Solucionario Leithold - Cap. 12

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TWELVE DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS OF FUNCTIONS OF MORE THAN ONE VARIABLE 12:1 FUNCTIONS OF NORE THAN ONE VARIABLE: et P be an ordeved pai of teal numbers (2.3) and let ¢ be o real number. A fonction of two tariabls ist act of ender pairs of the form (P,2) in whieh no two distinc pies have the same frat clement, The set ofall possible replcements of Pie called the domi of the function, and the set of al posible values of =i called the range of the function. The variables z and y are the independent varias, ad 2 i the dependent ariabe If fis a function of two variables, then we denote the funtion valve of fat P by either f(P) of (253). A polynoma!fanction f ef two variables 2 and 9 i the sure of terms ofthe form cx"y/ where c isa real number and » Sind on are nonnegative integers: The depres of term ts tbe sain of the exponents; the Marge egroei the degree off. Ifa teres have the same degre, fis homegencous. 12.1.1 Definition The se of sll ordered r-tuples of a onmbes is called the n-timensional number space and is denoted by RY. Each ordered mtuple (2y,25.0n2q) 16 ealled a point in the medimensional ‘umber space 122 Definition A function af m saris is 2 set of ociered ples of the form (Pu) in which no te distinct frdered pairs have the same frst clement, where P is a pola in edimensional number space ard ism oval autnle, Theat of ll pit yates of P fo called the Zomam of the Fureton, and the set of all posible valuns of w eealled the range ofthe function, 121.3 Definition If f isa fonction of single variable and g i a fmetios of two variables, then the componite Junction fog te the fanetion of two variables defined by (fo gifeva) = f(s(z9)) ané the Zomain of fog i the set ofall point (2.3) #2 the domain of 7 such that g(z,g) is fn the omain of /, 12.14 Definition If f is » Gunction ofa single variable and g i a fonction of m vasiables, then the compile Uvction {09 hs the Ganetion of varias defined by Coakey tn enta) = {olen zn--Fn)) and the domain of fp is the a of al points (21.20 (2, 2pvrnq) ist the domain off. 12.15 Definkion If n'a fureton of to vasiabes, then the waph of fH the wet of all points (ey) tT for hich (2,9) i a point ia the domain of {and © = f(2,0) ‘Thus, te gapl ea function of two vatlables surface ix. Because thee only one value fz for cath replacement of (2,9) feu the domain of the fesetion, « line perpendiclar to the Sy plane fetersects the arto: in'no more Huan one point 12.148 Definition Hf i» foetion of m vazibls, then the graph of {i the st of al points (ay Te ae which (eyetpernd,) i pint inthe domain of f and w= flzyeepe- ny) ct © be the intesetin ofthe eufece = ~ (3) and the plane == &. "The prjaction of C on the 2 plage, that is, the gsaph of (2.y) =, called the lve care of the function f at k. level caren recalled egupstentil coresit [wives lect potential The set f all vel carves GE a BEE = hy, byes by called a contour map of the function f. the number by by 1 ky ace equally spaced, then the rating contour map indicates the espmes of the srface ‘ac the graph of 7. Closely smerd contout cures infieate thatthe satface i eps widely Ipece content cusves indicate that the wire i not np: and a contoue “earee™ that {eyion inictes that te graph ir Mat Silly, funetions of thee vatabes have Teel surfaces {The ted of cone section cr uadric surface Q isthe at of points through which there are 00 Tinos tangeat to 2.) in the domain of g such that 124 FUNCTIONS OF MORE THAN ONE VARIABLE 783 Eseries 1 Tew) = mseanegtt=-t o) festy 1) BEN HWRD sty CHS 7 (VIG +h) = Sima i) Bays? wo ep= Ft (a) f-29)- Han Bt 2 sey) =v » wanna (6) se-+2te44)= yes a ea) = VF =I vB=5 wd \O-@= B=8 = aai=y-¥= inv? Nera G-F =f —2)-1 e242" -21 whet deed ty aye d = de edgy th 4, Lat the function J of thew variable, y ad sb th fal oder pain of the frm (Pj) sec that “awa ewan ) 10:28) 0) HBB ABR 3) ( fl042)h-2~2) [ae +29 42297 Fi Welt estoy 2sand 123. 7h Nad Ora-b rc ag ats + (33-8 In Exercises §-20, determine the demain of f and stetch the domain a region in 12. Use dashed curves to indie ‘te acy part of the boundary aot in the domain and solid cures to indiate pats of the boundary in the domain, {(2,u) |27 + ¥? £4), the set ofall points (2,_) in R? except those on the cisele 2? + y? = 4. > Dan) = (lay) 11 & fey) = Vibe Because the square roto.» neatve number nt real te vale of te ‘xprvin uncer he radial sig tb enter tha il overs TRAL W284? 0) aay? < 16 a) “Te dorain of the fnclon fi the et a point 2,9) hat ay (1, "The sgh of hist she rein i the 3 pane that ede oa th ene FG + P]4 |, ae shown in the figure 9? 2 0}, the st of al points (x) in R? inside oF on the czee =* + 9% = 1, 784 DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS OF PUNCTIONS OF MORE THAN ONE VARIABLE, 9. flay) = yRaaFGI © Dana(f) = fern} a? 9? 21} the st ofall points (ay) fn Rom and side the hyperbole oy = 10. f(2.y) = VESTS > Dotalf) = zg) 4y? 2? < 16), thes ofall pists (xy) in R on and outside the hypesbol 4g? — AL flew) = VEST ‘© Dom(f) = ((z.y}]?+ y2 21), the set ofall pints (2,9) RP on and 0 de the cizcle 2 +? Se ~ > at H4yh 1620 Hay 216 o ‘The downais of fis the et ofall points that satisfy (1). This isthe gion in the AS 2p plane thot ison or tae the ellipse #°/10-+ 2/4, ae shown in the Ggeee “ 13. fey) = Gots : 1» The domale of fs (Cay) 2b 9? <1], the set ofall pints (ey) ia RP inside the circle 27+ y?= 1 MSei= Tene the domaly of (in (ta) [22447 < 16), he et of al pints yy in Hise te eine 2-449? = 18 15. fey) = 2124 Dom(f) ~ (lava) Ly 4 a, thet ofall psints (9) # RF nol on the Hines y= ba. 16. flea) = E55 © The domala off contits of al pnts isthe ry plane exept ase n theline Payeeasshown tie tqure, AT. f(xy) = cos" x— x). The domain of f is {(z,)|-1 S2—wS 1), the set of all points (¢,y) in R? om and between the Tine: y=2—1and y=# +1. 18. f(2,y) = Ine” + y)- The domain of f is {(,9)|y > —2%), the act of all points (2,y) in R? outside the parabola, 2 19. fle.) = fey 1), The dosain of J (5,3) 29> 1, the tof pints (z.u) in R? inside the hyperbola zy = 1 20. F(z,3)~ soe + ¥) > Becos te deren af the inven cine faction ie [-1,1} the {ea ||z +9) vain of $8 In Exercises 21-28, termine the domain of faa deseibe as a erion in R¥ the set ‘of points in the demain, 1D), the sx ofall pnts (2sy. 2) i RP aot on the plane =~ y— yf =2)u the 2 of all pints (exyss) i RB sat om the parabolic cylinder y=, (oF 2. . {fens} 2 ey? +2516), the sat of al points (ects) in RY on and lside the ebipaoid ¥/16-+y'/4-43"/16= 1.

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