School of Law Scholarships - Application

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School of Law

Application Form: School of Law Scholarship

Applicant name: Application number: LLM Programme Applied For:

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Undergraduate degree title: Name of University: GPA or expected final classification of undergraduate degree: Copy of final transcript showing final GPA or classification is attached

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If No, please confirm when this information will be sent (this should be received by Click here to enter text. the School of Law before 31st May 2012).

If you are not due to graduate until the summer of 2012 we may provisionally award you the scholarship based on your current performance at undergraduate level. This award will be confirmed following receipt of your final degree results. Please describe in a maximum of 500 words: o o o Academic performance at undergraduate level Other academic achievements Reason for applying for this scholarship

We will require proof of any additional academic achievements which you have mentioned, please include transcripts or certificates of these with your application.

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Please tell us in a maximum of 200 words how you plan to fund your studies, including details of any other scholarships or sponsorship you will receive. Please state how important the School of Law Scholarship is to the funding of your studies. Click here to enter text



List of documents to include: o o Transcript from undergraduate degree to date, or final copy Transcript or certificate from additional achievements

The closing date for applications for this award is 31st May 2012. If you have any queries regarding this scholarship please email

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