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Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: love, frown, grab, close, wear, disappear, obtain,

enter, touch, felt 1. John ......... the room with no idea that his brother had been killed. 2. He had .......... a special permit to carry the documents. 3. Marry was ......... a blue blouse and a short red skirt. 4. The smile ......... from Johns mouth. 5. Tom ......... his heart sink into his stomach and he couldnt move. 6. He ......... her eyes. 7. She ......... Johns arm. 8. Please dont ......... your face! 9. He ......... his eyes. 10. John ......... at the blinking light and pressed it. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: glance up, grin, catch, allow, rise, rub, give away, shut up, trust, nodd, argue 1. Please ......... him. He speaks always the truth. 2. Laura ......... slowly, still watching him. 3. He ......... sharply as John stood examining it. 4. He ......... his eyes. 5. Did they ever ......... him. 6. Stop ......... , you two. Come and see the sun rise! 7. ......... a minute and listen. 8. Then she ......... . No, she said, I dont want to know, thanks. 9. I can trust him not to ......... a secret. 10. When Marry was ......... to return, the house was much changed. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: enlarge, hatch, hive, close, invent, pass, hurl, patent, amend, release 1. Government forced to ......... the 2000 Equal pay act to conform to Parliament directives. 2. The parish voted to ......... the church.. 3. Time ......... quickly. 4. Most major films were ......... in Johnson Studio. 5. The earliest horror was ......... by Hitchcock. 6. Edinson ......... 35 mm film.

7. People ......... in a city. 8. He ......... the javelin. 9. Act of Government ......... all Hebrew theatres. 10. The eggs ......... in four weeks. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: drive, postpone, improve, envelop, admit, tolerate, expect, sweep away, persuade, mix up 1. They ......... the babies ......... at the hospital. 2. I was ......... carefully when the accident happened. 3. Tom ......... that he loves Ann. 4. Manny people were either ......... by lava or crushed by falling masonry. 5. Many parrots were ......... by the wind. 6. You could ......... me only if you gave me solid arguments. 7. If the weather should ......... , we will go on a trip. 8. I cant ......... such treatment. 9. I ......... more from this course. 10. Well have to ......... the play. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: kick, get off, send, set, come, watch, drink, graduate, overtake, become 1. She is always ......... home late. 2. Grandma is ......... older and older. 3. The sun ......... in the west. 4. Tom ......... Paul and he wins the race. 5. The player ......... the ball and scores. 6. My mother ......... tea every morning. 7. The lady paid the driver than she ......... the taxi. 8. I ......... TV last night. 9. I ......... a letter to my sister last month. 10. Tom ......... from the University in 2002. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: show, wake up, cook, break off, deliver, lie, paint, type, wash, cut 1. Grandma ......... a cake.

2. I will ......... the walls tomorrow. 3. He was ......... the parcels. 4. People believe that he ......... in front of the jury. 5. Her mother ......... her ......... 6 oclock. 6. Father hasnt ......... the grass yet. 7. Is Sue ......... the floor. 8. Sue will ......... me some pictures tomorrow. 9. Tom asked his secretary to ......... de letter. 10. Father ......... our conversation. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: reveal, assume, doubt, claim, slice, learn, decide, turn on, live, sew 1. He ......... state secrets to a newspaper. 2. She has ......... to stop smoking. 3. We ......... that the house can still be repaired. 4. I ......... itll rain any minute. 5. She ......... she knew nothing about it. 6. Who ......... the radio? 7. Shall I ......... the bread? 8. We dont know where she ......... . 9. I ......... English in University. 10. Grandma ......... all her own clothes. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: strangle, spoil, breathe, drop, beat, look at, stole, repair, rent, repudiate 1. Police believe the victims was ......... . 2. The milk ......... . 3. Shall I ......... my skates. 4. I cannot ......... , John answered. 5. He ......... the water with his feet. 6. The children ......... each other. 7. Somebody has ......... the car. 8. We can ......... this canoe and go out in it. 9. We ......... a house at the lake. 10. He ......... his family.

Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: drop down, lay, sock, rob, mean, harm, buy, supply, set, sting 1. They have ........ a beautifull present.2. The fruit ......... from the tree. 3. They ......... the body in the grave. 4. I ....... to go. 5. The crops were not ......... by the store. 6. Cows ............ milk. 7. The sun has just .......... . 8. Dry earth ........... in water. 9. The frost ........... his face. 10. I was ........... and my car was stolen. Complete the following sentences with the correct verb: give back, put aside, to fall through, to bring about, to look after, fell back, go about, put on, run across, 1. Grandma ............ the children. 2. When are you going to ........... his books .......... ? 3. I .......... Tom last month. 4. He worked hard to ........... some money for the Holiday. 5. I ........ the meeting for tomorrow. 6. .......... your coat ..........., please. 7. The gossip is .......... the whole town. 8. The Americans troops .......... . 9. All my plans .......... last year. 10. Nobody knew what .......... the fire.

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