A 6.6-kV Transformerless Shunt Hybrid Active Filter For Installation On A Power Distribution System

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4, JULY 2005


A 6.6-kV Transformerless Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for Installation on a Power Distribution System
Rubn Inzunza, Student Member, IEEE, and Hirofumi Akagi, Fellow, IEEE
AbstractThis paper presents a fully-digital-controlled shunt hybrid lter for damping of harmonic propagation in power distribution systems. The harmonic propagation is caused by resonance between line inductances and power capacitors installed for power factor correction. A possible solution to damping out harmonic propagation is based on installation of a shunt pure active lter at the end of a feeder. This paper proposes a shunt hybrid active lter characterized by series connection of a seventh-tuned LC lter per phase and a small-rated three-phase active lter. Like the pure lter, the hybrid lter is connected to the end bus of a feeder. The capacitor of the LC lter imposes a high impedance to the fundamental frequency, so that the fundamental voltage appears across the capacitor. This unique feature allows us to directly connect the hybrid lter to the 6.6-kV power line without step-down transformers. Furthermore, the capacitor used in this hybrid lter is lighter, cheaper and smaller than the transformer used in the pure lter. Theoretical analysis, along with experimental results obtained from a 200-V, 20-kW laboratory system, veries the viability and effectiveness of the proposed hybrid lter. Index TermsActive lters, harmonic propagation, hybrid lters, power distribution systems, power lters.


N RECENT years, harmonic propagation has become a serious problem in power distribution systems. It consists in harmonic-voltage amplication due to resonance between line inductances and shunt capacitors installed for power factor correction. The worst case occurs under no-load conditions from a theoretical point of view. Thus, it may happen at night in a real power distribution system under light-load conditions. This harmonic propagation effect has been studied and measured in actual power distribution systems [1], [2]. In order to damp out harmonic propagation, a shunt pure active lter based on voltage detection has been proposed and tested [3][8]. This active lter is controlled in such a way as to act as a damping resistor for harmonic frequencies. It has been found that the best site to install the active lter is at the end bus of a distribution feeder, thus achieving harmonic damping throughout the distribution feeder [3]. The harmonic propagation may appear in several feeders within a power distribution network. This fact makes the treatment of this problem costly and technically difcult. The cost of installing several active lters dispersed on the network should be assumed by the utility company. On the other hand,

the physical size of a conventional shunt pure active lter is too large to be installed on electric poles. To overcome the harmonic propagation problem, the size and cost of the present solution must be reduced drastically. One of the main obstacles is the transformer required for the shunt pure active lter. This paper proposes a new alternative to harmonic damping in a 6.6-kV system. It consists of a shunt hybrid active lter composed of series connection of a 7th-tuned LC lter per phase and a small-rated three-phase active lter. Due to the presence of the LC lter, the fundamental voltage is decoupled from the distribution system, thus reducing the voltage rating of the active lter. This remarkable feature does not require any transformer for connecting the hybrid lter to the 6.6-kV bus. The replacement of the transformer by the capacitor included in the LC lter makes the hybrid lter compact, light and inexpensive. Hybrid active lters have been researched and tested [9][14]. It is well known that a hybrid lter conguration helps to reduce the active lter rating. Nevertheless, the solutions presented in the available literature are intended, not for harmonic damping in power distribution systems, but for harmonic compensation of nonlinear loads. For example, a hybrid lter in [15] and [16] is the same in circuit conguration as that in this paper, but different in control strategy. The hybrid lter in this paper is based on voltage detection, and behaves as a damping resistor for harmonic frequencies. It is directly installed at the end of a 6.6-kV distribution feeder, for the purpose of mitigating harmonic propagation throughout the feeder. Experimental results were obtained with a fully-digitalcontrolled shunt hybrid active lter connected to a three-phase distribution line simulator rated at 200-V, 50-Hz, and 20-kW. Theoretical analysis, along with experimental results, veries satisfactory damping performance of the proposed hybrid lter. II. ACTIVE FILTERS FOR HARMONIC DAMPING A. System Conguration Fig. 1 shows a 6.6-kV simplied power distribution feeder under no-load conditions, where a shunt pure active lter for damping out harmonic propagation is connected by a step-down transformer at the end of the feeder. On the other hand, Fig. 2 shows the simplied feeder having a shunt hybrid active lter proposed in this paper. The transformer in the pure lter is replaced by a capacitor in the hybrid lter. The purpose of the capacitor is to impose a high impedance to the fundamental frequency so that the fundamental voltage appears exclusively across the capacitor. This means that no fundamental voltage is applied across the active lter. Note that the weight of a 6.6-kV capacitor ranges from one-tenth to one-twentieth as light as that

Manuscript received May 4, 2004; revised September 9, 2004. Recommended by Associate Editor V. Staudt. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 1528552, Japan (e-mail: akagi@ee.titech.ac.jp). Digital Object Identier 10.1109/TPEL.2005.850951

0885-8993/$20.00 2005 IEEE

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Fig. 4. Fig. 1. Shunt active lter with a step-down transformer.


Note: three-phase, 200-V, 50-Hz, 20-kVA base.

Fig. 2. Shunt hybrid lter without transformer.

voltage is amplied by a control gain is given by current reference

. Thus the harmonic (1)

The actual harmonic compensating current is extracted . Assuming that from the detected compensating current is equal to its reference , the hybrid lter behaves as a [V/A] for harmonic frequencies. The damping resistor of optimal value of is equal to the inverse of the characteristic impedance of the distribution feeder. With this value, the hybrid lter can damp out harmonic propagation effectively.
Fig. 3. Power circuit of the hybrid active lter.

C. Experimental System Fig. 4 shows the experimental system under no-load conditions. A three-phase power distribution feeder simulator rated at 200 V, 50 Hz, and 20 kW is used for the laboratory experiments. This feeder simulator has a harmonic generator connected at bus , which produces an amount of harmonic voltage at . Table I summarizes the line simulator parameters. When a lossless line is assumed, the characteristic impedance of the feeder simulator, can be calculated as (2) A shunt hybrid active lter is installed at bus . It consists of a 100- F, 2-mH LC lter and a voltage-source PWM inverter using power MOSFETs. The LC lter has a tune frequency of 356 Hz. Table II summarizes the hybrid lter parameters. The dc-bus voltage of the PWM inverter is controlled to be 40 V. Note that the dc-bus voltage as low as 40 V in the 200-V system corresponds to a dc-bus voltage as low as 1.3 kV in a 6.6-kV system. This means that adopting a diode-clamped three-level inverter allows us to use 1200-V IGBTs that are easily available on the market at low cost. should be set to the Referring to [7], the control gain inverse of the characteristic impedance of the feeder. That is A/V (3)

of a 6.6-kV/400-V step-down transformer with the same kVA rating as the capacitor. Fig. 3 shows the detailed power circuit of the hybrid lter, which consists of a three-phase voltage-fed PWM inverter, and a series connection of and per phase. Note that the tuned frequency of and is not the fth-harmonic frequency but around the seventh-harmonic frequency. The reason is that the seventh-tuned LC lter is less bulky than the fth-tuned LC lter as long as both lters have the same inductor as . The dc-bus of the PWM inverter has only a capacitor without external supply, and the dc-bus voltage is controlled by the hybrid lter. The hybrid lter is controlled so as to draw the compensating current from the distribution line. B. Operating Principle The hybrid lter with current control is based on voltage detection. The compensating current of the hybrid lter consists of a fundamental component and harmonic components. The fundamental component is determined by the impedance of the LC lter while the harmonic components are controlled by the active lter. Three-phase voltages and currents are detected at the instalin each phase is extracted lation bus. The harmonic voltage from the detected three-phase voltage, and then the harmonic

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Note: three-phase, 200-V, 50-Hz, 20-kVA base.

Fig. 6. Fully-digital-controlled hybrid lter.

Fig. 5. Detailed power circuit conguration of the hybrid active lter.

passage of 300 ms, the magnetic contactor will be turned on, thus bypassing the resistor. Once the starting procedure is complete, the PWM signal will be provided to the gate circuit of each MOSFET. The dc-bus voltage will begin to increase, and nally it will reach its reference value. III. CONTROL SYSTEM A. Digital Controller The active lter is controlled by a digital controller which consists of an A/D unit, a DSP unit, a digital PWM unit and a phase-locked-loop (PLL) unit as shown in Fig. 6. The DSP unit used for processing is a 16-bit xed-point ADSP-2105 (Analog Devices) unit. The sampling period of the digital controller is 50 s (20 kS/s). The digital signals in the A/D and D/A units are limited to 10 V. To cope with the time and phase delays inherent to the digital controller, the signal sampling is synchronized with the 50-Hz line frequency. This also prevents data aliasing from the digital controller. The phase reference is obtained from the fundamental voltage detected at the installation bus, and it is and processed in the PLL unit to create both phase signal used in the PWM unit. The sine triangular carrier wave waveform used for coordinates transformation is created by using a sine table in the DSP unit. B. Harmonic Detection

The nominal compensating current of the hybrid lter is calculated as the rms value of the fundamental and harmonic components. The fundamental component can be calculated from the fact that the nominal fundamental voltage is applied across the LC lter. On the other hand, the harmonic components are calculated from the assumption that the rms value of the 5th-harmonic voltage exists at the installation bus. According to (1), the active lter produces a 5-th harmonic compensating current. Thus, the nominal compensating current is calculated as A (4)

where is the rms value of the line-to-neutral voltage at the installation bus. Using the previous result yields the required capacity of the active lter as V A kVA (5)

D. Start-Up Procedure of the Hybrid Filter Fig. 5 shows the detailed power circuit conguration to connect the experimental hybrid lter to the feeder simulator. Prior to starting, the magnetic contactor was switched off. In addition, the three upper MOSFETs of the inverter were turned on while the three lower MOSFETs were turned off. This results in creating the wye-connected LC lter. The dc-bus voltage was zero. When the switch SW is switched on, a current ows into the that is conLC lter through a small-sized 10- resistor nected in parallel with the magnetic contactor. This resistor prevents overcurrents from owing into the hybrid lter. After the

There are several methods to extract the harmonic components from the detected three-phase waveforms. Among them, theory based on time domain has been widely the so-called applied to the harmonic extraction circuit of active lters. The detected three-phase voltage and current are transformed into coordinates as shown in Fig. 7. Two rst-order digthe ital high-pass lters (HPFs) with the same cutoff frequency as 17 Hz extract the dc component which corresponds to the fundacoordinates. Finally the obtained mental frequency in the harmonic voltage and current are transformed from the coordinates into the three-phase harmonic voltage and current.

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Fig. 7. Block diagram of the harmonic voltage and current detection.

Fig. 9.

Control block diagram of the hybrid lter.

Fig. 8. DC-bus voltage control.

Note that the rst-order digital lters require one sampling delay (50 s) for calculation. However, this delay is short enough to be neglected. On the other hand, the two digital lters cause a delay as slow as 60 ms due to their time response. However, this delay would produce little bad effect on its dynamic operating performance because the hybrid lter is intended for harmonic voltage damping in power distribution systems. Moreover, dynamic changes in harmonic voltages are usually slow because a dynamic load change is hidden by the other static loads connected to the same feeder. C. DC-Bus Voltage Control A critical issue in this hybrid active lter is the dc-bus voltage control. The dc bus consists of a single capacitor charged from the power supply. During operation, the active lter may absorb an amount of active power into, or release it from, the dc capacitor. Excessive active power absorption will increase the dc-bus voltage, and may damage the active lter. The strategy used to control the dc-bus voltage is based on active-power control. According to the theory, a dc component in the coordinates corresponds to active power. No direct axis current on the coordinates ows in the LC lter. Thus, the active power is controlled by adjusting the quadrature axis component. The direct axis is set to zero. Fig. 8 shows a block diagram for the dc-bus voltage control. The dc-bus voltage is detected and compared with a reference, amplifying the error signal by a control gain of 10 A/V. Finally, the obtained control signal on the coordinates is transformed into a three-phase fundamental voltage reference transformation. The resultant dc-bus by using the inverse voltage control signal is added to the voltage reference . A limiter is included in the dc-bus control loop. It is designed to ensure a smooth transient response and to avoid sudden increments or decrements in the dc-bus voltage. It is also designed to prevent the control loop from numerical saturation in the DSP signals. The limiter is set to 2.5-V in the digital controller which corresponds to 25% of the maximum control signal. For a 40-V dc-bus voltage, the maximum dc-bus control

Fig. 10.

Current-control block diagram.

signal corresponds to a 10-V peak-to-peak fundamental voltage for the inverter. A low-pass lter (LPF) with a cutoff frequency of 10 Hz eliminates ripples from the detected dc-bus voltage. Hence, no harmonic components appear in the dc-bus voltage control signal. D. Current Control Fig. 9 shows a control block diagram of the hybrid lter. The detected harmonic voltage is multiplied by a gain to pro. The current reference is comduce the current reference , pared with the detected harmonic compensating current and is multiplied by a conand the difference between trol gain . This results in producing the inverter voltage reference . The effect of a time delay, that is, one sampling pes inherent to the digital controller is represented riod in the control block diagram. as IV. STABILITY ANALYSIS OF CURRENT CONTROL LOOP The stability of the current control loop is analyzed based on the experimental setup shown in Fig. 4 and the parameters contained in Tables I and II. An arithmetic software package Mathematica, is used for analysis. Fig. 10 shows a current-control block diagram of the hybrid lter. The supply voltage and the can be assumed as disturbance dc-bus voltage control signal signals in the current control. Since the current control emphasizes to control the harmonic current, these disturbance signals having the fundamental frequency can be ignored. is obtained from the detected hyThe harmonic current brid lter current , as shown in Fig. 7. The transfer function for the harmonic detection scheme can be generally expressed as (6) is the time constant of the two identical high-pass lwhere ters which extracts the dc component in the coordinates, and

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Fig. 12.

Equivalent circuit for analysis.

Fig. 11. Gain margin of the current control system.

is the angular frequency of the extracted frequency which in this case corresponds to the fundamental frequency. The PWM inverter is assumed to be an ideal inverter . Therefore, the current-control stability depends on the con. The system becomes marginally stable when the trol gain open-loop transfer function (7) Fig. 11 shows the frequency response of the open-loop when V/A. To observe the transfer function effect of the harmonic detection transfer function on the current loop stability, the open-loop transfer function is calculated with and without the harmonic detection transfer function. In both cases, the system is stable with a gain margin of 15 dB. The harmonic detection scheme does not affect the performance of the current controller. could be increased A gain margin of 15 dB means that is to 31.6 V/A without instability. In this system, however, set to 10 V/A in order to keep a 15-dB stability margin. ExperiV/A is high mental verications show that the gain of enough to keep the steady-state error below 5% of the reference signal while it is low enough to prevent the DSP signals from numerical saturation. V. ANALYSIS OF DAMPING PERFORMANCE Fig. 12 shows an equivalent circuit for analysis. In order to analyze harmonic damping performance, the supply voltage is . This means that assumed to be a harmonic voltage of no fundamental component exists. According to Fig. 9, the ac for harmonic frequencies output voltage of the active lter, can be expressed as (8) is the impedance of the LC lter. and are where the control gains of the hybrid lter. Note that the positive diis to draw the compensating current from the rection of distribution system. From (8), it is clear that the hybrid lter is , , characterized as a voltage-controlled voltage source.
Fig. 13. Frequency characteristics of harmonic propagation and damping.

and the delay time are constant parameters whereas the hybrid lter voltage varies according to the harmonic voltage at the installation bus . Fig. 13 shows the frequency characteristics of harmonic propagation and damping, calculated as the ratio of the voltage at the installation bus, with respect to the voltage at the source, for the system shown in Fig. 12. The hybrid lter voltage is calculated according to (8). Note that the line simulator is designed to emulate a real distribution line, including the line impedance and the shunt capacitors normally installed for power factor correction. According to Fig. 13, when no lter is connected, the characteristic impedance of the system, which corresponds to the characteristic impedance of the line simulator only, has three resonance frequencies. The lowest resonance frequency which happens to have also the highest amplication ratio is at 250 Hz, that is, the fth-harmonic frequency in a 50-Hz system. A fthharmonic voltage can be found easily in real distribution systems, as well as third- and seventh-harmonic voltages. Theoretically, the fth-harmonic voltage is amplied by 21 times, the third- and seventh-harmonic voltages are amplied by four times. When only the LC lter is connected to the feeder simulator, the characteristic impedance of the system changes, and consequently the frequency response of the harmonic propagation changes substantially. The presence of the LC lter makes the system resonant at 350 Hz, where the terminal voltage is attenuated. The LC lter can be considered as a passive lter tuned to the seventh-harmonic frequency. The fth-harmonic voltage amplication is considerably lower than that in the previous

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Fig. 14.

Experimental waveforms: (a) no lter connected, (b) LC lter, and (c) hybrid lter. TABLE III HARMONIC VOLTAGES AND COMPENSATING CURRENT OBTAINED FROM EXPERIMENTS

Note: the harmonic voltage generator injects a 2% fth-harmonic voltage in bus 1.

case, having an amplication ratio of about 12 times. This value is still unsafe, because when the fth-harmonic frequency becomes high, the terminal voltage become highly distorted. When the hybrid lter is connected, the harmonic propagation is completely eliminated, so that no amplication occurs at any frequency. Thus, the hybrid lter effectively damps out the harmonic propagation throughout the feeder.

VI. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The worst case for harmonic voltage propagation occurs under no-load conditions when one of resonant frequencies between line inductance and shunt capacitors is close to one of dominant harmonic frequencies. The presence of resistive

loads contributes to mitigating harmonic voltage propagation. Hence, dynamic load changes may not produce any serious effect on the hybrid lter for harmonic voltage damping in power distribution systems. In contrast, conventional active and hybrid lters for harmonic current compensation of nonlinear loads would be strongly affected by dynamic load changes. Dynamic changes in harmonic voltages are usually slow in power distribution systems because dynamic load changes are hidden by other static loads. According to the above considerations, the following experiments were carried out under steadystate and no-load conditions. If, eventually, a dynamic load change causes overvoltages or overcurrents to the hybrid lter, the PWM inverter in the hybrid lter leaves the three upper MOSFETs turned on and the three lower MOSFETs turned off. This operation keeps the LC lter

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Fig. 16. Experimental waveforms for the current control. Fig. 15. Transient response of the dc-bus voltage control.

connected and the inverter shut off. The PWM pulses will be activated after the transient ends. A harmonic voltage generator injects a fth-harmonic voltage of 2% at under no-load conditions, as shown in Fig. 4. Experand compensating imental waveforms of bus voltages for three different operating conditions are shown in current Fig. 14. Additionally, Table III summarizes the third-, fth-, and seventh-harmonic voltages and the THD values for the operating conditions indicated in Fig. 14. When no lter is connected, the fth-harmonic voltage is amplied by eight times due to harmonic propagation, distorting severely the voltage waveform. The eighth-harmonic voltage as well as the third-harmonic voltage are amplied slightly. This result shows the effect of harmonic propagation on the distribution system. When only the LC lter is connected, the harmonic propagation is reduced considerably, because its connection changes the characteristic impedance of the system. However, harmonic amplication still occurs so that the voltage waveform is still distorted. The THD value reaches 6.1%. This does not comply with harmonic mitigation standards and guidelines. However, the LC lter reduces considerably the harmonic propagation, compared with the previous case. When the hybrid lter is connected, the harmonic propagation is completely eliminated. None of the harmonic frequencies are amplied. The THD value in is kept as low as 2.1%, because the harmonic components at the installation bus or bus 4 are reduced. The fundamental component is the same as that in case of the LC lter connected because the active lter presents a high impedance to the fundamental frequency. These experimental results conclude that the hybrid lter effectively damps out harmonic propagation. Fig. 15 shows the transient response of the dc-bus controller, is the dc-bus voltage reference and is the actual where dc-bus voltage. Due to the presence of the limiter in Fig. 8, the transient response is smooth enough to reach the steady state in 0.2 s. Fig. 16 shows a steady-state characteristic of the current corresponds to the harmonic current refercontrol, where ence, and to the actual harmonic current. The steady-state error is small in amplitude, and moreover no phase delay exists between the current reference and the actual detected current. Note that Fig. 16 uses the same experimental data as Fig. 14(c).

It is clear that is the same as when the fundamental component is extracted from . The current control loop as well as the dc-bus control loop works properly and stably. VII. CONCLUSION This paper has discussed control and performance of a transformerless shunt hybrid active lter for installation on 6.6-kV power distribution systems. The replacement of a 6.6-kV transformer by a 6.6-kV capacitor contributes to a signicant reduction in cost, size and weight. Moreover it allows us to use 1200-V IGBTs that are easily available on the market and at a low cost. No phase delay occurs in the compensating current with respect to the current reference. The hybrid lter is stable and robust, being a solution recommended to deal with harmonic propagation. The viability and effectiveness of the proposed shunt hybrid active lter have been conrmed theoretically and experimentally, achieving good performance in damping out harmonic propagation in power distribution systems. REFERENCES
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Hirofumi Akagi (M87SM94F96) was born in Okayama, Japan, in 1951. He received the B.S. degree from the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, in 1974, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1976 and 1979, respectively, all in electrical engineering. In 1979, he joined the Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka, Japan, as an Assistant and then Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1987, he was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, for ten months. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama, Japan. From March to August 1996, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and then MIT. Since January 2000, he has been a Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. He has published about 160 peer-reviewed journal papers, including 66 IEEE TRANSACTIONS papers and an invited IEEE Proceedings paper. He has made presentations many times as a Keynote or Invited Speaker internationally. His research interests include power conversion systems, ac motor drives, high-frequency resonant-inverters for induction heating and corona discharge treatment processes, and utility applications of power electronics such as active lters for power conditioning, self-commutated BTB systems, and FACTS devices. Dr. Akagi received 13 IEEE prize paper awards (including two IEEE IAS TRANSACTIONS prize paper awards in 1991 and in 2004 and two IEEE PELS TRANSACTIONS prize paper awards in 1999 and in 2003), nine IEEE IAS Committee prize paper awards, the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award in 2001, and the IEEE IAS Outstanding Achievement Award in 2004. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Industry Applications and Power Electronics Societies for 19981999.

Rubn Inzunza (S04) was born in Concepcin, Chile, in 1974. He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Concepcin, Chile, in 1998 and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 2003, where he is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree. His research interests are active lters for power conditioning and power distribution systems.

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