae. (f! i road “f plies” and (eis ead “f prime of 22) We also use the symbols 42 (e) and D,fiz) to represent (2) If y= f(2), then the sym Daan fds ae vont Wid to prent w H Aye dened by Ay = fie+ Ae) —fle) shen Dv =i, 22 1 ay isa pastiealar somber in the dornair of f, then to End J'(z,) wo may use either oft equivalent formeios, Geremicl He)aim, LE) ey “To we formulas (8) and (4), note that Gea)? a 2 + BeAr (Sa)? and (2-4 As) a2? +See + Bef Ae} + (2) ‘To we formulas (3") and (7), note that ere yan ‘The slope of the tangent line to the graph of 9= fe) at the point (2p, fle)) * preibely derivative of F evaluated a! zy. Thus foemlas (8), (3, (4, and |7) ane interchangable “The equation of a (tangent) line with lope m and passing through (2,8) is y= lz) +8 A nortnal me bas slope —1/f'(2) in He= Hon) a or fa) me) (eae bony 2) aster sey! 21 THE TANGENT LINB AND THE DERIVATIVE 81 Beonsins 8.1 Te Deercies 1-6 fod an equation ofthe ingot ina pie, Seth he pap aad gent of he ange hyste Go) winjess-o sn(2)= in, 224) tin, 222) pte Aw equation of the tangent i 2 ya2+4(-15) tim SE) ‘An equation ofthe tangent li 3 yatet +43; (-2,0) Me) 1-9 _ mt gS eee areca e+ (-2)) +414) +4 =A, The Cangent line iy m(—2) = Ji Exercise 4 y= 2-62 +9:(3,0) erine 3 = 68-49, Use formula (4) with ny = 2 9462+ (Az)? 18-62-49 a in SO A2)=J0) py (+8)? a, ae ao (a? = gin GOP = sm axe =0, An equson of te tangent Bne oy = (2-2) +0 9 =0 B y= 48 (1) Pe, & Let f(2)= ae (2-0) mma) = Bal = li@t+sen=3 ‘Am equation ofthe (sient lina ix y = 3(2— 1) +44 6 y=t-z4(2,-7) £2)- $0) _ ala Enatioe §2 THE DERIVATIVE AND DIFFERENTIATION Ta Beers 710, (2) ind the lope ofthe tangent at (zy. f(2))-(B) Find where the tangent is horizontal. Sketch, 7 fay 8d Te fley+8s)—Fle) Be > (0) m(ay)= fin em, Betta =e + Ba) +8 Ga = 1848) in, ese Mae BAS einen 2 (0) fey) = O when ry =2 and $2) =~ {0 Ue gba harm otzontal tangent os (2). a fe)=1-02-2 > (a) Appling formula (2) we have * ayant aioe he) toy ett, pg Tabet ent de~ (ae 74a? pat a nae —22,Ae~(Ae} =i, pa EE “Tin (-6~25,~z) 4 ores (&) may) = O when 2, = -8 and Y(-3) (C218)! Other pins on the graph me 8 f= 2-62 +92 6 so the graph has horizontal tangent at 1). (8,12), (8,18), (-1032) and (1,0). 7 (Pao ve-2)—Ueh igre) PP aap = ‘ “ 5 = Jin GH +08) = fim (a + eye bey?) —8le 2) +8] J a Bey? 124 +9 =e, —42, +3)= 364, 11-8) (me) =e when 3, =1, {0} =2and 3, 3.16 GReGaSa he boizbnud tages at (Land (2) ban? 12 iy Le). py OF =8)=08-20)9 set) 62; = 62y(%,—1) (alee trbn st JO) == Saige etna at a es banc ngn nt a te Pow me im [2a 4x2 +22) —H2 +29) ty cies 11-1 fd UL y= Verh 8,2) pb m= linLORLE) - yy VF 1=3 = hig BAS? tiny = = SS = nya aes a eat “The tangent ne hie equation y = Ye—1)+2= 42+ a(e-3)42= e414 ‘The normal line hat tlope —4 and equation

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