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DEGREE EXAMINATION, THIRD SERIES TEST Second Semester CV101- BASIC CIVIL ENGINEERING Common to ALL branches (Regulation 2009) Time : 1 hr 30 min Answer ALL questions Maximum : 50 marks

Part A (9 2 =18 marks) 1. What do you mean by dressing of stones? 2. How the beams are classified? 3. State the purposes of plastering. 4. What is interior design? 5. Enunciate Hooks law. 6. Draw stress strain curve for a ductile material. 7. List the basic components of a bridge? 8. What is meant by ashlar masonry? 9. What do you mean by king closer and queen closer?

Set-A Part B (2 6 =12 marks)

10. a) Enumerate the principles of landscape design. Or b) Explain the various types of flooring with neat sketches?

11. a) A load of 120 KN was applied over a specimen of 20 mm diameter and 120 mm length in a compression testing machine. The reduction in length due to the compressive force was 0.15mm. Determine the modulus of elasticity. Or b) Compare brick masonry and stone masonry.

Part C (2 10 =20 marks)

12. a) Define lintel. List the various types of lintel. Explain them briefly with neat sketches. Or b) Define bonds in brick work. Explain the types of bond with neat and clear sketches.

13. a) Define dam. Explain the various classification of dam with neat sketches. Or b) List the various classifications of bridges? Explain with neat sketches.


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